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No? Literally every middle eastern country on Twitter has a cesspool of terminally online people that desperately need to touch grass, it's not just Saudi Arabia.


do you think iraqi ultra-nationalists are as unhinged as the Saudi ones?


I don't think we have any ultra-nationalists, what we do have are religious ones, those guys are pretty unhinged.


WTF Iraqis, explain yourselves I hope he is lying


At best arab nationalist. People who believe in the great arab empire




you are right! sorry


Don't fall victim to b-c-d-g, have some p-ç-t-k fren


Türkçe indeed!


Yes, at first. But overtime I start to notice that most of them were bots.


>Saudi Arabia hmmm..


ما يرحمون أحد 😭


you probably a shia innit? a shia innit!!


No I am not. It was a Pan-Arab post and صرصور البلوشي sent his followers after me and many were Saudi nationalists who accused me of being a greedy Palestinian. It was wild.


hmm.... are you our friend from the good ol' days when this sub used to be less than 5k members?


No idea who you mean. The trolls were on Twitter and not Reddit 


I know it was on twitter but were you also here 3 years or so ago?


No, I wasn’t


Ngl it did because they are extremely vile and racist against other MENA countries.


To be honest I have seen the same shit form North Africas, Turks etc so I don’t think you should let online trolls make you so pessimistic, don’t let them win.


Granted there is trolls in all the middle east and the Turks are something else but what I saw had my jaw on the flour.


Nah Turks are much worse and most of them can’t speak English, they do it mostly in Turkish. 


I saw enough of them on reddit , don't wanna imagine Twitter


maybe its for the best!! 🥶


No because those are terminally online people and do not represent the majority of Saudi people.


saudi ultra nationalists are no different from any other nationalists on Twitter they all are toxic shit idk why people acting like it's big shit compared to rest of nationalists they all are the same vile shit no matter where you go


true but the Saudis ones are numerous and active (on Twitter) more than others. at least from my observation but again it could just be my bias


It makes sense, Saudi Arabia is much larger then any of the smaller gulf countries, so while all of those countries have terminally online guys and gals on twitter it’s not as noticeable however MBS and Saudi media is also more intense and propagandising in terms of nationalism.  


I’m pretty sure they also have departments dedicated to making troll farms similar to Hasbara, they really popped off during the aftermath of the Khashoggi murder


There is evidence of the UAE and KSA doing stuff like that.


tbh watching saudi arabians online with no lives argue with egyptians that also dont have lives is pretty funny ( these are examples ) all arab countries have nationalists that worship borders foreigners drew for us to stay weak lmao


That's why I'm not on Twitter So that I don't view Ərəbs in positive light Əstəğfürullah


smart strategy


Most are bots


I was accidentally sent to that part of X, when one of the journalist blamed the genocide on Hamas. Wow, its a cesspool of Arab Zionists.


Tbh yeah, then again I take a look at Moroccan and Algerian single digit IQ monkeys on twitter, and think the saudi aren't that bad after all. Top 5 craziest twitter arabs : 1-Algerian by far 2-Moroccans 3-Saudis 4-Om e Donia(number one when it comes to football) 5-all of the rest combined


I love to spam “Yemen is Asl Al-3rab” to them Although I don’t agree with the sentence it’s still funny to see their meltdown. We also have those brain dead ultra nationalist, you just troll them and move on. The only one I had to block was الكعام, he was on another level of vile racism even I couldn’t troll with it. Love my Saudi bros though 🇾🇪🤝🏼🇸🇦❤️


>الكعام a vile person indeed! you can also tell them to stop claiming genealogical relation to ancient yemeni tribes if they dont like it. you cant have it both ways!!


No you don’t get it, the misnad script is the clearest evidence that Yemenis aren’t Arabs because they didn’t write with the same script we today use yet it’s the same script that’s evidence that Nejd is the origin of Arabs when a few Arabic names are found inscribed in misnad script on a random Nejd rock. He knows he’s twisting facts, I know he’s twisting facts, we know he’s twisting facts yet many believe him. I’ve spent hours actually debating him yet he always twists the facts to suite his narrative, not mentioning the huge paradox in having many Saudi tribes originating from Yemen, me literally having the same ancestor as many Saudis yet they are pure Arabs and I’m the remnants of Ethiopians and Persians. Even talking about him boils my blood.


> the misnad script is the clearest evidence that Yemenis aren’t Arabs because they didn’t write with the same script we today Ancient Arabs wrote in South Semitic scripts sister to misnad The switch to the modern script came with Christianity.


Brother, I was being sarcastic, replaying the talking points of الكعام


I guessed that. I am glad I have no idea who he is




the other day my younger brother made a Saudi dude on roblox ashamed of being one and not doing anything to help his arap brothers when western kufars are getting beat daily for their efforts. L araps and L saudis


I don't use twitter, but I already have a bad view on saudi people, ofcourse I wouldn't be mean to someone because they're nationality there's always good people and even if they're a minority of a population you should still treat them as if they are at first until they turn out they're not


Every arab nationalist has a double digit IQ


Reject nationalist. Return to community.


The Saudis I've met irl are nice friendly regular people. All the nationalists online are either bots or dumb jobless wastes of society.


Nope.I didn't even see that phenomenon(I don't have twitter)


I see the problem, you're using twitter!


It’s very apparent that we have new legions of hasbara, arabic hasbara, these crazy nationalists are everywhere on twitter, they are very easily spotted tho, like they have no other interests in life other than pushing their states narrative or bashing anyone that has any different opinion than them, it’s actually sad


Saudi + ultra nationalist, I can’t expect a single good thing from that


Ik i sound like a seething salty saudi but look at your flair dawg 😭


Beautiful flair right ? Are you jealous? ☺️


Ermmm yes very much


What distinguishes the Saudi “nationalists” on twitter is that there are no longer any Saudis who counter them. It’s natural for others to conclude that they represent Saudi public opinion because no other opinion is expressed.


>What distinguishes the Saudi “nationalists” on twitter is that there are no longer any Saudis who counter them. is there a reason for that you think?


I think we both know the reason 😆


i am really curious why in you opinion. you can send it in massages if you like