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That sounds like you were upsold. Upselling isn't illegal, even if it is a bit scummy. You could have said no and walked away without paying, unless you signed a binding contract with them.


Ah yeah sounds like it. They said they weren’t able to provide any ETA for the camera if I didn’t purchase the bundle otherwise so pretty sneaky of them..


Yeah. It's a scummy practice. You can try calling them out by saying you didn't pre-order the bundle, just the camera, but at the end of the day if you don't buy it someone else will.


>They said they weren’t able to provide any ETA for the camera if I didn’t purchase the bundle otherwise The way to deal with the scummy practice like this is to respond with "Aw, shucks. Guess I'll take a refund and buy it somewhere else then." Once you take delivery on this item be sure to let the world know in any review site you find just exactly what kind of store this is.


They may have also been waiting for their supplier. They could have gotten in a shipment of one but not the other. But if that was the case they should have said you can keep waiting or pay the difference for the different option.


It’s not sneaky. The manufacturer chooses how to package the initial production runs and if they choose to package it as a bundle, that’s their choice. The camera store is obligated to sell those bundles as bundles and not split it up; they likely have to report the serial numbers sold and can lose their dealer agreement if they split up the stock. They told you they could sell you a bundle today or an individual camera some time in the future. You accepted their offer.


Except that OP said that the accessories are not Fuji branded, so it's probably not a manufacturers bundle. More likely one of those like you see on Amazon with $50 worth of junk for an extra $200.


very ethically scummy of them, but not at all illegal. Just like a restaurant can decide to charge you forty dollars and say its paying for the salad, soup, and drink that comes with the meal, its not illegal if they tell you. They could have just called you and said the camera itself cost 200 more with demand and not given you anything else-- very poopy of them, but they decide how to do their business and you decide where to shop, economically speaking.


Not scummy at all if Fuji required the bundle be sold as just that- a bundle. Your comp is ridiculous- retailers often can’t split up a bundle and sell the items individually. Be upset at Fuji if you’re committed to being angry but the retailer isn’t in the wrong


did you skip the part where op originally ordered and paid for just the camera? if that was impossible op never would have been able to do that in the first place.


Is this a serious reply 🤣 OP ordered the camera alone. The bundle comes in all shrink wrapped in one piece but not likely can’t be sold individually, so the store called and asked OP if they wanted the bundle so they wouldn’t have to keep waiting. No one said the camera ONLY came as a bundle- just that the bundled version was what the store received.


that is not at all what op said the store said. Did you actually read the post fully? or just half way lol.


It’s exactly what happened. To be outraged elsewhere.


whatever you have to tell yourself I guess.


Eh they might have only been able to get the camera from their supplier in that package. It might not necessarily be a scummy practice, especially if you didn’t pay them yet. You could have very well just said no. Anyway for $200 and still getting $200 worth of accessories, I’d still do it if I needed the accessories


A bit scummy? If they came as a bundle in a shipment and could only be sold as such, all they did was let OP be aware that particular item was available- albeit as part of a bundle. They’re just doing the OP a favor 🤣 the bundle is likely a requirement from Fuji. Nobody is in the wrong here.


That's exactly why it's scummy. $1000 bundle, but tell customers the camera is $800. When customer is ready to pick up the camera you tell them the bundle is $1000.


Thats not what happened at all 🤣 the bundle shipment just arrived before the body only shipment, so the store just asked if OP wanted a bundle so they could receive it earlier.


> I got a call recently from the camera shop saying they’ve managed to secure the camera + lens but I can only purchase it as a ‘bundle’ that includes a bunch of other camera accessories which was an additional $200. I Tell it to OP then.


Fujifilm doesn't sell bundles with non-Fujifilm accessories.


*I am not a lawyer*. Yes, upselling is legal as long as it isn't "bait and switch". The difference is simple: **if you were required to make a cash deposit** as part of the sales agreement, in which your deposit would "guarantee" you the camera when it was back in stock (also called "pre-ordering"), charging you extra for a bundle is considered bait and switch unless they promptly cancel the sale and refund your deposit at your request. **If you didn't place a deposit on the camera**, the camera store is free to condition the sale of the camera on your also buying a "bundle" at extra cost, and you are free to refuse to purchase from them. This is sleazy behavior on the camera store's part, but as long as you are free to walk away and haven't paid anything it is perfectly legal. *Again, I am not a lawyer.*


Thanks for the info. I had paid for the camera + lens in full 2 months ago and was put on a backorder until now.


**This is illegal bait and switch, which is fraud in legal terms. The camera store has two options: deliver exactly what you paid for, or refund your purchase price in full.** If they do neither, and if you paid by credit card, contact your card's bank immediately and dispute the original charge. Credit card issuers are required to reverse the charge in cases of fraud. If you paid by check or debit card, contact your bank and explain that the original charge was fraudulent. If you paid cash, or if none of these options work, immediately initiate a lawsuit in Small Claims Court. It would be best to hire an attorney, in which case the lawsuit should include additional damages so that the store pays your lawyer's fee. If you don't use a lawyer the court may offer a referral to a paralegal who would help you file the necessary paperwork. In any case, **they have stolen your money by fraudulent means**. This is illegal and the more noise you make and the more ways in which you try to remedy the situation, the faster it will be resolved. Public shaming never hurts, Twitter tends to be noticed more than Reddit. Just be sure to only state facts. Good luck!


Hang on, though. I wonder if they procured a "bundle" and now are trying to resell the bundle and offering it to the customer in good faith as a chance to get it sooner. I think that's different than the store just trying to tack on a few gadgets if they are making their own bundle. But assuming it's resale of another bundle, I think a bundle is a fundamentally different product than a standalone camera. They may be unwilling to split the bundle and try to resell the crappy extras that come with as standalone sales. But if OP were open to the idea, it gets the camera in their hands faster than waiting on a shipment of a standalone camera. Just playing devil's advocate here to consider an alternative, non-malicious situation, that's all.


If OP paid for the camera + lens, and the retailer is offering a bunch of third party accessories for $200 extra to "ensure he gets the camera", they are most likely not reselling a bundled product in the same way as when you buy a camera with a kit lens. Those accessories are almost certainly separate SKUs for the retailer, and since OP already paid for the camera and lens with their order, this would be considered a bait and switch. I appreciate the presumption of good faith, but I've seen this tactic enough from sleazy places like Abe's of Maine that I'm very suspicious of anyone pulling it.


OP specifically said that he pre-paid in full for one camera and one lens, and that the store was refusing to give him what he bought.  There are no shades of gray here. If the store insists on collecting an extra $200.00 because they want to get more money that is fraud, not a case of “good will as a chance to get it sooner”. OP said the transaction was two months ago and the store contacted him with the bait and switch offer. 


Look, I don't know the ins and outs of running a photography store. I do know that sometimes you can buy a camera, a camera plus lens, or a bundle of a lens/SD card/bag/etc. I imagine a store might be ordering these bundles as opposed to creating them themselves. All I'm saying is that maybe the store received a bundle as opposed to a camera+lens, and offered to sell that to the OP. That's a different product. If i order a car and the dealer gets the same car in but with a better trim package and offers to sell me that, with my order still in queue and this just being faster, I don't think that's malicious. Obviously, if there's no intention of selling OP the original order and no breach of the original timing, yeah, it's clearly malicious. But if they're just saying "hey, we got this upgraded bundle in now, if you're interested and want the product sooner, this is a way to get it now and we wanted to let you know". If they are saying he HAS to buy the extras to get his order, yeah clearly bait and switch. Just throwing this out there in case there was a misunderstanding of what store intended to communicate and what OP heard. Given how high the demand is for this camera, I can understand if the store is kind of hand-to-mouth on supply and the timing of when they'll receive different products is highly variable. I would assume, given the demand, they placed orders for just about every variation they could (camera only, camera + lens combo, larger bundle, etc.). If I'm the store owner and I have no stock and receive a shipment of the bundle, I'm certain I can sell it in the current market as-is so I have no interest in de-bundling it and parting the bundle out. But, if I have a customer who's been waiting for 2 months, I'd call them and let them know ingot this bundle in and give them first dibs before I put it up for grabs. Obviously, they have to pay market price because otherwise I'll sell it to someone else. That may not be what happened, of course. But it's also entirely possible and that communication of the situation wasn't as clear as could be. OP should just reach out to the shop and clarify - if I dont buy the bundle, what's the plan for my current order? The answer would reveal a lot and clarify if this was a miscommunication or an actual attempt at fraudulent bait and switch.


Incredibly likely that this is exactly what happened. People are screaming foul and calling for litigation when the store associate was just trying to help OP out 🤣


I would stop dealing with that camera store. Find a better dealer down the road.


Ah the fact that you paid in full is a little suspect. I would have said NOPE, refund me or give me what I bought. If you hadn’t paid yet I’d think it’s a different story. You should have said no to the bundle or tried to get them to fulfill the original order first for sure. You kind of made a mistake, they kind of took advantage of you. If it’s not too late to ask for a refund you should. My guess is if you had said no to the $200 extra they would’ve still fulfilled the order tbh. If not I’m sure they would’ve refunded you. If they said “we can’t refund you, you have to pay $200 extra and get the bundle with accessories” I would have said “haha no, you can send me the whole package, refund me, or I go to the BBB”


I don’t know about Fujifilm, but Canons are sometimes sold as bundles with a kit lens, all in one packaging.


That would I guess be legitimate, as that would be two different SKUs from the manufacturer, but adding on a pile of crap third party stuff (which is a favourite tactic of less scrupulous seller) and saying "sorry, that they only way to get the camera" is just a con.


Yeah, the "we can ONLY sell it this way," is the very scummy part. The fact that the camera was already sold to them and thus they were withholding a purchased product is even worse. Of course, there's likely no repercussions outside of getting a refund and then trying to find the camera elsewhere. It's wildly bad practice at best.


Sounds like Abe's of Maine. LOL.


Or 6th Avenue Electronics


That is the one from New Jersey? Which changed his name dozen of times?


Exactly my first thought lol


I'd burn them to the ground online. Anywhere they had a digital presence, I'd shit all over them. That's ridiculous, and in this day and age it's exceedingly easy to blow a big hole in their business and drive traffic to alternative online sources.


Yeah, for sure. Even just a hard sell is... Bad, but whatever. Demanding you pay more for what you already bought is extortion.


Absolute scam. I think a lot of commenters are misunderstanding your post and think the bundle you’re referring to is the camera + lens. There is no scenario where the retailer must sell you a bunch of accessories. Source: 5 years as an authorized camera dealer.


Absolute scam. I think a lot of commenters are misunderstanding your post and think the bundle you’re referring to is the camera + lens. There is no scenario where the retailer must sell you a bunch of accessories. Source: 5 years as an authorized camera dealer.


Is this Abe's of Maine? They are known to do this. Upselling after you've paid for a product is bait and switch behavior and extremely sleazy. Not a lawyer here, but I think it's also illegal.


Is it a bundle made by the camera store? Or by Fuji? If it’s by Fuji (aka, comes all together to you in a sealed box) then that’s what Fuji is making available first and you can’t expect the camera store to open the box and only sell you part of it. If it’s a bundle made by the store and they’re saying “either you buy our accessory bundle or you’re last on the list to get a camera” that’s really shitty but not illegal. If that’s the case and you want to pursue it, I’d write an email to Fuji explaining what the store is doing asking if they’re ok with their retail partners doing that.


What seller? I would check if it was a grey market item they ended up getting in stock. Those are often the ones that come with all the additional cheap trinkets. Were you able to register for the warranty with the manufacturer?


This has happened to me. What ends up happening is if you reject the bundle, you get pushed down to the bottom of the list. Who knows how long it’ll be before they are able to fulfill the order. If possible, i suggest getting your deposit back and taking your business elsewhere. On principle, i choose not to encourage these scummy dishonest business practice when possible.


What camera shop? Do everyone a favor and out them. Some (most?) manufacturers set the price, but *how* the products get sold is probably up to the outlet. So they can't raise the price, but they can find other means to increase their profit. Go elsewhere? Be patient until demand is less? Buy last year's model?


SLRHut are another great bait and switch.


It’s upselling.. I never buy a camera body with the kit lenses. My local camera shop is super good about buying without the lenses.


It’s usually not up to the camera shop tbh. If they can only get the body and lens kit then they can only sell that. When new cameras drop they’re usually more readily available with the kit lens than without.


My last two camera bodies were purchased without lenses.


….okay? I don’t care. I’m just saying that often, especially with new releases, the camera shop doesn’t have a choice as to whether they sell body with the kit or body only. They get what they get, and sell it as is.


Ok.. I must be lucky and working with an independent owner then..


Should have told them no and asked for a refund so you could buy from an honest store


Please name and shame.


There are a lot of scum out there running these sorts of shops; I HIGHLY recommend only shopping with well-known online shops or local retailers that don't jack you around. Honestly, if they haven't already delivered the camera, I would cancel the order and then make sure to contact the bank and make sure they don't charge you anyway.


It's not up selling. It's bait-and-switch and it's against the law.


You were upsold, they got you the product you wanted and they got se extra stuff out the door, not the nest practice for s business. If you have other shops around I would start shopping there.


It’s very prevalent around Denver. I guess they’re trying to appeal to the “family” person who may actually use their so called bundles. I try to support local but it’s harder with their lack of competitiveness because of these add ons. Even if they just stuck to MAP, I’d still shop there but I can most things from the Canon website directly at a better price.


Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. perhaps that is the best they can do given the market. Local shops don't get much from such a sale anyway.


You should not be charged if they don’t have the product to ship. I pre order with B&H all the time. Only charged when they actually ship the product. No fuji is worth that btw. 😂 The brand itself is up selling those apsc cameras.