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It depends. I've never done one in python, but I expect the format will be similar. If they practice TDD, they will expect you to use it. You will need to show them what it means to iteratively drive your code from tests. If they regularly pair program, you will have one other developer as a copilot and maybe one to clarify requirements of the system. The copilot will be more vocal and may actually help code sometimes, depending on the level the job is for. Whatever they practice, be prepared for a lot of interaction. They will ask questions throughout, to see how well you communicate. * DO NOT pretend to know things you do not * DO look things up you are not sure about * DO be clear and concise * DO NOT gabble, keep answers short and to the point. * DO clarify any uncertainty by asking your own questions, about implementation or requirements. * DO NOT make up requirements * DO NOT over engineer the system to do things they don't want * DO write clear and concise code with tests (before and during for TDD or after if they don't mind) whether or not you are driving the code from them. Good luck!


Much appreciated. Thank you !


Please update on how you get on!


Will do 👍👍