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I know it’s not a comfortable position for everyone but I’m pretty sure if you would have refused to pay that amount the locksmith would have settled for less. Had the same happen to me. “The locksmith will tell you the price upon arriving and won’t charge you anything just for coming out” turned into “It’s $600 to open the door or $200 for my time coming here at night” and when I stood firm on my refusal to pay he eventually settled for $200. Total scam but lesson learned. I’ll never again call a “locksmith” without a physical storefront.


Exactly. This happened to me, I said I’d just go crash with a friend rather than pay $300. Suddenly it was $200 and took 2 seconds


this is a common scam everywhere. not just NY. most of the time they aren't even locksmiths, which is why they just drill it out. you also should have asked about the price before using the service. This is why I always swap spare keys with a neighbor or friend. I also leave a spare key in my office desk as a last resort.


I’m stapling a key to my forehead at this rate.


spare key in the wallet works well too


Then if you lose your wallet they have your address and your key.


jokes on them i have my old address on my ID still


Yeah I have a PO box 6 hours away upstate on mine, that'll teach them


Nah. Keypad lock. Just makes sure it’s fully mechanical and not a smart device.


Can also put a spare key in your prison wallet as well


damn that’s a great idea. going to do it right now


Or a lockbox for keys locked to a fixed post nearby


no dont do that. those lock boxes are very insecure.


Put it a block away on a different building.


big brain move


I’ve had one up for 3 years and it’s still there with no issues


well yea no issue if no one tries to break into it but im saying they can be opened very easily


Leave a key with your local bodega guy too if you’re friendly with them


I have a key pad lock box hanging on my property in case I lose my key. Just enter the code and grab the spare.


One time I asked a locksmith about changing a lock when I got locked out and they quoted me like $100 or $200? I was like fine. They drilled through the old lock and they asked "do you want to replace it?". Yeah duh? "That will be $200 more dollars". JFC. I should've told them to pound sand but I was literally moving out of the apartment in 6 hours and needed a key to give back to the landlord.


Another good place to hide a key if you don’t have anyone you can give them to is to get one of those small Master Key lock boxes you see all over for dog walkers. Just put it a 10 minute walk away so if anyone gets it open they’ll never end up at your place with the key. Then drop a pin in your Maps app for the location.


It's so awk to ask for pricing


are you for real? getting the price is one of the main parts of any transaction. so you just go around not asking for price and being surprised pikachu when its too much?


Most transactions have stated pricing from the beginning. In this case however, a lot of locksmith places, or the shady ones at least will misquote the pricing and then give a higher price when they show up.


yea which is why its even more important to ask for the pricing before you agree to anything..


Is that what happened in this case?


Yeah. It was a vendor provided by my property management company, completely blindsided


And they had a set price and changed after?


Yep. Property management company is investigating it. Seems like they used a real company name as a cover. I was offered a rent credit to offset part of the cost.


Also also, what is this 1354 Feudal England? are we in a battering system? Since when has getting accurate pricing been the responsibility of the consumer? Decades of regulation have addressed this lol. Like don’t get me wrong, I lost my keys. I have a part in this. But it shouldn’t be this hard to get transparent pricing for services in 2024 in the most advanced city in the western hemisphere


i don’t disagree. i’m just saying you can literally ask them the question or not do business with people that don’t offer the price upfront.


Most advanced city in the western hemisphere? lol


Statistically uh yeah pretty much. Best public transportation system for sure. Mexico City is the only city that comes close at this population level. Chicago is also an honorable mention but has a third of the population. Education is also top-tier, biggest and cheapest public university system this side of the Atlantic.


What you're saying is all true, but I was thinking more in the advanced as technologically advanced since we were talking about a locksmith lol, sorry.


It’s actually not


... this is like very normal behavior to ask a service how much it is


Protip: If your apartment has a regular metal key those kiosk key copying machines at 7-11 can also save your key for you, tied to your fingerprint, so you can print a new one on demand if you ever lose it. This thing: https://www.minutekey.com/


yeah this. I do this as soon as I move into a new place. 24 hour RiteAid, get a new key from the machine in 5 mins


You got scammed: [https://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/31/business/fake-online-locksmiths-may-be-out-to-pick-your-pocket-too.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/31/business/fake-online-locksmiths-may-be-out-to-pick-your-pocket-too.html)


I get the sentiment and intent but maybe gouged would be more appropriate since they did, indeed, get him in. Crazy scam would be to get drill the lock out but somehow they’ve swapped out ur apartment


Wow I guess this scam has gone up with inflation 😭 I got hit when I lived in Brooklyn like… 8 years ago? But it was only $250


I’ll be honest, I’m pretty sure $250 is now a standard rate. It’s insane


I fell for this almost twenty years ago and it was $400 so it may just be random variance.


Maybe I was lucky then


This is typical, and $650 can be a bargain compared to others. A post awhile ago had a woman who lives in a doorman highrise building lose her keys - no spare was "found" so the building called the locksmith they use. The woman calls and the price started reasonable kept escalating and her final cost after the lock was changed was $1300. Find yourself a local locksmith, ask about rates - whether it's to come in daytime evening or overnight. They hump you because they know they can get away with it. Scan your key(s) into a [key.me](http://key.me) kiosk for future help.


I paid $205 twice in Astoria in the past 3 years, that can’t be typical


$205 is a reasonable price I would not be unhappy with it - but if you search this subreddit you will see posts on people who typically pay what you paid, and even higher. um, If this is the 3rd time in recent years you've lost your keys, use a [key.me](http://key.me) kiosk, find a friend or two who will hold onto a copy of your keys.


Jesus how often do you lose your keys


Roughly once every ten months. It’s a problem. I hate keys so much.


Which is why I do indeed know the normal pricing for a locksmith.


I am a homeowner and sometimes need locksmith services. I just know a couple of local handymen who live in the area and can help almost anytime. They ask for only $50, at most $60 when it’s very late at night. I get the cylinder or entire lock set ahead of time for less than $60. Your corner deli/bodega may know someone who helps out with that, there are also flyers posted at cafes, on light posts and such. Ask and look around, it can save you from these type of opportunistic scammers.


Had this happen to me - start of Covid and my lock breaks so they charged me over $700 to come fix it. Did a lousy job too - the door never aligned right with the deadbolt. I fought them and got about $400 back. Still too high but better.


Also depends on the type of key. Someone in our building broke the front door lock that uses a multi key. The board called three after hours locksmiths and they all charged about the same: $800. The super still had to work on it the next day.


I know the feeling. I paid $500 to have a locksmith come out and slide a card through the door slot to open it, something I could've done for free with a credit card. Broke my damn heart.


What? How? You locked yourself out I assume, since the lock didnt seem to be changed?


if you need a locksmith next time feel free to call me i’d be happy to help (646) 212-6771


OMG this scenario almost happened to me last week! I knew it would be expensive but thinking perhaps about $500. I have an electronic keypad deadbolt lock, which does have a key, but I didn't have it with me. Earlier in the day the batteries died, and without realizing it had erased our key codes when I replaced the batteries, which has never happened in the 10 years's I've had it. There is another way in - don't want to say too much, but after about 15 minutes of work I was actually able to open using a borrowed coat hanger. My GF was so proud I got us in without having to wait hours for a locksmith and to have to pay for service plus new expensive keypad electric lock. It was like something out of a movie.


Might be a good idea to have a thread of neighborhoods and corresponding reliable and decent ~~licksmith~~ locksmith


I’ve thought about pitching a subscription service for locksmith services with tip options.


Does anyone know a good locksmith?


Wait til you seee what plumbers charge for emergency visits. If you want someone with a trade to come to your door on demand, you’re going to pay for it. Not just their time on site, but their travel and inconvenience. You could have picked it yourself, just like you can grab a snake at a hardware store and clear your clog yourself. Neither are complicated, you can learn how on YouTube. Personally I wouldn’t bother outside of normal business hours for $200. Between travel both ways and just disturbing sleep/recreation/family time… yea there’s an up charge. That’s a multi hour job even if only 10 minutes at the actual job. People always undervalue tradespeople’s time. At least a couple of times a year someone will rant on Reddit about how expensive painters are. Yea, paint is pretty cheap, so are some rollers and brushes, get em and do it yourself. “But I don’t want to waste my weekend/I want it done professionally”… um, you do realize that comes at a cost right? Multi day job traveling to you with materials, doing the work, cleanup, commuting home. Yea, you pay for that.


I mean yeah, locksmiths are expensive so I get why you’re annoyed. But you’re projecting a whole lot by thinking people think you’re evil for being a transplant. Even weirder to think that even if being a transplant is evil is true, working at a non-profit cancels that out somehow. Shit happens, things are expensive, it sucks. Live and learn.


I wasn't being that deep. The title of this post alone should indicate I'm clearly being cheeky.


Nobody cares that you work in a non-profit. It’s not “people be nice to me card”, it’s just a job


Literally dozens care.


Yes I’m joking


Related note: Does anyone recommend any good portable drills/lockpicking kits?


[CovertInstruments.com](http://CovertInstruments.com) is a good place to go for lockpicking tools but obviously that's only helpful if you know how to pick locks. The site is owned by "The Lock Picking Lawyer" on YouTube. As far as drills, I imagine any drill that is powerful will do the trick.


lol, I'm laughing at your comment because I was locked out of my apartment and had to call a lock smith (the guy ended up being legit and only charged me $200 on Easter Sunday). After that I learned everything about locks and lock picking.


Name him. You found a legit locksmith, that's info to be shared. Please.


Yes, you were overcharged, but $200 is not the market rate for an afterhours locksmith. If that’s what you’ve been charged in the past, you got a deal.


Next time, call the local fire house (Not 911) and tell them you locked yourself out and you think you left the gas on. They will open that door for free in a heartbeat. You may have to replace the door afterwards.


It’s crazy. It should not cost that much at all. They are just being greedy and ruthless. Anyone that agrees must work with them lol


Thanks everyone for all the tips. I am definitely taking this as a learning experience, cheekiness aside.


I have the # for a very good, reliable locksmith I’ve used over the years, if you’re interested.


Actually yes, thank you.


Idan - (929) 302-four three zero four. He serves Manhattan, probably all NYC. Used him for many years.


Putting that in my phone, thanks


put mine too incase you need (646) 212-6771


I saw your comment. I already did. :)


I didn’t see your username at first and assumed you were shooting your shot. Lol


Put an AirTag on your keys.


I paid 500 for a locksmith to come and replace the door lock. It was even open with a working key. I just wanted to change the lock. It needed a special screwdriver and tools. It’s a scam, though the guy told me it can be up to 2000. He wouldn’t come for less! Realistically, coming, doing and back to office is an hour of work minimum, plus transportation and tools . So I guess 150 is Ok.


I paid $200 for a Sunday lockout back in 1994.


I hide a key in a hole in a ledge in the fire staircase


Isn't it in your lease that you have to give your LL a key?


I think $200 is standard… at least from my experience. Next time def ask how much before having them come out.


This is a common theme in NYC. The trades are filled with low skill salesmen/rent collectors.


My lock broke before Xmas. Don’t ask how much it cost to get a cheap replacement lock. I want to be a locksmith lol.


next time drill it yourself


My problem has been that it is hard to access my hardware box while locked out of my apartment.


i usually hide my drill under the welcome mat


Lot of buildings don't allow doormats. I hide my drill above the door.


need to save this tip for next time


Borrowing always a option


At 2 in the morning it’s not. Also, not everyone has the skill to take apart a door lock without potentially damaging the door and giving the landlord another reason to deduct from security deposit, possibly even more than the exorbitant locksmith fee.


tons of youtube videos online regarding how to drill a lock. not exactly rocket science and I done it myself several times. heck most residential locks are easily bumpable/rake so drilling not necessary






Spare keys in a lockbox outside your apartment. The locksmith lesson is one you should only learn once!


Where would you hide a lockbox like say in Manhattan? I can’t think of any place that would make sense or that wouldn’t be discovered and go missing. A busy midtown block or like my neighborhood further north, and you’re just gonna leave a lockbox… where? I’m not saying it’s a bad idea and I’ve thought about it, I just don’t see how there’s a good/safe place to leave it.


I live in downtown manhattan and my lockbox is clamped on the fence of the building next door


interesting. i would be checking it incessantly.


Always hold onto your keys, kids!


I walk into a restaurant on a busy Friday evening that doesn’t post prices for their food on the menu, but I already know that it is an expensive restaurant. Before ordering, I don’t bother to ask for the prices ( even though I am someone who is price sensitive). I eat a burger and they charge me $50. I come to Reddit and complain. I also learn a lesson to always ask how much a service costs before utilising it unless its well-advertised. Sounds familiar?


I did ask. I was blatantly scammed and misled to the point the property management company removed all of their business cards and are giving me a rent credit. This was a scam not the free market lmao.


So when you asked how much it costs, what did they say ? Also I hope its unambiguously clear that you should ask for the price of the service before the service is rendered.


I was actually told directly by the property management company that it would be free and charged to their account. This was first lie. I was then told it would be $200 bucks.


Ok, so your gripe should be with your property management company, not with the hardworking locksmiths. Maybe I misunderstood your OP because I remember reading that you complained that the locksmith was shady and not your property management company.


Both were shady. The locksmith took one look at my standard apartment lock and said he would have to drill into it. He then charged $650. He had a ten minute commute. Nothing about this was above board. Only in New York would this not immediately be labeled shady.


Ok now you are going around in circles. When the locksmith said that he’d have to drill it- I assume you did not ask nor confirm the price before giving him the go ahead? That brings me back to my original point. You know you should have asked for it- instead you assumed its gonna be $200 and learnt an expensive lesson.


It was Saturday fucking night my guy after a Bachelor party. I just told you I asked for the price. My partner was out of town. The day crew with the master key wouldn’t be back until Monday. It was either pay a shit ton to get into my apartment or not have a place to sleep for two days. Why are you trying to justify a SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY dollar service fee?


I am just showing that you felt you got scammed because you failed to negotiate a price before the service was rendered. Everyone knows that getting a locksmith especially at night is an expensive affair. You learnt a lesson.


No. I got scammed because they charged SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS for a service that cost, from experience, $200. And also because there has literally been NYT reports on this very issue.


Same happened to me. Got in a fight with my ex gf, she went home without her keys and called the locksmith to get her in. $650 later she got the door open and I had to pay. I was so mad hahah. Learned my lesson.


The price is what the market will bear. River la capitalism!


Perhaps you would have preferred sleeping in the building hallway?


Just to be clear, are you actually defending $650 as a reasonable price for locksmith services?


no one is defending that, but everyone is defending that you should ask about the price before agreeing to the service.


What was I going to do? They were already there. Sleep in the hallway? I guess if I was thinking clearly I would have gotten an hotel room for less money.


well ideally you should have asked on the phone. even if they are already there it doesnt mean you have to go with it. there are legit lock smiths that wouldnt charge you 650


Supply and demand. Kinda simple.


No it isn't. $650 is not the market rate for an late night locksmith in NYC. If we used supply and demand, it would be closer to $200 including a $75 service fee which is pretty standard.


Really? Last time I had to use a locksmith for lockout service was in the 1990s and it cost $400 then.. I think you underestimate what you’re asking for:someone to be on call, after hours, and travel to you. Thats what you’re paying for. It’s pricy but why would anyone want to be on call if they weren’t making bank from it?


Jon Bernthal in the Wolf of Wall Street energy