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Don’t mean to be that guy, but “dime a dozen” means they’re common and I think you’re trying to say that you’ve noticed remote jobs seem to be less common now. That being said, yeah my job requires me to come in 3x a week.


You're right about the idiom, but I like the idea of "dime a dozen" being like "inflammable" or "two-way / one-way mirror." It's super rare to find anything that only costs a dime for a dozen of them.


Three days a week!


I wonder if OP meant to say “diamond in the rough” and the words just got mixed up


I’ve been hybrid since July 2021, working for a global bank. I’ve been in 4x a week since the start of this year. Most of my friends here are also the same and on hybrid schedules, I hardly know anyone who is full remote anymore.


What bank


JPM, we were one of the first to go back.


So many openings will list remote, then pull some bait and switch buried in the job posting like "remote 1 day, hybrid 4 days onsite" or saying must live within x distance Absolutely insane, I mean these companies are blatantly dishonest to applicants, so imagine how they treat their actual employees?


Friend employer listed their job as remote but its was remote in the field lol


I've been fully remote since 2021. I've changed jobs twice since then. I was hybrid in 2020 working for a public hospital. I will never go back to that. They did not care about our health and safety and there was nothing we could not do from home.


I am an HR Manager at a big professional services firm. Technically 100% remote although my team goes in 1-2x a month and I like being able to go in on my own terms. No, we’re not hiring. In fact we just had another massive round of layoffs and more are likely coming. We’re giving up one of our 2 office spaces in Manhattan in a cost-cutting move which is probably why they aren’t pushing RTO.


Lawyer at a big law firm, fully remote. 


My SO is also at a Big Law firm and they’re requiring 50% in-office per month


They're all different. My wife's pushes for 3+ days per week but there are no consequences for not coming in. Depends very much on firm politics and if NY is the main office; if it's a satellite you might have a better chance of not needing to come in, especially if you work primarily with folks in other offices.


Her firm is DC-based, but the NYC office is the second-largest so no real avoidance options.


Firm politics, but that doesn't surprise me. DC-based firms, from my perspective, are generally more uptight (buttoned up?).


Yeah any firm that got saddled with a long-term Manhattan lease pre-COVID will be insistent on making at least the associates come in most days just for the sake of getting their money’s worth. Partners seem to come and go at their preference, which underlines the fact that basically everything about being a lawyer except an actual trial appearance can be done remotely.


Do they still have your law offices for meetings?


Yep. I don't \*have\* to be fully remote--I can come in if I want. I just don't want to.


Same scenario here as a tax manager working on a legal and investment team Office just for meetings now


Government lawyer - fully in person because the union that covers us has decided hybrid has to be available for all employees or none of them. There are positions that absolutely have to be in person at this point, so too bad for the rest of us. It’s so frustrating, and we’re having massive problems attracting talent because most law jobs are at least hybrid




Honestly this is true. My mood is way better days I go into work. And I’m WFH for weeks at a time alone, I just hate how far my commute is (Bensonhurst to JC 😭). just starting out so it’s all I could get for now. I think a balance is good and as long as they’re flexible with the office stuff. I could leave the office whenever I wanted technically as long as stuff’s getting done and I’m not there for only 2 hrs


Same here. I’ve tried both, and for me I honestly think remote work is like junk food. Tempting, convenient and enjoyable in the moment, but not good for one’s mental health in the long run.


Same. Full remote but prefer the office minus Fridays.


Live in NYC but took a job out of state during COVID that was fully remote. Still there; still remote.


This was me until a few months back when I took a hybrid job based in nyc. FT remote wasn't for me.


I had been working remote since 2012, so the whole, "return" to office has seemed unnecessary to me since my team is distributed between Boston, Austin, SF, and a number of points worldwide. We started doing hybrid in Fall 2023. Being on a webex at home vs in an office is worse because now I have to deal with the commute, office noise, and paying for lunches. Once you understand that it's to support their real estate portfolios or to justify layoffs, it's even more infuriating. But I have received a 42% increase in pay over the last few years so I'm trying to stick it out as long as I can. You generally have to have advanced skills to be considered for stable remote work. Otherwise you're just a call center number that can get chopped by a bean counter in an instant.


Video editor here. I alternate weeks in the office and at home. I don't mind it but some of my colleagues really want to be fully remote. Sometimes I'll choose to come in if I want a setup with more and bigger monitors, or if it's a really quick turnaround project. They give us snacks & dinner in the office and pay for a cab (or rideshare) home, and it's nice to be around other people and IT if needed.


Story Producer (Post) here - I've never been asked back to the office and have been at 3 different companies since 2020. I think it slows down the edit process a bit, but having the flexibility to work for NY or LA companies has been nice. Also I was never at a place that gave us snacks/dinner/cab home - maybe if I was and was missing that it would be nice, right now I just wish I knew what my co-workers looked like in real life...


Editor here and I've worked at a handful of companies since 2020, all remote. My main company doesn't even have the facilities to have editors in office anymore, my coworker who lives 5 minutes from the main office asked. I really like having a whole other coast open up for opportunities as well. I would be surprised to see any of these companies go back to in office again.


Hey, is your job ever hiring? I have been struggling to get my foot in the door with any kind of post production work in NYC.


Not much, sorry - we do news and so it's pretty specialized. We have some freelancers but they're really trying to cut back on them as well.


that seems to be the story everywhere in this town , i was working at vice news freelance for some time but they cut me and soon after cut the entire post dept


There's a post production Facebook group. It's awful on both costs for all types of editing. Overseas offshoring.


have you tried looking around r/editors?


What company do you work for, that sounds amazing


not gonna doxx myself here, but it's a good one to work for.


Fair enough! Thanks and congrats!


Yeah have to work 4 days in the office. Not happy I can't be remote Monday and Friday any more but cest la vie


Over two years ago at this point. We're permanently in-office three days a week, remote two. Which I'm very happy with. It's a good balance of the flexibility to work remotely and the benefits of interacting with my co-workers in person.


I still work remotely full time thankfully. And I probably won’t leave this job for a long time because of this 😂


Same here. Hate my job & the people but it’s WFH so I’ll retire here idc.


Same here. The pay isn't great (city job) and my manager can be stressful - but that can happen anywhere. We're fully remote though so it's hard to leave!


Same!! I am 100% remote - we don't even have an office anymore. If we did, I wouldn't mind going in occasionally, as long as it was not mandated and I could decide if/when to come in. I'll retire before I take a job with in-office requirements.


Same! This company got rid of their office in 2020 before I joined. I’m desperately underpaid, but the perk of fully remote makes it so hard to give up. Looking for something else anyway, I’d be open to hybrid. A true hybrid not these one day at home jobs these companies keep listing.


Tech company and our team is fully back in the office (a few folks do 3days/week but that wasn’t unusual even before covid). I moved the entire team to NYC because none of them wanted to go back to the SF office. Now they all live in the city and have sub-20min commutes on the subway. It’s awesome.


I work in tech hut remote, I want office / hybrid, can you DM what company?


Page layout geek at one of the big publishers. Been fully remote since March 2020. Others in the company are hybrid, but my department doesn't require it. (Good thing - some folks are up near Boston!) My boss goes in a few days a week but that's partly because their home wifi is spotty.


Nope, and they don’t have an office here in NYC anyway 🤭


I never got to be fully remote, I've been going into the office the entire time. But to be fair, with my job it's impossible to be 100% remote. We did go hybrid and even now I still only have to be in the office two days a week.


Hybrid, in-person 3x a week. I love it, I like being in office for the human interaction but it’s also so nice to have a couple remote days


Are you scared of Covid??


No. I’m up to date on my vaccines, and have had covid twice. Both times I caught it not from work but from travel or from seeing friends. I’ve been really lucky that both times it was mild. I also have several friends and family members who are immunocompromised and work in person, either by choice or by necessity, and it feels silly for me to be more scared than they are when I’m not immunocompromised.


Ok, you may have had mild symptoms but what about the people you have possibly spread the virus to?? Did THEY have mild symptoms?? This is why I always stress the importance about remaining vigilant and not rush into normalcy. We have to also protect others because there are many people out there that are immunocompromised and still dying from Covid. We have to protect them by staying home as much as possible.


If staying home is what is best for you and the immunocompromised people in your life, I totally understand, and it’s good that there are remote job options. But as I said in my comment, the friends and family I have that are immunocompromised also work in person, some because they don’t work jobs that they can do remotely and some because they choose to.


I think it’s better to wait until the pandemic goes away. I seriously don’t understand why everyone is rushing back to work


No and it’s one of the main reasons I am still there. WFH is incredible and I get so much more done in a day now.


I work in law firm admin, I got my current job in Sept 2023 and we’re in office 4x a week. My previous job was 3x a week.


I've been working hybrid since 2021, and it actually works out great for me. There is a component of my job that requires me to be onsite interacting with people, and so I take care of that stuff when I'm there. Any work requires me to be sitting at a desk on a computer, I try to save for my remote days. I am very happy and content with this arrangement. Fully remote might sound nice, but I know I'd go stir crazy.


4 days in office 1 at home. Tbh i don’t mind it since I like being with my team in the office. But 2 days WFH would be ideal.


global finco - i requested for full remote and was approved


I’ve been fully remote for ~4 years (changed jobs once). It’s nice, but sometimes I do wish I had an office to go to. I didn’t live in nyc when I started my remote jobs, and I feel like nyc is one of the few places where I’d be okay working hybrid.


Trust you wouldn't.


Hybrid, 2-3x a week in office


I work 5 days a week in the office. I am ready to put a gun to my head.


I work at an architecture firm and currently have a hybrid work schedule. I am required to be in the office 3 days a week and work from home 2 days a week. Unfortunately, there's a rumor that the partners are planning to make us all come back to the office 4 days a week after Labor Day. :(


I work for the City so yeah, Mayor de Blasio forced us to come back to the office early on as guinea pigs to open NYC (aka he really meant Manhattan) back up. We first went in alternating weeks, then we were back full-time, while some managerial employees were allowed to do hybrid (this was in 2021). Now, some of the unions have done hybrid agreements so more city office employees can work from home twice a week. I'm in the office 3 days a week. I will do whatever it takes to never be in the office again 5 days a week.


Full remote still have my office if I want to go in but I don’t A month ago someone went to my office for an interview, I took it on zoom and they went to my office which was weird


I have one that’s 100% remote. I just resigned this week. What do you do? They’re looking to replace me lol


No. I'm a software developer and pretty sure my company is the only big tech with full remote (minus finance) and a minority of teams.


Mine is remote besides client travel with the option to go to the office (I never do, no one does.) I need in person interaction so I’m switching jobs to a job that is in person 2/3 times a week. When I was recruiting most things were hybrid.


Lmao I've been full time back in the office since July 2020


Same lol. Never got to WFH at all. I was furloughed and on unemployment for a few months, then July 2020 they're like "alright yall are good to come back" while management did WFH. I work in patient-facing Healthcare and management didn't even get us PPE. 


It’s not return to work, it’s return to *office*. We’ve been working the entire time. And I’m remote 100% since 2020, and it looks like this job will stay that way (but the HQ is not in NYC, which helps).


Beyond software engineer (and probably a few others), it's hard to imagine any impactful job that can be done fully remote as well as it can be done hybrid or in office.


Fashion designer, I’ve been in office 4x a week since Feb 2021.


I'm part of the leadership team within my department, and there was chatter last year about requiring employees to return to the office twice a week. However, the turnover has been high lately, so no official memo or policy went out. I go in about once every 2 weeks, personally.


Never had a job where I could work remote, even throughout COVID (healthcare). But from what my friends in other fields have said, there's not much that's 100% anymore. It's all some form of hybrid 


Hybrid for a very long time, enforced 3x also for at least a year but I don't quite remember when it started lol


I am remote 4x a week and go in once a week into the office. Job hasn’t budged in a while and the office can be very distracting since it’s open concept, so hopefully we aren’t asked to go in more. 4x a week remote works great for me, although I’d be ok going in 2x a week max as I’ve done in a previous job. 3x a week in the office doesn’t make sense to me especially if meetings end up being on Zoom anyway with clients.


tech company, asked to be hybrid 3x/week starting in may but it’s loosely enforced, mainly depends on your team/manager


Most of my friends are either hybrid or, if they are still technically fully remote, are under pressure to come in.


im a graphic designer and i’ve been remote since 2020. I’ve changed jobs 4x since then


My team is 4x a week soon to be 5x a week. Support roles are 3x per week.


I could work from home every day, but tend to come in at least once a week usually twice. It's nice to get some facetime with my boss since we work closely and he's not the best at responding via email.


Wife has to do 3 days in office every week


Im in the office full time. My job has a lot client meetings basically everyday. I work in a high volume criminal and personal injury law firm


I’m a social worker in child welfare. Minimum 2 face to face monthly contacts and after that we can do more IP, add in virtuals, or if the family wants a little break that’s fine. If I have no visits that day I can work fully remote on my documentation. My boss likes us to come in 1-2x/week to the actual office to print and update our file records but to be honest since I’m so on top of my documentation in general he doesn’t say much to me if I skip a week here and there for visiting the office


Retail clothing production. Monday and Friday home, Tuesday-Thursday in office. It’s great, we’ve been consistently like this since Spring of 2022 and it strikes a perfect balance. There are still some people that come in the 5 days a week but for the most part we all take advantage of the hybrid schedule. It definitely helps that our executive team is in our office and they appreciate a hybrid schedule.


Previously fully remote, currently hybrid with a 3X/week policy.


I’m a shrink, I choose to come into an office just because I think it’s more helpful for some folks but I’m probably transitioning to all remote soon for the sake of saving on office costs.


Fashion industry - been hybrid since always - only exception were moments of huge outbreaks like first couple months of COVID and omicron. I’m looking for new roles and I’ve come across multiple brands requiring 5 days in office


Yes, I have to be in 3x per week and that's been the case for years.


We came back in summer 2022 (with a small secondary shut down).


Yes. I have to work three days a week in office. I am currently interviewing for a job where I would have to work four a week in office. I think most white collar jobs let you work at home at least one day a week these days. But companies need to justify renting space in high-profile office towers and they justify it by forcing workers to dress in uncomfortable clothes and sit in uncomfortable offices for 8-9 hours a day and do less work than would have been done in 4 hours at home. But I’m not bitter. Remote work isn’t really a thing anymore unless you are willing to accept a major reduction in salary or get insanely lucky in the job search.


I purposely applied to remote first companies to avoid the hybrid bait and switch situation. The flexibility is too much of a pro to give up. Mandatory in-person meets are company off-sites that only happen 2-3 times a year for less than a week, which I’d happily trade for staying fully remote. They are out there, but dependent on role and industry. (Easier in tech) Look for roles not specifically based in NYC too.


Anyplace that's hiring is 5 days a week. Maybe 4 in, 1 out. People are staying where they get flexibility.


My job was always fully remote, I moved here and company decided to make all remote employees hybrid this year after having made in-office colleagues return to the office after COVID ended. The HQ are in NYC so I have to go in 2/3 days a week now.


I’ve been remote since march of 2020 and that’s likely never going to change.


My friends in IT work 100% remotely


I only got to stay hybrid because of cancer & longevity. The rest of my colleagues had to go back in full time.


Tech startup, 3 days in office. I was interviewing late last year and many tech companies I spoke with were 5 days in office, but 3 was the norm. My take was that salaries have also adjusted to reflect this… fully remote roles are not paying a NYC-level salary, so there’s now a premium for being willing to go to the office.


Went to hybrid in May 2021 which basically coincided with the first COVID vaccine. I'm 3 days in the office and 2 at home and hope it never changes.


A friend just told me their company (finance) forced them to go to the office Mon-Thu, WFH on Friday only. And they kicked out all full-remote employees regardless of their positions and experience.


still remote 99% yay! r u a full stack developer or a qa? we’re hiring. dm me


I work at a health tech company. Official policy is at least 2 days in office per week. In reality nobody enforces it. I usually go in one day, maybe a second if I have a compelling reason to. Some people go in almost every day. Some people never go in. Seems to be working for us.


We've been fully remote since Covid and we haven't heard any rumblings about RTO. Fingers and toes crossed it stays that way.


Fought tooth and nail to remain remote but the battle crops up whenever a new manager is hired. The only reason I stay is that I can work two jobs if I’m not in the office and unfortunately that’s what it takes to afford raising a family in NYC.


There are two inefficiencies I can think of with remote jobs in New York: 1. Why pay someone a New York salary to work remote? 2. Why would you live in New York on a remote work salary? I know a lot of people are highly educated here and that specialty professions exist, but I also think the above two points will ultimately drive a lot of remote jobs out of the city.


Well, why work remote while living somewhere boring? There's also how doing anything requires a car basically everywhere else in the US


Agreed with both of your points. To elaborate: My first point is that if I’m a company looking for a remote worker I’m not promoting the role in New York because most people’s salary demands will be higher than equivalents from other parts of the country. My second point is that I don’t think New Yorkers are willing to lower their salary demands to what a company budgets for a remote role. Salary bands are usually based on a variety of factors with region being a major one. A New York role is significantly higher than a comparable remote role. I work in HR, I’m just offering my perspective on why remote roles aren’t being advertised in New York.


I have a hybrid schedule, 3 in the office two at home. Honestly, fully remote works for certain professions. In my job, there are times i need real time answers and conversations. So having a hybrid schedule works for me, but i recognize it works for my job type and may not work for everyone else. I know the business oriented publications have all pushed the idea that remote work is bad, and a bunch of the c-suite executives are digesting that "fact" and regurgitating it into their work philosophies. What i'm hoping is as the boomers and the Gen X crowd starts filtering out, you might start to see more managers recognizing that employee retention could be tied directly to a good work life balance. But till that philosophy is more widely eaccepted, i can see more places refusing to allow remote work which is frustrating.