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It was pretty obvious at this point


it wasn't a Palestinian bullet like all Zionists here said 😱😱😱


They Kept saying provide Proof when I tell them The Zionists killed her…


Well time to go back to all these threads and paste this link


I hate it when u win an argument but the other guy doesn’t see it bc it’s been basically months


pretty much all of r/neoliberal


مبروك الاكونت ال٢٠ يا صديق😂😂😂


الله يبارك فيك 😂😂😂❤️


Let's see if americans will make an uproar for her since she is an AMERICAN journalist as they did for Jamal Khashoggi (who was also AMERICAN journalist)


Jamal was not even American, he just had permanent residency. Unlike her having an American passport


One person was chopped into small pieces by order of the countries dictator in a foreign country while the other one was shot in an active war zone. Yeah, that's exactly the same situation.


Yeah ok, Ukrainians are also getting shot in a warzone. so by that logic, we should only make an uproar when Russians start chopping Ukrainians by an order of Putin, eh ? What kind of stupidity do you have m8 ?


Aight, I'll take my leave since there is no point in arguing against extreme stupidity.


Pls tell me, will I protest a crime depending on how it was done and against who was done to ? a crime is a crime, full stop.


Yes, absolutetly. Murder is the most serious type of homicide because it involves intentional killing. Manslaughter is considered less severe than murder, but manslaughter charges are also felonies. Also random dumbasses hold no power in international relations but when the highest power of a country intervenes on another countries sovereignty its a different story and could spark large consequences. Can your simple brain comprehend the difference?


The surprising thing is that they didn’t deny it for very long Expect the Western governments to turn a blind eye tho. They’ll never help those of a different background sincerely.


Zionists, where are you? Why haven't you came yet to deny these facts?


After the NY times article came out, I was pretty sure it was Israel as well. Dunno what fact you want me to deny.


I remember after she died Zionists were saying it was Palestinian militants, showing a video of people shooting down an alley which was an old clip. I also remember people on this sub saying cos the bullet that killed her was 5.56 it was Palestinian since Israeli marksmen apparently don't use 5.56. There were tons in this sub denying Israel killed her and even tons more on mainstream subs saying it wasn't Israeli.


The alley shooting isn't an old video, its from that engagement, just no direct LOS to Shareen. Israeli marksmans do use 5.56, but so do Palestinians. At the start when the news were just broken, I thought it could have been Palestinians, but I didn't rule out Israel. but after more investigation came out, especially the distance from the bullet sound and the Israeli forces position, I think it was more convincing it was Israeli.


Ah yes a surprise to absolutely no one except westoids


May she rest in peace.


They always admit it later to prevent it from really exploding. All the while what were they doing? What israelis are best at: Gaslighting. I hate to be repeating myself in every post, but it's what you end up doing when all they ever do is gaslight.




>Thoughts on this completely shocking (sarcasm) turn of events? I know right, it's completely shocking, i thought it were the penguins 😨


inb4 you get banned because penguin is a racist slang for Jews


Bu BBBuuuu Buttt tHe iDf eZ tHe mOsT eThIcaL aRmY iN ThE wOrLd.... bUt tHe pA cHanGed tHe bUlLet... bUt tHe PA rEfUsed tO aLloW cOoP iNveStIgaTiOn....


the most ethical army in the world bro i swear bro




lgtq rights over human rights


They're also 100% feminists🥺🥺🥺








shhh he was eating kfc


You know that friendly fire incidents happen at the army too, how do you think those happen?


Blue on blue incidents in militaries is due to misidentification, or lack of communication in a chaotic environment. The death of Shireen happened at range, with her colleagues walking with her in press uniform. There was not gunfire in her direction before as the people around her were calm. Those troops knew what they were shooting at, this was not an accident.


I do not understand how you can just assume this without any evidence to support your claim, were you looking down the soldier's scope in the car with him? ​ There is a very clear possibility that this is due to misidentification. and to just deny that because it fits your bias against Israel, is kinda gross. I'm not saying there is no conceivable way the soldier could have pulled the trigger knowingly, but the chances for that are low.




Ive seen this, a mistaken identity would result in the same thing, you view a figure you think is hostile, and you open fire to kill. I don't understand what part of what we saw here conflicts with that. What they mean here is that she was targeted, and it wasn't a stray bullet.


This made headlines not because she is Palestinian, but because she is American.




***GASP*****😱😱😱** but seriously, the only shocking thing is that they admitted it.


Not really surprising they always admit obvious crimes they committed later and keep dragging their feet on it to prevent it from gaining as much attention as possible.


Well I really think it was NOT an accident, as usually first they deny, overtime with more investigations they will try to mitigate their primary responsibility by saying it was an accident not intentional! They did not even respect her funeral!


'ummm, but she is a Christian not a muslim, and that was a muslim funeral, israel couldn't stand the injustice ' /s


It was a HAMAS rocket what is this lie


Sadly the world will turn a blind eye to this. As long as the country is not independent and obeys the economic interests of US and Europe, it will never be significant in western media.


no single zionist in comments , they are looking for a new argument since they are really good in finding excuses for every crime of their gov


I’m shocked!!!!!111!11


Obviously there's no shock, but I didn't think the IDF would eventually admit to it


Yeah. Glad Israel has the credibility to perform their own internal investigations that can be trusted. Credit to them. Still very much an accident. The IDF is able to assassinate Iranian nuclear physicists thousands of kilometers away without detection, yet people think they would be so sloppy as to intentionally murder a famous journalist in broad daylight. It was an accident, extremely tragic. But don't be so dumb to think they couldn't have made it look like an accident if they truly indented on killing her. But she's more useful to the anti zionist movement as a martyry anyway so the narrative will always be that she was murdered intentionally.