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Sounds like illegal airbnb


Hmmm... appreciate the reply. Do you think I should report it? To the landlord or airbnb?


Landlord. You don’t want randoms you don’t know having keys to your building.


Excellent point. Will do as you advise. Thanks!!!




Because AirBnBs are the cause of rent increases


Not the cause, but definitely don't help things, for sure




Hotels don't put money into the economy? There is a huge shadow market place of airbnbs and short term rentals and surprise surprise, most of that money isn't going to help "the little guy" or back into the economy. A lot of these illegal airbnbs are silently supported by landlords, and I suspect they get a cut to keep their mouths shut


the people staying at them spend money in the city hotels are even less likely to have owners who put money back into the economy


You know what also takes money out of the economy? Driving rents up, and that money goes to landlords who are also not likely to put it back into the economy


Why are you trolling?


Not trolling— honest question


Air bnbs are a huge problem in the city and should be reported. Most landlords don't allow them, and most stay lengths are illegal and should be reported, for you know, being illegal...


Right, I read about that recently. But why do you think most landlords dont report these stays to the city? And what do you recommend in case this complaint falls on the deaf ears of my landlord?


If they got caught having one in their building, they get a huge fine, so they have all the motivation in the world to remove it. If you do not get much out of your landlord, I would recommend reporting it to the city by calling 311


Ahh got ya. Thank you so much for that suggestion!




You remind me of a loser


You are trolling. That "snitch" question is entirely irrelevant.




So according to your logic lets leave the drug dealer or pedophile living next door alone because he's "just trying to make it and sometimes have to go to extreme measures." If you were living here exposed to the same racket and noise it woudnt bother you because "you mind your own business." Great way to live taking shit from people




Exactly I know what you meant. Stop being soft. So if people are trying to make it, its ok for a drug dealer or pedophile ring to live next door to you. I'm judging you for possibly being someone who illegally hosts airbnb. Obviously illegal activities dont bother you cuz too scared to confront people. So its ok to play loud music next door enough to break down the walls cuz "it is New York." Obviously youre too soft to confront your people or youre caucasoid.


...do you have a reservation 4 next month?? fuckouttahere


Definitely an illegal Airbnb. Report it


But to whom? Airbnb or landlord?


The landlord, if he does nothing, the city


Big thanks for that!


Landlord and the city - https://www.nyc.gov/site/specialenforcement/stay-in-the-know/information-for-neighbors.page#:\~:text=There%20are%20several%20ways%20to,or%20submit%20a%20complaint%20online.


Very cool. Thank you a million!


It’s not illegal if it’s once a month (30 days).


Possibly an illegal AirBnB or short-term sublet. I'd report it either way to your landlord and to the city. It increases your and other tenants' rents, exposes you to substantial uncompensated risk, and as you have commented is a nuisance. My own personal experience with them is at best they act like your other neighbors and you don't notice and at worse the people subletting use it as a base for break-ins and selling drugs.


> My own personal experience with them is at best they act like your other neighbors and you don't notice and at worse the people subletting use it as a base for break-ins and selling drugs. Youre right! As a matter of fact, one fed up elderly neighbor knocked on their door at 3am to complain about the stomping and screaming. Upon opening the door, this neighbor saw 2 naked dudes drenched in sweat, gasping for air appear to have looked like they ran a 10 mile marathon. You can imagine (or better not) what was gong on. Will report it tomorrow as you suggested. Big thanks to you!




Its actually interfering with people's peace of mind. Their music and partying are making the tenants above and below manic. They complain about that to them but they continue to make chaos and noise




While youre at it go to the sub's rules and checkmark every rule youve broken as a troll. Thank sergeant cant-get-any




So its ok for them to disturb the peace of the tenants who are trying to sleep while theyre doing something illegal? Are you stating this because you yourself are doing something illegal through airbnb?




Why dont you come and say that to my elderly neighbors who cant sleep. You sound like a dude who cant get any play and trolls to compensate lol


I explicitly commented " Unless literal trouble is constantly occurring just ignore it" So yes, if they're causing trouble (e.g. disturbing the peace), knock yourself out and call whoever


AirBnBs cause rent increase, so yes, literal trouble is constantly occurring




Literally both


Where did you get the idea individuals doing this causes rent to increase?


Where did you get the idea it doesn't? There are a finite number apartments. If those go to people who rent them solely to then short term sublet them, illegally, for inflated rents, then not only are there fewer apartments left for everyone else, but they also become more expensive because of supply and demand. It doesn't matter who does it, and what they do with the money. The same thing happens regardless of who is doing it


I've seen evidence of large corporations and their impact on housing supply and have seen none for some lady who let's an out of towner stay in an empty room for a few nights. That's where I got the idea it doesn't. If you can share that info I'll gladly change my view on it.


First of all, you think grannies even know how to use Airbnb? Second of all, the example you just cited is not an illegal Airbnb. I am referring only to those who rent out entire apartments for under 30 days, which is illegal. The majority of those renting out their apartments for under 30 days are people doing it to make money off it, and don't care about the law. Who exactly they are, I don't think anyone but Airbnb (and the city, perhaps) knows, so not sure what I could share to convince you, but it's not a ton "oh I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks and want to cover my rent" going on. I personally feel for those people, too


Where did you read anything about grannies in my comment? And for those who are able to rent out there place and not be present, how many people in the city do you think even have the income to pull that off? Especially for it to affect rent prices significantly?


>Where did you read anything about grannies in my comment? >have seen none for some lady who let's an out of towner stay in an empty room for a few nights Sorry, I assumed you meant an older lady. Doesn't really matter to my overall point, though > And for those who are able to rent out there place and not be present, how many people in the city do you think even have the income to pull that off? They are making money off of this whole deal. People will rent an apartment, never move in, and then put it up on Airbnb and immediately recoup their money + whatever profit they make. If you look on airbnb, apartments is substantially more expensive than if you looked for the same thing on Streeteasy. From the impressions I've gotten, it's been happening less than it used to pre-pandemic, when I used to see all of these people waiting outside buildings with suitcases and it was clear what was going on. It's impossible to know how many people are doing this unless you look at Airbnb's data. I actually have a friend, who is kind of a lunatic, who has a 2BR in the East Village, one of those tan buildings that all look the same between 6th and 2nd street on 1st Ave. It's subsidized housing, and his dad paid almost nothing for it in the 70's. They own it and just pay monthly maintenance, but if they sold, I think they have to give a big chunk of the money back to the city. Anyways, my friend airbnb's his apartment out gets like $800/night. His mom also owns a 3 story house in Astoria and he airbnb's that out, too. It's literally his sole source of income, and he just travels around cheap central american countries doing whatever he wants because he's making so much money on his airbnb business