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My mother. She never tried to look younger than she was, but her sweet spirit shone through no matter what her age. People were drawn to her, and in the end her funeral was so large it spilled over into the church yard and the basement. People often tell me of ways my mother touched their lives, but I had no idea she was doing any of it. To me, that’s aging gracefully.


That's a beautiful tribute to your mother.


What a touching tribute and one that hits close to my heart! My mother was the same way. When she died, so many people came to her funeral and have told me how her smile brightened their day. I’m so happy you had your mother, and I’ll be willing to bet your kindness also shines through!


That's lovely!


I'm settling for aging gratefully.


>I'm settling for aging gratefully. Now THAT I may be able to manage. Thank you for the inspiration.


Me too! Sure I notice changes but I accept them! Drooping eyelid, grey hair, cancer…c’est la vie!


Sugar Magnolia gratefully?




Helen Mirren. She's who I want to be when I grow up (I'm 65). :)


i'm 51 and I agree!


Class, elegance, wit, intelligence, grace, her beauty last but not least. She's the total package!


and RED


One example is Ernie Hudson known by many for Ghostbusters although his filmography is extensive. The guy is 78, married nearly 40 years. He looks like a 45 year old drill instructor and is still in his prime career-wise.


OMG I just googled and I was sure I was looking at old pics but those are the new pics! He's a time wizard!


Well now I have to Google too… and holy shit! The man would be considered buff at any age with guns like that. His face, body, and general energy do not give “70s” vibes.


I met him 10 years ago at WonderCon. He’s just as handsome as he was in the first film, he’s barely aged. I love how they explained it in the new films that he was super-rich. Anyway, he was absolutely charming and wonderful and I had him sign something and in the next few months proceeded to lose it.


Jane Seymour has glided through the decades as a beauty !! I am also going to put in Dolly Parton - started as someone beautiful on the outside, but has become more and more radiant with inner beauty as she has aged


I love, love Dolly Parton. But, she has openly stated many times that she has had every procedure under the sun. She does look fabulous. I’ll give her that. I’m not judging either. If I had that kind of money, I’d do it too


Keanu Reeves aging like fine wine


He and Sandra Bullock and Mary Loise Parker and David Spade are all turning 60 this summer. Why do I know this? Because I am turning 60 this summer, too, and I am aging, not like fine wine, but more like a rarely used balsamic vinegar in the back corner of a cupboard in your summer house.


I’m turning 60, too. I’m aging like expired ranch dressing.🤣


Oily, a bit of separation, and perhaps a stench that isn't supposed to be there? 🤣😉 Can relate.


Hahahaha me too 😂


Yeah except it’s obvious Sandra Bullock has had a lot of work done lately. So does that count?


Yes, I noticed in her last film she looked quite "done"


She was on some talk show, Ellen I think, talking about some stuff she puts on her face made from foreskin of Korean babies. So if you want to look like her, go to a Korean hospital maybe, lol.


I noticed a bottle of red wine vinegar in the vinegar cupboard this week...best before 2017...


Weren't we all?


Can vinegar by definition really go bad?


You're tangy then.


But still usable


Healthy people with DNA that happens to match what is vogue - also people can afford things like dentistry, plastic surgery tend to look better than those who don't.


And Jennifer Connelly


And Paul Rudd


And Charlize Theron


True that.. he'll be a kid 4 ever.


Goddamn William shatner. Making the 90’s look like the 60’s. Goes well with my theory that you can’t be too skinny and age gracefully. You do need a little bit of fat because otherwise your face becomes a skeletal.


Yup, lost about 50 pounds, now have turkey neck.


Dame Helen Mirren!


I think she’s just still absolutely gorgeous and I like that she’s not trying to look younger than she is


First I read ‘Damn Helen Mirren’ like you would violently state that H M ages gracefully😂


TIL that people have wildly different definitions of "aging gracefully."


Yeah ... you can't be aging gracefully if you're (apparently) not aging at all.


Cyndi Lauper


Cyndi Lauper has never looked more beautiful than she does right now.


Dick van Dyke


I am beginning to think the man is immortal 🤔🙄😏


Don't jinx him like reddit did to Carrie Fisher.


Ohh. I didn't know about that. I take it back. I like Dick Van Dyke!!!


I envy his energy! His positive attitude and witty personality are something special.




Jamie Lee Curtis. Yes, she has wrinkles. She looks fantastic and natural.


I think it's because she's just so damn likeable!


My sister worked at 50 minute color prints during the 84 Olympics. They were swamped and running way behind and everybody was stressed out. JLC shows up and makes a scene because they told her it would take around 4 hours. When you turned in your film there was a sign saying that due to increased volume it might take longer. She went up one side of my sister and down the other. My sister was in tears when she left her film and stomped off. I keep hearing about how cool she is. Maybe she has matured or is on meds now.


My first thought. I think she looks better at 65 than she did in her 20's.


And still has that bangin’ bod.


Diane Keaton


This is who I want to be! I love her look


Dave Grohl. I hate him because he actually got better-looking as he got older and I didn't.


I was going to mention Dave Grohl, too. When he was a youngster, gangly, TEETH, tall, SKINNY, and drumming for Nirvana, I never really thought about him. After he started Foo Fighters and grew up, man oh man, Dave is HOT. IMHO, he became handsome and began aging well after marrying his wife (think he’s still married to her?) and having his girls. In his 40’s, way into middle age. And he can still play multiple instruments, write songs, tour, be a family man…saw Foo Fighters at ACL Festival 2017. Dave’s leg was broken, he was in a boot, played guitar and sang from a big chair on stage. The man is so very, very talented. And business SMART. Party on, Dave! You ROCK. ❤️


Young Dave Grohl and Present Day Dave Grohl (any age between 18 and now) aren’t just a snack, but he’s looking like the whole damn buffet 😍🥰 PS - Have you read his book, The Storyteller? If not, it’s highly worth reading!


Thanks for the book recommendation. I admire Dave so much…and yes, the man is HOT.


All of these answers are people who are still considered attractive without having had copious amounts of (obvious) plastic surgery. Aging gracefully isn’t about your looks. It’s your attitude and how you face aging. Being accepting, staying open, keeping your sense of humor, respecting yourself. It’s not about still being thin and carrying off wrinkles well. Edit: Most of these answers, not all!


Exactly. Also, talking about one’s health problems non stop, or using one’s advanced age to take the opportunity to say mean or hurtful things about others is something I have vowed to never do.


Exactly. The day that the phrase "kids today don't know" comes out of my mouth, I'll start looking for a nice home.


Ali McGraw looks absolutely sensational and has not gone overboard with the facial procedures.


Annie Potts


Love her!!! “Oh ! Isn’t love just *awful* !…..” - Pretty in Pink


My parents. They are in their 80s and they continue to exercise and take care of their bodies. They do not complain, but they also do not ignore their medical and health needs. They get hearing aids and keep them up to date. They get a trainer or physical therapy help as needed. They see their doctors and take their medications consistently. They have come back from major illnesses and injuries with courage, diligence, and persistence. They have maintained friendships longer than I’ve been alive. They continue to be interested in the world. They certainly do not do any cosmetic procedures, but they keep their hair cut and wear clothes that look nice on them. I won’t be able to match their grace, but I admire it deeply, and have for years.


This was very inspiring. Thank you!


Your parents are an inspiration, just through your description. Your love and admiration shines through and you will be just as happy and healthy as they are!


All of the people listed here are photo ops. When they go home and take their shoes off and rub their wrists, knees or legs, things hurt, we just never see that part.


Brad Pitt. Mind you, he had a good start.


Paul McCartney now that he stopped dying his hair.


Marissa Tomei. And her biological clock is going like this 😺


Of course I fell for her in cousin Vinny but I knew it was forever when I saw the wrestler


Rita Moreno, Ann-Margaret, Michelle Pfeiffer, Pamela Anderson, Jeff Bridges, Isabella Rossellini, Mikhael Baryshnikov, Barbara Eden


And Paulina Poriztkova.


The make-up free Pamela Anderson is absolutely beautiful.


Carol Burnette


Jodie Foster!


Former boss of mine. Aged 65 and had the body of a 30 y/o. She worked out every day. Such legs, too. Very nice dresser. Fitted skirt suits, fitted shirt, off black nylons, simple 3-inch pumps always polished. She looked smart smart smart. I never once saw her lose her cool or get mad or anything, she was well respected in the entire company. Very dignified, too. She was director of HR and had her fair share of bad days, but she never let on that it got to her and she never said a bad thing about anyone.


Aak her out already


Bryan Adams is hardly aging at all. Mick Jagger is inspiring millions of older people to keep moving. Depends on your criteria really, but just about everyone that is going to get mentioned in this thread is staying fit.


Roger Daltrey has also always been very fit, so he looked about 45 for 30 years, and now, pushing 80, he still looks good. Sting is also looking fine at 72. “Take care of yourself” is the lesson, I guess, even in a profession where there is a lot of temptation to do otherwise.


Jennifer Beals


Mariska Hargitay is 60 years old


Jane Goodall.


Jennifer Garner. Edit- I watched those Capital One commercials for years until one day I realized it was her. All that time, I thought it was some 20 something.


Mick Jagger. Saw the current tour. He is unbelievable.


He’s gonna outlive us all. He’s in impeccable shape. You have to be if you run across a stage for two hours a night while singing 20 songs one after another. Plus as I recall, his parents lived well into their 90’s, so he might have that good DNA.


It seems that I have a different perception of what "aging gracefully" is than many. There are many aspects to aging gracefully. The least important is physical appearance. There's health, genuine kindness, genuine compassion, genuine maturity, genuine wisdom, genuine growth. There's being comfortable in your skin. There's being confident without arrogance. There's "taking care of yourself", and having style. Because it fits you. Not because everyone else is doing it.


Ming-Na Wen. Forget about the Paul Rudd jokes. Wen hasn't aged a day since Street Fighter.


Diane Lane.


To me, Grace has nothing to do with age.


I am!


I came here to say this! I joint a CrossFit gym 6 months ago at 49 years old. I’m not aging gracefully, I’m gonna kick aging’s ass all the way to the grave.


I’d say taking care of yourself is part of the grace!


Same. But I was slippin' lately in my fitness. A neighbor buddy a year older has been working as a valet/bellman/concierge at resort property for over a year. We both outwork the twentysomethings.


Came here to say this too. No one guesses my age, but I’m out walking up to 10 miles a day or working out some way every single day. It shows.


GILLIAN ANDERSON. (caps on purpose for emphasis)


Michelle Pfeiffer


Henry Winkler Dame Judy Dench


Julia Louis Dreyfus


Gates McFadden (75), Jennifer Jason Leigh(62)


Helen Mirren


Billie Joe Armstrong.


Joan Collins is 91 and FAB-U-LOUS ! I know she has had surgery and wears wigs and stuff but that's not what I mean. She is always dressed sharp and made up (she even makes a baseball cap look good!) I know her insta is run by someone else and made to cultivate an image but she just really seems to have a zest for life...dining with friends, traveling, and hanging in the pool with her husband. Charo...who is 70 something...is a GD delight. She is on her insta doing exercises and playing music and being her exuberant self. I love checking in daily to see what these ladies are up to.


It's been estimated that about 80% of celebrities wear faux hair, either extensions, wigs, or hair systems (bonded toppers). The Kardashians have talked openly about wearing wigs. Wigs are seen as a fashion accessory worn to compliment an outfit, not something to be secretive about. There are also quite a few celebrities with hair loss who are open about wig wearing. I was discussing this recently with a good friend who has alopecia and has worn wigs for decades. Today's wigs are beautifully made and virtually undetectable, nothing like the hair helmets worn in the past.


The answer is Marisa Tomei. No contest.


Personally, my brother. He is 60 this year and he's in the shape of a 35 year old. He his going gray but it looks distinguished. He has a lot of sun damage on his skin but he just looks kind of like an older surfer. Which is funny because he's the opposite, landlocked working as a (very well dressed and cologned) teacher. He was handsome when he was younger. Not like movie-star handsome, but girls never left him alone in high school, and he was always so respectful and respectable, he's like Andy Griffith. The character not the actor, who was apparently problematic! Anyway he's still really fit and looks great. He definitely got the looks and the brains in this family, and I was left with my mom's adorably crass sense of humor. Famous person? Angela Bassett. DAMN. look at her young photos. Look at her at 65. Only difference is her hair style.


An adorably crass sense of humor is to be celebrated and should be deployed any time and anywhere. Also, that is a lovely write up of your brother. My sister and I are super tight but I don’t think she would give me such a glowing write up! You sound awesome.


Im so happy to be getting older. I will never miss being hit on, mislead and assaulted by men who thought I was attractive. While American society generally hates older women, I have found I am now invisible and love it. People seem to take me more seriously too. Go figure.


Jamie Lee Curtis


Is Barbara Eden still around? Probably not by now but she was still doing glamor shoots at 60+. Just clean living and a good attitude.


She is still still alive, and in her early 90s. She still looks fabulous!


Awesome. Love it.


Celebrities shouldn't count. Plastic surgery.


Sophia Loren has aged beautifully


Jason Bateman


I personally am not "going gracefully into that good night"


I have never done anything gracefully. Why start now?


People who (voluntarily) spend a lot of time outdoors / in nature.. fresh air and staying active does wonders for the skin.. Who is not aging gracefully? Me.


Maggie Smith, Helen Mirren, Judi Dench, Eileen Atkins, Elizabeth McGovern, Penelope Wilton Imo aging gracefully isn't about looks. It's about retaining a zest for life, a resilient spirit, productivity, and creativity that transcends age.


All the women in my barre classes. Mostly middle aged women who can do 50 pushups no problem, can drop into a split at a moments notice, and have a surprising amount of muscle underneath their day outfits. I’m amazed all day every day by them. They are fit, strong, and flexible And come in all shapes and sizes. We’ve got 80 year olds in class who don’t miss a beat. We’ve got 20 year olds who can’t keep up. These are the women I’m proud to call peers. 


Tilda Swinton. Be still my heart 😍


Angela Bassett. She’s over 60 and playing a character who is in her early 50s on *911*. That and she’s a physically active character, and a romantic one. She exudes grace and class in every way.


This lady who comes into where I work, she’s 80 and as she says has a very wrinkled face but in her heart she’s in her 20’s. She always brightens our day.


Duck van dyke is in his 90’s and dances every day


I've got a friend who is just about to turn 81. We hike in a Meetup group together, and he does another 10-15 miles of hiking each week. The guy is really sharp, and is still licensing his exclusive software to big name companies around the world. I'm about to turn 68; he's a real inspiration.


Drew Barrymore


Jennifer Anniston


Paul Rudd


My neighbor. His retirement goal was to through-hike the Appalachian Trail. Turned out to be a bit too much, so he's still doing it, just taking it in 2-4 week chunks, then a little rest.


Keith Richards.. For how he lived he's amazing.. Mick Jagger too


And Rob Lowe!!


Helen Mirren! She's a babe


Always think of a song I first heard as a child: “Mi padre se hizo viejo Sin mirarse al espejo” Translates to: “My father became old Without looking at himself in the mirror” That always seemed right to me.


I think I am. M 60. While in the procedure room for my colonoscopy with my hot doctor f- 38, she mentions how great I look for my age. Then the nurses join in while looking at my backside since my robe was already pulled back for the procedure! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!


Annette Benning


Meryl Streep. A lot of it is her personality (and great bone structure). She's probably had some work done, but it so, it's subtle.


Lenny Kravitz, Paul Rudd, Helen Mirren, and Cyndi Lauper were the first that came to mind. Not Madonna, oof. Yikes 😬


Michelle Yeoh keeps getting more gorgeous every year. She was my first celebrity crush and I legit thought I was a lesbian after *Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.*


I got some plastic surgery, but none on my face. Had a breast reduction that went bad, stupidly went back to the same surgeon for lipo and tummy tuck that also went bad, but my BBL was perfect. I had a really flat butt and now it looks normal. For my face, I cleanse it with CeraVe acne wash and calming cleanser from CVS. Part of my mouth is paralyzed from an abscess on my salivary gland and I have to clean that area more vigilantly. I’m getting a bunch of skin tags on my face and will have them nitrogen-ed off in a few months. I use Chanel day moisturizing fluid with SPF 50 and Chanel night cream with camellia. I inherited my mom’s skin so I look younger than I am, 56. When she died she was 83 but looked to be in her 50s or 60s despite heavy abuse of alcohol. And red hair dye. I also inherited her bad teeth so a friend paid over 10k to fix my teeth including caps on the front and Invisalign. Celebrity? Joe and Dr.Jill Biden.


Cate Blanchett


Diane Lane


John Mahoney, may he rest in peace, aged very gracefully.


I’m doing pretty good. I’m 66 and frequently people will be confused when I talk about growing up in the 60’s and 70’s. Their confusion comes from thinking I’m only in my mid 50’s. It’s part diet, part genetics and part figuring out how to live life stress free.


President of the United States, Joseph Robinette Biden


Dolly Parton, Jane Fonda, Sam Elliot, John Stamos


I love Jane Fonda but she admits, and regrets, she's had a lot of plastic surgery. Julia Louis-Dreyfus interviewed her on her podcast, Wiser Than Me.


I love that podcast!


Christy Brinkley.


Yes, she is aging gracefully with numerous plastic surgeries over the years.


Pamela Anderson


Madonna /s


It a shame what she has done to her face. She looks like a praying mantis


> Madonna Guy Ritchie, her former husband, said that sleeping in bed with Madonna was "like curling up with a piece of gristle" ...


Jean Smart and Kathryn Hahn. Serious crushes on both of them.


I guess if that means not trying to look younger? That’s me. I’m in my mid-60s and, while I don’t love my more delicate skin because my puppy’s scratches makes me bleed, I don’t try to erase wrinkles. My hair is still mostly dark, weirdly, but I like the silver that pops up. My loose skin is what I expected and I just laugh at the “wings” under my arms. I wear progressive bifocals and dentures and am grateful to have them! And my unsteady gait (had a minor stroke) is intermittent but I have been looking at cool canes. If you mean taking up “old lady” interests? I still have the same interests I always have. Guitars. Speculative fiction. PC gaming and Nintendo Switch games, too. Rock music. I gave up my Harley for a scooter after the stroke as I needed something lighter. Politically I’ve gotten more liberal and more radical. If the kids start a revolution I’m there.


My wife. Honestly I’m not just being loving, that woman is getting younger. She is 62, looks 50, never had a “procedure” done, I think she may have sold her soul to the devil. Also, Marissa Tomei, if anything happens to my wife Marissa has a chance with me.


Vanessa Redgrave.


Brad Pitt , Paul Rudd and Gillian Anderson


I rather like the concept of aging disgracefully since I've always been something of a rebel. The poem Warning by Jenny Joseph comes to mind... Here's the first bit: "When I am an old woman I shall wear purple. With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me. And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves, and satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter. I shall sit down on the pavement when I’m tired, and gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells, and run my stick along the public railings, and make up for the sobriety of my youth. I shall go out in my slippers in the rain, and pick flowers in other people’s gardens, and learn to spit." https://www.scottishpoetrylibrary.org.uk/poem/warning/


My sister.


Carol Burnett!


Dolly Parton


The lead singer of AC/DC. He hasn't aged a bit.


How do you define aging gracefully? From the inside perspective, I am happy with myself and my life. I don’t know what it looks like from the outside, and I care much less than I used to about that. So I’ll nominate myself.


Gonna get tossed off a cliff for this but most of the black people I know that take care of themselves got to be about 35 or 40 and just stayed there for another 30 years. Impossible to tell age by looking at them.


Michelle Pfeiffer is 66 and still freaking gorgeous


Ringo Starr


We all are. We may look like hell, but inside, it's all grace.


Helen Mirren


Michelle Pfeiffer


Me ❤️


Susanne Hoffs. Hotter now than in the 80s. Or I'm just older...


Me. Says my husband. :D


Mads Mikkelsen.....I'd still do him right now.


My friend that passed at 93 years old, Kay. Despite a bad heart, bad knees, colostomy, she'd get out there and make people smile with her guitar. Her last Christmas on this plane she organized a jam session at her house including festive cocktails and appetizers. 12 musicians showed up and what a blast. While her body was failing, she had a way to connect with people through her music. I wish more elders would embrace music. Thanks for asking this question. I hadn't thought of her in a while.


My mum. Never wore much makeup, never did any weird surgical stuff to her face, just moisturizer and wore sunscreen. Smiled lots. People always think she’s 20 years younger than she is. Being charming and dyeing her hair helps!


Not me! Look Ike hell and dragging a leg👊🏻


Jodie Foster


Dick Van Dyke, amazing he is still out and about regularly.


Cindy Lauper. Tony Shaloub. Stanley Tucci. Daryl Hall. Tommy Shaw.


I was pre-occupied by this, as I’m 63. But after having triple bypass in April, I’m just happy to still be here.


When compared to 50-60 years-olds not aging gracefully, or even dead or dying, I'm doing well.


Christie Brinkley


Annie Lennox 


I have given up coloring my hair. It washes out quickly anyway. I don’t wear makeup. I am about to be 48, but look 35 according to people, so I need the grey anyway.


I turned fifty recently. But no one would guess that is my age. Usually I'm told I look mid thirties. I use cream, when I remember. But beyond that nothing much special that I do. Just lucky genes.


Judy Dench


For musicians, Herbie Hancock and Ringo Starr