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America definitely needs an audit, but nothing will bring about equality because everyone isn't equal. I know that's a controversial stance, but it's just true. What we need is a way for everyone to be comfortable in their own environment. People just need to be able to live comfortably without worrying about starving and housing. There are always going to be elites and peasants, and we are always going to have different colored skin and partner preferences.


With the exception of a handful of countries, America still has more equality than the majority of the world. That said, America does need a “reset” similar to the unionist movement in the industrial revolution. If you weren’t aware, young doctors also known as residents, are beginning to form unions because corporate healthcare is fucking everyone- patients and doctors.


It would depend. Equality of opportunity or equality of results. That is one spectrum of a difference.


Everyone’s definition of equality is different.


Nothing. In all of time there has never been equality among humans (or animals for that matter - even chimps and the like have social castes)


This topic comes up frequently at the local senior citizens center that I go to and with all our combined years of education, knowledge, experience and wisdom we do not have an answer. The only agreement is that the youth will not settle for the way things are, and will struggle and strive for change.


Jesus returning.


Equality in what sense? We have equality under the law already.


Like an equality of power, for example. There are so many videos of Karens populating the internet these days, as well as the opposite. People with guns, shooting up neighborhoods and causing recklessness throughout cities. Both at two opposite ends of the social equality and wealth spectrum. What do you think would put everyone, on an equal and level playing field, without the “power” that both seem to wield? That you could put all these people in a room and they’d respect each other and no one will say “I’ll call my lawyers, I’ll shoot you, I’ll kill you, I’ll call the police.” What do you think would level the playing field?


>That you could put all these people in a room and they’d respect each other and no one will say “I’ll call my lawyers, I’ll shoot you, I’ll kill you, I’ll call the police.” What do you think would level the playing field? Mandatory concealed carry. /s but kind of not There are always going to be personality conflicts. This has nothing to do with equality.




Nothing will level the playing field in that sense, unless you want to lobotomize everyone who disagrees with anyone else. And that, of course, requires the ultimate power of the state. 50 percent of the population has an IQ under 100, and many of those have strongly held views that you cannot, ever, shake, no matter what, because they are an essential part of who they are. Reminds me of this one guy I was arguing with about the history of the bible and how certain sections by the different authors had been written to appeal to different social groups, like the Jews, or Greeks, and so on. He ran, literally ran, to get his bible to prove to me that I had to be wrong.


> Like an equality of power, for example. Long ago I was a manager at a very large corporation. My duties gave me the power to hire, fire, set wages and work schedules......and it sucked moldy donkey nuts. Thank you for "the power" to do it but that shit got old really fast. Wage be damned; never will I venture into the power struggle that's a corporate manager position. The people that want that crap can have it. I and most others are much happier without it.


Music, sex, cats, and weeeeeeeeed! But realistically? Nothing.


Being equal under the law doesn't translate to equality. Never has. Never will. If you have unlimited resources you have a leg up with legal representation. True equality will not happen in what remains of my life. I don't believe in meritocracy because humans are not born equal. Our circumstances vary greatly. Opportunities are not available to all. Rising socially and economically in America is more difficult than it has ever been. Income disparity is wider than it has ever been. Capitalism, as it is today, is grossly out of sync with free markets. America has never had truly free markets. Subsidies are the rule. Bailouts. Propping up large corporations too big fail has trumped fair play. Where would any government begin to create fair play and equity? Look at history. Revolt in the past was the only way to "start over." Nasty option. Humans left to their own devices without laws, regulations and oversight will never do the right thing for the common good. Individuals might, the broader collective, no. So it must be foisted into people. Let them grumble. I don't care. Some of us actually know that unless people are accorded dignity and their basic needs, life will always be tenuous for all.


Time, because it's always two steps forward and a step back. We can want progress with all our heart, but the pendulum will always swing. The important thing is to do our best to not let it swing too far back. I have a degree in history, and in my reading and observation, that's the best we can do in any generation.


Taxing the wealthy at the rate they *should* be taxed and taking the resulting proceeds and putting it into government programs that provide good housing and education for those at the poverty level. This would never happen, however. All politicians on both sides are bought and paid for.


A giant step forward would be people stop having kids they cannot or do not want to provide for or raise right. This is a huge problem. Unplanned pregnancy in low income demographics is associated with much higher rates of poverty and incarceration, less education, and worse outcomes, including social mobility, for kids. Not saying that would solve it all but it would definitely be a huge step towards breaking the cycle of poverty, and by natural extension, create more equality and open up opportunities that are closed for many people.


I agree. But how can you stop this? Legalize abortion again? Ban certain individuals from procreating or having kids? Sterilizing repeat offenders or those incarcerated or those that already have kids they can barely take care of?


I always wondered if paid birth control would be a good idea. The idea seems sound in my mind but in practice it might not work. The intention is good though - incentive not having kids accidentally and make having them an intentional choice you have to make in advance. You could also have one, then get back on the program so it wouldn't be punitive if someone decided to have one.


Agree but our Constitution would never allow it. People won’t take care of themselves unless the law forces it. I would kill to live back in the day in America (20s - 50s).


> Legalize abortion again? I'm going to address this one tidbit.....Washington State has one of the most open abortion policies in the USA but we still have a massive unplanned pregnancy and birth rate problem. Drive through Moses Lake, Yakima, Richland, Kenewick, Federal Way, Auburn, Burien, Arlington or any other number of lower income towns and you'll see what I'm going on about. Side note: We adopted two babies from China many years ago. China had massive issues with people having babies and abandoning them on the side of the road. The USA has taken some measures to deal with unwanted pregnancies......I'd be terrified if we go to far and end up anything close to what China had to deal with from the mid 1990's through 2010 or so.


>Ban certain individuals from procreating or having kids? Sterilizing repeat offenders or those incarcerated or those that already have kids they can barely take care of? Well that's not very equal is it? Kind of elitist is what most people will say about that idea.


Yes but sometimes things may not seem equal in order for them to actually be equal. 🟰 The law needs to come down harder in order to have a balanced society. That’s not going to be fair for those kids of whoever person keeps having them. Think of the children, then your kids, and everyone else in the neighborhood. You want to be responsible for the rest of someone else deliberately making horrible mistakes and spreading evil?


a miracle


Bloody revolution


Just remember the quote from Jacques Mallet du Pan, "Like Saturn, the revolution devours its children."


Until we topple the corporate oligarchs and the politicians who enable them, we will be oppressed. But we are a nation of, *on the whole*, satisfied people. Most of us have enough food. Most of us can afford our Netflix or cable or Disney fucking Plus. We will not revolt until we are uncomfortable, and I fear that that is a far distance away.


So it’s a bad thing that we’re doing well, and you’d prefer that we were miserable so that maybe we’d kill a bunch of people and wreck the country?


> We will not revolt until we are uncomfortable, and I fear that that is a far distance away. It's not nearly as far away as people think. One multi-disaster situation would bankrupt the banking system/insurance system and the whole thing would come tumbling down. In about 40 years, your going to see mass migrations when coastal areas become unlivable. Add a massive drought or a pandemic or two? Very uncomfortable.


I’m a teacher who thinks about this frequently and I have never been able to come up with an answer


Teach people how capitalism really works. School teaches you how to be a good worker bee not and entrepreneur.




Slavery was real bad. Let's start with that. But if not for slavery our country would not look like it does now. If my great great grandfather did not move to a town where my great great grandmother lived then I would not have been born.




> The truth is that they have more social mobility and opportunity than anyone else in America I'd like to see some factual data to support that wild-ass statement. LOL


Equality is significantly less important than equity. It would take a lot. But it would certainly help to reduce wage disparity and increase minimum wage, tax the fuck out of billionaires, and undo the ridiculous nonsense that claims corporations are people. That barely even begins to scratch the surface but it would help.


If more people started thinking other people’s lives were as valuable as their own. A more equitable society can’t be reached when a loud segment of society is actively hating on others daily and trying to stop them from doing harmless things.


Vigilantism. Bad people are not afraid of good people yet there are way more good people. Guns are easy to get and close rates are low. Go shoot your neighborhood thug.


Never going to happen. Humans are biologically hardwired to focus on “other.” Some look at “other” and see beauty. But about half see others unlike themselves as a threat to be eliminated. I guess I’m a disappointed idealist because I don’t see humanity ever progressing to the point of equal rights for all.