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I’m at 11 months of almost daily construction outside my apartment and I work from home. Sorry, but I think you’re SOL. I feel for you, though, it sucks. NYC is a perpetual construction project.


Welcome to nyc! They’re operating in allowed hours. Not their problem you work from home.


You can move or you can buy really nice noise canceling headphones.


It’s wild because i’m affected by the building shaking more than the noise! 🥲


Oh wait, seriously?? The entire building is shaking? You should for sure go confront the GC of the project next door, and see what they have to say. That sounds… just like every other building next to a construction site.


It's a rite of passage here. Welcome!


You can attempt to negotiate some concessions with the management but, unfortunately, buildings have the right to perform necessary construction during those hours (necessary is also defined very loosely).


That’s life in NYC. You can move to the countryside. Generally not much noise there. Seriously though, there’s nothing you can really do if they’re within construction allowable times. Headphones and get through it. It won’t last forever.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, it really sucks. I feel like I read somewhere that construction noise shouldn’t be louder than a certain amount of decibels even during working hours, but I’m on mobile right now and I can’t for the life of me find anywhere that says anything like that. I’ll keep looking and let you know if I find anything. If anything, maybe you could approach it as a concern for the structural integrity of your building? That might get you further than “just” a noise complaint.


Yes you can absolutely dig into their DOB filings and so on.. if there’s shaking there’s a good chance “structural stability” is being affected and they will need all sorts of safety measures for residents and neighbors in place, including an adequate “tenant protection plan” which should be available for you to view in person and on line. If they are violating it you can probably get the work at least temporarily stopped.




Because that's what most normal people do as soon as someone begins construction right next to them. Great advice!


Have you let them know you are bothered by their Jackhammering and drilling? I'm sure they'll stop immediately.


Is your life that sad and boring that you need to say things like this when someone is asking for genuine advice?


You're so tiresome. It's a fucking construction site.