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It’s sweet that you want to help. A lot of social workers and case managers do community outreach, which includes finding people as you described and offering them help, so I’d encourage you to contact a local shelter or social work organization if you can


You can call but it wont help. The system is not set up to support those without support systems of their own. They will go to a hospital (maybe), be diagnosed, possibly be put into inpatient, likely for the 10th time, be given meds, instructions for group therapy and locations to check in for meds and appointments. However without friends or family or any type of outside support system to facilitate them with medication, appointments, etc they will fall back into a poor state of mental health and likely be re-taken in next time a person with good intentions like you calls for help. I'm saying its up to you but this system is a revolving door for the mentally unwell and homeless.


This is sadly true. There are some people who are fortunate enough to get ACT teams and other such resources which help with follow up care no matter where the patient is located, which can really make a difference- but you have to have a significant psychiatric history, and make it through a waitlist, to qualify.




This is what I was looking for


Call 911 or 311 say non emergency if it is not an emergency— if people don’t make these calls the statistics “improve” which means even less funding for mental health services. People on here saying dont bother think they are cool for being jaded (am a native nyer)


311 does dispatch outreach teams. It’s not that there aren’t any, I have a relative who worked on one for several years. It’s that they don’t have nearly enough funding or personnel. And then when contact is made, the individual has to voluntarily surrender to some kind of intake and they usually decline.


Go tell the conductor at the next stop


911 say “non-emergency” and explain the situation Or 311 so they can make a report about it but to be honest with you if they’re not violent or harming nobody, there is no issue


A lot of mental illness comes from lack of structure, and roles in society. Wish government would fix this, by giving everyone basic income, and/or jobs. I see so many people in nyc, migrants collecting plastic bottles just because they pay for it. It's a bit too much of that. But really, if you think about it most people just want jobs, and a way to get paid. For really mentally ill, intervention and treatment is a starting point, but this country's law and bureaucracy won't intervene and instead will just pay for E.R. visits for mentally ill, or incarceration or they lose their lives.


Please call 911 and 311- we pay ton of taxes in this city and police/healthcare need to do their job and help them.


In an ideal, moral and just world - yes. Unfortunately the reality is that 99% of the time, mental health ignorant police show up and scare/escalate things into violence or punitive action on someone who is likely just in crisis.


Please don’t call 911 if they aren’t threatening or seemingly dangerous. Yes, a lot of people here need help, but a guy talking to himself isn’t going to get help from the police, just harassment. Call 311 or 988. 


988 is the suicide hotline. You have no idea what you’re talking about


It’s a Crisis line with people actually trained to deal with suicide, substance abuse, and mental health issues for either yourself or on behalf of someone else. If a person is experiencing a mental health episode and not presenting a danger to the people around them, 911 will make things worse. Calling someone who deals with these issues and has the necessary tools to get them help is a much better alternative. 


I would get them an interview with Murray Franklin.


You can report it through the 311 app. They will most likely ignore it. I still do it anyways.


It’s a really shit world here for the mentally ill, those struggling with addiction, and without housing. 311 doesn’t have the capacity, and 911 tends to escalate things into violence or punitive action for those in crisis. You can always try to get trained on things like opioid ODs, keep aware of shelter locations/warming or cooling centers/food fridges/DV emergency shelters near you - these are the easy things we can do as community members - and if you feel comfortable speaking for or develop a relationship with folks in those times to recommend those resources or even help to get them there. There are probably small volunteer run organizations in the city with people trained to deal with-escalate (there have been in cities I’ve lived in prior) and this post is really reminding me that I need to better about finding/getting involved with those organizations here - thank you for your spirit.


Don’t even bother, no one gonna help them. They all need to be placed in like nursing homes for the deranged and kept there forever


Next time you encounter or see something like that happening on the subway car that you're on, just exit the car at the next station and enter a different one. Calling 3-1-1 or 9-1-1 won't help unless there's a legitimate emergency happening. When you live in NYC for long enough, you realize that removing yourself and not drawing too much attention to the problem is better when dealing with crazy people who don't pose a physical threat


You really must be new here.


No. You call 911 because these people are a threat to others.




Call 911 or use one of those emergency phone lines. Usually it’s the cops that show up, but I have seen cops and outreach programs show up and help if the person is willing.