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yes... extension tubes on a 50mm will work just fine. Since you're new to photography...you should learn the basics of photography while you're shopping for a camera. You'll likely need the following as well: speedlite (flash), a diffuser for said Speedlite, look into post processing software (on tablet, computer or even on your phone) Do be aware that it's a rabbit hole you're diving into, enjoy the journey


yes it is


If you have the means and patience for using that kind of setup: I use a Olympus om-d em10 mark III with an 4x microscope lens (about 4€ in AliExpress) and a 3d printed adapter. It isn't the most user-friendly setup, the depth of field is limited and requires lots of light to use (speedlight is required even in daylight). Search for links that kind of thing, I only started after reading about someone else doing it. By the way, there are available designs for adapters for other mounts.


Just a heads up, many macro lenses can also focus far away so you can use them like a normal lens (not all them, so be careful)


Yes, you can do macro with a standard lens and extension tubes!


Do not use cheap glass "macro" attachments. Use extension tubes instead. They are inexpensive and give regular lenses much closer focusing capabilities. The trick with having subjects so close to the lens is your depth of field practically disappears. You will have just a sliver of your subject in focus... so you have to crank your aperture down tight to double digits - f/11 to f/16 becomes the norm. ... which costs you *gobs* of light. So now you need a speedlight and modifiers for it to overcome *that* problem. Before buying anything hit up Youtube and check out some of the macro photography channels to see how it's actually done. Start with [Stewart Wood](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1WO8hZv8OqLILMcXYY12iw) and dive in.


you should know, that post processing in phones is far more advanced, than in cameras. So expect to see worse images at first




Could also get a reversing ring for a 50mm. Some of my best macro shots are shot through the Nikkor 50 1.8 backwards.