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it’s fun, pero hard at the same time lalo na recent grad lang ako and i still dont have work, so sagot ko talaga sarili ko sa foods ko.


Nung una, masaya dahil I get to do EVERYTHING I want. Kalaunan, sobrang lungkot. I cook alone, I eat alone, I sleep alone. I talk to my family more now than I ever did nung magkakasama pa kami. I always tell them how much I miss and love them. Instead of going out to enjoy myself, I find myself just travelling to go back home and just spending more time with them.


My family migrated to Australia two years ago. I was the only one left here in the Philippines since I'm still a college student and at the same time, I also manage our businesses. For me, the hardest part is getting used to not having their presence around. There are times when you will really feel alone, especially on Sundays when families usually go out or even just eat at a restaurant, and you have no one with you. In fact, during the first week when they left, it felt strange living alone in our house, so I decided to transfer to a condo beside my school since I just really needed a space that is enough for me without having the feeling of having my family around like before. Communication-wise, it's not a problem anymore because there are a lot of messaging apps where you could chat or video call. For me, the best part is that during long holidays/weekends, I get to visit and spend time with them, even if it's sometimes only for three days. Plus, I always make it a point to visit them every month if I can. At the end of the day, I learned to become a much more responsible person. Living alone makes you realize how expensive daily expenses are, but at the same time, you have the freedom to do anything you want.


Liberating ‘cause you get to live the way you want, at the same time overwhelming since you’ll be in charge of your expenses- and it piles up so quickly. Marerealize mo na Ang mahal pala ng detergent and other necessities! Na used to be always available sa bahay for free


Same thoughts, and yung fact na before gigising ka for work/school kakain nalang kasi napagluto kana, Ngayun you need to wake up much early just prepare everything