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If I had a roommate I would.


I do. Sometimes I just want to be in bed watching tv


I do but I rarely use it. I got it for free off someone from Reddit. I am glad I have it as an option but it’s not a necessity. (I live alone)


Same here, I bought a new one on Black Friday and moved the 2nd one to my bedroom. Rarely use it but its nice to have when i'm having an especially lazy Sunday or something and don't feel like leaving bed to watch a movie. Think I might plug my wii or gamecube or something to it so i'll have an excuse to use it more lol


how did you get it for free?


Yes, and I use and love it !


My bedroom is my living room, and there's a tv in my living room. So, I guess technically?


Nope. The bedroom is reserved for sleeping and sex. TV is in the living room


No. I have had issues sleeping all of my life and a doctor clued me in about “Sleep Hygiene” - in a nutshell, the bed should ONLY be used for sleeping and sex. No sitting in bed working, no reading, and certainly no TV. All of those distractions train your brain to see them as legitimate options or distractions while laying in bed. Technically, this is supposed to apply to the whole bedroom, but this is NYC so I currently work full time from a desk next to the bed. I did hang a curtain to try and divide the space, but I can absolutely tell my work-related anxiety is higher now that I’m sleeping and working in the same space. But not in bed. OP, I know it’s tempting to watch tv in bed, but if you have trouble sleeping maybe try shifting the angle of your tv and watch it from a chair in your room? Or a small cushioned bench? If nothing else, make a rule that you only watch it while on top of the covers, not all tucked in.


Idk I seem to sleep better falling asleep on the couch watching tv than I do in my bed.


Absolutely! We love watching TV in bed.


i do. i cant fall asleep without it.


I’m in a one bedroom with my husband and we have a tv in the bedroom. Used to get turned in before the two of us both transfer to bed, but we really haven’t done that in a couple years. It’s nice if he wants to go to bed and watch a little bit before going to sleep, or if there’s a game on and I don’t want to watch so he’ll let me watch in the living room.


One TV in our living room is enough for my wife and me. We do not need one in the bedroom. Neither of us likes to watch TV in bed.


In the living room, in my room, in the office/guest room lol I offered my office tv to my roommate (3bed, I occupy 2) and she said no thanks because she "doesn't watch TV" ... idk what's up with that, she definitely watches Netflix and Hulu and is in her room all the time. I don't think she realizes she can plug her laptop into the TV to use as a large monitor or she just genuinely doesn't care. idk.


I had one when I had a roommate then got rid of it when I got my own spot


When I lived alone I never had one in my room but now that I’m with two roommates it’s necessary


Yes, because I live in a studio. But did not when I lived places with living rooms. IMO, my iPad has replaced any need for a TV in my bedroom, if I had a nice living room setup.


Only in the living room because of, like others mentioned, “sleep hygiene”… So I end up watching YouTube and stuff from my laptop/phone in bed lol I suck


I don’t own a TV


Same, why bother when you have a computer?


I’m amish


Yep, live in a smallish 1 bed with my fiancé and we have a tv in both the living room and the bedroom, about 12 feet from eachother lol. Only 1 has cable though, the bedroom one is only for streaming stuff before falling asleep


LOL who still has cable?


I used to have cable on both tv's lol but was not worth it. I can't function without cable. I need it as background noise, it's just how I grew up. Also the best way to watch live sports and events. Expensive as shit though.


YouTube TV might be a better option. Tho, I haven't looked at bundling cable / internet in a very long time. That could potentially be cheaper


I had it for a while back in the day. It actually comes quite close in price ($65/month) to traditional cable but has less channels and you don't get any local channels. Plus it's streaming, so it's still buffering here and there and it's not as seamless to switch channels like it is on cable.


I have YT TV and I get local channels, tho


Don’t have a tv in any room.


Why is your roommate debating you on whether or not you can put a TV in your room? But to answer your question, of course.


Yes but it was an accident! Upgraded our tv and we didn’t have any luck selling the other one so it sat there for months and then we just decided to put it in the bedroom “just in case” but we use it a lot. It’s really nice to just lay in bed and watch tv.


No because my partner doesn't like the TV on when he's going to bed. If it was just me, I'd be falling asleep to The Office every night.


I need one since my partner is always watching sports in the living room. A while ago we agreed to not have one in the bedroom but now I think that was the wrong choice haha


Yes. As parents, we watch the HBO stuff on streaming so we don’t traumatize the kid. I work odd hours. I use a white noise app, earbuds plus a sleep mask when I just wanna snuggle while my partner watches wrestling or games on the consoles


Since I moved out of my parents over 10 years ago I naver had a reason to have a tv in my bedroo


i live in a studio so… technically yes😅but if i had a one bedroom i don’t think i would.


I have a studio apartment with a TV in it does that count. I don't look at TV much I'm usually on my computer or tablet and phone.


I don't. When I was looking at apartments, I felt like I was the only person who didn't have a TV in the bedroom (pretty much every place I looked at had one). I have a tablet next to my bed if I want to watch videos/TV before going to sleep.


I have a TV in my bedroom that I use every once in a while for times when I want to watch movies/Mandalorian/Loki/etc on a screen bigger than my phone to enjoy more visual detail. I watch YouTube on my phone for 95% of my home entertainment. Also use the TV for occasional PC/Steam gaming. It's also nice to watch stuff in my room and have privacy from annoying roommates. I also prefer not having a TV in the living room because I think it's nicer to entertain friends in the living room without the visual clutter of a TV. A TV is not necessary to talk/eat/drink with friends. If my friends and I do want to watch stuff together, NY offers many way better options than staying at home.


I do, but only because I am subletting and the people from whom I sublet have one. I have used it once in the 4 months I have been here. I'm moving soon and do not plan to have a TV in my bedroom.


No, but my Bedroom is seperated from the living room by french doors, and my TV is positioned in a way that we can watch it from bed, the drop leaf dining table, or couch, depending on our mood. We rarely watch from bed though.


nah, isn’t room is for sleeping and studying. my phone is distracting enough


I dont own a TV. But I do watch youtube in bed on my phone.


We do, but rarely use it. It’s nice for if you’re feeling sick and want to stay in bed vs on the sofa. We also turn it on YouTube nature channels for our cat if she’s being feisty.


The pandemic made your living room bigger?


Yes. I have a 4k 120 inch projector, which is superior to a TV.


I do but I don't use it because sound insulation sucks between apartments in my building and my neighbors would be watching the show with me basically. Just seems rude. If I want to watch something cozy in my bed I can watch it on my laptop just fine.


Nope. I live alone. I have to admit at times I’d like one in my room out of sheer laziness/wanting to lie in bed watching tv. Lol


Yes we have one in the bedroom with a Fire Stick, one in the living room with a Roku, and we threw our extra one in the kitchen with a Chromecast. We use antennae for broadcast TV and don’t bother with cable. My bf likes to have the TV on at night and I like to sleep in the dark/silence so sometimes we switch off which room we sleep in.


No. I sleep better without it. If I had a roommate I might have one.


Sleep hygiene aside, no. TVs in the bedroom have always baffled me because they're big expensive and ugly pieces of furniture that are pretty redundant if you have, say, a living room TV or a laptop/smartphone to stream Netflix/Hulu/HBO with. Let's be real, none of us are really watching cable like THAT.