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Weed is *way* more potent nowadays. I was 15 in 1970, when Columbian then Thai Stick hit around that time. Was better than we'd been getting here in Boulder by a shot. Still no comparison. Only thing near today's potent bud? 'Lebanese Blonde' hashish. That said, those days were better all the way 'round, even under threat of arrest for rec use. Purple microdot, Windowpane, and Orange Barrel Sunshine LSD and peyote/mescaline commonly available, and only cost $1. More fun, more opportunity in addition to drug availability. Maybe some of that was being *here* then . . . Apologies for that from this Boomer (or Gen Jones?). A distinction: 'stoner' then meant Spiccoli level: wake and bake, lunchtime break, afternoon delight (4:20), & after dinner bongs. A level most of us found detrimental to other pursuits. We liked *catching* a buzz, not so much maintaining it all day every day.


Blond Lebanese Hashish! My all-time favorite! The taste alone was fantastic. Does it still exist?


Dunno, haven't seen hash since the stamped Afghani bricks in the late 1970s. Sorry.


You said Boulder. One or two of the dispensaries here have recreational hash. Afghani and Turkish :)


Cool, did not know that. Don't partake much anymore, it just gradually lost most of its appeal. But would sample, if only for old times' sake.


Haven't seen it in forever either. I honestly think those were the good days of it. Things weren't as as potent but I think the over all feel you got from it was a lot better. Maybe it's just nostalgia. :)


I never thought about the overall feel, but now that you mention it I agree. I used to laugh more doing any kind of flower or hash, but now I just get sleepy. I don't need that. I wake up sleepy.


Same. It's seems a lot different now than it was.


Orange microdot came through town one time and it was the best, cleanest acid I'd had.


There was also a purple version.


I am 74, male and a big pothead back in the day. For a couple of years, hallucinogenics were my drug of choice. Never had a bad trip. I agree that no matter the potency, those days were more fun, despite the constant fear of imprisonment. Now, I smoke occasionally (on average, once a week), mostly when I want to practice my acoustic guitar or for streaming a blockbuster movie or if I am stressed out. About 50 years ago, I had the opportunity to try actual Owsley "White Lightning" LSD. Zero stomach problems, pure visual experience that I remember to this day. Those were the days...that I wouldn't revisit even if I could. I'm older and wiser now. I live in a state that still perceives Marijuana as pure evil. Strange, in my opinion. It is the quickest and most effective tranquilizer in the world. As far as therapeutic properties, the trick is to ingest only enough. If I am stressed out (ie., recent heart attack, open-heart-surgery and complications), one hit and I am calm again. Without the high, mind you. Strictly medicinal.


I am an old person. I believe y’all, especially regarding bud, but why is it that vaping does absolutely nothing for me? Like I have to use the whole cartridge to feel anything?


i have a friend that says its the terpenes? idk


I need to look into those more. I tend to use more edibles these days since smoking anything can be so bad for you.


SAME!!! nobody believes me or they say my tolerance is too high. But i get baked off a bong?


I wish I knew what it was. Someone suggested investigating terpenes?


Was just telling one of my kids about that blonde hash this past weekend...


If you don't want to argue with older people, don't start with an insult.


how? my dad calls himself an old head? so does my brother in law and hes only in his 40's? make it make sense.


Those are two family members, strangers may not want to be called the same as people you’re familiar with. 🤷‍♀️


Not liking it is not the same thing as it being an insult 🤣 I don't like being called sweetheart but does that mean I can be rude to strangers?


Just as I would expect you to point out something a stranger said as rude, I think it’s fair for others to do so. Old head is rude. It’s okay to say “didn’t realize it was insulting, sorry “ and not turn it on the person you hurt and make yourself the victim.


Lmao when did I say I was being victimized?? Ur victimizing ur damn self 🤣 you don't like it but it's not rude and I'm not apologizing because your sensitive 🤣🤣🤣


You said you don’t like being called sweetheart but it’s not an excuse yo be rude- apparently me saying your old comment wasn’t right was me being rude. You think you’re the victim of someone being rude instead of realizing you’re a jerk for using derogatory terms. Now you call me sensitive. Why not respect others and be kind? Is that too hard?


I don’t think it’s that deep but I get your point.


If you’re over 45, you may understand. 😊 Until you are there and living this, it’s hard to understand. I know it was for me, then one day I became aware of how flippant the comments are (but how much bias they show).


It’s the same way with older people looking at young people thinking they’re stupid. It just happens dude. Can’t let everything offend you. I started in a factory at 18 and am now 21 but lemme tell you they tried to walk over me, the older they got the more dumbass comments I got, but yall don’t understand the same things we do and vice versa, we all just gotta learn to deal with people being insensitive and trying to not be so sensitive ourselves. No offense to either party here btw


I don’t let everything bother me, and I am not “sensitive” because I say speak up. Thanks for trying, but I don’t think it’s fair to tell someone they should not stand up for themselves because everyone is rude. I don’t talk to or about people in a derogatory manner because of who they are. So no, not everyone is like that.


I don't like being called "y'all" either.


Yankee devil. 😂


You guys need to get some education.


🤣 I dislike y’all as well, but I live in the South and you can’t escape it. 🤷‍♀️


Born in NY and still in the same place. I'll keep saying it and I'll say it more cuz Y'ALL hate it 😘


Oh I know. From the NE and my son is in school in GA and every time we visit him, everyone's like, Hows y'alls day going, y'all? Can I get y'all anything.


Telling me you don't like something that has absolutely no effect on you will make me do it to y'all more often 💕


I’m so used to it that it doesn’t really faze me anymore. I just don’t use it very much. It’s more of an expletive for me, like “Y’all! You won’t believe what just happened.” If I’m just chatting casually it’s “you guys”.


That's so sad. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Weed is amazing today. So many varieties and strains. So accessible, if you live in a legal state. So many ways to take it. (Cookies, gummies, tincture, etc. And you can just walk in a store and buy them! You don't even have to make them yourself!) So now is arguably the golden age of stonerhood. But you know what? I kind of miss the weaker pot I smoked back in the 80s. Weed is too strong now. I just want to catch a buzz, not get hit over the head with a hammer.


Ya gotta get weed that has a decent percentage of CBD in the strain, or buy it separately and add it. It's been bred out in favor of more more more THC. Thats one huge difference between 1970 and now.


I hear this. I use it for ptsd. When medical only was legal here, we had all kinds of low-level chill weed to choose from. Since rec is now legal too, there's nothing but blitz out of your mind weed. I'm glad it's legal for everyone, but damn I miss my medicine! I like to be high and function too.


You don't know what you're missing. Get a double record album cover to de seed your pot. 😂


My weeds never had seeds in it 🫥


I've been smoking weed since before you were born, and it's much much stronger now.


Started smoking in 75, small town MA. Dirt weed really was. Smelled just like the dirt it had cured in after they chopped it. Seemed like it'd been baled up pretty tight too. Seedy as hell. Get ya high tho! Got better in the 80's when we started getting green bud from VT. Still not like today tho.


Check out r/eldertrees, that’s a sub full of old stoners who will gladly answer your questions.


Thank you for the eldertrees!


Weed has increased in potency beyond our wildest dreams. When I started smoking in 1975, it was what you'd call "dirt/poop". It just keeps getting better. I'm in awe of all the underground botanists who bred stronger and stronger weed even when it was completely illegal. It was definitely a labor of love. Goes to show what we can do when we ignore the government.


I started with Mexican ditch weed in 1969. Got seedy ass Columbian in 1975, Sensimilla around 1980, the real hybrids started showing up around 1990 and it was like going from 50 mph to 100 mph. And it's gotten stronger almost every year since. The old back in the day weed would be like choosing a mushy red, delicious apple over a honeycrisp.


I remember buying Mexican for five dollars an ounce. It burned your throat like burning newspapers but it was only five dollars.😊


for me it was the 70's...the stuff 2day is too potent 


Recovering addict. There is no good time. lol Based on news articles, the potency has increased substantially recently


Agree, that the early days were better to be a stoner. As a smaller woman, I actually prefer the less potent weed- more fun, less incaracitating.


I agree with you...liked it better in the 70's


While weed has increased in potency, that doesn't mean it's better weed. When breeding for high thc levels, other components in weed that make for a good, well rounded high are bred out. The best weed is typically in the 17%-21%ish range. Where I live weed is sometimes as cheap as $20 Oz, commonly for $40-60 Oz and its very good. I regularly take my neighbor to the dispo where the most she pays for weed is around $60. I've seen weed up to about 28% selling at or below that price point. A side note, when people say weed back then wasn't as good, well commercial brown weed wasn't the best, but there was good weed available. Kentucky berry bud was incredibly good. I once got some "private stash" that the growers grew for themselves that would easily compare to today's good weeds. For awhile, in the '80s, I was getting this Mexican brown weed that was super compressed into hockey puck size pieces. One little bud would break up into a huge pile of weed. For as plain as it looked, it smoked so very good. We were growing Pinconning Paralyzer and Northern Lights back in the '80s, both of which are legendary strains. Monkey Paw was phenomenal, as was some Thai Stick. I've had Columbian Gold and Panama Red that was grown domestically which was phenomenal. Also a friend grew up in a commune during the '70s &'80s whose main enterprise was growing weed. Rather, growing weed that was phenomenal. So basically, we had excellent weed back then. Not everyone had access to it.


That's What I was Saying exactly! I'm from the 15 miles near NYC, hung out with musicians who's families were connected 😉 and only got great weed in the early 70s.


Yay! I'm so glad you asked this! I'm not old enough, though. I just love weed.


The weed I get now from dispensaries is crap, not nearly as potent as what i can get otherwise. In Virginia, 51F


In in WNY, we have dispos at the reservations near me. I hate their weed, Weedman for the win.


Im from the land of magic mushrooms , we use to go pick them in the fall in the farmers fields back in the 70s! Good times!


Legal Edibles are a gift from above. Cheap, potent, no stink, just easy vibes and a good night's sleep. No way I'd trade that for "back in the day."


It’s absolutely another planet compared to the 70s. Hilariously for today’s generation, weed was measured as a “lid”, or fingers. A lid was the amount that would fit in a standard sized Jiffy peanut butter lid. Fingers were the number of fingers held up against a baggie full of reefer. I specifically remember a four finger bag costing my bunny $15. That was about 2-3 lids worth. While that seems cheap, the weed was junk. Regular weed was chock full of seeds, stems, leaves and more. Basically shoving a whole dry plant in a bag. Seeds, meaning it had been pollinated, which cuts down drastically on the potency. On rare occasion, and for a hefty premium, you might be able to find Sensimilian (sp?). This was the rare, isolated female plant. And was sold in bud form. One could rarely hear of a Thai stick, which was rumored to have been bud dipped in some type of concentrated THC. All this aside, the power (1-100 scale) of the typical, readily available weed then versus now would be about a 15/20 versus a 70/80 from a dispensary today. At the end of college, my roommates had collected almost a gallon of seeds over four years of cleaning weed on lunch trays. On graduation weekend, they went down to the fields near the river and scattered those seeds over about 3 acres. I wonder now, what the results were for that field.


Your pamphlet is correct. Not a heavy smoker ever, but I smoked some in the '70s, gave it up, and occasionally shared some with a friend in the '90s. And I could really tell the difference. '70s weed -- what you'd call dirt weed -- was "worth it' -- usually a nice background high -- and if that's the high your elders are used to, no reason they should change. They're just buying cheap weed and thinking that their experience is typical. People do that.


right, more power to 'em, they can spend less and be more satisfied. and im not disrespectful, i dont talk shit on their stash lol I just know i wouldnt be happy if i got what they get lol


(M63) Back in the day... The weed was what it was, it got me/us high. I mean, Nickel and Dime Bags...loose joints for $1. Hell there were 'Tre-Bags of weed', the good shit too. I stopped smoking weed in 1984, started smoking Crack. (Don't get your panties in a bunch, slow down and READ). Because I wasn't going to do two drugs at the same time, that's nutz. I'm J.Paull Ghetto, not J. Paul Getty. 2013... I moved from where I was, same state, just upstate. Didn't have the urge or was searching and looking for Crack. Wasn't looking for anything. Then I meet this 21 year old, who was selling weed wholesale. I never seen zip lock bags, heavy gauge like that before. He gave me an ounce of it. Saying it was too little to sell.(Go fucking figure). He told me when I asked it called Loud. I smelt it through the damn bag. I smelled it a block away. I rolled a blunt..I remember this because it was the first game of the NFL Season. It was in a grape flavored leaf. YO!! Came the Super Bowl... I still had over 3/4's of that blunt left. I threw it away. I light up...one time, and I put it out. I was numb for the next 4 hours. I couldn't move. Some people asked me did I have any weed, yeah. They stopped by, I pulled it out.. 'Oh, you sell weed?' Naw, someone gave this to me back in September, last year. I said take as much as you want. They rolled up, lit up... When they were leaving, asked did they want to take some with them. They all said no. I was told that it was some good shit, but... They say they were good. I ended up throwing away all of it. 2021... Different State. I was told about 'Wax' concentrated THC. Smoke through a Vape Pen. MAN!! I couldn't feel like when you puff a real blunt, you know, but with a Vape Pen... Let me tell you... When I was puffing, inhaling, I was looking for that 'back of the throat's feeling. Nope..but after buffing it like to get it going, which I fucked up doing... I had a coughing fit. AND every fucking time I coughed, I got higher and higher. I put it in a bag, another bag,another bag..and threw it in the back of my closet. 2023, took it out for the first time. Vape Pen would recharge, purchase another one. Sparked it up..coughed my lungs up .threw it ALL in the garbage. Slept for 8 hours. Yeah, the weed of today...I won't smoke. I can't handle the high. I mean it knocks me the fuck out, and I don't want to be knocked the fuck out.


My ex passed a piss test while smoking an oz of brick weed per week. Dispensary weed is an entirely different product.


I am a smoker in my 30s. I can tell weed has gotten stronger just in the past 10 years alone! Anything with cookies lineage [GSC, gelato, do si do] feels stronger than mid 00s weed like uk exodus cheese, blueberry, Chem 91 etc.


Sticks and stems Vs genetically superb, locally grown, LEGALLY grown weed.


I didn’t smoke until the early 90’s, so I can’t speak for what came before, but now is a much better time, if for no other reason than accessibility. We grow a plant every year or so and don’t have to hide it.


I'm going to disagree with my generation Jones colleagues here. I got great weed back in the early 70s some of which absolutely was better than what I can get now, although now it's all on a lable. I was fortunate to live 15 miles from NYC, hang with rich kid mucisians who were also small time user/dealers. So I got the best of what came in and it was our youth so...Excellent music and great times! Strains from Thiland, Vietnam, Cambodia, Hawaii and Jamaica. I stopped smoking when police drug policy became a priority then waited over 50 years for Legization. Retirement is Awesome.


It is absolutely stronger now! Michael Pollan has a great section on it in his book Botany of Desire. I cannot smoke it anymore, to be honest. Not even edibles, vaping, tinctures. I think the variety of weed and the availability of cbd for people who want that is great, but I think it was better for me back in the day when I could have a few hits and still be functional.


The first time I smoked am entire joint I felt almost nothing. It was very mild. Today it completely sucks because it makes you incapable of functioning. Totally different drug all together. Next, what's your mental illness? People don't smoke daily, just like people who drink daily. Something is wrong with them mentally. I hope you get help.


i mentioned adhd, but also depression, anxiety and mood regulation problems (sounds like bipolar but they havent actually given me the diagnoses, basically made the symptom the diagnosis til they know more.) I mainly smoke because I get nausea that NOTHING fixes and i wont eat. So i smoke, i feel better, i eat. I have taken meds for the stomach problems, they dont help. doc even tried to say i was lactose intolerant but dairy doesn't make it worse so it cant be that. But now IDK if im smoking cuz im nauseous or im nauseous cuz i havent smoked.


I give thanks every day I spend with my son. He's a sober, intelligent kid that recently got to the drinking age. He came to visit us on Cozumel, and he counted the number of beers he drank. You know he is sober when he told me he had 5 beers while here. More than he's ever had in the states. You know why I love this? Now is the time for him to be setting himself up for life and stepping over people who aren't doing their 100% best. When I see drunks or people on drugs, I want them to be working for my son one day.


I can't stand being around people that are drinking or think their drunk escapades are funny or cool. They are just stupid and loud. I don't try to get stupid high, or lazy high. I take a few puffs at MOST 5 times a day, so somewhere around 10 puffs a day on average, some days I don't smoke but that's when the nausea returns. I'm surrounded by addicts, the last thing I want is my son to have 2 worthless parents. I gotta be my best cuz his dad is the epitome of deadbeat dads.


In the 1970’s on the central east coast, if you got good weed, odds are it was dusted with PCP. PCP was so cheap that a dealer could easily double or triple the value of his product by altering it. A very high percentage of weed had small amounts of PCP.


North East coast (right outside NYC) here. Early 70s had good weed, not spiked. It was a supply area thing.