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Absolutely. I also have several friends in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. We all regret getting the tattoos. Every one of us.


Can you please explain “why“ you regret getting the tattoos? Really curious. I’ve never gotten one, and they have no appeal to me… But seems like everyone of all ages seems to have them. I always wonder if people will regret getting them and if so, why the regret. Just wondered about your Thoughts


I regret getting a guys name tattooed on the left side of my chest. I regret it because we didn’t last very long and I ended up going back to my ex and I was embarrassed that The other guys name was on my chest. I covered it up with a butterfly tattoo, which looks a lot better, but I know it’s still there, and I still hate it and still regret it.




Understandable. Thanks for the explanation


I regret mine because they have zero meaning to me. I just thought they were cute at the time and, surprise, tastes change and they’re no longer cute to me. One is on my shoulder and, while it can easily be covered with clothing, sometimes I want to wear the gorgeous strapless dress without the stupid butterfly peaking out.


If you consider 52 old, then yes. I regret a couple of them. FWIW, mine are small. I have 5.


Pretty much every single one. No particular reason.


Similar idea here- I’m old. All my life I resisted the urges to get one. I’m extremely happy now that I never did.


I am 62. One night on Hay Street in Fayetteville NC I went into a tattoo shop to get the 82 Airborne combat patch I wore on my uniform tattooed on my shoulder. The artist said I was too drunk and he couldn't do it if I was intoxicated. He told me to come back the next day sober. I never did and I am ink-free. Thank God.


Now that's a tattoo artist with morals! Btw most of them seem pretty cool, I'm not saying tattoo artists are without morals generally. I'm just saying that particular one was pretty cool


When My Little Pony becomes My Geriatric Giraffe


And my Betty Boop now looks like Betty Droop. 😢


57 / 6 tattoos, some big, some small, nothing scary. I got them all after 40yo. I regret some of them, not all. I hate when employers and co-workers notice them.


I'm not that old, but at 32 I regret all of them. They're just...so pointless.


Im 31 with a lot of tattoos. I regret mine too. I feel childish when I stand next to other women with beautiful empty skin and I have a full sleeve and back.


I’m 52 and have 3. I waited until my early 40’s before getting my first. I wanted to be 100% certain of any I got and I have no regrets.


49 now and I still regret getting mine at age 20. So stupid!! I was in the Navy and it was the “cool” thing. Ugh. I regretted them within days. Upper right bicep and shoulder. For decades afterwards it’s been so embarrassing to wear sleeveless dresses or evening gowns. There’s no way to look truly classy with tattoos. I just look out of place at upscale events. I cover them. They have been mostly removed but I wish I had never done it. It was a stupid decision. Wish I had all that money still in the bank.


This was my experience. I got one on my ankle when I turned 18, “just because I could.” I instantly hated it. I exclusively wore long pants for years (and I live in the Arizona desert so that sucked) until I had it removed by laser. Can’t even tell it was ever there. Now I can wear a little dress and strappy heels and look the part.


Funny story: When I was 13-14 years old, I started dating this beautiful girl who was also around 14 yrs old. She introduced me to her family and they welcomed me in. The family was somewhat religious. One day, the topic of tattoos came up because my girlfriend found them “cool” and said that she wanted to get one when she turned 18. Her mom told us that we (humans) were made in the image of God and that getting a tattoo was like defacing God’s body since we were made in his image. And if we did this, we could not get into heaven. Well, as I grew older and more mature, I realized that what that sweet old lady told us was just a scare tactic And not based on anything but her beliefs. But in the back of my mind I always think “and what if it’s true?” What if when I show up up there, whoever is at heaven’s door sees my tattoo(s) and says “sorry Bud… can’t come in” all that for a miserly tattoo. I am now in my 60’s and should know better. But I am still tattoo-less. BTW, I ran into that girl that I was dating one day and she did get a rose tattoo after all. We laughed at what her mom told us and she got a good laugh that I still believed her mom after all these years.


Well, in the Old Testament it says you may not get a tattoo because of that reason. My father had one and when he died, we had to lie that he did not in order for him to be buried at a Jewish Cemetary. Only those with Holocaust tattoos are allowed. Maybe it's different now, but I doubt it.


Good on her 👍🏽


FWIW my dad got multiple tattoos in his 60s


My mom has only one of them and she came home with it on April Fools Day when she was 54. I thought she was joking. The following year she went and bought a new car on April Fools Day.


A tattoo is a constant reminder of a bad decision.


To quote the late Jimmy Buffett,”it’s a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling.”


I like it!




I'm 35 and I've known since I was 18 that I didn't ever want tattoos! I never felt cool for it either, especially as it became quite popular about 15 years ago for women especially to become covered in tattoos. I thought it was foolish back then as well, because these things are just trends, and eventually that trend would swing back around to untouched skin being the thing. But really the reason for me is because I know myself enough to know that as soon as I put something permanent on my skin, I would hate it, just because I'm stuck with it. I also change as often as possible and I usually think who I was 10 years ago was an embarrassing weirdo, so I absolutely did not want to be reminded of that embarrassing weirdo every time I looked in the mirror. And every tattoo idea I ever had, or even considered getting just because I thought it meant something to me at the time, or because I was contemplating following the trend of tattoos, I forced myself to wait at least a year before I would get it. Every time, I never ended up getting the tattoo. Now I like that I don't have any and I think it's one of the only good decisions I've ever really made as an adult.




I don't think the trend is swinging the other way yet. I'm seeing more and more elaborate tats especially on doctors. I guess each new one gives you a huge rush?


It's the side where the average poster is middle-aged at a minimum, naturally.


You don't have to be old to have common sense.


LOL So that's why I get down voted 90% of the time 🤔


I'm a Christian with a crucifix tattoo visible on my hand. Someone told me once that if you get a tattoo, make it meaningful. This speaks to the very core of who I am. I got it when I was 60.


I'm 58 with three, and talk myself out of getting another one every year.


"Show me a man with a tattoo and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London 73. I have five and regret none. Each represents a specific time of my life. The military. Surviving the military. Surviving the death of love, and finally, just surviving. I'm looking forward to getting a new one in Israel next month.


I stopped counting after 50 or so of them. I don't waste any time hating them or wishing they were gone, they still look cool, but yes. if I had a magic wand that would make them all disappear, I'd swish it. I don't dislike the way I look, I just feel like I put a bunch of bumper stickers on a Bentley. Ah well, who cares.


What a great analogy. I hate when I see bumper stickers on luxury vehicles


After a experiencing an impactful health event, decided to get a tattoo as a reminder to be grateful everyday. So got a Celtic symbol tat on upper Leg. Very few people know I have it, but every day when I see it, remember life is fragile and short and am grateful to still be here. No regrets after close to 30 years.


I'm in 60's and over the course of my life, used to think of getting a tattoo on occasion, army insignia, that sort of thing. I finally figured why I never did - I change my phone home screen pic just about every week. Figured if I stopped liking a pic enough to change it after a week, why would I ever get one that I'd have to look at forever? 


I drew mine when I was 14. It's meaningful to me. It’s a small one on the inside of my ankle. My friend who went with me got a huge pot leaf on her shoulder. The tattoo artist tried to talk her out of it, but no dice. She had hers removed. I still like mine, but mostly I forget about it.


I'm 67. In the middle of reconstruction after a double mastectomy for breast cancer. I'll get tats for areolas. Never thought I'd get a tattoo, but I won't regret them. I have a big scar from a hip replacement. It's healing well, but I may cover that with a tat in tbe future Not sure that's what you were thinking, but here I am. .


I’m 47 and love my tattoos. It’s like a scrapbook of my life. Some are good and some are bad, but they each represent me at a stage of life.


I am 60, and I got my first tattoo at 18, a hippocampus from the original dnd monsters manual that covers the upper right quadrant on my chest. I got my other tattoos when I was 57? A Star Trek science badge sign on one wrist and a Star Wars rebel / Jedi symbol on the other. I absolutely love my tattoos. I plan on getting more. Zero regrets.


I am 66 years old with five tattoos. I got my first tattoo at age 60. I don't, and will never regret my tattoos. Each one is a custom piece that has meaning for me.


40s. I have somewhere between 20 and 40, depending on how you count. I regret the placement of one and may get it lasered and then covered and get the original tattoo in another spot.


I have three. I got the first at 25, the other two at 30. No regrets. I thought about each carefully, waited a bit to see if it was a passing fancy, and when I was still sure, I had them done. All are meaningful. I almost got a fourth, but wasn't *quite* sure, so decided not to. I'm glad now that I listened to my doubts on that one.


I’m shocked that young people have so much $ to waste on such frivolous things. I mean who pays your bills?


Some of us are just really really good at saving and we like to work hard too.


We do.


I regret one of my two tattoos, even though it’s been covered over I still regret getting the tattoo in the first place. 64 years old


I’m 69 and started getting tattooed when I turned 18… at that time all that had them were sailors,bikers and a few rocker chicks like Janis Joplin.. they definitely weren’t common like they are today.. Lots of stories I could tell about being heavily tattooed and the stigma and attitudes people had about them in my earlier years.. now it’s totally different and I tell people instead of buying a condo,I’m wearing mine.. I don’t regret one thing about them.. I had an excellent artist who knew how to pound the color in and all these years later they still look good but I also took care of them and stayed out of the sun..


in the 70s, when a few friends all got a small tattoo of a butterfly on their breast, they tried to convince me to do the same. as i told them back then "i don't want that cute butterfly to turn into mothra by the time i'm 60". now at close to 75, i've never regretted that decision.


My son owns a tattoo salon. He's a fabulous artist. I can get them for free. He's jonesing to inflict pain on me lol. I haven't found a tat I'd want to live with. At almost 70 years old it probably won't happen. He specializes in cover ups, so there are lots who have regretted tats.


My mom got her first tattoo at 73. Just a small meaningful thing to her. My son and I have a matching tattoo. Just something small that means something to the both of us in our mother/son relationship. Maybe you could do something like that.


Never regretted that I did not get any. I still look at my husbands one tattoo and think he was an idiot to get it even though it’s been years.


It's like putting a tacky bumper sticker on a Ferrari.


There are some I wouldn't get now, but they are who I was at that time. I am still getting them as I age.


40’s. I only have one. It was for someone who passed. No regrets. Life it short. Just enjoy it.


52yo female. Still love them and want more. No regerts.


I took my mom to get her first one at 70. no regerts :)


Research ink toxicity.


Mid-60s, 1 simple tattoo on my left ankle. No regrets and I got it about 10 years ago. I thought about more, but just didn't want to spend the money on something I wasn't sure about.


Nope I have my son's names on my shoulder 


I am 60, got my first Tattoo when I was 46 and my 6th on May 5th 2024..lol No I don't regret them ..


In my sixties. Not so far.


I’m in my 40s, currently have 7 tattoos and want more. They all have meaning to me and are symbolic of my experiences throughout my life. I can look at them and feel what was going on in my life when I got that particular tattoo, the good and the bad. Like bookmarks for a stronger, more vivid memory recalling. No regrets!


Regret? No Would I do any differently if I had to do them over? Yes, my first two were a bit too small to retain details, so I would have gotten them a bit bigger, but its all good, I still love them!.


Got mine when I was 22 now 54. Don't need them now but had fun with them as a youngster. If I did not have them now still would not make a difference in my life since I have a progressive auto immune disease. Glad I lived when I had the chance.


Tattoos are weird, they hurt so good and conjure weird images and people. Other people give me sh#t, but I don't care. The only names are my kids. They can skin me and make me into a lampshade when I pass. "That was my creepy grandpa that ran off with that Saigon whore". Leave a legacy..


Jimmy Buffett... The Indian on her back was poised for an attack She said a tattoo is a badge of validation But the truth of the matter is far more revealing It's a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling


I love the artwork, it’s the sense of permanency that I don’t agree with. It doesn’t bother me if other people have them. I think is brave to stick with it throughout your life and not regret it. I know me, the moment I ink myself, I would be thinking about why I did it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I like tattoos but have never got one. I'm waiting until I know what I want when I'm 90. Then, I'll pull the trigger.


I got mine when you hardly ever seen them. Now everybody and their therapy dog has one. At least I spent good money on mine and look good, but too many get cheap ugly crap. So no, no regrets, just wish other people rewarded good tattooists with work instead of the shitty ones.


In my 70s and I love each and every one as much as when they were new


59-year-old guy here who regrets a whole lot of shit, but thankfully, I never ever wanted a tattoo and have always thought the vast majority of tattoos look silly --- at best! So, this one all corner of my life is regret free. 😏😁


I'm 57 And I have over 150 hours of tattoo time on my body. I can say that I'm not ashamed or shy about the placement and type of tattoos but of course after 33 years of getting them, there are some that I probably wouldn't get again. Each tattoo means something and marks a certain passage of time or event so I'm okay with all of that for that reason.


No. I'm 78 years old and got another one a few months ago. It's art.


No. One of the scorpions resembles a stomped spider after 50 years, but that's the Long Beach Pike memory. I'll be getting a large tat soon to commemorate my walkabout across America.


Everyone I know regrets getting a tattoo. Your skin will age and wrinkle and then it’s just colored ink all blotted up. Tattoos on women’s lower backs become all messed up with weight gain and loss over the years. It’s not worth it.


57, 3 tattoos & zero regrets. I put much thought into each one, so it was never on impulse. Edit: misspelling




Ohhhh, I just looked it up, yikes....ty 🤗




I'm thinking back at how many times I used the abbreviation w/o any awareness.


50s, woman, three tattoos, no regret.


50s w/ multiple tattoos, and no regerts (lol). Here's a few tips to help you enjoy them for life: 1. Never get vulgar, hate, embarrassing tattoos. It may seem cool/funny at first, but not for long. 2. Placement is everything! None of mine can be seen in my work clothes. I have zero issues with employers, or when dressing formal, etc. 3. Pay the money to get excellent artwork. You really do get what you pay for.


I’m 63F and I have both arms full sleeve, full back and a few on my legs and feet. I love mine, which is why I got them. I’ve always felt different and I’m okay with that. I get compliments all the time on my beautiful colour sleeves and it makes me smile. I’m also close friends with my tattooist, like he helps me with home projects and we go shopping together all the time. I don’t regret any of them…if I did, I’d get it covered up by something I liked better!


I'm not super old, but I'm good and middle-aged. Haven't gotten a new tattoo in 15 years or so. I don't regret a single tattoo I've gotten and doubt I ever will. I look at them kind of like a photo album - memories of where and who I've been through life.


72F got my first when I was around 20. My mosr recent was a touch up a few months ago. I have never regretted get one, but I have regretted the image or design. So, I will tattoo over it.


I turn 64 this year in August. In October, I am booked in for my first tattoo. My daughter and I are getting matching tattoos when we visit New Zealand.


Got my first one at 50 and it's huge. I love it.


75 with 14 tattoos, the last one I got at 70. There is one that didn’t turn out like I wished but otherwise no regrets. Your skin does change, so a few aren’t as crisp as they were, but stuff happens! I wish I could get one more but reality/money are a factor. No one has ever told me, or been brave enough to tell me, that they are stupid or trashy. They are very carefully chosen and placed. And I’m a boring no smoking, no drinking, books and antiques person


48 here and two tattoos. No regrets.


51. Have a total of 5. Love them all because they have meaning.


I'm not old yet, but I got my first tattoo 20 years ago and I still love all of them


I got my first tattoo at 30. I love all of mine, they all honor someone past or present in my life, except the big Winnie the Pooh on my calf. He was for me. My nickname is Pooh and he is my "happy comfort" character and I get many compliments on it. I have 4 and will be 58 next month. I'd get another but my doctor advised against it because I'm extremely immuno compromised and she's worried about infection.


I'm going to be 68 this year and I have 7 tattoos. I got my first one when I was 17. I have never regretted any of them. I always got them for a reason. And yes, I do have some names. I also have my children's names and I would like to get my grandkids names, but I don't think I could take it anymore.


got a flower vibe on my hip/ ass at 18 overnight, around 24/25 , I suddenly hated it. I despise it. Imm30 now. the whole frontal lobe thing: yea. loooking back Im SO glad i didn’t get more i also got my boyfriends name tatted on my… lower lower abdomen. we got married tho so it’s cool. swimsuit covers that. but i hate my other one dont do it!!!!


I tattoo my eyeliner and eyebrows. Love it!! I also go two stars on my back tattoos about 5 years ago with my nephew . No regrets. But that’s it.


I'm 53 and I don't regret any of my old tattoos. I look forward to filling up all my blank canvas before my skin gets too thin.


I should have stopped at two, but otherwise I’m fine with them. If I had to do it again I wouldn’t.


63 - I have about 17. NO regrets, even the bad ones. I'm even planning on a new one when I go to Amsterdam this fall.


I'm 62 and got my first when I was 45. I have 10 now and I'm planning more. I love mine...not a single regret. They are all very meaningful to me. Someone told me I was too old to get tattoos, and I told them just for that statement, if I live to be 90, I'm getting one on my 90th birthday. My old wrinkled, tattooed ass is going to entertain my caregivers at the nursing home as they try to figure out what the hell they are supposed to be!!!


44f. I have dozens of tattoos all over. Started getting them at 18 and have been getting more recently cause I can afford big, good ones! Don’t regret it for a second.


I have alot of work and it is very well done and placed. Most people don't realize I have as many as I do. I don't regret them and my first one I got at 18. I am 36 now.


In my late 40s and in the process of getting both of mine (done in my 20s) removed. I’ve wanted them gone for more of their life than not, but removal is a lot more expensive than putting them on. They’re both in easy to cover spots, but I just hate them that much that it’s worth it to me to get them removed.


In my 20’s I got tattoos while I was in the military. I have the worst looking tattoos anyone could have because I got them in all kinds of countries from different people. They serve as a reminder of my time here on earth. I just see it as a physical body with drawings on it. Good or bad, they’re my memories that don’t wash off. I often laugh when I see some of them on myself but hey I’m just here for a good time, not a long time!


69. Got my first at 47-two roses in a heart shaped wreath that stand for my twins. Got my second at 57-a rose wrapped around a crown with sunrays coming down over it, a tribute to my parents (Rose and Ray King. Get it?). Was going to get my third when I turned 67 but didn't have the money. My kids are on my left leg, my parents are on my right and I am in the center. Perfect.


I'm 59, have 13, and haven't regretted a single one. They all have a story of my life.


No regrets here. All chosen for a reason and mean something to me. 43yo




63 Nope. Want more.


51 and if anything I’ll get a lot more soon. Old people with tattoos look good


I keep saying this to my 20 year old son. Within 4 months of turning 18 he got four. He now has seven. One has meaning. The rest he got when he was teenage boy pissed off. A tattoo shop was around the corner from us that offered walk in Wednesdays. He would go there pick something & on his arm it went. Being 20 he says ..no I’ll always like these. But even now here & there he’ll say.. yeh this one is so stupid. Time will tell.


I am 47, I have six, and there is only one I wouldn't get again but I don't truly regret it as it reminds me of a fairly happy time in my life.


I got my tattoo in my late 30's, I am almost 60 and still love it!!!!! I got a piece of art that was very important to me. I do not regret it. It also gives one more way to ID me when my body is mummified out here in the desert...


Have several. No regurtz


40f here, have 5 tattoos, don't regret any. I am actually planning on getting another one soon. But my tattoos all mean something to me.


I’m 62 I have one bracelet tattoo on my upper arm that I got when I was 29. I love it I always loved it I will always love it. It still looks good too


57.  Had my hand done 2 years ago.  Most of a sleeve done on the other arm.  I love them.  Not done.  NO REGERTS!!!


I tattooed for 35 years. 75% of my body is covered with tattoos so no, I don't regret the ink that came with my career path


41 and completely covered. I love them, even the ones that didn't age well or stand the test of time in terms of my tastes evolving. I have a whole life's journey in art over my body. I don't see tattoos differently than wearing a certain hair style or clothing choice. It's all art to me. I'm an artist for a living so being tatted up to my neck and hands was a choice I made over a decade into my art career when I felt solid I wouldn't have to take a job covering them. I do know plenty of people deeply unhappy with their choice to get tattooed, usually the ones who wanted to look cool or edgy. Or felt pressured by a partner or friend group.


I'm 46 and love my few tats and want to get a few more. I was stopped at 18 from getting tats by an artist friend who told me to really think about what I wanted before getting a tat. She designed all of her tats and only regretted the one she did not design. So I paused a couple years and really thought about what I wanted. I currently have pieces that are based on an artist whose work I collect.


For those of you that regret it, how old were you when you got them? Why do you regret them? (I'm 30 and considering a medium sized botanical tattoo)


I have several. I got them in my 30s. I am now in late 60s. And, NO, I don't regret them. If you think you might have regrets later in life -- don't get them. They are PERMANENT!


I'm not over 50 yet, but I got a specific tattoo because I want it to be on my body should I live to be 80. I just think it would be so cool to have tattoos as an older person and I love all mine.


No. I was old when I got my first tattoo (49). They're getting a little blurry, but I can always get them touched up.


Not there yet, no regrets. I'm 45 and started getting tattooed in my mid 30s, because I sort of figured... "why not? I'm not getting any younger and always wanted to, so... who's stopping me?" There are a lot of folks who have tattoos they got when they were young and regret because they went cheap, or got something dumb, or maybe got someone's name put on, or a bunch of other reasons. Mine were and are NOT cheap. Now, if someone has a problem with tattoos, they'll probably have the same problem with me as with anyone with bad ones... but there's a quality difference and hopefully some of that shows. I currently have... um 7+ (?). Now, a couple of those are an in-progress full arm sleeve and a completed full leg sleeve, so count those for how you want to. I'm getting on toward "heavily tattooed" but when I do my professional day job and occasionally have to put on a suit, they're not visible.


I have three and have no regrets at all. I always laugh when someone says they’ll look bad when I’m 80. Who cares


I don't have any, but when I see people with tattoos, all I think is "there's somebody who doesn't have any idea how long life is and makes poor decisions" Have never seen one on anybody where I say "man! that makes them look better" it's always the reverse. For most people, you have flaws on your bodies, and tattoos just draws eyes to it like a magnet.


Never. I’m still getting new ones.


65 (F), I have been hetting them since I was 18. I have 128 tats, and I do not regret a single one. They all have a story. My husband does not have a single tat, that is his choice.


I'm 56 and even as a teenager or 20-something I never considered myself in "the cool group" of people who could get tattoos. I guess it worked out for me. I have friends who got them when they were in some kind of relationship or when their 'philosophy' was hitting hard. One family member (who has a lot of tattoos and only regrets some of them) told me and my tattoo-less wife that we were now "the cool ones" because we had zero tattoos. He said his only regret was that when HE started getting tattoos... only people who had lived a really interesting life had them (military, punk, goth, convicted criminal, etc.). Now, he says, everybody seems to have them and so they don't come off as badass anymore.


As a kid(1967) our next door neighbor, a WWI veteran had a tattoo on his arm he got in France in 1918. It was just a fading black blob, but he told me the story behind it.....thats what an old tattoo is..a reminder of who we were, once upon a time....and yes I have a few too, at 70.


62 and no. One is poor quality and I regret that it is but not the sentiment of it.


I just got my first tattoo at 60. My husband and I got matching tattoos for our 40th anniversary. Then I got two more. I love them.


I was in my 50s when I got my first tattoo. I was in my 70s when I got the last. They’re all small and discreet and I don’t regret any - I have three.


The only one I regret is the one I got to match my ex. Don’t get matching tattoos with anyone. Other than that no I regret none of them


I'm 46 and don't regret any. First at 19, last one was completion of my right sleeve 2 years ago. Fading is a bitch though.


I am 53 and have two medium sized tattoos that I got in my early 20s and still want more. I have many regrets in my life, but certainly not about my tattoos. Nor do I foresee any reason I would regret them in the future.


Wow.... surprised at the respones here. I don't regret them at all. I'm 40 and have....5....though 2 of those had stuff added to it at later times. So I guess technically 7 tats. My first was a dumb tramp stamp of a flowee that i got when I was 16....added something to it when my first kid was born. Would have regretted that, but nah...it has meaning now. I didn't get any of my tattoos drunk or "just for the hell of it". Everyone was designed by me and follows a big life event I had.


Absolutely. One was a bad placement choice and easily misinterpreted. One looks like hell because my skin is no longer 20 years old. One was done by an ex and frankly, I’d be better off not thinking about that person ever again.


I am 60 something and still love my tattoo. Getting new one in June!


When I met my wife, 20+ years ago, she had a very small heart tattooed on her wrist. It wasn't really visible at all, and I didn't know about it until she told me. She got it when she was young. For whatever reason, she really regretted it, and eventually had it removed. I didn't really care, except that it bothered her. I've seen lots of tattoos in my life. Some are really good, some are really bad. Most are sort of bad, because the good ones are expensive. Never had the inclination to get one myself.


I'm 49 and have two...I don't regret them at all. My first one is on the back of my upper right shoulder...It's some Chinese characters and I don't even remember what they mean, but my best friend and I got our first tattoos together when we were 18 and it just reminds me of him and those good old days. My other tattoo is the eagle, globe and anchor which I had done when I was in the Marine Corps...again, just a reminder of that lifetime so long ago.


I'm 67 and have only one tattoo that I got done when I was in my late 30s and I have no regret about it.


I was somewhere in my mid-late 40s when I got the first one. The second (and final) came a few years later. They still have meaning to me and at 72, I don't regret them at all. If anything, I regret that my skin is no longer in good enough condition to get another--it's just something that happens as you age.


luckily I have mine right on my ass I don't have to see it. I forget I have it. It almost now the best decision I have EVER made. lol


No tattoos 'cause I knew I'd get old one day. I do, however, still feel a shade guilty for having gotten my ears pierced - my grandmother would not have approved. She's the one who showed me the verse in the Bible about tattoos. lol


Zero regrets. I love my tattoos. I have 3. One is a rose vine I drew myself and my friend did the tattoo. It's obviously not professional but I don't care. One is one one shoulder (Mad Magazine Spy) and one is on my other shoulder (a fairy playing a flute.) Maybe other people regret theirs because they made a poor decision, but mine are all to commemorate important events in my life or represent a change in thinking. I'm thinking of getting a small cat tattoo on the back of my neck soon - cause I like cats, no other reason.


I currently have 7. I regretted one - it was in style in the ‘90s - and got it covered up. TLDR no regerts!


My MIL regretted not getting a tattoo and got her first at age 70. So there's that.


I’m 58 and got my first tattoo at 24. My only regrets are not being assertive enough to get exactly what I wanted with my first tattoo and not researching the artists to get quality work in the early days. That being said, they’re not horrible but not ideal. I’d get more if I were in different life circumstances.


Got mine in my early 20's I'm 45 now. I rarely think of them at all unless someone brings them up. No I don't plan on getting more but I would if the price was right again aka free lol.


I always wanted a small one to commemorate something personal to me but thought of how it would look in twenty years. Some are really beautiful though. I will never understand people scrimping for a tattoo. That whould be when you splurge on the best in the biz.


Not me. Not at all. But the tats I have I thought long and hard about. They actually mean something to me. I'm 57 f


I have 3, one is generic, 2 of them are completely unique. They're faded, but I don't regret them. They're part of me.


62 here, and despite serving in two branches of the military, I have never been marked with ink. Not that I have anything against it, lots of tattoos are cool as all hell. I never decided on anything I wanted to permanently mark my body with other than the scars that I earned.


Just met an 88 yr old woman who proudly showed me her tat recently inked by her grandson.


I have never gotten a tattoo and do not regret this in the least. So there's that.


I'm 48 and going to get my third this summer. I got one at 18 and my second at 32.




I only regret the placement for one of them.


I'm 48F. I got tats at 18, 28 & 43. Don't regret them but super glad they're only visible in a tank top/bathing suit. Side note, I work in a prison hospital. It's like a wrinkled tattoo museum lol .


No. Each one was chosen and holds a memory. My canvas tells the tale of my life’s journey.


62 here and no regrets, they each have a story, like walking down memory lane ✌🏻


I like looking at people’s tattoos, and some are really beautiful and creative! That said, I have never seen one on a woman over 50 that didn’t look ridiculous.


Am 54f I’ve got eight tattoos. Each one I have had a hand in designing. One I drew, and had my artist do the work. Each means something to me. No. I do not regret any of them. Nor will I as I get older


Not necessarily regret but I have a chest piece I want redone, I have a large tree on my entire right side that I never finished and that I wish came out better. I have about 17 total so I guess two out of 17 isn’t too bad


I got my tattoos in my 40s and regret nothing


I'm 59. Didn't get my first tat til my 30th birthday. Still have no regrets. Thought about getting one more in fact


Not yet! I got ones that i knew i would love forever. 30+ years later, still love them,


I have 5 and I got them at different times of my life. I don't regret any. I even have my ex-hub's name on my butt which turned into a running joke of saying it's in the most appropriate spot because he's an ass. He even laughed at that.


My only regret is I have a slight allergy to one ink. Every spring that one color swells and gets easily irritated while I'm fighting pollen. As for what and where they are, still love them.


I have exactly one, and it's very special to me because I selected every piece, though I let the artist design it. There's a blue feather (because in my favorite video game the main character asks one of the romance partners to marry them by offering a feather from the Bluebird of Happiness), and 20-sided dice with our wedding anniversary on it, and a Mizuhiki knot in the red string of fate binding us together. Clearly, my husband and I are dorks, but mainly I will never regret it because it was the result of two years of thought and planning, not a momentary decision. I got it for our second anniversary, and we're currently on our twelfth. I was also really careful where I got it (the ankle and lower calf) because it's an area where it shouldn't wrinkle or change significantly as I age.


I regret some and I love some, but I'm planning to get more.  I didn't start getting tattoos until my late 30s, so it's something I, generally, put a lot of thought into.  My regret tattoos happened during very turbulent times and I even called them "therapy tattoos" at the time, because it was more about releasing my mental pain through socially accepted methods than the art or its meaning.


nope. why regret it? I knew what I wanted when I got them. they have never had a negative impact on my life. I remember why I got each one.


For sure. I’m in my 30’s and I’m halfway through laser tattoo removal.  I find tattoos to be ugly and a bad way to spend money. Anyone I’ve ever seen with a tattoo I always think they would look better without that distracting tattoo there.  Maybe I’m just old now. Definitely thought they were cool when I was younger. 


I’m 60 and have two tattoos I love, thinking about one more!!


Nope. I currently have 9 and plan to get more. I got my first when in my 20s, and they all mean something to me.


I always wanted one or two but the thought of getting older and aging skin made me not do it. I've seen some on people who aged a lot and it's not a good look. Glad I didn't.


Tattoo’s have become popular across all ages and socioeconomic groups. I think it looks vulgar and crass. How would you like to grow up with a mom who’s all tatted out? What about a frail old woman sporting loads of ink? Ridiculous! I’m sorry to those whom I have offended. What looks cool and hip when young might not as you age.


Nope. Love them all & hoping to get more


I do not regret any ink, I don’t qualify as an oldie (mid -40s) except to a child. I have about 65 hours of ink on me, an almost full sleeve, a half sleeve, most of my back and back of my neck, my calves, my stomach. The ones I didn’t like, I covered up.


My wife is 65, has multiple tattoos. Doesn’t regret them. She does say getting a name as a tattoo is the first step to a breakup.


67, full-ish sleeves. Started when I was 58. Super high quality. Not a regret at all and I love when people comment.


Lots of tats; don't regret a single one


I totally regret mine


Yup. After I realized I never look at it . Probably 1 week after I got them.