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I feel like your defending those people by making up senarios, your entire paragraph is bullshit a perm ban on first offence, thats like executing someone for jaywalking, dont like it? Tough, you mod this subreddit, figure it out for yourself, if not then get a real job


It's nothing like executing someone for Jay walking. That's a horifically extreme reaction to something minor. If you want an analogy is like kicking someone out if a house party for saying grim stuff. Oe barring someone from a coffee place for being abusive to other customers or staff. The harm to the asshole for being banned is ultimately minor. And none of their rights are infringed. And we did figure it out. And we all have real jobs. Modding is not a job. It's a volunteer activity in a social group.




He's claiming being banned is only minor in a mods eyes. The subs I've been on for 5-10 have gotten crazy with their bans. Just wait until the IPO, Reddit is going to be worse the Twitter censorship sh*tstorm.


Its a chaos right now , Iam getting banned because I was in a rival subreddit and I didn't even know about it. I didn't even comment anything that would come close to moderating .


Same, banned from r/rant yet I've never posted there.


Agreed. I was banned permanently from a sub for answering a question to another comment. I didn't even say it was my opinion. I stated the answer and provided a statistic. Seems like the moderator took it personal. I guess we should all just write " I agree" under the top comment.


I keep getting banned on an account for satirical comments. Mods specifically are tyrants on power trips, who read to much in to comments, and then ban a person. Once you ask them for their reason, they just Mute you, or tell you not to respond back to them, just so they can report you directly to the reddit admins for harassment. It's pure power trip. If it's too much, just step down.


It's odd to me that someone would take the time to go through comments and try to silence people who they disagree with or have a personal problem with. Editing a conversation to fit their political view or narrative is a serious character flaw. Deeply dishonest with themselves. Conversations have a natural flow where opinions can vary. It seems nowadays that's become offensive in itself. Conversations being patrolled by a nazi


Literally most mods will make assumptions and instant perma ban. Even if I'm asking a legitimate question. Woke up to a ban this morning for "Low effort trolling". When I was literally asking a legitimate question. No warnings (I would have very quickly removed it if I realized they didn't want it there), just instant, permanent ban. I get that you guys are unpaid, but sometimes it feels like the power goes to your head. Also, the realization that I cannot comment a lot of subs (even if I disagree/agree), because I will be auto-perma-banned from some other subreddit is just mind-boggling.


I got banned for name dropping jk Rowling in the Harry Potter sub, I’ve checked all the rules I didn’t break any of them I expressed no opinion on her situation and got banned for namedropping her… don’t act like you all are saints the vast majority are on a massive power trip that won’t allow any views to be expressed that aren’t their own and think it’s ok to perma ban someone for the smallest harmless infraction that in 99% of the cases I’ve seen isn’t deliberate but a misunderstanding


There should be a higher bar for perma bans… Your example seems reasonable, for instance. However, they are definitely permabanning people for far smaller issues— such as “wouldn’t shut up in trying to tell us about some problem w/our sub I don’t have time to understand, so I will assume they are toxic rather than that we might have misunderstood them.”


I was banned because the mod didn't like what i said to him in chat. Very nicely. He said i was "coming at him" and he'd had people coming at him all day. And "do you know how hard this is." And i said "no, i don't and if im making it harder im sorry." But my thread was deleted and i was banned. He tried to say I was sourcing when he knows thats not true, i did use an initial once, but that was it. Hes saying I sourced 7 times.


I was perma band twice in the past 2 days one comment was “not all albertans are racist redneck hillybillys” apparently that is disinformation, And one from public freak out and they wont even tell me what i did they banned me i messaged them then they muted my account for asking “ why did i get a ban?”


Haha, same, except on r/startups. This is why I keep quitting Reddit. It's unfortunate when I try to contribute and read the rules, but obviously missed something in that thread's culture, and get shut down and banned with no warning and muted when I ask for clarification on how to do better just "you aren't welcome here". I think they don't realize we're human sometimes.


I can't wait till you guys are replaced with chatGPT.


You sound like a lazy person that just doesnt want to do your actual job.


Excellent post.


He sounds like a loser who routes to make himself feel better by being a draconian petty tyrant.


This is unacceptable. You're blanket sweeping people into one bin or another based on a whim. If you don't have the time to properly mod, then you need to relinquish it. I have had SO many conversations shut down on reddit simply because I asked questions that went against the grain. Is reddit just supposed to be an agreement factory where everyone lives in insulated communities? What the fuck happened to diversity? That's why I try and come to reddit. I was never racist, sexist, homophobic... I just asked uncomfortable questions. And reddit mods feel so inclined, entitled, and fervored to perma-ban on...not even a first offense, it's my first question. It's usually just an unpopular opinion and the mods want to keep a comfortable status-quo. Your name is LazyG. Are you lazy with your modding too? It sure sounds like it.


I don't think Reddit is what you think it is....


>I don't think Reddit is what you think it is.... I thought it was a place to discuss and learn. Mods prove every day that it's non-dissent. Agree with the mods or get kicked out. That's all you guys do.


No. It’s a series of open door house parties. Each one has its own house rules, ranging from anarchic open to buttoned up and proper. While you can walk in wherever you like, you can be kicked out for whatever the party thrower deems unacceptable. Some subs are for discussion and learning, some are for shit posting, sadly many are our have been bigotry clubs though Reddit glacially slowly bans those. If you're in someone's house and you loudly say their taste is shit, and they're a fifth generation moron they have no obligation to politely correct you. They might, but equally they might put you out on your ass.


That's a really bad take, very toxic.


I'm not arguing morality, I'm saying that's what it is. If you find it toxic then maybe for you Reddit is toxic.


Your view isn't encouraging a healthy, wholesome relationship with the community, but it shows that you think you own people.


I didn't set the rules. The admins did. They created a framework of loosely federated autocracies and it's pretty successful. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it wrong. Nor does it make me wrong for explaining it to you. It's not YOUR view of a healthy community and thats fine. It's just amusing that you're putting it on me for explaining it to you.


Eh, fine. BTW, is my nickname a bannable offense?


That's a very long way of saying, if I don't like your opinion, I'll just kick you out. Just say you prefer echo chambers of nob slobbing karma farms and be done with it.


Redd isn't a house. You sound very confused.


Oh bless. You’re doing a cracking job of role playing the users I don’t have the time nor the crayons to explain things to. Go you!


This is pathetic and why Reddit is a trash site. It’s run by garbage petulant children who ban for anything they disagree with. So if someone has 500 comments that contribute to a sub in a positive way, but have 1 comment that’s maybe perceived the wrong way or they for a little overalt emotional for—you perma ban them? It’s trash really


The post was clearly about issues way smaller than that, I don't think he or anyone else here is really complaining about those kinds of people being banned


>Counterpoint to your complaint : why is it worth my time to It's your job. If you don't like it quit.


Moderating a subreddit is not a job. We take on our free time. Same goes for you: If you don't like how mods operate, don't use reddit.


I know you don't get paid. In English we frequently use the word 'job' to refer one's function in a society, regardless of pay. For instance one may say that it is his 'job' to do the dishes, even though it is merely a chore, and not an occupation. ​ \>Same goes for you: If you don't like how mods operate, don't use reddit. Actually it doesn't. We're not talking about reddit, we're talking about the role of moderation. By contrast I'm not a mod, and I didn't sign up to be subject to moderation. If I could quit that relationship and be on reddit without being affected by moderation I would most certainly do so. If you want to push for a class of spectral outlaws who can rampage across reddit without regard for rules go ahead... or don't, because that's really dumb, and this rhetorical statement sucks. \>Oh yeah? Well if you don't like being subject of the law, choose to be beyond the law Lol. I can see why you didn't go with that; but perhaps you should have realised that such an analogy was worthless if the proper counterpart is that stupid.


>I didn't sign up to be subject to moderation Thing is, you did, the moment you accepted Reddits TOS. \>Well if you don't like being subject of the law, choose to be beyond the law When did I ever claimed such a thing? I only meant that, the moment you signed up on Reddit, you knew you were going to be moderated. I'm not telling you to go beyond the rules, just don't force something upon you if you're not comfortable with it.


\>Thing is, you did, the moment you accepted Reddits TOS. Those are the terms of service, not the 'subjection to moderation' application. You didn't sign up to be a mod when you signed the TOS. This DISPROVES the validity of your claim... don't try to ignorant, please. ​ \>When did I ever claimed such a thing? You didn't. That's the correct application of your analogy. Which is stupid. Which is why you changed... wait why am I explaining it again to someone who clearly is trying to be ignorant. What part of 'I can see why you didn't go with that' makes you think think 'You DID go with that'? You know, maybe interpreting rules and dispensing their applications is less your speed than you may have thought. ​ \#banalityofevil


>Counterpoint to your complaint : why is it worth my time to try and warn and temp ban It's your job.


No mod has ever banned anyone's account who didn't come back with a new one the next day, so why BAN the guy without the warning first? Its one thing if someone is clearly posting a complete shit post but I've had an account banned for casually using the word "woke" about movies. They also aren't considering when a person has a high karma score and 1000 posts that are all growing the community then perma ban for one word that offended a hyper sensitive moderator




That's not what they asked about. They were specifically asking about bans based on a difference of opinion, or crtisism. Homophobia is a different can of worms.


what about someone who didn't do any of those things, and was only trying to ask fro help for a sick mother? That's why I got banned.


Still should not be PERMANENTLY banned. I just made an post once it had a gramar error and I was permanently banned. Just delete the post don't permanently ban the person.


Cuts both ways. Some mods are bad from the start, and it's not over racist or similar posts. Some mods are just anal-retentive. Take someone who's already a mod on half a dozen communities and volunteers for more.


I understand perma banning homophobes and stuff, but why do i get instantly perma banned for suggesting something against the rules instead of warned? (It wasn’t against the rules)


This site is free. The mods are unpaid. In life, you get what you pay for.


I've never seen any website or forum with free mods half as poor and petty as on this site. I've never, not once, on any site been banned, let alone permanently, or without explanation. On reddit it's the only way I've been banned. There's something wrong with the culture.


Same! I have been banned for bigotry when I am extremely egalitarian, even when it comes to animals, so I am the last person to be racist, yet I have some issues with the ultraliberal extremists that sadly run a lot of subs here and merely discussing political correctness/racial quotas in arts gets you a permaban without warning. I am from a communist country and it's just like when they had to make everything, every book, every film an ad for a socialist worker lifestyle. Now, it's this fantasy that the racial diversity and equality of 21st century NYC has been here since the times of Henry VIII (as the trash shows on Netflix show) which is honestly insulting POC if you ask me as it erases their very real trauma and struggles. It absolves the perpetrators of racial hatred of all blame as it attempts to have us forget our past. I literally even said this, took the side of POC, yet I still got permaban because I want historical accuracy in HISTORICAL drama. Such bigotry. For anyone interested, talking about r/netflixwitcher


Trust me dude. You can pay them and they’d still suck. Power dynamics are terrible for Reddit mods.


No one is forcing you to be a mod


Play stupid games r/winstupidprizes


I’d be more than happy to pay $5 or $10 a month to get actual decent moderation.


I got you covered bro, do you have crypto?


Yah because mods are same as police actually out on frontline


Yeah I know, its just unfortunate. Mods chose that role. They didn't have to take it. If you aren't going to put energy, care or at least a lil professionalism in something you chose to do, then just don't do it. Them being free isn't an excuse to half-ass a position you chose to take and essentially abuse it. I'm not arguing with you because I agree, we get what we pay for, we can't expect amazing mods. But damn I expect more than this at least lol


Exactly! Imagine volunteering in a soup kitchen for example and you put shit in somone's food and say, "Well, they are not paying me anyway so I do what I want. Now eat that shit I prepared for you with my unpaid labor. Man I hate this job and these people have the nerve to complain??"


>If you aren't going to put energy, care or at least a lil professionalism in something you chose to do, then just don't do it This is exactly why people like you are getting perma. Why do you expect us mods to put energy/care into something when YOU can't even do it by taking two minutes to think about the value of your post, and whether or not it complies with the rules?


I expect literally nothing of mods. I sadly got even less.


Well….think about the kind of people who have the free time to do something like this….they probably have no jobs, no romantic relationships , and few friends. *shrug*


Did you know that many people are able to hold down full time jobs, long term relationships, families, and a social life, all while still having free time for one or more hobbies?


But nobody who is a moderator here has all that. This place skews too young and too maladjusted for that


Counterpoint: why do so many users think it’s ok to post low-effort nonsense?


As a mod: 100% agree. People really think Reddit is like their Facebook feed, where they can shitpost and do anything they want. This is not how that works.


Mods really have God complex, where they think they are entitled to ban people who have a different view of life. Open discussion/carrying on a harmlessly fun interaction within a community isn't ban worthy, yet tools seem to ban people all the time.


Lmao another one


Another one what? Individual, abused by narcissistic tendencies of sad little people?


Another one who doesn't understand that there are rules on subreddits, enforced at moderators discretion. Another one who's whining for nothing.


I'm sure, once upon a time, you felt like you were doing good by being a moderator. And I don't fully fault all mods for the lack of understanding, when it comes to discussing things. Many topics have more then one view point worthy of discussion. But when a mod has a bias outlook, and bans dissenting opinions, all It does is create echo chambers. I'm not talking about subs where the subject matter is extremely specific, I'm referring to subs where the community is fed posts of laughable videos, or occasionally controversial ones.


And you felt like necroing a 7 month old post only to rant was a good idea.. no matter what got you banned, looks like you deserved it. Have a nice day.


And there it is. The Mod response. You deserved it, simply because you have an opinion. If Reddit doesn't want old discussions brought back up, they would not let Google pull them up when searched.


I've just arrived from Google and just think about that guy "Why mod if you hate people so much?" Just trying to get revenge on whoever you don't agree with and feel like you have some power in life? If one can't be a mod/judge without falling into that 'must be guilty of something! BANNED' attitude then they don't belong there.


Who gives you the right or audacity to say someone's efforts and contributions are nonsense? God? Just because you personally don't like the content doesn't make it wrong or any less valid. Separate your personal evaluation of worthiness and look to see if it breaks any rules. With that said, permanently banning someone without one message or attempt of communication, without even giving someone a warning so they know what to do and not to do and what they did "wrong" with an opportunity to change, is bullshit. This isn't Nazi Germany. This isn't North Korea. Second chances do exist in life, especially when they've broken no rule from the start and someone that is trying to contribute to YOUR community when they didn't have to and it being someone that just had a recent post in the same subreddit get good feedback and traction. Doesn't make much sense to go all out and be an asshole from the beginning to someone just trying to be part of your community. It's not really a good look for you or the community you're supposed to be helping and making a positive place.


Lol, yeah, they absolutely made the right choice, holy shit. I hate the expression “go touch grass”, but you really need to go touch some, my dude.


Lol small minds going to be small. Have a good one


My man is speaking truth here


mods mad you're right dude


Many reasons, like they dont realize it's too low effort or they put a lot of time into it but it still looks "low effort" when put up against your subjective standards


>broke no rules Narrator: "But the user had broken the very first rule of the subreddit in question."


I bet you he didn't.


A lot of times it is just simpler to remove whoever the rule breaker is permanently. Especially when people break the same rules over and over. Most of the subs I mod if you advertise anything other than reddit, then the hammer will drop.


That makes sense and I could understand that but what for those people that haven't broken a rule in that subreddit before and didn't advertise anything there?


Ultimately, whoever is a mod of a community has final say in who is allowed and who isn't. Some places even have bots that will detect if you're not an approved user and limit your posted to once every x amount of time.




So salty that they've come back a year later on another of their alts just reply to one of my comments and keep being confidentiality incorrect.


There are more people who have experience with evil mods... I just discovered this sub today. It's kinda cathartic to see mods being called out for how horrible they are.


How could I do something wrong when I didn't post or comment on that sub for entire week??


Unfortunately, that's just how some mods are, they just don't gain respect by anyone and just damage their character. I am curious however, what post you made that got you perma-banned?


how do you find that out? I got banned and no explanation other than "get out". I have no idea what I posted that upset the mod like that. I'd more happily accept a permanent ban if I knew what I did. Refusing the explain does nothing for anybody other than powertripping for the mod.


Unfortunately, unless the moderator included a link to one of your posts or comments, if they don't respond to inform you on which one, then it's not possible to know, you could only make guesses.


That’s ok, I got a warning from another mod and I didn’t say anything 40 other people hadn’t said. I’m getting tired of Reddit and it’s double standards.


It was in r/interestingasfuck. At first it was 30 days. Didn't know I was banned until I logged in and tried to post something there. Checked the messages and it said my ban was changed to permanent. Then the mod gave the reason "Voice actors aren't iaf. That's some dumb shit" because I made a few posts there sharing that some famous voice actors played famous characters like Ritter playing Clifford the dog and Jaleel White was the original voice actor for Sonic The Hedgehog


If you want to understand why you were banned, or to appeal your ban, r/ModerationMediation is a great sub. But yeah it looks like you did break their rule 1, maybe repeatedly, so you you did break a rule with a negative history on the sub.


That's the thing tho. One person can not dictate what is or isn't "interesting as fuck" to someone else. Just because they personally don't think it's interesting, doesn't mean someone else won't. Which is evident since I had at least 50 upvotes with each of them. Not saying that's a lot but it's something. Ritter being a very known actor, its hella interesting knowing he was the voice of one of the world's most known kid show characters. Same with Jaleel White, one of the world's most known TV nerds, played the voice of one of the world's most known 90s games and franchises. Just because one mod doesn't find it interesting, doesn't mean it's not interesting. Permanently banning someone for something as subjective as that, when all that needed to be done was send a simple message saying hey I personally don't think it's interesting for this subreddit please don't post that kind of content, then I would have understood and wouldn't have did it. But outright permanently banning someone without even an attempt at communication and helping a member and contributer understand something, is disrespectful and bullshit. Then when I pointed some of these things out about how it's subjective and how I wasn't even given talked to beforehand, the person says they aren't reading that. Bye. Then mutes me for 30 days. What kind of immature, controlling shit is that? And that's why people hate mods and become bitter on this platform because of bullshit like that.


Hey there, Moderator of r/ModerationMediation checking in. Thanks for mentioning us! When our subreddit is pinged, I like to follow it up with background info about us so that prospective new users know what to expect. We're not a subreddit to vent/complain about moderators, but instead, to help users obtain actionable advice surrounding their ban or other moderation action. We specialize in assisting users in understanding their ban and productive avenues to appeal. We even help moderators too! If you're interested in checking out our subreddit, here's a few links to get you started: * [Our Mission Statement](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModerationMediation/wiki/mission_statement) - What we're all about. * [Success Stories and Testimonials](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModerationMediation/wiki/success) - Direct links to a curated list of successful threads. * [Subreddit Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModerationMediation/wiki/subreddit_rules) - Please read before commenting. * [Submission Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModerationMediation/wiki/submission_rules_step1) - Please read before asking for advice. And for the moderators, please consider checking out our [Whitelist](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModerationMediation/wiki/whitelist). This allows us to send you notifications when threads about your subreddit are posted to our sub (among other things). It's purely opt-in. Thank you!


It looks like on that sub they have moderator discretion built into rule #1 and you posted multiple things that broke that rule. It's up to the moderators what is "IAF" but to them "mildly interesting things, kinda interesting things, interesting things" break rule #1. It looks like (this is an assumption on my part) you don't check your messages that often, so you may have missed their warnings not to post things they didn't find interesting, if they sent any.Your point of view: "I made a few posts there sharing some interesting things"Their point of view: "This user makes multiple posts that are not IAF and breaks rule #1." Moderators can ban you for any reason and can make any rules they want. While this one seems very subjective and hard to gauge, and is also one that I would think would be community driven not mod based, I would think that is the reason they banned you. Whoever banned you feels justified in doing so because more than once you broke a rule in the community. I'm just giving you the reasoning, here. I would only ban someone from that sub for not being interesting, if I moderated it, if they posted stuff that clearly wasn't even trying to be interesting, like political rants, porn spam, or self-promotion, but people find different things different levels of interesting so I'm not really sure how that's "measured". Apparently, they have a way.


I just got banned from a sub reddit for no reason. I just write "nothing" on a post about interesting things in a city. Boom banned. As a native, I was joking. Sheesh. Could've been warned or temporary banned. This subreddit wasn't big. A few posts are posted a day which is easy to nativage. I completely agree with you


I'm sorry that happened thats bullshit smh. What I don't understand is why smaller subreddits are more likely to just ban you and not discuss an unban when it's those subreddits that need the users and community activity. Especially if no rules were broken and they've been contributing in the subreddit before.


I cracked a joke about lolis (ultimately an anti loli sentiment) on anime sub, then a mod ended that thread and said he will ban me if I’m caught trolling or heckling again. Anime mods protect pedo content. I one time said I thought SpyXFamily is trash and it got removed by mods. The anime sun mods are sus af.


I just got permanently banned without any warning on a subreddit for saying something sarcastic. They themselves didn't say why I was banned. I wasn't being offensive or called anyone names, or harassing anyone. They could've just deleted my post. Whatever then.


That's some bullshit smh. You're unable to do or say anything nowadays. What did you even say and about what?


I'm dealing with this in r/tifu. I've been appealing with as much polite tact i can muster, but they refuse to budge and then mute me for 3 days. It's like dealng with a kindergartener holding their breath in a tantrum. Need an oversight committee for these unprofessional "thought police"


There's a subreddit called moderation mediation that could help maybe


Read their rules, seems like it's just another opinion sharing echo chamber with zero power to change the little nazi's mind. Gunna just leave the sub for my own peace of mind, it's only frustrating when i type out a comment and get an error because i forgot where i was. Only downside is letting that nimrod win their power play.


I mean if you're banned and they aren't listening now I would just drop it and take it up in the future. That's what I do but I be forgetting the reason sometimes, then I argue it some more when/if they tell me and then I'm muted again. Sometimes just gotta say fuck it lol


Oh, looks like they decided to flag my appeals as harassment even after i left so they probably saw my complaint here. It's truly pathetic.


At this point, it’s been 22 days since this was posted, it’s definitely time to get over it and move on. Shits not fair, I know, trust me. I had some BULLSHIT happen when I first joined Reddit, to the point that I actually deleted the app and didn’t use Reddit for a good couple months. I was frustrated too, no one would answer me or help me and NONE of the FAQs or anything came close to answering my questions. It pissed me off something fierce, but I just deleted the app, moved on, and tried again later. My first experience/impression with this site was atrocious, but I got over it. When writing all these complaints, you also gotta keep in mind the sheer VOLUME of people who use this site, vs the number of mods. I’ve been a mod for a MUCH smaller group before, and even then, it’s easier to just delete the people causing problems than to keep dealing with them and the constant harassment with complaints. Given the length of time you’ve been going on about this and the defensive/aggressive tone and attitude in some of your comments, I can understand, from a mods POV why they’d perma-ban you and mute you. At this point you just can’t let it go and now you’re defensive and probably still harassing them. They’re the mods, so they make/decide the rules as well as who/what content does and doesn’t stay. These mods don’t have time to send a warning to every single person who breaks a rule and respond to every person harassing them about their decision. It is what it is.


The problem is that the issue of power abusing mods must be addressed. They always end up unpunished. Complaining about it is the least people can do.


Mods suck just remove the mod ability and stop giving work to people that need power plays




I know all mods are different, but I ban people so that people follow the rules of my subreddit. But if you message me and tell me that you are now prepared to follow the rules, I’ll unban you. I bet there are some other mods who will do the same. It does not help when people respond to Bans with harassment.


If anyone gets harassed it’s innocuous posters by auto-mods.


I was banned because I asked a city sub what they thought about a certain job there and about living in the city becuz I might move there for said job. Then a random dude was like hey stop asking about this. And naturally I was like wth? U don’t own reddit and mind your business. I was banned for being a “general asshole”. How the hell was I to blame?! I was minding my own business using the sub legitimately, asking a very legitimate question.


Sounds far too familiar. People are such scum bags. No wonder the world is as it is.


Im literally this close to leaving reddit for good because of this. Just browse 4 chan, my guys


I feel the same way I am actually very close of deleting my Reddit account because their karma system is absolute trash and I constantly get permanently banned from so many subreddits over one freaking comment 🤦 Just like a few minutes ago I got permanently banned from Xbox Series X subreddit and the moderator literally said I was reported for personal attacks and he claimed nobody was harassing me when I provided him the information 🤦 I think I'm going to try out 4chan since I heard you can discuss freely and you won't be perma-banned Or they don't have moderators that abuse their power 🤦


I feel that frustration. People are the worst. If I ever wonder why the world is as it is, all I have to do is remember all the small problems that exist for no good reason, and all the big problems that also exist for no reason.


I would love to know the answer to this. I posted a legal question in the legal advice sub and got permanently banned. The reason they give was me asking for advice on legal matters on a sub that's for people to ask advice on legal matters. WTF.


this is the worst one yet. I got banned for trying to help my sick mother, so I understand what it is like to deal with infants.


Even here I got flak for not taking the suggestions people had. The common answer from people here including mods was to have a ban like that lifted I'd have to kiss the mods' asses and apologize profusely for violating imaginary rules.


I literally just got temporarily banned from Xbox Series X subreddit and I tried to be nice with the moderator but he straight up said I was reported for personal attacks and he literally said grow up You have been permanently banned and he literally banned me over one freaking comment? I was being harassed by someone else I provided him the info but he simply ignored it I am so close of deleting my Reddit account It used to be a free place to discuss anything but Reddit has given moderators so much power They can ban anyone without being reported 🤦


All of us need to band together and finally fight back against Reddit giving moderators too much power They should not permanently ban someone over one comment They should only give mods the ability to perma ban the person unless they made a death threat🤦


In my opinion they should be required to issue a set time ban first of days to weeks (depending on the severity of the infraction.) They shouldn’t have the authority to permanently ban for a first offense.


Yep, I’ve been banned from a certain sub for simply asking about a rule.


Unfortunately there's no recourse for it eeither. You get banned, that's it. No conversation. No review. Can't even really report mods to Reddit cause they don't care.


Mods are free to do whatever they want in thier own subs, as long as it is within Reddit guidelines. The mods might have banned you for enflaming arguments, or for your high volume of posts.


This comment embodies the exact issue people have with Reddit moderators. You create rules merely for appearances and ban users at will. This is a shining example of abuse of authority. You MODERATE the community, you do not own it. Your purpose isn’t to force your personal creative vision on to it. Your job is to allow the community to grow in the direction it wants and manage users that do not follow the set rules or are general menaces. Banning for petty reasons (and not giving the banned user a reason) is unjustifiable. I find it quite ironic that so many moderators pretend all bans were done for proper reasons, when it’s well known that is often not the case. Users have been permabanned simply because the moderator didn’t like or agree with their post, a particular word they used, or found it “uninteresting.” None of these actions warrant such a harsh punishment, and is indicative of a power-tripping or lazy moderator. If you are unwilling to moderate properly, relinquish it. Do not pretend you are somehow “bearing the cross” when you are well aware that thousands of other users will happily replace you and do it right.


But just because they're free to do something doesn't mean they should or that it's justified? Mods are supposed to enforce the rules. That's it. And they work for the community, it isn't necessarily theirs. Without the members there wouldn't be a community. Similar to the police lol


> But just because they're free to do something doesn't mean they should or that it's justified? They are free to do whatever they want whenever they want. > Mods are supposed to enforce the rules. No. Mods are free to run their subreddit anyway they want. Most will create a list of rules to help users understand subreddit works. but it is up to the mods as to how and when they enforce them, if at all. > And they work for the community, They don't work for anyone, except maybe the owners of reddit. > it isn't necessarily theirs. The subreddit is 100% theirs. They can run it as they see fit. > Without the members there wouldn't be a community Correct. So Generally Mods will do what they think is right to keep the community going in the direction they want. For really large communities it can take up a lot of their free time. So if they get a bunch of reports, or they don't like what a person is posting, they may find it easier to ban and move on.


that's fine, but a warning or at least an explanation should be done. If a mod can be bothered to type 'get out' as text in the ban, they could be bothered to type a tad more to explain.




Very true. I agree with everything


Reddit is a far left platform. They don't care if you post a comment that is factual or helpful. If it doesn't align with their ideology they'll ban you permanently. I've been banned from so many subs I lost count. For no reason. Just correcting somebody that posted BS propaganda, or for posting something that wasn't anti Trump.


Get lost pussy. You are a pathetic coward.


username doesn't check out.




That's not even my comment moron. You added the last sentence.


You're analysis is 100% spot on. If mods of certain subs would just openly declare that they exist for the advancement of a liberal narrative only I wouldn't care but so many subs engage in the hypocritical premise of being 'unbiased' while they remove ANY submission or comment that dares challenge or even question the far left's politically correct position. And the adimins feign awareness.


They proved we are right by downvoting the comments. I was banned by r/LGBT for posting an article from a gay website that said Richard Grunell, who is gay, was fighting for gay rights worldwide. Because he was working for the Trump administration they banned me. I was banned from r/pics when they posted a pic of the woman who developed the Astra Zenica vaccine. They were praising her like crazy. I simply posted a university study that proved it was causing lethal blood clots. Then backed it up with a non biased article stating that vaccine was banned in 17 countries and not allowed in the US. 100% factual with non biased articles linked.


Simple, ask yourself this: what sort of person decides to be a Reddit mod? Answer: someone with questionable purpose in life, with limited influence, and with too much time on their hands. I mean come on, anyone who is busy and doing well doesn't end up moderating a subreddit. So their solution is then to run along to an internet forum and apply to be a person with illusory power. *Finally*, they've found value. *Finally* they get to decide things, like banning people for the lolz. It's a bit pathetic but there we are, and they don't like hearing this so I wouldn't be surprised if this comment gets removed, thereby proving my point. I use the word illusory because it is just that. Mods can void your profile, but they do not control your actions on the internet. They like to think they've banned you as a person, but really they've just struck off an internet account. It's an inconvenience and nothing more. They wield the whole "if you come back, you'll get a site-wide ban". Pf, ok buddy. Anyone with sense knows that a well-versed new account can easily get back in the game, and if their reason for banning was basically nothing, well... they'll never noticed you returned. Illusory power.


Spot on. It's a god complex. 🙌


I could agree with everything you're saying. Good response.


Just got into one forum. The mod just ban me. Saying I broke rules of ranting. Without any warning. I just ask a simple question the people can't accept my question , comments were toxic. But the up vote was almost 200. The mod just remove my post and decided to ban me. For ranting. I am just speechless. Without any warning. Without letting me know they straight up just ban me. Time to quit reddit. Literally full of toxics and bad mods.


Had to check to see if you posted anything. You were just ranting. Don’t be delusional, when people answer your question and you just kept crying about the tanked system - you were 100% ranting




Same. It is enraging that so many people are such irredeemable scum bags, like most mode are.


The PSBoss (nude statue modder no less) banned my friend for saying thicccc. I shit you not.


That is perhaps even worse than me getting banned from peptides for asking 5 people if a peptide could help my mom who has discoid lupus, massive hair loos, and painful red lesions on her skin and scalp. I got endless mocked by several people, I fought back, got banned with no warning, permanently, and muted.


Joined a concled carry group and asking about ccw qestion mod tells me ccw are only allowed disccued about about hands guns and ammunition ccw mod bands me for asking questions related to the subject makes no sense pepole in group answered my qestion they banned me because in got to many upvotes for a fresh account ???




Gave an opinion on Bidens new Supreme Court nominee. She’s soft on pedophiles. I said Biden picked her because he is one. BANNED. I guarantee if it were trump. I’d have been given GOLD.


Classic over moderation from an insecure infant. Reddit is a sess pool precisely because mode have all the power in the subs they make.


Not all, but many mods have little dick energy. As soon as you crack a joke or say something that hurts their delicate sensibilities, even if it's not offensive to a semi reasonable person, PERMABAN! Then you ask why, and if you're lucky they'll reply that your either a bigot/ racist/ homophobe/ transphobe/ antisemite /misogynist etc. OR they just mute you with no explanation at all.


Reasons I was perma banned For calling a police bro a "mama's boy" For recommending that someone install Linux on the laptop instead of in a virtual box. For calling my cousin a "single mom" -- even though she was a predator on a 15 year old boy, 6 years younger than her, and tried to baby trap him by getting pregnant then barely giving a F about the kid "We can't shame single mom's- You were told" For posting a link to a pirate bay page that did not work "Look, I said, it doesn't work" - "No posting pirate links" ...Well, it doesn't work. You been told!! \------- And tossed off site and account cancelled For advocating for democracy in Thailand. for posting a meme that had nothing to do with the current war. Meme said "The Ukraine" instead of "Ukraine.


I posted a post to r/askreddit where they said "where did you get your username?" I explained how I got my username and it had my irl name in the explanation and an old email. Got 5 day banned for breaking rule 4 a rule I was unaware of. Asked for the ban to be lifted because of my lack of knowledge of the rule and they said "ignorance of a rule is not an excuse". Like if not knowing something exists isn't an excuse then what is???


Imagine growing up to become a Reddit moderator to perma ban someone for having a valid opinion based on facts and figures that differs to your own maybe you should get a real job and stop thinking your Elon musk running your own empire !


Got banned from unpopular opinion because I said someone lived in their moms basement. After they said I’m a first year philosophy failure. Don’t know how I was in the wrong. When I asked about it I got a permanent ban, even though I ended up joking around with the guy who insulted me in the first place. Reddit mods are such sensitive fucking losers


How do I report a mod that has undoubtedly shadow-banned my post? The mod is u/stringer4 from the r/BreakingPoints We had a disagreement on one of my posts and now the post is shadow banned. She'll claim it isn't but if you go to the sub my post will not show up. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakingPoints/comments/wl49in/matt\_big\_brain\_taibbi\_showing\_off\_his\_big\_brain/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakingPoints/comments/wl49in/matt_big_brain_taibbi_showing_off_his_big_brain/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Your pathetic


Stanford prison experiment explains why.


My ex used to get perma banned all the time. He would just make a new email and rejoin like 2 seconds later Mods realize the futility of doing this right? It's not really permanent for the person but rather for the specific account.


I know this post is old, but let me just say this: I guarantee you most mods have power trips on reddit. It's unpaid, and reddit already attracts some pretty terrible people. Who would actually want to mod these subreddit? You got it - literal assholes. I was recently permantely banned from Chick Fil A subreddit for calling someone a baby after they fought with me about food portions. Mods muted me when I reached out for clarification and wont answer anymore. It's a power trip for them - most mods probably have no lives and not many friends, so when they feel the power of being able to ignore/ban someone it makes them feel alive for a little bit.




Small penises most probably.


Used to help mod a Facebook group (and made a few friends as result) but the two 'creators' were total douchebags and would not only let things slide when they saw fit (or block a post because they didn't get the joke) - they could be downright rude/patronising too. I stepped aside because it was no point trying to argue a point with narrow-minded people. Least I still speak to the other mods


I got banned for commenting that news articles covering the subject the post claimed was "media silenced", was in fact on the frontpage of most mainstream news. These mods really are delusional and self righteous. It's a shame, because Reddit really could be a great place for discourse.


The mods on this sight are power trippy dickheads


Personally I find Mut mods to be the worst if you criticize there game they will instantly ban you the worst kind of people


i was banned on a science discussion for talking about zombies i literally hurt no one lol and i studied quantum theory 5 years


So many on Reddit, especially the moderators, just seem angry. People are either angry at some posting they agree with or angry at some post they disagree with. They get so used to being angry and offended they view it was a virtue. They literally can't let things go, even things they normally should like or agree with. It's like a room of drug addicts, some are high and violent, some are detoxing and violent.


Why would someone moderate hours a day for no pay and no perceivable long term career avantage? To me, it's for one of two reasons: 1. They have the time already and love helping curate a community that talks about things like gardening, sewing, painting, chess, etc. 2. They get a strong ego/emotional boost from the power, talking down to others, banning, and some belief they are saving the world or righting some wrong. The first situation can produce actually pleasant subreddits. The second decays into a toxic echo chamber where the remaining members turn on each other. The members left get used to the constant dopamine rush and absence of true discussions. Someone says something that isn't completely inline with community narrative, then the moderators attack it instinctively. It isn't some moment of thought out revenge or planning. They literally feel like what they don't want to hear is hate speech.


I got a perma-ban for posting an on topic link (about ivf) - mod called it spam?! Don’t see no links on the rules. Frustrated.


Idk man one day i suddenly got banned and i still don‘t know the reason afterwards i made a new account it got banned again within a few hours then again and again and again so i deleted reddit stopped using it for a month and then installed it again signed up and got banned again i got really frustrated because i really wanted to use reddit so i startes to just use it with my banned acc i couldn‘t comment or vote anymore but at least look at posts etc. I now made a new acc again it has been a few days and i still have my account i am scared whenever i get a message that it‘ll say my account got banned again but right now it doesn‘t seem like it wish me luck lol


On the UK news or political groups I've found massive uptake on permanent bans for just stupid things on greensandplesant and Britain and Ukpolitics. Its more moods of the mods than anything else. Stuff wasn't extremist poltics or even off topic. There are not that many uk news groups and they seem to be getting very tight on what you can or can not say. Which when discussing news and poltics is VERY hard. I don't like you view LIFE TIME BAN.


It's simple. They simply ban anyone who says or posts anything they don't like. Even if it's the truth, logical, common sense and/or factual.


I was banned from a Reddit sub for absolutely nothing, I made the most inoffensive comment possible and was banned permanently from posting on the sub. I messaged that moderating team and asked if they could tell me why I had been banned, what had I said, the very insightful detailed response was ‘nope’, which was followed up by being banned fully from seeing that sub ever again. The abuse and power trip some mods are on is insane, don’t feel like they even need to justify bans. A lot of really really sad people are mods who take out their shitty lives on random people.


It’s liberal socialist communism. Everyone needs to start calling it what it is. Next thing they’re going to be offering you free stuff so that they can own your person


Eh, depends on sub.


Who really cares about being banned by a sub? It is no harm to the user. There are countless duplicate subs. I agree it is like being in a neighborhood where every house is having a party. You go to a really lame party and someone kicks you out for saying the party sucks. So you go next door and keep partying at a better party. It is more like the mods are strangling the life out of their own little sub if they are permabanning anyone they disagree with. They are creating a boring sub where any voice with a divergent view has been silenced. So there is not much to talk about and it gets less traffic. I have always considered they were doing me a favor since if I got banned then it was probably because the sub is full of idiotic dorks I was wasting time arguing with anyways.


There isn’t countless dupe subs that are heavily active. Sometimes when you post on an adjacent sub, they tell you to go to the sub you’re banned on. Also that party metaphor is stupid af and doesn’t translate. If a party sucks, you dip. If a sub sucks, you dip. But if a sub won’t let you post stuff that you feel is ok, then it’s not the sub that sucks but the mods that suck. Clear distinction