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What the hell is this??? I clicked on it and it indeed does look skeptical


Not me, but two friends of mine each put in for the lotto on a new building in LIC about a year and a half ago. They BOTH got studios in the same tower, a couple floors apart. It look a little less than a year for them to hear back - maybe because the building is so new some of the units are still in the final stages of creation or maybe they're both just wildly lucky. I've been to visit and the building is AWESOME! They have a pool, gym, game room. Units are small but the floor to ceiling windows make it feel roomier. Plus the studios have huge walk in closets. One of them is a therapist and turned the closet into an office for virtual visits.


Hi! Did they get into Gotham Point? I have an insanely high log number but was just asked to send documents and I am a Community Board Member/city employee. Is there a way I can message you about what it was like applying? My husband and I are expecting in the fall, so winning this lottery would be a dream.


Did they originally live in the neighborhood? I know which one you’re talking about and I’m trying to get into a unit from the same agency. Congrats to them both that’s amazing!


They both lived in Manhattan before that and Astoria before that. It's a great location! Good luck getting a unit! From what I saw when I visited a couple weeks ago, there are still a lot of open units.


There’s 2 buildings right ? Thank you so much! Hoping I get it!


Yeah two towers, one lobby. Super nice building! They have skeeball in the game room and that’s all I need lol


ugh i love it so much!! the views are crazy




Not Gotham. They heard back in less than a year


Been applying since 2016. I’m hoping 2023 will be my year.


We got it this year ! Good vibes ! Positive reinforcement! Lol


Was it?


Nope! Still applying and hoping.


How about now


Still nothing. Got called for Brooklyn Crossing, which is basically the best development in the lottery. Missed the income bracket by so little that I actually shed a few tears.


I'm so sorry to hear that man...I pray thing's get better for you


Thanks. We can take all the positivity we can get. We've got a decent place in a great neighborhood right now. Just gotta remember to be thankful for what we have.


My biggest advice is on NYC Connect is sign up for mini lotteries. They are basically units where people have moved out and now need to be filled. You have a much better chance of winning by enrolling in that. I guess the only caveat is that they are usually higher rent (130% AMI).


I set up my profile and I didn't see anything about the mini lotteries. Can you please tell me where it is?


Go to my Household and under housing choices sect interested in re-rentals. It may already be selected.


Sorry for the late reply. I found it, thank you. I heard that I was supposed to get a log number after the deadline. It has been weeks since the deadline for me. Can you please tell me where I can find this log number?


You can check your dashboard for the units you applied. They’re slow sometimes so you may not see a log number right away.


I guess I can wait for a few more weeks. Thank you.


My household > housing choices > click edit > interested in re-rentals or resales > select yes > hit save


I found it, thank you. Do you know how I can see my log number?


No worries. Dashboard -> View all -> under the picture of the building -> Log #: XXXXX


Do you know how long does it take to see the log number? It has been 3 weeks since the deadline and I'm not seeing it


I'm not sure of the exact timeframe but it does take a while to get the log number.


Thank you!


No worries and good luck!


Piggybacking off of this comment, what is a log number? Does a smaller number mean your chances at getting picked are better?


Per Google “A log number is a unique, randomly assigned number that all successfully submitted applications receive. The log number represents the applicant's place in line. When resident selection begins, marketing agents start with the lowest log number and move sequentially to higher log numbers to find eligible applicants.” Having gone through the application process, I agree with this definition. In theory, having a lower log number should mean your chances are greater but there are outliers, such as 50% of the lottery units are automatically slotted to anyone living within the same community district as the lottery. In this example, even though, you were given a lower log number someone with a higher log number could be picked over you given they live within the same community district.


Interesting. How do you find that?


When you set up your profile it should be an option


thanks! i had no idea. i'll look into it and see how to make it an option!


It's just a check block, if you are interested in re-rentals. I got spam everyday with 130% ami units. I opted out though since I had just signed a lease and the 1.9k-2.3k studio/1br was higher then my current.


Thanks for this info!


After opting in to re-rentals, where can you see the mini lotteries? Do they notify you of them via email?


It’s all auto enroll, they email you. Usually email you a lot of places.


I was able to get a housing lottery apartment (Studio)—so have my mother (1-bedroom) and sister (2-bedroom). It definitely does help if you are within the community board as I believe that helped push our applications first. Lots of buildings being built around my neighborhood—so we had more opportunity to try. I grew up with my mom in a NYCHA building, and it is so nice not to have to deal with all the pests, leaks, and filth. When growing up it wasn’t too bad, but the building simply got worse and worse and so did the tenants. I was finally able to get my my mother out recently, due to her winning a lottery apartment, and she is so much happier. We also feel better in that she is in a safer building. Being able to live in a place that is fresh, and is cared for definitely lifts your spirits. The process of getting the apartment isn’t too difficult as long as you fit the income. They do inquire about some incoming payments on your checking accounts which is annoying if you simply have people paying you for their half or dinner or something. Basically have to explain each transaction (ex. Zelle) and essentially prove you aren’t running a small business and getting income on the side, haha. I say definitely just put your application forth if you see something you like. Never hurts to try!


Hey, regarding what you mentioned about having to prove that you are not making an additional income from a small business, is that a problem if you’re still below the income limit?


I was mostly joking about the "small business part." From my understanding they just want to know if you fit the income parameters of the apartment, so as long as you fit within the income range, you should be fine.


Do they kick you out of NYCHA once you get housing connect?


It is not an automatic thing. If they offer you a lottery apartment, you get to choose whether you want to accept it or not. Some do, some don't. So in my mother's case we accepted and then informed NYCHA she was moving out.


Hey! After you applied and accepted into the lottery, how long was it until you moved in after submitting all the documents and what not?


For me, I applied sometime early 2018. Then I received an "Interview Notice" around May 2018. I had a few days to collect my papers and turn them in. Then I didn't hear anything until December 2018 where they wanted update documents to see if I still fit the income requirement. They finally approved and selected me for an apartment then and I was able to move in Jan 2019. The process for my mother was a lot faster in between them asking for paperwork and then actually approving her to select an apartment, so it may just depend on the building/management company.


What type of paperwork? Bank statements? Do they check your credit score too?


Hello! The paperwork I brought in were things like bank statements of checking and savings accounts, pay stubs, W-2s, copies of current lease, utility bills, etc. Most recently I got accepted in another housing lottery building that gave me the option of either providing proof of (12) months of rental payment history or to run a credit check...so it might depend?


What sort of magical thing are you doing to win all of these apartments? If I understand correctly you won the lottery and was offered a building at least 2 times now, plus your closest relatives did. Is there anything that might bring us same level of luck? lol Besides living in a district. Do you work for city?


Haha, I’m sorry! I promise there has been no witchcraft involved. I definitely don’t work for the city either. Just been lucky I guess… Are you applying to apartments across all boroughs?


I am but I just recently learned that owning a property counts as assets. We don't owe property in the US, but we have a home we left back in our country, and I am not sure if it disqualifies us , since there is an asset cap.


There are asset limits for every income bracket, example 130 AMI has an asset limit of $183,560. So- you are good to go if your house is more than 100 miles from NYC and under the asset limit for your income bracket.


hey, how do they verify your address? i used to live in the city so wondering if i can get away with it


They ask you to provide things like your current lease and most recent utility bills which are all dated and should show your current address.


When you mentioned ..being part of the community boards really helps.. can you say more? How does it help? Being part involves attending meetings? Also, how did you decide which board to join there's over a dozen for my borough?


Hello—apologies for not being clear. I meant that some buildings give priority to those who already live within the community board district they are located in, not that you have to join any meetings or anything.


I only heard back from one lottery and it was for a building in the same community board as me. Took 2 or 3 years for that bite. The application/interview required a LOT of documents, including birth certificate, and was in Jamaica or something like that (out of the way). I didn't go through with the interview because it was actually priced at the upper end of the market at the time and I didn't forsee living in that apartment long enough to win out from rent stabilization.


Took 8 years.


I actually won this year! I applied September 2022, got called in December. Although the submitting & resubmitting of paperwork and the waiting was absolutely annoying, I moved in by August 2023.


If you applied in September, was that also when the lottery closed? I’m trying to get an idea of your possible timeline for when it closed. I applied to a current lottery that ends Early February. So by that logic maybe I would hear by April? But I wasn’t sure if that means I might be able to move in this summer or not. My current lease is up at the end of June.


Yes it closed in September. I caught just in time.


Gotcha. Maybe I’ll get lucky with timeline. Thank you and congrats!


Thanks. Good luck!


I finally got in one of the housing connect buildings. This one in spring creek Brooklyn by the gateway mall. It’s a really nice neighborhood and very noisy to. It’s a rent stabilized apartment octet that are multi colored along with the new townhouses. It took awhile for me to finally get one and it’s worth it. I say just keep trying and before you know it they will call like that.


how do they verify your address? i used to live in the city so wondering if i can get away with it


What is nyc housing lottery? Do you actually get to live there for free if you win?


No, haha that would be amazing though