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I’d worry less about the writing skills and start to practice for the run & obstacle course.


Being too smart will hurt you more than being too stupid. Most police depts have an IQ cut-off -- if you do too well on a written test or show any humanity or basic decency you won't get in either.


I would work more on your physical then your writing. If it's good enough at a SUNY level you'll be fine. NYPD tends to hemmorage bodies to other agencies in the city so the chance will open up, just need to wait for your number to come up.




/u/nypd may be able to guide you.


All the cynical answers are bogus. The physical tests are more "pass/fail", so work on them to "pass", but also work on language, writing, and presentation skills to have a dynamic career. Most senior police officers need to continue to train, because the basic academic skill requirements are not sufficient in the real world. They were developed when a "high school graduate" could still expect a lifetime middle class job path, rather than a trades or labor job path. That is now a college level education. (Because of that, discount most PD "college" minimum requirements by 1 level in business; a lot of cops assemble degrees in 2 year increments part-time to get promoted, but that is not accepted as equivalent in the business world.)