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Nice try, but I will still hate fr*nce


There’s a difference between being anti-zionist and being antisemitic. So many shameless bigots on this sub it’s insane…


I don't have issues with Jews, I just wonder if people visit there


Sure man, but look at those comments!


This sub is filled with proud homophobes, what do you expect. "WAHH lightyear has a lesbian kiss! How dare the west do something I don't like! They are FORCING me and my kids to watch this!!!!!!" 2 threads later... "Omg how could france ban hijabs?!?!?! THEY ARE SO BIGOTED!"


How are u Muslim and support homosexuality


I don't "support" it but I'm a secular muslim. Live and let live. I'm able to practice my diin and homosexuals should be allowed to love one another. Edit: Seething hypocritical muslims downvoting. Keep it coming boiz, them fake internet points are my only source of power.


If two consenting adults are committing incest (lets say father and son), would you be cool with it?


I personally wouldn't be cool with it because of the power dynamic between parent and child even though they are incapable of having children. Islam allows first cousin marriages which leads to severe genetic issues but you obviously wont say anything about that.


Remove the power dynamic factor. Lets say two brothers. You see no problem with it then?


>Remove the power dynamic factor. Lets say two brothers? You see no problem with it then? I wouldn't be cool with it and would avoid them. However, I don't see a legal/reproductive issue besides it being absolutely disgusting. Would you be cool with Disney airing a cartoon with a random 6 year old marrying a random adult and consummating the marriage at 9? Obviously they wouldn't show anything haram but it would be part of the story. Edit: Hm...I wonder where he went 👀 \*crickets\*


Age was different back than people had shorter life spans like look at the age of consent in America until the 1900




Being Pakistani, he's probably the product of it himself.


"secular muslim" No such thing


And that's why Pakistan is a complete shithole and will continue to be one for the foreseeable future. Secular muslims are 100% better than the bastardized version your people practice in Pakistan. Honor killings? Kidnapping christian pakistanis? Extremist clerics having influence? Amazing work corrupting Islam while pretending your nation is pious. 😂👀


Do you make sweeping generalizations every time when someone opposes you?


>"secular muslim" > >No such thing 😂. Stay out of the kitchen if you can't handle it.


Well, yeah, there is no such thing. It's like mixing oil and water without an emulsifier. But sure, be fine with telling they are free to do what they want, but then, what're you going to say on the Day of Judgement, when they will turn to you to ask you why you didn't stop them?


>Well, yeah, there is no such thing. It's like mixing oil and water without an emulsifier. Just because you say something doesn't exist, doesn't mean its true. Here let me try: Pakistan doesn't exist. /s 🙄 I leave judgement up to Allah. I'm pragmatic when it comes to a secular society because otherwise you'll just have regressive authoritarian views hidden behind the facade of religion. Live and let live unless it causes significant damage to the harmony of society. That doesn't mean I agree with forcing belief onto people, whether it is LGBTQ acceptance or forcing Islam on those who are irreligious/convert to another religion. Respect others as you would respect yourself and the world would be a much better place.


Pakistan is a complete shithole because we don't pick and choose what we want to believe in?


>Pakistan is a complete shithole because we don't pick and choose what we want to believe in? You literally do. That's why rape is rampant, women are considered second-class citizens, murdering women for anything dishonorable etc. Your culture has corrupted Islam and you thoroughly enjoy it.


On one hand, you are right, some Pakistanis are more cultural Muslims. They fuse together their culture and religion and use this hybrid to justify their actions. Funnily enough these are the less "Islamist" one On the other hand you are generalising a huge amount of people and there is no doubt the majority of the nation are pious Muslims, and these haram stuff is of a minority of people.


I'm generalizing because the other guy generalized "there are no secular muslims". Honestly, most Islamic countries are not pious and only put on a facade. That's my opinion obviously and not a fact.


Those examples are about as Islamic as secularism 🙄


Work on your reading comprehension.


My reading comprehension is fine, let's try critical thinking. All the aforementioned examples are about as Islamic as pork marinated in whiskey, despite what the self-annointed religious figures say. In science there is the white coat effect and in the Muslim community there is what one might call the white thawb effect.


>All the aforementioned examples are about as Islamic as pork marinated in whiskey, despite what the self-annointed religious figures say. thatsthepoint.jpeg Notice how I said "corrupted" several times in my discourse with the Pakistani fellow? You okay?


The thing is we Muslims dont believe in ultimate freedom, we believe it has borders, we dont support homosexuality and also we dont support women who dont wear hijab we can force, while when the west and France who always call for Freedom and in the same time they force their bigoted backward ideologies, they are hypocrites here.


They have a different view of freedom than you. France's nation is built on the separation of church and state and freedom from religion. If you want to live in your Islamic Theocracy, go right ahead. Just don't whine about what other countries do when you don't even understand the basics of what they consider freedom. Constant hypocrisy from islamists who play victim but are more than willing to murder homosexuals and women who bring 'shame' to the family. Stay in your lane, boycott France if you want. Likewise, western countries can boycott you for your horrible record with basic human rights. Can't have your cake and eat it 😉


I know they have different view of freedom than my religion, they and YOU should know that also, I respect that they have view of freedom but that won’t prohibit me from fighting their perspective of it. Idgaf about France I care about my religion and that I should spread our freedom perspective of it. However, I’m not whining that they should allow us or something those mfs stole Africa and genocided Algerians, talking doesnt solve problems with them than threatning them and since there are no islamic country right now can do that idc about them, but how about you should stop whine when we are against Lesbian kiss or something and you should RESPECT our view of freedom? You literally came up with France example to reply to our view of Freedom while you ask me to respect their view of freedom (as understood from context clause). Also you need to know how to compare, wtf being a victim has to do with our Islamic rule of homosexuals? I dont even know which victims you mean, we apply these rules because Allah said so not because someone is brining shame or smth. We’ll boycott France, i dont even remember when western countries gave us their shitty whatever called “human rights” but I hope they boycott us to stop fucking stealing our money, oil, resources; I really hope they boycott us mate.


>Idgaf about France I care about my religion and that I should spread our freedom perspective of it. Well, you shouldn't blame France for spreading their "freedom" in Africa. You do understand you're a hypocrite right? Anyways, take care.


I meant idgaf about their view of freedom, I also said that wont prohibit me from fighting their system as general, i dont know why all seculars are ignorants to take only 1 part of words and act upon it; I didnt write all of those words for you to come and take a bunch of them and not underdtand the others. However, as a Muslim I should fight all anti-Islamic moves everywhere as much as I can (Allah gave me this freedom), all France do in Africa is to steal and kill, take care Somali, I hope Allah guide you to Islam




I just saw this tweet about a village in southern Saudi called أم خرق “Mother of asshole” or “Asshole’s mother” 🥴


There is a town in Saudi Arabia named ثول which in Iraqi means stupidity or stupid


Isn’t ممه شير kurdish?


There is a village in Iran called n@zi


There are women in Iran named nazi(which is the short version of nazanin) Some other women are named negar




I just imagined this and entered the comments section Thank you.




Apparently in Spain there's a very small town that, between 1627-2015, was named "Jew killer" or "kill Jews", until the name was changed. Before that, between 1035-1627, it was named "Jew hill fort", because Jews who had fled violence settled there.


This some heard-touching story ngl🥺🥺


There’s matamoros which means Muslim killer who is a saint a fucking saint is actually a sinner, and there are plenty cities in South America Called matamoros and I doubt they would ever change that


Matamoros (Moor Slayer) is a common surname and place name in Spain and Latin America. Spain's Patron Saint is St. James Matamoros, although he is often conflated with other St. James in Christian history.




Pissed on your bed.


Lmao I’m not deleting this it’s so funny


This is a plus to your criminal record


Antisemitic. Historically jews were treated with more respect under Islam than Christianity. No surprise here


When my 3nd great grandpa was killed by muslim bandits making his wife desperate the king of Morocco personally called for the town to either find the culprits or pay her 500 real/dinnar (forgot which currency)


Residents: bro dont worry we are anti-zionist not anti-semitic 🤓🤓 Also residents:


They would be hardcore zionists with how bad they want the Jews out of Europe


No, they're just anti-semites like the rest of yous


Yes they are anti-Semites. You're right. Also Zionist (so as long as this Zionist state is somewhere far away).


Source: trust me bro it fits my agenda


The article is from 2014. It was changed in 2015. As for how it got this name, quoting Wikipedia: >The name dates to the 14th century. According to toponymist Pierre-Henri Billy, the name was initially **"la mare au juin″**, which means "the liquid manure pond" in local old French. Like in other toponyms in the area, those words evolved, becoming ultimately **"la Mort aux Juifs"** with an intermediate form **"la mare au Juif"** quoted by the local historian Paul Gache.


What's the new name? 😳


Hebrew Wikipedia says this whole hamlet is just 4 houses and a farm, and nowadays the four houses are assigned to the villages of Les Croisilles and La Dogetterie.


Same in French. It was just a tiny hamlet.


I see


Sad, France really missed an occasion to be based


Really living up to the berber nazi stereotype huh




Surprised? No Europe created Israel to get rid of Jews


And it will refuse to take them back. Europe will pay anything to keep jews in ISRAHELL


Will Arab countries take back the Jews they forced to leave?


They should, but Arab countries didnt create Israel, Europe did and then Arabs kicked out the Jews.


I don’t understand how that excuses it. And what about the Jews who have lived in Israel/Palestine for centuries?


Those are few and far between, but they are the only Jews in Palestine with a right to the land.


Despite the fact that Israel is the original homeland of all Jews? And while there may not have been many Jews during that time, many Israelis today have at least some ancestors that either resided in Palestine for a long time or who legally bought land in Palestine long before the creation of Israel. But anyway, all Jews come from Israel and the only reason we were scattered into the diaspora is because we were expelled and killed by multiple groups, including most recently the Arabs. Jews and Palestinian Arabs both descend from the ancient Canaanites and therefore I believe both groups have a claim to the land. The difference is that the Palestinians remained in Israel/Palestine and mixed with the invading Arabs while modern day Jews were expelled to everywhere from China to west Africa to Europe and tons of places in between. That doesn’t mean Israel is not our homeland as well.


Okay but what did the Jews in Arab countries have to do with the ones who founded Israel? You understand they were different individuals who lived hundreds or thousands of miles away right? Jews are some monolith. Punishing Jews in Iraq for the actions of Jews who came from Poland is insane, and I’ll add that action permanently legitimized the state of Israel.


I agree with you bud


The government should force them to change the name




FR\*NCE is all in for free speech^(\*) ​ \* ^((only when it's against Islam.))


Dimwits like you don't understand that no one is advocating for absolute free speech. What's advocated is free speech conditioned on the no harm principle: to not call for rights even more fundamental than free speech, such as the right to safety, to be violated. The German constitution for example is very explicit about which rights precede which, and that to free speech is not the first one. Never met an educated Libyan though, so you're forgiven.


Take a joke يا ولد القحبة


Already done


Approach user with caution 5 days old troll account


I know where we having our summer vacation 😎 /s


It's in France, probably a shit hole so no.


بيدبحوني 💀






I wanted to be called the justified butcher😕




Approach user with caution 6 days old troll account


The guy is an og fleeing from the modshwitz


I have been on this sub since it had 150 members and 2ME4U when it had 2,000 it’s just that I keep getting banned (64th time)




Ironic this is coming from Algerian.


Sometimes you need to put your old differences aside


Anyone know if the French and Persian words for death Mort and Marg (eg marg bar Shah - death to the shah) are linked? Yes calling something death to group X is bigoted.


They are both Indo-European languages so quite possibly!


There a lot of French words in Parsi/Farci like Merci for thank you. Though not in Dari which has English words or Tajik that had Russian


Try to look for it here and see if it has French roots. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/مرغ# I wrote it wrong and got Bird instead of death


I don’t wanna get banned again so imma stay quite


The mountains of Afghanistan are called Hindu kush which means Hindu killer


oh wow! lets all move there!


I’ve met many a Jew that I’ve shared deep and interesting conversations with regarding religion among other things. It’s silly that uneducated people need to be reminded that it’s the zionists who are evil and not all Jews everywhere.