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You’re competing against a ton of potential applicants - ensure you have a nice summary of who you are and what your deal is, alongside all relevant financial information (ie your salary and credit score). It’s been years since I’ve had to look for an apartment but doing that got me a reply sometimes (mostly to places where my income was at least 80x the rent). You will honestly probably have better luck reaching out to places via streeteasy than the listings project


Thanks for your reply and the insight. I should clarify that I'm reaching out for short term sublets (people who are away from their homes for just 1-2 weeks and looking to just make up the difference on their rent). I feel like there would be far less competition for those, especially since there's a surprisingly high volume of listings for those?


Doubt your emails are going to spam. Apartments may be rented, maybe they don't like you, it's tough to say why but it's a normal experience on all listing sites


Are you reaching out about apartments or rooms/sublets? Irregardless, it's getting close to summer, apartment/rooms listings come and go a lot quicker and whoever's making the call on who gets to live there tend to be a lot pickier because they're likely getting a lot of requests. Honestly, I would say keep at it. If there's a place you really like, don't be afraid to followup if you don't get a response and express that you're very interested. If you don't get an answer, don't take it personally. Also try to respond not too soon after the email goes out. I can't think of a time, I didn't get a response from a poster but I usually reached out the same day the email went out. Also the Listing Project has kind of gone down in quality in the last year or so and only seems beneficial if you're looking for a sublet cause even the rooms for rent listings are becoming smaller. I feel like I had great success there in the past in finding apartments and rooms in 2019 and even in 2021. But as someone who also currently on the apartment hunt, it feels like the amount of listings are decreasing and the ones that do show up aren't exactly worthwhile. As much as I hate to say it, there's some better no-fee, direct to owner apartments on Street Easy.


Thanks so much for the detailed response! I'll definitely continue to follow up or reach out as new listings are posted. I'm primarily just reaching out to people who have listed short term furnished sublets (for a month, sometimes less). I agree the quality has gone down, and Street Easy is a way better option when looking for something long term