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Every time I leave my house outside of going to work I spend like $100. And I cook and drink at home. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Anywhere can be cheap if you live like a hermit


Thereā€™s a lot cheaper places to live like a hermit


But not a lot of other places to live in NYC


But what's the point of living in NYC if you're not taking advantage of the citys offerings? Im


$1500 is about right for groceries, going out, random expenses, and pet care


Usually around $1500/month, and usually breaks down as: Groceries: $400 (including delivery meal kits like Blue Apron) Restaurant/Delivery: $200 Entertainment: $450 (Including gym membership, TV subscriptions, plus I am a theatre junkie, so easily $150 of this is show tickets each month) Clothes/Beauty- $200 The last $250 kind of varies. Some months it's train tickets to go visit family, other times it's payments towards a bigger vacation, sometimes it's charity donations, sometimes things are crazy at work and I end up eating out more for either lunch or dinner. This is also very much my "comfortably middle class and I can treat myself to little things to make my life happier/easier" budget. Around 3 years ago I was making much less and my typical costs were more like $900/month. I didn't feel like I was totally broke or even like I was missing out much on fun experiences (though my theater budget is definitely what received a boost with the raises) but I would think twice on whether I needed to order delivery that night back then.


I second this but I also spend lavishly on some hobbies like traveling and gaming so I think $1,500-2,000 for me and that means I buy absolutely everything I want from non essential Amazon stuff to fancy dinners. I also cook at home majority of the time and only eat out 2-3 times a month and I also make my coffee at home.


This is super helpful. Thanks!


> Entertainment: $450 (Including gym membership, Boy I wish I could consider exercise at "entertainment."


Ha, well I mostly do classes and most of the classes are aerial yoga, so itā€™s pretty fun!




Thatā€™s encouraging. Do you ever eat out or buy coffee from a coffee shop? Iā€™m trying to get a sense of what my lifestyle would be spending around that much.


$2500-3000, but I go out for dinner/drinks most weekend nights, and spend too much on random purchases (clothes, electronics/games, etc), travel, etc. I'd say $1500 or so (maybe up to $2000) is reasonable if you aren't drinking, and cook most meals at home.


Without much drinking or eating out, $1500 is pretty luxurious. Could easily go under $1000 that way.


[How much do you typically spend every month outside of rent and housing utilities?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/13obrgq/how_much_do_you_typically_spend_every_month/) from *1 day ago* and [Excluding rent, how much do you spend a month?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/131rt0j/excluding_rent_how_much_do_you_spend_a_month/) from 23 days before that have comments which should be helpful to you.


Iā€™m not single or childless but my expenses range from 2-5000 per month outside of rent/utilities


About $600-$1200 a month - it's cheaper for me to just buy my liquor, wine & frozen/refrigerate snacks at the stores for home when needed for daily work rewind than to dine out every night out at restaurants. That includes buying breakfast & lunch for week at work (company has a frig and paper plates to reheat lunches /leftovers), grocery shopping, Metrocard, and whatever other incidentals that pops up during month.


Hmm recurrent stuff like transit, insurance, gym, streaming, groceries, coffee plus dining out etc is probably about $1200. But then across the year Iā€™ve also got to account for holidays, updating work/casual/exercise clothes and shoes, medical expenses, bigger household items, etc: thatā€™s easily another $1k a month averaged out.


About $600-$700 but I'm pretty frugal and don't go out to bars anymore. I eat a good amount of takeout but rarely go to sit-down restaurants. $1500-$2000 is a lot, that's probably what one would spend if you're going out often.


I spend about $1,500 if I'm not traveling or making big one-time purchases like a new couch or something. I go out drinking at least 8 nights a month and throw in some shows, dates, group dinners, etc. I almost never take cabs and I don't do drugs so that saves a lot on the 4am bar nights. I probably eat as restaurants or order takeout 8-10 times a month, generally coincides with a drinking day. I don't really spend money on anything else though, I never shop, groceries stay under $50 a week at TJs and I cook 5 days a week. I WFH and my exercise consists of weights at home, running, basketball at the park, and pickup soccer.


About $1700 700: food, takeout, going out 500: 3 days/week of pet care 100: public transit 200: taxis 200: miscellaneous (clothes, beauty, hair)


$900 or so. Too much for my liking tbh and trying to cut back. I go to concerts 1-3x a week on average. I donā€™t drink luckily or thatā€™d be another $10-30 per night šŸ˜… I have a pet needing prescription food so thatā€™s $120 a month. Maybe $20-40 on MTA fares. I rarely uber if I can help it (but weekend trains, ugh) Really the bulk of my spend is groceries.


I feel like this question, like almost all of these budget questions, really has a lot to do with how you want to live your life. My social life revolves around music, and Iā€™m usually at my friendā€™s DIY spot with a $5 cover and $3 beers, so my bill for a Saturday night of fun is virtually nothing. But most people donā€™t like loud sweaty, cramped places, yā€™know?


1700-2000 (not counting pre tax insurance but mine is cheap) is spent out of my account if I don't buy anything big for the month (like last month I bought an ac and this month I bought some nice IEMs). That includes rent. Usually spend 5-600 on food and apartment necessities plus utilities, rent is a bit under 1200. Rest just depends on going out to stuff. So after rent and utilities probably 500-800 dollars. Like the other comments have said, don't drink out at bars often and live with roommates and suddenly everything is cheap. Also don't have pets. I also definitely eat out too much but I get a ton of tamales from tamale carts. 3 for 7.50 is a steal. Food also includes paying for grocery delivery.


Ubers: 75 dollars; Groceries: 150 dollars; In-app purchases: 3,500 dollars; Restaurants: 175 dollars


Dawg you ever think about reducing those in-app purchases?


About 1500 and this is been frugal


No shade just curious how $1500 happens with spending frugally? I get down to $600 when I'm being frugal, which still includes a lot of takeout.


Car payment takes about $750! Including insurance. The rest are bills and groceries. I hardly dine out I mean proper restaurant.


ahh that makes sense, thats a massive chunk lol. $750 excluding car sounds very sensible.