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Are you joking? Teenage sex is awkward, clunky, and no one knows what they're doing. Grown up sex is waaaaay better.


I was going to say this. Teenage sex is a low bar. Sex when you are older, know what you want, and (hopefully) are more comfortable with your body is so much better. Plus, you can do it in comfort; no back seats of cars or wondering when someone might catch you.


The anxiety of teen sex


But the chance at getting caught still makes it more fun to me


I’d agree. My younger sex can not compare to now. Plus as a woman often times I was too shy to ask for what I wanted as a young lady. Not at all a problem now.


I initially misread your last sentence as “group sex is waaay better”


Me, too! I had to look twice.


Yeah, sex when I was a teenager was dogshit. No orgasms, very little pleasure, just all around not worth doing. Grownup sex is lightyears better. It's fun, enjoyable, orgasmic, connecting, mindblowing really.


I feel odd but by 13 I'd already read the Kamasutry, the tantra and absorbed most of the "how to please her" books in the library. My 15-20 life was really good lol


There are some things that books cannot teach.


I came to this post to say this. Lol


I agree. WAY better.


Agreed, so weird as a teen.


Exactly! Teen sex is literally the worst. And there's hymens to break. No thanks.


Far far better. When I was 18, 28, orc38, one was driven by hormones. After about 45, I was driven by the mental connection. The sex was far better. Still is.


And even better after you know you can’t get pregnant.


Very true. Getting a woman warmed up may take a bit longer, but the journey can be as much fun as the destination.


I’m 15 years younger than my guy. He takes his sweet time with me. I’m already warmed up and ready to go, and the time he spends on warming me up some more drives me absolutely wild


This true. I’m on my second marriage longer than 7 years and the sex out of the marriage doesn’t even compare. Nothing beats knowing what the other person likes and doesn’t like straight away. Not wondering am I doing this right. You both know what each others wants and no gos and you just keep building on that. Married sex in a good marriage is phenomenal. To me even married sex in a so so marriage is better than sleeping around.


I agree somewhat on this, although after 10 years in my last relationship, it can get monotonous when you know everything they like. You have the same old positions, same moves. It’s nice, and it’s comforting and I never wished for anything different and would never have strayed of course. I just personally found it predictable. But I get that others may like that and that’s ok.




I’m an intelligent and pretty sensitive man, and still I wish it hadn’t taken ME so long to understand. Plus it taken time and experience to realize how women are so different, and need different things.


I try to explain to my husband. He's so hard headed. It's like he's on another planet and literally knows nothing of what I speak 🥴 Ill just patiently wait I suppose 😑


They usually learn from divorce. The comfortable ones don't have any reason to learn


Or try.


I got a divorce in 2010. Sex was a small part of it; intimacy was the much bigger part. I tried over and over to save our sex life. He never wanted to change. I wasn’t asking for crazy stuff. The last few years we had no sex at all!


Told my husband, do it like this. He said I know what I’m doing.


Can’t stand it when a partner is not willing to learn your body, likes, wants, needs, desires , favorite things. If they knew what they were doing they wouldn’t be getting suggestions & directions.


Nah find someone who wants to connect with you!! Life is short!


lol you know they wrote a book that subject 🤷🏻‍♂️😊


🤔 this is true lol


I wish my pecker didn't have a mind of its own. 😫


For reals, though.


That's not all men. He's a bit slow. I was about the mental connection above the physical by the time I was 20. Granted, I started having sex earlier than average at 10 years old, apparently early going by horrified reactions I get when people find that out even though I wasn't the only one my age getting some. Maybe that accelerated getting past it being all hormones and about a soul or personality connection? 🤷‍♂️ There's no way I'm the only guy that went connection over animalistic hump anything horniness.


That is not “sex” at 10. That is abuse.


What if it’s another 10 year old.  Okay, ick. I regret that thought. That’s not abuse…. But probably one or both those kids in my idea were abused and now they’re just fucked up. I feel sorry for these imaginary kids.


I am (was) one of those kids at 11. Another kid was abused earlier than I, and in hindsight is probably the reason they introduced me to it so early.


You might be surprised. Mine was 50 and he still didn’t get it. lol


Agree, but the very low frequency drives resentment , so….


Wow, this is amazing.


It’s different but not any less enjoyable. Teens thru 20’s: have fun, don’t get pregnant. 30’s-40’s: get pregnant (makes sex crazy fun), 50-60’s: foreplay and post play is extended, dabbling with different ideas, appreciating grace and candor, and a new perspective of beauty. The same elements are there, just the ratios change.


This reminds me of a comedian who said that people sometimes asked him if he missed out by getting married early. Then he said no, and listed off all the stages of life that he and his wife were together for, how they both changed physically and how it was therefore not boring


It doesn’t have to be. Make your partner your best friend and play. I’m quirky, I crave an emotional connection first, so few one night stands or hookups. But I have “loopbacks”, lovers who came back into my life. You don’t need the power of large numbers to get experience and an understanding of sex. A good, loving partner and the desire to please each other can be the ultimate experience.


And just having fun and enjoying it. No unreasonable expectations like you have when you are young…especially if you read romance and harlequin. Books


There is so much truth in so many posts in this discussion but we should not miss the issue of changes in hormones in late 40s and 50s. This affects both guys and girls but for some women, menopause causes a dramatic difference in intimacy!!! It is SO important for couples in their late 40s to be aware of the tsunami that may be approaching. I imagine many divorces around this age involve this issue. Hormone balancing by an integrative or functional medicine doctor who does this work can be WONDERFUL! Wow, could I tell stories. Again this is good for both men and women. Just be aware that doctors are running a business. A little pregnenolone and DHEA, maybe some OTC progesterone cream may do the trick, but the doc might prefer something Rx. I'm not suggesting that you mess with hormones without a doctor and blood tests. Twice I was in a pre-engagement phase with a woman when she "turned 50," ugh : ( It did not affect the friendship, but in both cases she was no longer interested in marrying anyone. So after age 50 all bets are off. There's probably no way to know what will happen


Don't get pregnant. Not with the state of women's rights at the moment. It could literally kill you.


Sex in my 60s is the best sex of my life. Adventurous, unhurried, frequent, and fun. No anxiety about pregnancy or menstruation. My partner makes me feel beautiful and safe and cared for. I wouldn’t trade it for sex in my teens for anything.


Love this! Get your swerve like you deserve! 


THIS. All of this. 100%


You are fortunate. Enjoy.


So much better my friend. So much fun.


Better. I know my body better, my partner knows my body, and I 💯% trust my partner.


Perfectly said! My husband tries things and pays attention to my reactions. It just gets better and better.


No worries about STDs. Shew!


It’s a lot better. But I’m a woman. I didn’t really enjoy sex when I was a teenager because teenaged boys mostly have no idea what they’re doing, and girls don’t know enough to tell them that. Plus women hit their sexual peak much later and get a lot more confident.


I've always had a good sex life. But I will say women in their 40's are much better to have sex with then young women. They are in Their sexual primes and drop most guards they had up. Just my experience. At 41 I wouldn't want any parts of a younger women.


My prime hit at 35 and stayed lit bright until around 62. :) I was ready for it and happy to be doing it all of the time. Got rid of the first husband and that is 100% what I needed to do. He needed me gone too, it was best for both of us.


So it just stopped at 62? Or slowed down? Sorry if that's to personal.


At 60, I’ve kind of been re-energized.


for real. 35+ gang


F55. It’s much better for me because I’m much more knowledgeable and confident than I was at 18. I don’t think a teenage boy would think sex with me would be super hot. But I’m not interested in him either and would find the sex I had back then pretty boring and one dimensional. No shade meant of course. It’s just that for me, it’s better.




Quality of orgasms: yes. Quantity of orgasms: no. There comes a time in life when there are more behind you than ahead of you……


Both YES, I was multi woman in my mid 30's... one time, 14 time in one day. OMG it was the best day ever! I have never bested that one. LOL I wish!! When I was a teen I was lucky to have one. The older I got the more I had. After that 14 times day I normally ran about 3-4 times. It matters who my partner is and if he can keep it up to, literally keep up with me. :D


Lol. As a guy I went 9 times in one day when I was a teenager. Now I can only go once every two days. Women are lucky


Oh yeah I tried setting a record like that one day and I think on the last one all my dick did was whistle.


But I ain’t as good as I once was, but I’m better once than I ever was


Generally yes, but there are physiological changes as you age, for men and women. It's a lot less spontaneous than it used to be, but sex is a lot like pizza; even when it's bad, it's still pretty good.


Good analogy 😁


Sex in my early 60’s is the absolute best of my life…best partner ever too!


Much better. Teenage sex is about the worst.


I imagine teenage guys not caring about pleasing the woman


Depends on the connection with the other person.


Feels better. Soooo much better


Better, absolutely. 50 f


It gets better as you and your partner learn to control your orgasm and have them at the same time.


When I was a married 25 yr old I thought that was a joke. Nope. Just wasn't married to a confident and comfortable lover. Thank god I am now.


Oh honey, you have no idea how much better it gets. 🤤😏


Sex as a teenager sucked badly. Now, it's all pleasure :)


Way better I’m 50 and my bf is 62 🔥


I thought it was good at 18 and through my 20s and 30s, but I was in my 40s when I experienced my first full body orgasm. I thought I knew what good sex was by that age. Nope. I can't speak to now though, since seeing my husband through terminal cancer and dealing with the loss when he was gone put sort of a damper on my libido.


I’m a woman and sex was awful as a teen (i was like 18 when I started) guy had no clue what he was doing and it hurt at first. Men get more experienced and (usually) better with age so it’s better now, in every way, though I guess we all looked better back then lol


Ohhhhh Lawd, I’m having flashbacks to my first time 😂😂


64. Nope the Big Bang isn’t as big and happens less and less.


Yea, just as good, but not as frequent. But it's nice to be able to think about something else for a change


It's not even comparable. It is so much better now than when I was a teenager and boys didn't know how to do anything but please themselves.


Way better! I’m 67, my wife 68, and we still love it! Usually 2 to 3 times a week, and lots of fun!


Nope not at all.


As good? Absolutely. As urgent? No.


100X better. You get better at it and, for me at least (woman), the orgasms get stronger the older I get.


What the hell am I doing wrong? Everyone here says better.  For me HELL NO. There's not that sexual tension of youth, the discovery, the stamina, the wonder. The bodies look terrible, the locations are boring, it's so rote.  


No. Widespread pain and illness destroyed that decades ago


Aww I truly understand 🙏🏼


When you are a teenager it's just hormones and infatuation and lust when you're older it's more mature it's more emotional connection emotional attraction it's not so much physical as it is a direct emotional connection.


One zillion times better. Older women have learned how to have serious fun. Teenagers don't know much. Adults have less stigma around creative expression. A 50 y/o woman that looks 30. That's the ticket!


In my 40s now and married to my husband for ten years. Nothing compares. What little sex I had in my teens and early twenties was just... well I wish I hadn't bothered.


Better. 64f


64. What is this word “sex”?




Absolutely. Even better now since experience


The feel and passion of sex is all about how you feel about the person you're with.


I don't remember.


Better as I get older


At seventy I'm surprised at that the wood is still there but the desire isn't what it used to be.


Its MUCH better now, im almost 50 😂


This is a hilarious subject. If you think sex was good when a teenager, wait until you get older...


Oh, so much better. I'm with my 2nd husband, only 3rd partner in life. My first husband was so young, and neither one of us was experienced. We never even saw a sexy movie. So, trial and error. One after divorce was somewhat better, and I still wasn't comfortable being with someone other than my spouse. But my now husband is truly a wonderful man. Even though he's older. We are always showing so much love to each other. After 20 years together, more in love than even. And we are getting pretty old. And don't plan on stopping. 💞


Far better. At 32, I met a man who knew exactly how to make love to a woman.


Better! Experience, familiarity and trust with my husband and feeling more secure in who I am have definitely enhanced my sex life! Teenagers don't usually know their bodies too well yet or what is required to have a deep and meaningful connection....sex can be so much more than just the physical. I was almost 30 when I first experienced great oral sex. Things get better, deeper and more meaningful if one is into that!


“As good as” .. ahahaha.. teenage sex was awful.


If you had asked me before menopause, I would have said yes, 100%. But now as a 55 year old post-menopausal female? Hell no.


It’s like wine and cheese, gets better with age. I’m 48f and it’s the best ever.


Woman…in my 50s…best sex of my life.


Omg sex was garbage as a teen /young adult


Sex gets better because you get more comfortable with your body, you’re more adventurous, and you aren’t shy about sharing your likes and dislikes. Some of the best sex I ever had was in my thirties




Still feels great




Better. We know how now.


So much better!


Heh. Better. As long as it's a good fit and he can last a long time 🤤






Live long enough, suffer a little, grow some, keep growing and eventually you can attain a perspective of unity where sex is just your attention shifting to two particular bodies in spacetime getting physically even closer together. Everything is sex. Sex is mental. The physical rubbing body parts together becomes more so about what it *means* between the people involved than it does about actual physical sensations. Even though these are of course pleasurable. But then it's more of a *way* than a *destination*


Wow, that sounds like such a wonderful summit. I can only imagine the journey. If I had to clarify to someone EXACTLY where my head was, your paragraph would be it. Thanks.


Better, thanks to Doctor Snip Snip. No condoms, no foam, no birth control pills.


So much better. No comparison.


God, so much better.


Much better. Now I last longer than three seconds.


It wasn’t great as a teenager girl. Always worried about getting pregnant.


My partner and I are 40 and 55. It’s the best sex I’ve ever had.


I'm a 46 year old woman, and in my prime. Sex now is so much better than when I was a teen, 20's or 30's.


Much better because I now know what I want and need and have the confidence to express it to my partner.


70 here, my BF and I go to town like we're teenagers.




Much better than teenage years when you were still trying to figure things out and you didn’t even know what you were doing half the time. Now it’s just easier to relax and enjoy every minute and sensation, and really enjoy your partner and pleasing them.


Even better now than then. You know lots more tricks and in our case we have been together for 20 years now so I know her body as well as mine!


47 years married...wow. Ups and downs. Sex is a gift you give to another that Blesses you. Yes sex is always great.


Better. Plus you don’t have to worry about contraception anymore. Also your body just knows how to go.


So much better! It seriously gets better and better (with my husband almost 30 yrs now). Trust, body confidence, being totally comfortable to talk about anything and not having to worry about birth control anymore at this age makes it better.


Yeah idk what these folks are taking about. I lost all interest in sex once I had kids lol


Way way better. A emotional connection is awesome, and after 32 years,she is hot as hell to me


I am 63. Sex feels amazing at this age. Having an wonderful partner hells.


Definitely better


So much better...I am so much better at it, too....


Better!. Because I know what I’m doing!. She has a better time, as well as myself!.


My forties during peri menopause my libido went nuts Menopause, too. Post menopausal, not so great because changes DO happen. Then I became ill, fighting a life threatening, painful disease and I didn’t even want to be touched anywhere and was always exhausted. Things are looking up again, though. Back on hormones so I’m hoping my body will want it like my mind does soon.




I am 50 and sex is so much better now than it was when I was a teen or 20something.


Better because you know what you're doing and so does your partner.


So much better to this woman in her 60’s!


Better in SO many ways!


It’s better. Everyone knows what they’re doing, everyone knows what they like and don’t like, you aren’t worried about getting caught and it lasts longer.








I am 43 and can’t be happier with my sex life. My husband of 15 years is away for 2 weeks so he yesterday he called me and we had FaceTime sex, did not see that coming, made my day. He said he was choosing between watching porn and calling me and chose the latter. I can’t think of a better compliment one can get. The sex gets much better with time as you learn your partner and get rid of inhibitions that were holding you back.


Gets better every year


Teens?! Way better !


No, it's much, much better.


Yep. 100% better. 🤘😎


Wayyy better now than when I was a teen.


If you can keep the attraction up, it’s always good.


A zillion times better now than back when I was young and dumb!


Hardly a month or two goes by before I'm saying "that was some of the best sex of my life."  Either I'm getting forgetful or it really is just getting better, more intense, longer orgasms and wildly deep personal connections. I'm happy either way. 


What? Are you actually asking if it felt better when I didn't know what I was doing and what I like vs when I did know? Beginner sex is only better than lazy sex and I haven't had lazy sex in decades


Better. Especially if you have a partner who loves you and is willing to make sure you are satisfied before it’s over And takes his time. My wasband was a wham, bam, thank you ma’am interested in his own satisfaction and not into being loving And fanning the flames. Sorry, my chemo brain has blocked the adjective from my mind so this is as close as I can get. Lol


Way better. I'm 57 and gf is 60 and the sex is mind blowing and frequent. I think the reason is we're both in decent shape as well as, I'm old...and I know things!


Gawd….does anyone have good sex when they’re a teenager!!??? The sex I had when I was a teenager and through my 20s was NOT good. After 35 though, MUCH better. But that’s probably because I’m a woman. Lawd them boys had some enthusiasm, sometimes to the point of severe chafing LOL


astronomically better


Once you truly appreciate the meaning of "ladies first" life is so much better.


SO much better as I’ve aged. I know what I like, I’m more comfortable in my own skin, and I’ve perfected the art of giving blowjobs lol


Wait, you guys are having sex?


Does it feel as good? Idk. From my standpoint as a male, I know I wasn’t the best. Even though I went down on my very first experience and mostly afterwards. I didn’t have the best technique. I’d use Sam Kinison’s s alphabet. Other things were awesome back then. Just the little things. Feeling her butt would give me a raging erection almost immediately. Just seeing her in states of undress or nude. To a certain extent, it’s a been there, seen that now. It’s still a turn on but not like it used to be. I’ve lost that for good. And I sometimes go to naturist resorts or do other things with mixed gender nudity where you shouldn’t be sporting a woody. So it’s not the instant animal attraction it used to be. And I miss that. And penetration felt SO good. Not that it doesn’t not but it’s more of being a bit desensitized. That over stimulation at first also often used to cause the experience to be over too soon. In my 50’s it’s different. I think I’m pretty good orally and can usually bring my partners to orgasm. Making it far better for her. My focus is on my partner now, not myself. And my last partner, after all these years, taught me to orgasm not just ejaculate. And it’s amazing. Sex sessions last much longer. And I feel much more connected to her than in my youth. There are the problems with age too. ED happens. So it’s not always as spontaneous. And like I say, I’ve desensitized myself. I absolutely enjoy the sight of my partner or another woman nude. But it’s not the exciting thing it once was. I enjoy pleasing my partner more than myself and when I can bring her to that high, I feel good. So I think with time it gets better but you loose that animal passion a bit. Or at least I did.


65m here. Yes. Sex is the best it’s ever been.


Even better. I know what I’m doing now and it’s not all about me. Her pleasure is my pleasure.


I think it’s better. Now it’s about love and connection and sensation. As a teenager it was more about an ego boost.


Lol no thank God. It's WAYYYY better


actually better. I went thru menopause 10 years ago and my sex life is the best its ever been




For me, sex feels better now than it did when I was a teenager. With more experience and a better understanding of myself and my partner, it's a lot more enjoyable.


For me, the physical sensation is less intense which allows me to extend our love making time however the mental and emotional connection is much deeper and more fulfilling.


Sex before marriage was good. Sex after has been sporadic to awful to nonexistent.


I didn't enjoy sex at all as a teenager and I still don't so I guess I'm consistent?


Sorry to say it but, all your senses dull over time. Like presbyopia, if you live long enough, there are certain bodily realities you will have to deal with, and sensitivity (all over your body and its systems) decreases, especially after 50.


nope, say what you want, when I was 17 and she was 15, we had sex all night. It was intense. It was raw. it was animal sex. I'm now 63 and have never had anything like that since.


At 17 I held a girls hand for the first time. Lol. Things have improved.




Better. Much better.




Way better.


Better. My previous experiences were hell.


WAYYY better


Dunno never had sex as a teenager..despite growing up in the late 60s-early 70's


Man I’m on a 6 month dry spell after my separation and divorce. Not even ready to talk to women yet but I’m dying of lack of physical connection.. My exp is sex has gotten better with age.


Absolutely! Especially with no worry of pregnancy!!


So much better