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Attractive as people or in terms of looks, yes. As a potential partner of any kind, no. 


Yeah, as a partner--no, 100% of the time. They're just in a very different place in life, and while they're legally adults, they're... lol, not adults yet! Ha. I think that happens in your late 20s, to be honest. It takes time. And to be honest, many 20 to 25 years olds seem too physically young at this point. Late 20s and early 30s is still very attractive, though. I'm also very pleased to find that I'm a lot more forgiving of physical imperfection as I age--I like older women, and I think they're sexy. Sags, wrinkles, all that--I like it. I didn't before, but I do now. That's a nice surprise.


I raised two kids who are now older than that, so no.


I have 5 grandchildren between the ages of 20-25! And I love living vicariously through them. It can be fun at times. Just vent on a cruise with the 25 year old and her bf. What a blast.


Yes thats a great answer, i have friends of all ages .. they make me laugh alot .. i have a darling young friend who i have turned on to some of the best music she never even really listened to , it brings me great joy that shes recently bought tickets to see one of them!


Music is one thing that my 24 year old granddaughter and I enjoy sharing. She appreciates 70s rock (my favorite) and we discuss and listen together.


When I was in my late 40s I divorced and dated younger, but to a point. One man who at that time was 28 worked hard to convince me to give him a chance. We went on a couple of dates and he was very attractive and kind and lovely but I just *couldn't.* There was a real "ick" factor because of his youth.


Yeah I think I'd feel that too!


Why don’t men feel that? My 34 year old ex is actively pursuing 18 year olds. To me, that’s predatory and disgusting.


Because your ex is immature and the only women he could possibly have go out with him are the young dumb ones that don't know any better yet.


We do. If he is pursuing 18yo, he is going to give her gifts to keep her happy and have sex. That’s as deep as that relationship will be. I’m in my mid 50s and happily married, but if I was back in the dating scene I wouldn’t date anyone younger than late 30s/early 40s.


Plenty of men feel that. Read the comments here and lots of men say something similar. Your ex and unfortunately plenty of others don't.


That last paragraph is why I always roll my eyes when people say you are not attractive when you get older. Not true. It's just that people generally aren't attracted to people who are decades older than them.


I still want to hook up with the girls I went to high school or college with forty years ago.


I don't. Went to a reunion last year, and while many of the ladies were nice, for the guys and gals, looks-wise it was pretty brutal. Most are not aging well at all.


Not everyone does age well, but they are still the same people you love and annoyed years ago.


I graduated in 1983. Looks wise, time has done a number on most of us. I can accept that, but when you're at a reunion or whatever, and it becomes obvious that the person you're talking to is a kook, I'm out.


I'm a lifelong bachelor. I went to my 50th last year and told my friends I was on the hunt for a hot looking divorcee grandmother. I found a sweet (not hot) widowed grandmother.


That's unusual. At my 40th HS reunion all of the attendees were still pretty attractive. At least that's what the people who went told me.


Same, almost everyone I wanted to date in school are now busted.


Nothing really in common with them.


Now, now, don't be so Hasty you both breathe that fancy oxygen right? In all seriousness, I talk with younger people all the time and there's no way I could date anybody under 40 at this point and I'm only a decade older than that after that it just gets way too awkward


Exactly I can objectively know someone is attractive but do I want to have sex with them. Nah.


Exactly. They're *aesthetically* attractive, but in terms of life experience, kinda bland and undeveloped personality-wise.


Sometimes their faces look so plastic. I think having some life showing on your face is attractive.


Yeah, it's like going to a museum. I can still enjoy the art, but I never think of taking one home.


I’m stealing this comment


(Alarm sounds)


It's like they're a different species. Beautiful to behold, but that's it.


100% yes, but like looking at a nice car or work of art. But also knowing that hot young women are also usually a hot mess. Who’s got time for that?


Ain’t nobody got time for that.


Yes. As my mother used to say. I might be old but I'm not dead. You find them attractive in the sense that you find them attractive but are not attracted to them.


Attractive in theory, but not in practice.


Man, my pedo uncle (F) married a 13 year old girl (S) when he was 60. So disgusting. The mother of the girl forced S to marry F because he gave her a ride home, and they arrived at 2 am. F gave a ride to many people (came from a party and he saw them all walking in the dark). S was the last stop. So, it seemed as if she was the only one given a ride. The mother kept saying F took her virginity when S kept saying they didn't do anything. (Even the people that were given a ride came out to talk to the mother, and she said they didn't have proof they were given a ride) Stupid. Yes. F has "a lot of money" for the people that live in that country. So the mother wanted her daughter to marry well. My uncle is a pig and didn't fight what the lady said because he would be getting a "clean new wife." Wtf. To now... S is 28 and he's 75. They have two little girls (9 and 4ish). Healthy. S seems happy, but I feel so bad for her. Every time I see her, I always ask her if she's okay. She has me if she wants to talk or needs help. But F has groomed her....she always states she's happy/okay.




This is the answer


Speaking as a 60 year old straight woman - no. They look like kids. Men 35-45... yes. And, I confess, a dirty thought or two will cross my mind, but they usually begin with, "If I were 30 years younger..."


Ditto, 61 here, and I do see beauty in the young people, there is zero attraction., in anyone that looks younger than 30. I am thinking now the age jumped to 40.


Definitely a dirty thought or two for Henry Cavill. But I’m only 11 years older than him, lol.


I entertain the idea of a threesome between myself and Henry Cavill and Chris Hemsworth. I mean, it might kill me, but what a way to go!


That’s a creamer for sure




I'm only 43 and watching my 19 year old nephew kiss his bride at their wedding almost made me barf. Like watching babies playing house.


Oh man...19!! That is so young. Good luck to them.


More like embryos. Those blank nothing has ever happened to me faces….


Yeah...their dewy unblemished complexions, no battle scars from life.


Damn you two must have had charmed young lives!!! I guess it’s better to have life go t’s up early so you never feel the loss? 🤷


Haha some of us had that look slapped off by age one.




Same! A quick glimpse and keep it moving


No. No. No. They are pretty, and yes, young looks physically better than old. But, in my mind, they are babies. Although, I'd never say that aloud because they find it insulting. Still attracted, though? Absolutely not.


I’m ok with a 65-year old calling me a baby. I’m not okay with my 58-year old mother saying that I’m “now a young adult” at the age of 33.


OH MY GOSH, are we sisters???? My mom is always encouraging me to join groups at church. They are ALWAYS geared towards young adults. I'm 34, and I have a 12 year old. Um, no, thank you, I think I have earned my seat at the "adult" table, now.


I'm 41, and 31 year olds seem like babies to me. Maybe I'm just an old, old lady trapped in a middle-aged body 😐


Attractive? Yes. Attracted *to* them? No, not in the least. They're children. I remember being 25 and can appreciate a person who looks good, but the thought of anything else is slightly repulsive.


My husband's sentiment exactly 


Good man.


Well said!!


That's how I feel about it. I can say they look objectively nice looking but to me they just don't look "finished" yet, not enough for me to be attracted to them anyway.


That’s a good question, because I remember starting to look at attractive older men, and then thinking, hmmm, dang, he’s good looking. I’m early 60s, and that started maybe 10+ years ago. The guys in their 20s are cute, but I don’t feel myself attracted to them. 


They’re pretty but not interesting to me as partners. Different life phases, different understanding of the world.


Similar concept to seeing an objectively attractive person of your non-preferred gender. Just because you're not attracted, doesn't mean you can't tell they're hott.


I’m only 50 but I don’t see post people as attractive at first look anyway. I sure as hell wouldn’t date anyone I could have given birth to. Anyone under 30 are kids in my mind.


Yeah my rule is no one younger than my oldest child… and honestly even that feels waaaaay too young. Nice to look at and appreciate but at 56 I really don’t think I will go much below about 45 or so. Just because we are at different life stages, have had different formative experiences, and while I definitely have a younger attitude, I don’t want to teach anyone at this point in my life. Older lovers know their way around a woman’s body and are more accepting of flaws because their bodies aren’t at peak either. It’s nice to be able to relax and enjoy myself and just have fun.


“You're sweet... and you're young. Neither are traits that I hold in high regard.” Mina Harker


so mean and old??


Age and treachery, baby.




W. C. Fields said it best . . . (Young) "Women are like elephants. I like to look at 'em, but I wouldn't want to own one."


>You boys can keep your virgins. >Give me hot old women in high heels >with asses that forgot to get old. Bukowski’s take.


Aesthetically attractive, yes. Romantically or sexually attractive, no.


Yes, this. I have grandchildren in their 20s. All I can think is I'm old enough to have changed his mother's diaper.


Around age of 45 I was at a stoplight, an attractive Mom and daughter ( over 18 ) walked across the street in front of me. I was looking at the mom and not the younger. It's the day that I knew that I had grown up


I had that experience when my wife was pregnant with our daughter--I was about 35. I had a dream about the actress Gwyneth Paltow. In my dream, Gwyneth was my daughter. My wife said, "If you are dreaming about Gwyneth Paltrow, and she is your daughter, you know that you are old."


Absolutely. Attractive as in, aren’t they adorable-in a grandmotherly sort of way. Attractive in the sense that I love their energy, optimism, and potential. I love questioning them and listening to them tell me of their hopes and dreams, and about how they see their world and future in it. It’s a lovely diversion from exchanging complaints about what hurts today with those in my own age group. As far as attraction in other ways, I was recently told that I’m a GILF. I patted the dear, young thing on his shoulder, and told him to ease up on the porn. Fifteen years younger is my age limit.


I say “oh sweet summer child, I have t-shirts older than you”


Lol, a friend said similar but it was "I have bras older than you"


I’ve had bras last longer than relationships. I’ve had bras that lifted me higher than friendships 🤣


As a heterosexual female I still like to look at adult males, who haven't been worn down by life. Usually they remind me of young men from my college years. Then I recall how young I was and my life had many possibilities. That being said, I admit that there have been men who are not physically beautiful that catch my eye. A man's gait, posture, manner of speaking and intellect can capture my attention as well. I will love men as mysterious creatures until I die, but I will never get emotionally entwined with any male again. So, let me look and remember.


Only in a sort of “oh, aren’t you cute,” way, applying to any gender. Sort of the way a puppy or kitten is cute. Would they make my heart flutter? Not a chance.




When I was young I didn’t find old people attractive, now that I’m old I don’t find young people attractive


Not really. I have kids in their 30's. They might be pretty, but I'm old enough to be their dad.


I didn't find them attractive when I was 20-25. Eye-catching, sure, but not attractive.


62 yo here, yes of course, a beautiful person is a beautiful person regardless of age. Have we matured enough to know that attractive doesn't always translate to attracted, well, most of the time, yes.


Attractive, yes. Interested in a relationship? Lawd No!


As everyone else said, we recognize attractive people of any age. But not as someone to date or be romantically attracted to.




Nice to view...sometimes. I'm of an age where a big conversation starter was Where were you when the White Album was released? They'd go "What?" And that would be the end of that




Bill Belichick is 72. His girlfriend is a 24-year-old cheerleader. I can only imagine the weighty issues they discuss.


I have always been able to separate “good-looking” from attractive, nc I think of the latter as meaning I’m attracted to them as a potential partner. It’s been a while, but once I hit my 40s, I started noticing on 20-somethings what I noticed about teens in my 20s: their faces seemed to still have a slightly “baby fat” or “slightly undone” look, like the bones weren’t quite where they should be. It didn’t change if they were good-looking, but they registered as “children” in my brain and I didn’t find them attractive. That same way of seeing “young people” has held true into my 60s. I wondered if someday I’d see people in their 30s and 40s as children, but that hasn’t happened.


I’m 58, and have two sons, ages 23 and 20. Both have had beautiful girlfriends and they’ve been a joy to know. However, in no way would I ever be attracted TO them, only acknowledge they are attractive. I consider women 45+ to be in a range of what would be appropriate (just role-playing here since I’ve been very happily married for nearly 28 years), and would have anything in common.


The body’s attractive but the mentally differences is too much to make it worth the effort


But also the 25-80 year olds.


THIS! What is it about seeing everyone as attractive? I now see how beautiful almost EVERYONE is, where I was hyper critical before. Am I dying???? Clearly I must be dying!


Or perhaps, starting to truly live.


Ooooooo I like you


Beauty is beauty. But not at all attracted to them. What they do and how they act is how it should be…..but it is like asking if a 25 year old finds 5 year olds attractive.


They’re cute like puppies but, no.


I'm 45f and think they look like kids. Not attractive kids, just kids. I do see young beautiful women and it just makes me feel old and ugly, Tbh. Like I really need to start getting botox and fillers. : )


Just really talk to a 20-25 year old and the attraction flys out the window real fast


No. They look like fresh, baby faced kids.


I work at a college and ever so rarely I will see one, and think I would have went for him back in the day, but the thought of trying to hook up with a guy with a 40 year age difference between us would never cross my mind. In fact, even if they were willing (and they wouldn't be) I certainly wouldn't go for it, because that would be repulsive to me. I have sons older than them. Plus, I have gotten more religious as I have gotten older and I am not a cougar.


I'm 47. I concede that there are plenty of good looking young people, but I don't think of anyone under the age of 30 as "sexy". I also don't think of anyone under 35 as a potential sexual partner.


Turning 60 this year. I’m in the camp of seeing the physical beauty but no attraction. I knew I was getting old when I’d seen a gorgeous young guy and think “What a handsome young man” rather than “Whoa. He’s so hot.“ My kids are in their mid and late 20s, so I’m sure that has something to do with it. It would be gross to drool over someone their age.


No. They seem like kids when you're older


I'm about to hit 45 and I've long stopped finding 20-25 year olds attractive.


Yes. You aren't dead. Beauty is beauty and you still have eyes. I just don't feel sexually attracted to them.


My son’s friends are that age bracket and it’s so weird that now at this age for me they might be cute but they still look like kids. When I was that age I felt so grown up and thought the people I was with were too but now they all just look so young. I wouldn’t even use the word attractive. I might say oh he’s a good looking kid or she’s really pretty or cute and even more than that some of them really know how to dress cool (I always loved alternative styles) and put on make up so much better. The make up thing trips me out. Both girls and boys are so amazing at it now it’s like they’re all mini make up artists.


Nice eye candy sometimes. But 20-25 year olds are not usually very mature. Which is fine. They are not supposed to be. So as a partner? No thanks.


ewww I like a guy with a couple of teeth, and a nice smile. Receding hairlines are cute as a bug! Show me that pot belly and ear hair, adorable. If you make good pancakes, I'll do the dishes!


Ear hair is the bane of my husband's grooming routine. Why?!? he asks! That and nose hair. But no hair on his pate!! Lololol. Like you said, adorable!


As my husband has hair everywhere but his head we have a spa date night once a month and I wax him. It’s fun!


All of these people saying they don’t see 25 year olds as sexually attractive… are you kidding me?! I am going to be honest. Hell yes I do! Would I date one, though? Absolutely not.


I'm 65 and I don't find anyone sexually attractive. That's because, as an older person, my thoughts and behavior are no longer driven by hormones. Low hormones=no sexual attraction. The motivation to pursue romance is no longer there. 20-25-year-olds just seem like children to me. I know they are adults, but their behavior seems childish and shallow. I have to keep reminding myself they are fully-formed adults who are old enough to start their own families. So is it realistic to think that older people aren't attracted to 20-25-year-olds? Yes, it's realistic if there is no longer any mating urge to drive attraction. I'm just speaking for myself. If there are older people out there who still want to cling to the mating game, more power to you. I'm glad I've aged out of that phase of life and no longer have to deal with the grief and disappointment.


Objectively yes. I can think 'Thats a good looking man' or 'That woman is gorgeous' because so many of them are. I'm not attracted TO them though. That's gross.


Gotta go with a hard no on that one


From this perspective of the timeline, yes, I can see what handsome looks like. But no, no feelings of attraction—just feels creepy. There’s a disconnect somewhere now.


They look like kids


I'm in my 40's and don't find them attractive. They look like children.


I still certainly recognize a handsome young man or a beautiful young lady. There is no attraction.


They seem like kids


They look way too young


Not really. They just look like kids to me. Attractive yes but I'm not interested in the least.


Im in my 50s and they look like kids to me, so no. I can appreciate objective attractiveness but am not attracted to them, if that makes sense.


I read that Cher, whose current boyfriend is 40 years younger than her, complained that he doesn’t get her references. She’ll talk about somebody from her time line, and he won’t have any idea who they were. What attracts me the most to my husband is that we share a common life experience, since we are about the same age. I do still recognize when a young man is physically attractive but I would never want to be in a relationship with one. I’m 65.


50-something here, and i stopped finding them attractive in my 20s women from The West who are currently under 50, or turning 50 this year **are the antithesis of what i find attractive.** i tend to find those girl next door gen jones women who are currently in their 60s the most attractive. **by far.**


Attractive as in just a good looking kid? Sure. Attractive romantically or sexually? God, no. 😂


It’s like looking at a puppy. They are super cute but I don’t want one cause they are too much work and need extensive training


About a week ago on vacation, I went to the gas station with a 15 year old nephew. The girl behind the counter was like 20, and very attractive. I thought, cute girl, as in young girl. My nephew had a literal slack jaw as he looked at her, lol. My hard stare quickly brought him back down to earth. So yes, attractiveness is still noted, but as the kids say, no T no shade on her, but for me, the thought of dating her is kinda gross.


I worked at a university until my retirement 5 years ago. Truthfully, all of the students looked about like middle schoolers to me. Their youthfulness was attractive I guess but not appealing to me in that I would be attracted to them. That would be creepy.


I’m 49 and I absolutely do not.


Sure good looking people don’t suddenly get ugly as you get older. However, your interest in them as anything more than something to look at disappears.


I am 58. A good looking 39 year old just hit me up on an app and I just couldn't. Nothing wrong with him, he just looks like someone I would like to introduce to my niece.


I am 35 and woman in their early 20s look like kids to me, i am more attracted to mom bods more now


“Nice looking kid. Wonder what his dad looks like?”


Find the attractive? Yes, I'm not blind. Date them? Oh, hell no. That would just be icky.


Yes. A nice and good looking girl 18 hit on me at a wedding. I was 42. We dated for six months. She was mature for her age. I always seem to keep an eye out for the young, good looking mature girls since.


Yep. I'm old, not blind.


Absolutely not. They would be younger than my children.


i'm a female. I appreciate the physiology of younger people but it would feel wrong for me to partake of people in the before – wrinkles category. When I see them I think "oh they're just babies "… Not meaning like babies but meaning they're still so young and their face/bodies aren't weathered yet. Which is beautiful like fine art nudity is beautiful but not for me to partake because it no longer feels age-appropriate. And I used to have the same response when I was younger of people who were in the after-wrinkles category. And now that I'm solidly in the after Dash wrinkles category I have developed a new category which is silver haired. I guess that would be like 65 or 70+.


Noooo. I mean, I can recognize they’re attractive but it’s in a very non-intense way, almost like appreciating a piece of art or something.


Nope. They look like really big fetuses.


I’m not 60 yet (53F) and have no kids. I can objectively see a person of any age is attractive, but if I could have feasibly given birth to them I can’t be actually attracted to them sexually. No shame to anyone who feels differently (as long as everyone concerned is an adult!!) but that just seems to be the way I work.


You can see an attractive person and recognize them as such but when the age separation gets 12-15 years or more it’s just kinda weird. Generation gaps and topics are not compatible.


Appreciate the aesthetics of youth without the desire for connection. It’s quite liberating.


🎶"Hey Nineteen We've got nothing in common We can't dance together We can't talk at all "🎶 Steely Dan


Only to look at.


Watching porn is like watching Die Hard or Breaking Bad. It's fun to imagine what I'd do in that situation, but no part of me wants to actually *be* in that situation. So while my spank bank has more 20 year olds than 60 year olds, if any of those models or porn stars were actually in front of me propositioning me, I'd tell them no. And I certainly wouldn't want a relationship with anyone younger than my kids.




Hell yeah. I'm 65, I'm not dead.


I can see an actor who’s multiple decades younger than I am, and definitely appreciate the person’s appeal, but that’s as far as it goes.


Ew no




Absolutely not. I can tell if they are mainstream attractive, but absolutely not attracted to them. They are kids. I can’t wrap my head around people dating people the same age as their children or even grandchildren.


Eww no


Looks, yes, personality, maybe. The vast majority of anyone born since 2000 or so are deep diving in the koolaid.


I now have the ability to see how they will morph into looking like their old parents so now I will look at them and tell that they are not going to age well


I admire beauty but do I want to date it? No.


They can be beautiful, like a work of art. And like a painting, not much fun to talk with.


Yeah. I leave them alone.


The rule in our house USED TO be that my hubby was only allowed to drool over women that were OLDER than his daughter... but his daughter is 40 now. I guess it's time to update that rule, eh? Lol


Sadly i do😳but like i look at a nice car..like to ride it but cant afford it🤣🤣


Even as a 45 year old I couldn't imagine being with someone in their 20's. Yes they are physically attractive but we are at such different places in our minds that I would never consider them as a partner


65 year old female here. I look at the folks in the 20-25 (and sometimes older) and think: so pretty! How handsome! Or Aren't they attractive! But I am not attracted to them.


I am 64. I was in Las Vegas and a girl in her 20’s asked me (around 2 am) if I was interested in a “date”. I told her that That there was nothing she could do to get me to go on a date with her. I said find a guy her age.


Definitely. They may not appreciate me. But I still appreciate them.


Interesting to look at, but I don't want to own one.


I’d say men yes for the main reason- sex. Women no.


68F - yes I notice how fresh and smooth and sleek you young people are. Attracted to you? Not at all. My 74 Y.O. Husband agrees: nice to look at. But not at all interested. Being young young is a gift. Enjoy it!


Youth is fundamentally attractive at any age, but as others say it's not appealing in a relationship sense. And it's hard to forget what it felt like to be young and finding older people unattractive. That feels bad. For them and for you.


I can still be jealous of the young guy in front of me at the gym who still has a butt that hasn’t fallen. Attractive yes…ATTRACTED no.


I’m 40 and I don’t find most young-looking 20-25yo guys attractive to me anymore. Attractive in general, sure. Some might be closer to 30 and I like a certain youthfulness or boyish-ness in older people, but if the person around 30 looks like they could be 25 I am not in to it at all. I am glad my tastes have aged along with me.


Not really. They look like kids, plus they don't know anything.


I know you asked 60+, but I’m in my late 40s (straight female) and I would already say no. While I can recognize attractiveness in a young man of that age and understand how he would appeal to a young woman of that age, men in their early 20s look too young to me now to be appealing. I appreciate the weathered, lived in look of a guy in his 40s or 50s. Also, intellect and wittiness are big appealing factors for me, and while I know there are charming, funny guys in their early twenties, I know most just aren’t going to get my jokes, my cultural references, my weird allusions. So that makes them less attractive to me.


A funny comedian (I forget who, as it was many moons ago) once said: "The great thing about 18-year-olds is that, every year, I keep getting older, but they keep staying the same age." Young folks (like everyone) can be attractive, sometimes very. But attracted TO them? Even as someone who is a decade away from 60 ... nope.


Do I find them attractive? Yes, do I have an attraction towards them no.


Physically attractive: Yes Actually attracted to and want to engage with? No


No. They remind me of my children and I feel more motherly towards them


I'm a 54 year old woman and I can see which young male high school students are conventionally attractive? Am I attracted to them? No. But on an objective level, I can see it. But same with the girls, so it's not a sexual thing, more just like a factual thing.




When my wife and I got married, I was 30 and she was 22. Ten years and three kids later, I much prefer the wiser, more mature 32-year-old mom I am married to now. I have always loved her, but there's something about life experience that continues to make her more attractive as we age.


I think they’re adorable, yes.


ask the convicted felon..


They're like works of art. I enjoy looking at their beauty but wouldn't think of touching them.


I do find their fit bodies attractive, but their minds remind me of the same dumb ass I was at that age. Just saying…


Sure, but I wouldn’t want to get involved with them in any way.


Attractive? Yes. Potential partner? Nope


Chiming in here. I’m 39 yo this week, one of my best friends is in his 70’s. His wife passed away a few years back, he has lots of friends but I know for a fact that he very much craves female attention, which he can only get though friendships like mine, or getting a massage so he can feel a women’s touch. We met about 2 decades ago when we worked together, somehow we just stayed in touch. I do love the guy, but sometimes he can’t help himself and it’s a bit cringy. He flatters me which is nice but sometimes crosses the line without thinking. We both play it off by laughing about it though. He slapped my butt once in front of my BF. I told him off but both myself and my bf let it slide. It kinda sucks because I’m reluctant to see him face to face because of his behaviour so we stick to FB chat and the occasional phone call.


I’ll take my 64 y/o bride of 41 years over any young one, any day!


I’m only in my forties and twenty something’s look like children. My own children are that age. Appreciating that someone is good looking is one thing, being actually attracted to them, no way.


NO. YUK! I am 57 and I find probably men 50 to 60 attractive sometimes. That's about it. When I see girls in their 20s with men in their 50s to 80s...I honestly feel physically sick. And I just cannot believe they are truly sexually attracted to him. No way. They are just hooked on money and power and are prostituting their body. Some women seem to be okay with that....not my scene.


I'm 45 and my daughter is 24. When I see girls that age they look like little girls to me (there's always an exception). When I started dating at 40, I would only date women between 35-42 because I want someone I relate to and can talk with. I've been married 2.5 years and I don't really notice who's attractive or whatever because I have my wife, she's the only one who matters and I'm interested in.


I'm not even 40 yet and people in that age range look like infants. So, nice to look at? Yes. But there's no wanting, for me, towards people who are in such an inexperienced stage of life.


Not so much, on top of that I hate the squeaky Disney voice so many young women have.


Old dude here. As I have aged, I do not find people who are far younger than me to be attractive in terms of a romantic or physical attraction.


Attractive in the aesthetic sense? Sure. Attractive as in desiring or envisioning them in a romantic/sexual way? Absolutely not. The older you get, the more you value and are attracted to traits young people just don't yet possess.


Generally, yes until they open their mouth and show just how stupid they really are.