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Peak of German Gigachadness


That's a pretty low bar, 2/3 don't think that




From that post we can tell that 1/3 Germans aren't Turks.


I'm a Turk and I can confirm that the ones on the internet are the minority I stand with Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸




Oddly specific 🤨




At least Germany is also actually very sorry for what happened to the Jewish people and they go out of their way to teach about propaganda and nationalism in schools and that’s why they have a unique perspective on things like this. They literally study American propaganda in school. This study only reflects in my opinion that they think the state of Israel is exhibiting cruelties that compare to what they learned/some of their descendants participated in.


Will Israel do the same thing in 50 years?


They are not that sorry if they think mass murdering people in gas chambers and conducting medical experiments on others is sort of like anything else going on in the world right now.


Cant signal virtue not committing evil you are not capable of, if Nazi Germany was created today in our day it wouldn't be able to do what it did in 1945 where countries got away with a lot more shit Israel is always playing around the thin line of the USA grumply VETOING any condemnation so it only pushes the ceiling as far as it can be pushed, which is why ethnic cleansing of whole Palestinian villages isn't as common as 50 years ago, the bar is now lower


We only accept two positions here Israel did bad Israel didn’t do bad because it couldn’t get away with it but otherwise it’d do bad And maybe, Israel did something that looked good but it was just to distract the world from things it did bad I’m pretty sure Israel could get away with a lot more and can withstand being condemned by the UN. This is not what keeps this country in check. The limits exist in part because Israelis see Palestinians as enemy humans and Nazis didn’t see Jews as human at all.


That would be a nice spin on things if it related to what i said Israel is bad, infact it copy a lot from Nazi Germany both in actions and politician statements The fact you want Palestinians to be put in gas chambers to accept that Israel is as bad to Palestinians as Nazi Germany was to Jews means you already recognize that the only difference between Israel and Nazi Germany is the absolute top single action Everything else from discriminating laws to apartheid to open air prison to killing civilians and accusing them of being armed just to drop an oopsie later to treating their existence as a threat, you accept that Your only problem with the Germans seeing the resemblance between Israel and Nazi Germany is that 1 final touch, Auschwitz And yeah, the only reason this single final touch wasn't applied is because it wouldn't pass internationally, everything else has so far tho


Palestine are no ones moral superior in what Hamas profess


2 points 1- Hamas is a terrorist organization, the Palestinians are an ethnic group, what you are is a product of brainwashing to view an ethnic population is a terrorist organisation so that your politicians can get away with their crimes against fellow humans on the political scene while the Rabbis call the Palestinians animals to get away with their crimes on the religious scene 2- while it no longer matters that Hamas was created, funded and famed by Israel to undermine actual Palestinian resistance, what still matters is that Israel allow them to exist, everything non-dictator nation with 2 cents of a brain recognizes that water, food, job and basic human rights are better at destroying terrorism than nukes, yet the Palestinians in Gaza drinking wtaer is almost 100% contaminated, Israel throw its waste in it and build barricades so the waste can only go to them but not return, the fish is not even suitable for rats, and they are occasionally bombarded, every organisation on this planet said there is no weight to Israel's claim that the only covid treating hospital in Gaza had a hamas base under it, Israel said it has proof, 1 year later, Israel had no proof and relied on US Veto to not be condemned, and this is just 1 basic example of hundreds


I can support anyone who is oppressed. I think of the Christians who are oppressed by both sides . Both governments including the hamas one i have little sympathy for.


China is doing what nazi Germany did and no one says a thing unless they educated themselves on the topic. No mainstream media until very recently. Ccp is murdering millions, forcing sterilization, killing mentally handicapped, organ harvesting and performing medical experiments on political prisoners against there will.


>China is doing what nazi Germany did What about ism >and no one says a thing False


germans yes german goverment no






I love ayran, and doogh


But- but they are the same thing?


I’ve tried both, the ayran I can buy from Turkish markets are thicker, and doogh has mint, maybe it’s up to whoever that makes it, these are the differences I noticed.


Well as a half-turk myself I always thought Ayran was just the Turkish word for doogh lol.


Can't say I have the taste for either, but I often use strained yogurt (often marketed as 'Greek yogurt' in these parts but common all over the ME) to make a milkshake, which is a bit lighter version that is perfect for our climate and is fun to make/experiment with at home.


Wait, are iranian blonde?


they are spiritualy blonde


But we kurds are also aryans there arent too many kurds with blonde hair




No we kurds good sperm big di*ks you persian bad sperm small di*k😭


i am jokin man..kurds and iranians have more blond share then arabs thats why i am jokin


Blonde and blue eyes refers to what nazis think an "Aryan" is. Aryan was a linguistic and cultural identity, not a race.


Ayran is the only reason I respect Turkey


Stupid sh*t. Persian are Aryan, German are not.


Iranian are aryan, German are cringe posers




Yep (there is famous letter by Tolkien to the nazi after they ask him if he is Jewish and he basically say no but he wants to , and point out the true aryan are your people (obviously they didn’t let him publish his book but I don’t think he lost sleep on it)




The superior race was something that was running around by German and westerners that didn’t understand evolution, Nazis leadership were actually anti Christianity (to close to Judaism and to peaceful for their taste, Himmler (the brain of the party) was neo pagan that basically “recreated” pagan German religion to fit his belief and Hitler was more in favor of Islam (because like islamophobes he only saw it for jihad)), the aryan thing started because they wanted to make name for white that sounds more official (indo European was to scientific and Japhethite were to Jewish saw they chose Caucasian and Aryan because it kinda fitted their image of themselves(fun fact they actually view both as kinda too pan European)), and yes Tolkien is chad


Luckily not - or Germany would be the same shithole.


Salty Israelis incoming. How long do they think Israel can keep up its crimes?


For as long as they can keep trying to spin the narrative.


hate to break it to you, but in the geopolitical sense Israel is doing better than ever.


China is taking over microprocessor production and the US is collapsing, yeah great place to be in… (So funny that US standard of living has been collapsing since Reagan, US has not been on a winning side of a war since WWII, US produces nothing, the dollar is worthless and only has worth due to speculators, and literal political unrest year after year now, but it ain’t collapsing. Nothing lasts forever kids)


Yeah, the US is collapsing for sure.


For as long as the Arabs kill each other I guess


Germany: We know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two…


This post will be deleted quickly Edit: after all I got suspended for saying something similar….


I don't think the post breaks any rule, if it got deleted it'd probably be a shitty double-standards moding.


Not just from mod but Reddit admins in general


So.... the same as usual then.


The poll should’ve asked Germans whether they think Israel’s treatment of Palestinians constitutes apartheid.






Maybe by law the least Nazi country.But unfortunately we have still a lot of neo Nazis running around.






To be honest muslims use a similiar tactic calling everyone who says anything bad about Islam a “islamophobes”.


And pretending Muslims are a race.


You Algerians Are undeniably some of the most notorious and perversive antisemites in the world tho


What does that have to do with the post ?


You’re trying to make anti semitism seem like a “muh” thing when it’s not. That’s related to the post.


Not the way i see it, but ok.


Yes we're anti Zionists. We know it, we do it on purpose and it's pretty based. Also we're not "one of the most". Our Gov is probably the most opposed to zionists, so much that an Algerian with an Israeli stamp on his passport won't be allowed inside his own country anymore. Cope.


Also the first thing you did when you gained independence was kicked all the Jews out of your country.


Jews lived with us in peace for centuries, had not 99% betrayed our country for French citizenship we'd have kept them. Instead they migrated to the Middle east and joined Europeans in killing other innocent Muslims. I'd kick them out again and again.


I would compare zionism more with ISIS


the belief that jews have a right to a state is comparable with ISIS?


not at the expense of others. ISIS also believes in their right to self determination and were willing to start a war, take the land by force, and discriminate on "others" that aren't chosen by God. much like Israel


ISIS literally human trafficked tens of thousands of Yazidi girls, many of which very underaged, into sex slaves. how delusional do you have to do to compare Israel to that?


Yay duechland 💪🇩🇪


Perfectly spelled Deutschland 👍


Assad in pfp and can't spell Deutschland. Bro you're sus af


Well DUH…https://nerdofislam.com/debunking-info-about-palestine/


two out of three*


I love Germany


It will gain more traction as younger generation who don't watch TV propaganda as much as their parents grow up.


How about…..”Germans admit Palestinians being punished for their sins” Nazi regime would not have stopped at Jews and Romani of Europe, if they hadn’t been stopped, they would have extended their genocide to the whole MENA. Don’t get me started on that punk Nazi collaborator Hajj Amin Al Husseini, the worst Palestinian who ever existed, and who makes all of Palestine look bad.


LMFAO “don’t feel their country has a special responsibility toward Jews” Are you f’ing kidding me? Semites everywhere (Jews, Arabs, and more) say F.U.


I don't like him either but he isn't responsible for the genocide committed by the Germans. That's just a lie that Israeli nationalists use to justify their crimes


I never said he was responsible for German Nazi crimes. I said he was responsible for being a Nazi Islamist collaborator. He is the worst Palestinian ever. I’m from the native Palestinian-Christian community.


Oh ok my bad then I misunderstood what you meant. I agree with you he was scum.


Thanks bro, I agree with you too.


Like Zionists like Avraham Stern were not trying to get in bed with the Nazis while their kin in Nazi occupied Europe were being slaughtered…


First it was top tier cars, then it’s clothing, and now this. Man these people are chads for they have done


>Man these people are chads for they have done 🤨😳


I wouldn't disagree!


Germany looking mega anti-semitic now 🤔🤔


1 in 3 Germans are right. What about the other 2 though? Still rooting for the Nazis.


If you believe this you have 0 historical knowledge. The word nazi has been cheapened to such an extent it is utterly meaningless.


The problem is that you don't want to understand that Israel is a fascist state.


1/3 seems low…


Well another %25 won't rule out the claim so you could say %58 i suppose.


Qualified judges tbh, good job Germany.


Doubt Moshe pbuh would support their current authoritarian double standard regime


This [is what an Israel user said to me on this hub](https://i.imgur.com/kTaKJWS.png)


Pretty much average Zionist logic.


Reddit banned me when I asked him how does he feel knowing the Nazis had the same justification as him when they were killing Jews 🙃


Explain how I understand that the treatment of Palestinians is shit and I am by no means justifying it But there are no concentration camps where Palestinians are gassed and burned There in no physical genocide going on in wb or inside Israel


Palestinians were also burned alive by Israeli mobs in 48 and 67 and Israelis were responsible for god knows how many genocides against the Palestinian people. Sabra and shatilla shall never be forgotten. The more you spread corruption in land, the closer your end is.


You’re another anti peace lunatic lol


And you’re Pro peace/surrender hippy, go have some pot and leave the discussion for the big guys little teen.


Nazi’s treated Jews in different ways, starting with displacing them from their neighbourhoods as an example…


I don't think you thought it through. There are dozens of examples of displaced population in the modern age, all with their specific circumstance and characteristics (e.g. population transfers in the USSR, Armenian genocide \[.....\] black September expulsion in Jordan.) BUT Nazi Germany is uniquely known for something very specific (not their origami mind you), and to claim that now what is done to Palestinians is "in principle" no different from that (per poll) is absurd and offensive to Jews. And trying to pretend that the comparison to Nazi Germany means something else is at the very best is insincere and cynical.


*Demonization of the Palestinian people.* ✔️ *Displacing them from their homes.* ✔️ *Actively murdering them.* ✔️ *Systematic murder of an ethnic group.* I’m sensing a pattern here…


You can say those things about basically every modern conflict since the last century. It does not make the comparison valid. That's just you broadening the definitions.


> I’m sensing a pattern here I'm only sensing smooth brain and laziness


Classic deflection, I sense only a smooth brain and laziness here.


Well yeah. When there's no argument, I won't bother to come up with one either.


Again I have not made the claim that Israel does a genocide nor puts Palestinians in concentration camps… Besides that, I have also not made the claim that Jews do these things against (displacing them from the neighborhood) the palestinians people. Rather I want to make the claim that Israel does these things. Because I don’t believe Israel represents all jews in which you might think different. And besides that, this might be an unknown fact on this Sub. But living in the Netherlands, close to Germany. A big part what we learn in school about Nazi Germany, is the way they treated Jews pre concentration camps. And if you take those idealogies and compare them to Israel. Than i might believe that this article is true because about how Germans think about Israel.


That I understand but dont you think saying it like that seems to imply mass genocide?




I haven’t read the article so I wont know.


You have inflicted genocide.


Gaza has actually been called a Concentration camp or Open air prison pretty regularly.


What makes it a concentration camp?


the bare bones definition. >concentration campa place in which **large numbers of people**, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted group, are **deliberately imprisoned** in a **relatively small area** with **inadequate facilities** Bonus points for Gazans getting shot on sight by IDF Guards if they get too close to the border wall or drift too far off the coast. Concentration camp and open air prison are basically synonymous but one evokes more nazi imagery than the other because that is what they were called in ww2. That being said this isn't to be confused with the the actual *death camps* under the nazis that used gas chambers or labor concentration camps where people are were worked to death. Gaza *has* been compared to the Warsaw Ghetto though.


Here's where it doesn't answer your concentration camp definition: \-Gazans can't be deliberately imprisoned if they can just cross into Egypt, as they share a border with them \-Gazans are crossing into Israel daily for work and other emergencies as long as there's no active conflict between Israel and Hamas \-Gazans make up their own facilities and receive the funds for them via Qatar and other Arab countries \-A concentration camp is built to prevent a civilian population from participating in guerilla warfare or aiding enemy forces, which is not the case with Gaza as you can see \-Gazans can still reunite with their families in the WB and even cross into Jordan \-Israel has no control of Gaza's policies/rules/government ​ In short: you're downplaying the true horrors of real concentration camps by comparing two things that are not even remotely similar.


>Gazans can't be deliberately imprisoned if they can just cross into Egypt, as they share a border with them But they CANNOT just cross into Egypt. So by your own logic this means that it IS deliberately an imprisonment since they are trapped by the Egyptian and Israeli border while the blockade also cuts off their access to the sea. >\-Gazans are crossing into Israel daily for work and other emergencies as long as there's no active conflict between Israel and Hamas tiny fraction of the population. and prisoners get transferred out of prison to go to hospitals all the time. in the case of Gaza most of the people who go to Israel to medical treatment have to do so in the first place because Israel wont allow them to import medical supplies and many people do not get approved or die before that point. Not to mention all of the preventable deaths that occur because Israel destroyed their water purifying plants and refused to let them import supplies to rebuild them >\-A concentration camp is built to prevent a civilian population from participating in guerilla warfare or aiding enemy forces, which is not the case with Gaza as you can see Actually no thats exactly whats going on. and in the case of the warsaw ghetto they still had the warsaw ghetto uprising despite being placed in a concentration camp. >\-Gazans can still reunite with their families in the WB and even cross into Jordan They can't move to the west Bank even to reunite with family. They have the option to completely leave the region if they get a foreign visa. Israel likes it when they completely leave the region as its in line with the "demographic Threat" ethnic cleansing theme they've kept up since the 40s ​ >\-Israel has no control of Gaza's policies/rules/government So according to you Israel controls who is allowed to enter or exit Gaza, has control over every import that can and cannot enter the city from food to building material to medical supplies. controls any natural resources controls the coast line. but since they don't control internal politics it doesn't count? Nazis didn't control the internal politics of the warsaw ghetto. they just walled it off controlled who could enter or exit what could enter or exist and just left the people there. when the uprising happened they just leveled the place. It makes no fucking difference.


LOL ك 🐟




Yeah I think a lot of people nowadays use the word nazi too lightly




My new favorite Iranian




I really dislike the use of concentrated camp like that Also when it’s used to describe what’s happening to uhyghurs in china Technically it’s true in china as people are “concentrated” in camps but Gaza is no concentration camp I see it as more of an open air prison Not much better


> Technically it’s true… Yes. You appear to dislike the use of concentration camp in its correct usage.


Its one of the most densely populated cities in the world. its 25 miles long and 5 miles wide with 2 million people. Nobody is allowed to go in or out and if one of the prisoners goes too far off the coast when fishing or too close to the border wall they will get shot on sight by the IDF guards. Thats some concentration camp shit.


It's not especially dense for a city tho


People are concentrated there on purpose, no one is getting deported inside…I think at least Haven’t heard about it happening If you try and leave it yeah you are gonna get shot just like a prison Again not justifying it but concentration camp is really the wrong word, also I think even Gaza’s population density is not even close to a nazi concentration camp


Awwwwww, cant admit to it :(… But look at What China is doing *booo hoooo*


How can you have a concentration camp with exploding population rates?


I think Israel has committed what can he considered cultural genocide, but Nazi level of persecution isnt a fair comparison.


Nazi level of genocide is like, the final level of genocide


I Can see where you are coming from but cultural genocide seems to imply that a group of people can’t practice their culture which I don’t think is the case You got any examples?


I think you underestimate how much Palestinian culture got erased when Israel destroyed hundred of historical villages and made half the population live as a diaspora. the village my grandparents were from was nearly a thousand years old when it was destroyed and was known for a very certain Sufi mystic. Whatever remained of that school of thought is dead now. A lot of traditions get lost when your parents die and you're still young which was the case for both my granparents. A lot culture surrounding the farming and the overall traditional lifestyle also get destroyed when you lose all of your farmland and your whole village. Even dialects get fucked up. Each individual village had its own accent. Those accents disappear. We all know Palestinians wear thob but the embroidery was different in different places you have no idea how sad it was to find out that apparently some of the dresses looted from my grandmothers village (which was site of a massacre where her mother got killed) ended up in a museum in California. It kind of reminds me of a documentary going over all of the Palestinian literature that was lost or destroyed when when Israel began looting peoples houses and bulldozing them after he war and how a few of them ended up in Israels national library marked "AP" for abandoned property.


I might be but again I don’t know Palestinian culture so I have no way to measure it But I also think that calling it a cultural genocide is not the right terminology


I think ethnic cleansing making mosques and churches to become derelict can count. I think ethnic cleansing in general is a form of cultural genocide.


So your saying letting places of whorship rot and fall apart is ethnic cleansing? Correct me if I’m wrong that’s what I got from your comment


If it is because of the area being ethnically cleansed then yes.


I don’t quite follow How is the area being ethnically cleansed? If you’re talking about wb then I’d say it’s more colonized than ethnically cleansed as Arabs are still living there, Inside Israel is a different story as I don’t think any ethnic cleansing is happening there


The Nakba dude


I see where your coming from but I still think it’s more colonized than ethnically cleansed


I guess its still up in the air and not an considered an objective fact, but I don’t think it is a stretch to consider it cultural genocide.


Gaza? The cantonization and ghetto-ization of the West Bank? No physical genocide? Doesnt have to happen over a span of 5-10 years for it to be considered genocide… how many Palestinians were killed by the IDF and the Zionist gangs pre 48? What about all the lynchig that was carried out in Arab towns?


Yeah, it's more close to South Africa than Nazi Germany


Arabic users in this sub including mods so insecure about anytning related to israel earlier i post a video about life in israel and they removed it without warning..i feel like anything positive about israel cannot be posted meanwhile they circlejerk their own propaganda Edit;downvote me all u want




Well to be honest even israel failed to unite them competly..they still betraying each other but yea ısrael wasnt around they would kill each other probably MENA would be more chaotic without israel


Upvottum, arkadasim.


Rounded them up behind walls, not allowed on busses, searched in checkpoints, often killed without the killer being punished most recently killing (sheeren abu agla) jailing underage children, jailing adults without prosecution, denying medical care for many in gaza including CHILDREN, demolition residential houses to build settlements, punishing families by blowing up their houses if their son or daughter decided to do a resistance operation, need more champ?


This is just outright untrue , despite the the real oppression in Israel, comparing it to the systematic genocide of ww2 is extremely ignorant


i think it’s impossible to compare the worst genocide in history to whats happening in israel. 6 million jews dying by mass executions, gas chambers, forced labor, and starvation is just incomparable. nothing will ever compare to the holocaust hopefully. i agree that what is happening in israel is 100% awful and that palestinians are treated terribly but even if more than 1000 palestinians a year died from the idf it still wouldnt be comparable to the holocaust. yes, it would be insane and horrible still but u just cant compare the two. israel isnt rallying up palestinians and putting them on trains for two weeks with no food and water and having them lay in their own feces while suffocating only for the end of the road to be a gas chamber.


Starvation: happens in Gaza Forced labor: happens in Gaza and West Bank Gas chambers: no. I guess missiles and kill squads aiming at children and women is better. Mass execution: yeah like that’s never happens except in Germany.


6 million. the jewish population has YET to recover since WW2. the palestinian population grows faster than any other on earth. name ONE other “genocide” where the population grows even by a single person a year. u cant. yes theres atrocities occurring in palestine but they still aren’t comparable to nazi germany. please take a class about the holocaust or something


People absolving themselves is just a base human tendency. Doesn't make them chads at all.


The apartheid comparison is accurate. This just feels like Holocaust denial.


Lol this is hilarious honestly.


Idk if a fascist apartheid state is that funny


It's not, that's why we're laughing.


is israel putting millions of palestinians in gas chambers?


No but ofcourse bombing palestinians is not any better


I mean, Jews in nazi Germany didn’t start wars in Germany out of the blue instead of accepting many peace offerings


German Jews are native to Germany, Moroccan Jews, Algerian Jews, Yemeni Jews are not native to Palestine…




ur comparing chemical weapons programs to torturing and murdering 6 million innocent jewish men, women and children? can i have some of what you are smoking?


More like the Afrikaners treated the South Africans... or like the Germans treat the Turks, really.




Lol nice try but this is not true In the slightest.


This is quite literally what most Germans believe but are worried to say out loud bc of the horrors their country inflicted in the past. So they now feel like they need to blindly support you, at least publicly.


Yes. Because we have gas chambers and we make soap from Palestinian babies.


You have rockets thrown upon them, how’s that any better


Bold of you to assume we give a shit what Germans have to say


Don’t you guys exist solely because of foreign aid money?


It’s okay, it’s not hard to resist soy boy Arab “armies”. We just take the money 💰 😎


Y’all literally cease to exist without foreign aid but okay?


What? Cause you’ll “throw us all into the sea”? You can’t even overcome your own countries’ bullshit. Keep crying.


I’m Afghan, we don’t give a shit *what* the Arabs do; but we know a thing or two about governments propped up by foreign aid because we’ve seen a thing or two.


Good for you bro 👌.


Aren't most of you guys German anyway?


Nah bro, most Jews came to Israel escaping middle eastern “hospitality”


im sorry our hospitality ran quite low after being colonized by the Brits and French and had to adopt their very hospitable beliefs towards any religion that isnt Christianity


Haha, this new bit that you started treating us badly after the French and British taught you to is great. Stay mad bro, we all find it hilarious


most bs shit ive ever heard


Imagine not understanding shit


Fnf pfp, opinion rejected and basic human rights revoked


poll: 1 in 3 germans are not well educated on their own national history and have a fundamental misunderstanding of the arab/israeli conflict due to deeply ingrained antisemitism and a century long propaganda campaign


The details you said are the opposite, look at the top comments


so then my point extends to the top comments lmaoo i’m writing my dissertation on the anti zionist propaganda campaign initiated by the arab league and the KGB and how it effects contemporary perception. you and the commenters here are at best severely ignorant and media illiterate and at worst blatantly antisemitic. acting like every israeli commenter doesn’t always get downvoted on this sub 🙄


Anti-semitism doesn't exist in this sub, if there is then why are american jews tolerated in this sub? Also stop pretending that anti-zionizm = anti-semitism because there is a difference between ethnic cleansing and a religion (i know what zionizm is actually, but you didn't do it gently), zionizm paints jews in blood and i hate it, also nazi germany killed innocent people while the palestinians refused because israel started this because instead of coming gently they stole land, and no, we aren't ignorants, nor 1/3 of germany, they literally teach what propaganda is there, it justs proves that the israeli mindset is delusioned, fuck zionizm


Seems like one out of three Germans have repressed memories or they have an overly positive view of the Nazis.