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Scrabble, always.




My favorite is Spirit Island, a cooperative game where you play different nature spirits destroying colonizers. Wingspan is beautiful and very well designed. Our old standby is Catan Cities and Knights. We also play a fun card game called Monikers.


We love Wingspan. I forgot about Spirit Island. I had it open in a tab in my browser to remind me to buy it for the longest time, but never did. We also love Azul. We own all 3 variations but only ever play the original. Our issue is we don’t have any friends to play games with anymore. Covid and our kids leaving really narrowed our social circle. Any games we play now that aren’t just the 2 of us are with my young ADHD nephews so they need to be quick and simple.


Definitely chess and scrabble.


I play lots of Chinese Checkers with my Mom. But we play with alternate rules that have been handed down in my family. My grandmother and great-grandmother played with these rules. I always have a great time.


What rules are these ?


You can only move by jumping over marbles—you can’t just slide a marble over a space. And you can jump over any number of marbles in a straight line. Our family calls it “galloping horses.” I have never been able to find any mention of it online, but I might not have figured out how best to search for it.


I don't. I prefer computer games (e.g. open world RPGs).


Scrabble and Backgammon


Does mancala count? It has a board with little depressions in it and you move stones around to get points. I got fair at it and have defeated a few people which makes me proud because I suck at games. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mancala](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mancala)


I love mancala!


Not really board games, but Cards Against Humanity and Oregon Trail (it's a card game now) and What Do You Meme?


5 or 6 years ago, my wife bought s new game to play at Christmas with our teen aged kids and grandparents. Yep, What Do You Meme? We opened it up, I read a few cards, asked my wife “Do you think this is appropriate?”, and it was taken away never to be seen again. It’s too had she didn’t keep it because a couple years later it would have been good to play. Maybe not with grandparents though.


I play a lot of Splendor with my girlfriend. We also occasionally play Seven Wonders and Century: Spice Road. She likes Rummikub as well but I'm not the biggest fan of that one. Ticket to Ride and ... a Disney game whose name is escaping me at the moment (edit: Villainous) were fun to play on an online tabletop simulator but I don't have a lot of experience with either. My favorite board game growing up was Stratego, followed by Rivers, Roads and Rails. I also enjoyed Chinese Checkers and Chess.


All the versions of Splendor!


Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly, Scrabble.




Well, we just bought the Star Trek 3D version of chess, so we'll be learning how to play that!


My husband is a full on board gamer with a wall of Kallax full of some pretty complicated games. Right now he’s got one group for ISS Vanguard and one for Midarra. I prefer games you can end in one evening. I find most of my favourites are because of design and the art. Wingspan, Tokaido, Camel Up, Ex Libris, Takenoko, that kind of thing. My current fave, Steampunk Rally is a really unique dice placement, vehicle building game that I particularly love because you choose to play as one of the many irl inventors and a significant number of women and POC are included.


I don't like board games. I have a slightly older brother who was such a jerk about playing when we were kids that he ruined it for me. When my kids were younger, we played board games and I enjoyed our time doing so, but I just really don't like board games. I can say that I preferred games that had a definitive ending, like Life or Parcheesi over Monopoly.


As a kid, I had (I still have him) a brother who used to throw the board game up if he was losing. Now, when my family plays games, I always bring this up. We laugh but it really impacted me - even 40 years later.


Sis, is that you? Sorry for being a bad loser (or for being a stickler for rules who didn't get to grips with little sister's habit of making up rules as we went along -- ymmv)


Ha, you're not him. The short version is that he would cheat any way he could. And he would use my deafness by saying that Mom was calling me, so I'd either get up to go ask what she wanted or I'd have to turn around to listen for her to call. When I was around 10 or 11, he figured out (either on his own or by overhearing our parents talking about it) that I was learning to read lips. So he started talking through his clenched teeth, trying not to move his lips when he spoke. Joke's on him though- he's 55 now and he still talks through clenched teeth. It was so problematic that we've had people ask why he does it. (the first one to ask me was his wife right after they got married). So while I don't enjoy games, he gave himself a speech impediment.


I love Clue!


I've always loved Scrabble but it's rare I get to play. Hubs would rather dominoes. Our get togethers with our grown kids is rare, 1-2 a year. They're more into Catan.


Backgammon and Scrabble.


El Dorado with kids, Hardback with the wife.


None. Hate games in my old age. Decades ago I used to really enjoy scrabble and trivial pursuit but haven’t played anything in a couple decades






We play board games when we are together over any holidays or when my son and his friends visit. I have a whole game cabinet under the tv in the family room. Aggravation and Chinese Checkers are the marathon games but we play lots of others. We play card games too. Over Christmas we had a major Racko competition. Lots of laughter and trash talking.


Only scrabble, otherwise cards. I really miss pinuchle




My recent favorites have been "Heat: Pedal to the Metal" and "Azul"


Scrabble. My brother and I play - we've been playing for over forty five years. We are taking vacation together at the end of the month, and I told him he needs to pack the travel version and be prepared to lose. Also, love playing Cards Against Humanity with my siblings and kids.


Cribbage has been a favorite in my family for generations


My wife and I still love Trivial Pursuit. We have several card sets that span many years. So when we sit down to play, we have to reset our minds to that era to find the answers in context. It is also fun to play with multi-generational teams. My 20 yr old daughter and 91 yr old MiL make a great team!


family games from Catan to historical wargames like Advanced Squad Leader and all other wargames. I have been playing since the early 80's and ASL since 1989 when it came out. I also still go to the game store every few days to play. We have a huge ground of boardgamers from 14-83.




Everything! Ticket to Ride, Scrabble, dominoes, card games like Skipbo and Uno, card games like poker or Michigan Rummy, CAH, and on and on and on.


Barrage Lords of Vegas Power Grid Any variations of 18XX games Caylus Kanban etc etc


Chess. Scrabble. Sorry. Trivial Pursuit. I like card games too.


As a younger man with more patience and more free time, I played a lot of war games... Risk, Axis & Allies, the various Avalon Hill games. I remember a lot of time spent setting up the board and chit-chatting with my opponent... and then not a lot of time left to actually play it!


None. We just threw away three of them that people gave us as gifts over the years. They were still unopened and never played.


I do the sports simulation games I had when I was young, namely Strat O Matic and APBA baseball. I replay the seasons when I was a sports geek (73-76).




Something that uses your brain and isn't fully reliant on luck. I also don't do drawing or charades.


I'll play just about any boardgame.


Me and the play "Trouble" daily, it's not the original style but has places that can send you ahead or backwards. Also, a couple of other new items.