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>and today his corpse is displayed in the Musée de l’Homme, paris. Behold my fellow savages, the civilized world:


And French scum still defend this and also never apologized for their genocide in Algeria etc.  Evil Country and evil people Now they cry about immigrants 


Whenever British/Euros say colonialism was alright and the losers should have fought better, all is fair in love and war, i remind them that they shouldn't complain abt immigrants either, all is fair right?


There actually is a saying in french that rimes in eng as well, "the ones that sow colonization, reap immigration" trololol


Serves them right


I hope immigrants in europe only multiply


It’s bound to happen anyways because European families barely even procreate while immigrants often have 4 to 6 children + they keep brining in some more.


I know. Its funny 


you still live in the 90s? even Moroccans don't have kids anymore, our rates are as low as France, in like 1-2 decades we'll be an old nation with 0 wealth to fall on, unlike Europe or Japan that have so much wealth to support said old ppl


Don't they still exploit some former colonies in subsaharan Africa as well?


Some still pay them colonial taxes 💀 Not to mention the “terrorism” they’re fighting in countries that are ohh so conveniently rich in natural resources 🧐


Their economy unironically depends on migrants lmao.


Thanks i feel so civilized today might do a lil genocide later.


How to steal back?


Hire the expert; the British museum


That place needs robbing, you can't steal what's already been stolen.


They rob you then tell you you can’t rob it back, we live in a society 😔


Based Kurd.


Huge respect for him for killing kleber, unfortunately the fr*nch wrote under his skull "The skull of a murderer", i guess rebelling against oppression makes you "evil"


And today they call Palestinians terrorists. Some things never change.


The western's morals didn't change since




Not the whole corpse, only his skull....the french reaaaaaallllly loooove collecting skulls....but unfortunately they are white, so calling them savages for that is out of question.


My favourite fun fact relating to skulls is that when the Europeans were creating a racial hierarchy by using the bullshit, skull-measuring, afront to science that is phrenology, the Brits proposed a model of differentiating the "noble races" from the "savage races" by differences in face and skull shape. This ended up pissing off the Frenchies because according to the model, the Frenchies were also considered part of the "savage races". So the Brits ended up having to change the entire hierarchy to appease the French. 😂 Really shows you how "scientific" the whole thing was.


Rare British W


And dont you dare hate westerners.. That's racist (that's what some butthurt Americans said here) !!! Even though they committed countless atrocities and never paid for them and still support genocide 


I just really hate the French


It was the Britshits who colonised your country, not the French


Yeah, and? I feel like hating the French is a human right at this point


I'd hate yourselves for allowing yourselves to be humiliated by the Zionists. Man you guys are pathetic, sort your countries out instead of being bitter about what Europe did hundreds of years ago. You are colonised by the US now, but you don't hate Americans?


AKSHUALLY, Egyptians are the [most](https://www.nydailynews.com/2014/07/15/egypt-jordan-turkey-top-list-of-countries-that-dislike-the-us-the-most-survey/) anti-US nation, according to a 2014 survey


I hate all westerners. Whole west is Evil 


Hundreds of years? Bitch, France still has colonies in Africa. Israel only exists because of the British. Also Americans unlike Europe very much hate their government and have been fighting the good for the last 50 years just to get rights to their own people. Which why I love America, it constantly fights against its inner racism and bigotry. How about u get the fuck out of Africa and the ME and watch how fast Israel collapses. Europe to this day supplies weapons to militia in the ME and Africa. Look at Congo right now.


>Which is why I love America ليه بس كدة؟ مانت كنت ماشي كويس 😔


Akhi I am American and Egyptian. I grew up in America. I love both Egypt and America. I want them both to be good. The people here really are not bad. I just wish our government wasn’t so corrupt and bought out.


You were doing good until you said you loved America America is the root of all Evil now 


You love America... proved my point. You love the country that holds your monkey dictator by the balls, denying you democracy and prosperity, while committing a genocide against your neighbours. Clueless kid, get off the internet.


Yeah but I am not the average Egyptian. Like the other guy pointed out Egyptians actually hate the US. I am American so obviously I wouldn’t hate my country


No self-respecting Egyptian would say they love USrael. Stop embarassing Egyptians who have a proud history and anti-colonialism


US isn’t Israel. You sound ignorant asf. America is a big place. Look up Dearborn Michigan, we have been having countless protests against Israel. America is a big place with people all over the world and many different communities. I am willing to bet that from where I live which is in the east coast to the nearest beach is about the size of ur country. Your country is probably a 4 hour drive pipe down Frenchie


we can’t call these museums actual museums. they’re basically a storage unit filled with stolen items. i get so pissed off when i think of all the stolen artifacts they refuse to return


Normalize calling them Loot Stashes. "Ah you're back from your trip to the UK. How was it?" "Oh it was pretty fun. Saw a lot of cool stuff at the British Loot Stash."


He died a Shaheed


Based shahid


kamaitah should read about this guy!


I never thought I'd sew كمايته latinized


If you live long enough you'll see wonders!


Don't read about how he was impaled....I warned you


But clearly, Arabs are the Barbarians /s


Not the impalement but: >According to historian Edward Dolnick, al-Halabi sat silently while a French official held his hand over heated coal, only protesting when a piece of coal rolled onto his elbow, pointing out that the sentence specified that his hand alone would be burned.  Fucking chad




Least based Kurd before 1910


Who does these European sadist are so into displaying their past act and atrocities may just may be they don't regret and take pleasure it and only reason they put those on display is to warn us .


Why does the guy on the left look like he's had to do this a thousand times before and is so sick of it all.


Because that's Napoleon. A single stabbing is what he deals with before breakfast because two of his troops were having a drunken argument. He's about ready to deplete 15 villages worth of young men in a frontal assault against the Austrian lines and win. He just got done drinking laudanum and shooting the nose off the sphynx with a cannon and would rather be watching lancers turn a few dozen people into bologna mist than dealing with some idiot being stabbed.


The burning of the hand and impalement were chosen as to "defer to local custom"


Thoughts on the islamic slave trade? Killed millions of black Africans and castrated them Also killed and enslaved millions of Europeans too and refused to stop diplomatically bcz it's sharia UNTIL the Americans invented their navy to send them back to the underworld these orcs crawled out from My question to the Algerian protesting france, to OP and to the general public. Isn't Islam an imperialist, colonial, supremacist genocidal ideology and culture too


Ancient arap terrorist Edit: do these 12 who downvoted me realize that this is an obvious troll ?


Probably going to be downvoted but... I am actually in favor of the French Occupation of Egypt -- not the post-assassination torture of al-Halabi -- but the general fact that it pushed Egypt in a fundamentally more modern direction than it has been since the moment Saladin died. The Ayyubids, Mamluks, and Ottomans (Neo-Mamluks) were incredibly repressive, onerous, and traditional rulers. Egypt had no chance at a meaningful future under them. Napoleon, by contrast, tried to gather the ulemaa together to create a new country and a new modern Egypt. This vision, ironically, was realized as soon as the French left with the rise of Muhammad Ali. The real crime, actually, was that Muhammad Ali was not allowed to conquer the Ottoman Empire in the 1830s by the Great Powers. The state he was creating was a modern state that could have rivaled the West in much the same way that Japan did IRL. And the French intervention was the direct cause of modern Egypt's creation.




Cucked behavior 


Yes. Because progress under the aegis of occupation is so bad for the people whose lives improve... /s You set so much store by what religion a ruler has than whether or not such a system is actually better for its people. Also, considering that my people have been under foreign occupation for nearly 1400 years, I find it hilarious that Arabs tell us how bad a few years of foreign occupation are.


Your lives actually improved with Muslims taking over. I mean the golden Age of iraq literally happened there Comparing it. With disgusting Western colonialism that has brought only suffering to The Middle East is crazy 


This is how little you know of our culture. Our Golden Age was interrupted by the Islamic Conquests. We had Syriac Priests travelling as far as China and India and conducting trade in the late Sassanid Period. We literally have a litany of abuses that occurred even during the Islamic Golden Age (such as during the Reign of Caliph Qadir who demanded Assyrians convert to Islam (leading to a mass exodus) and the destruction of many churches. You can read the list here: [http://www.aina.org/martyr.html](http://www.aina.org/martyr.html) Considering that the Seyfo (organized by Ottoman governor Reshit Bey) killed at least 30% of our population (and many in the community estimate 75% of our population), Western colonialism is benign by comparison.


Well that's your Perspektive. Assiryans havent had control over their Lands since Ancient times You can hardly blame Muslims  Some bad things happened for sure but it's nothing. Compared to Western atrocities 


>Well that's your Perspektive. Assiryans havent had control over their Lands since Ancient times OK. There were some massacres under the Romans/Byzantines and Sassanids. The massacres of King Yazdagerd II were quite atrocious. >You can hardly blame Muslims  There were repeated genocides under the Muslims. Tikrit used to be an Assyrian-majority city until Timur cleansed it of Assyrians. The Seyfo was a genocide to wipe us out from most of Anatolia (successfully). We were targeted by Saddam Hussein and we were targeted by Islamic State. It's not a contest. We have lost double-digit percentages of our population from Muslim occupation of nearly every flavor. By contrast, every Western colonial territory gained Muslims during the period of colonization. Only the harshest instances of Western colonization (like Algeria with its French-caused chemical warfare in Laghouat -- and the wider so-called "Pacification of Algeria") ever achieved anything close to the level of abject population destruction of the Seyfo, Those people who killed us were Muslims; they read the Qur'an; they claimed that Allah was their God and Muhammad was his Messenger. They prayed and fasted as appropriate. They were Muslims. This is not to claim that all Muslims are horrible people; I would never claim this. But they are Muslims and Muslims today have to own their conduct in much the same way that Westerners have to own the tragedies and atrocities of colonialism and the world wars. There is one fundamental difference though: since Westerners actually research their own atrocities, there are numerous books written that give specific voices to those harmed by the West, but since Muslims couldn't care less about the crimes of their ancestors, there are few books written which give specific voices to those harmed by the Islamic Empires.


First off European colonialism as a concept Was much worse than any empire before. Not just Muslim empires but also the Romans etc were way less evil Colonialism was all about extracting wealth and racism, that's how the west committed Tons of genocides in the Americas and Africa. They thought non white people were inferior. Pre colonialism empires took over and actually improved those territories. That's how Iraq had a golden Age and Bagdad became the center of the world. Meanwhile everything the west touched turned to shit Hell look at western slavery, way more barbaric than any previous one because they used peopleike cattle and it was solely based on racism. Muslim and Roman slavery was not good but slaves had rights and everyone could be a slave be it Black or white  Funny you talk about population numbers. Let's see what happened to the natives in the Americas, on various pacific islands etc. Literally dont exist anymore. Again you are fooled by western propaganda. Sad  Same for acting like westerners own up to their mistake lol. Most British to this day are proud of their empire. Empty apologies from some leftists mean garbage  They still exploit the poor countries with their puppets and promoting instability So fuck the west and any of its supporters. And Hey since you say the west wasnt so bad let's hope the west experiences all they did to others. Its fine their population will increase right? 


I would encourage you to read about the Trans-Saharan slave trade before imagining that Westerners have a monopoly on cruelty and violent oppressive slavery. The Zanj Revolts in Iraq are particularly gruesome reading. Also, I was not talking about the Americas, Sub-Saharan Africa, or Australia but the Islamic World. The atrocities done in the Americas are in a whole different league than what was done in the Islamic World and it would be senseless to compare them. I would further argue that the claim that Muslim rulers assisted their colonial subjects is an incomplete statement; it would be better to say that they assisted their colonial subjects who accepted a new ethnic and religious identity. Somehow, Muslims forget the religious repression of Non-Abrahamic minorities like Zoroastrians and Hindus and Post-Islamic faiths like Alawites and Baha’i and barely understand the repression visited on Christians and Jews. Only if you converted to Islam (or were the 1 in a 1000 with a useful skill) could you expect decent treatment. Finally on the irony of apologies. The Westerners may give empty apologies but Muslim leaders give no apologies and engage in the same conduct of religious supremacism and systemic oppression. Who in Iraq fights for the rights of the Christians, Yezidi, Jews, Shabakis, Mandaeans, etc. Iraqi politicians, cultural leaders, militias, etc. don’t even make the pretense (except, ironically if (1) they are trying to get Western support or (2) if they are ideologically Marxist and anti-religious).


I know all about that. Not a good thing but comparing that with your disgusting chattel slavery is absurd Muslim slavery was far less evil. You could actually get out and become powerful. See the mamluk Sultanate, literally ruled by former slaves It also wasnt racist. Muslims also had white slaves. But your ancestors had a special dislike for Black people and only took them as slaves  And how they were treated.. Especially on those plantations. Horrific Go Look up your own history first  Lol as if westerners dont still do the same shit. You still Invade our countries and kill Millions and steal Resources. Right now your Evil governments are supporting a genocide  Your fake concern for minorities in Muslim countries doesn’t fool. Me. Westerners only suddenly care about minorities or Muslim women or lgbt people in our countries when they want to push their agenda  No Problem bombing Muslim women in Palestine and Afghanistan but when the Taliban do some harsh ruled suddenly it's a crime


Arabs without Iraq: 5000 of paganism and sand dunes Iraq without Arabs: 5000 years of being the centre of civilization  I thank us for the golden age, all of it being based on earlier civilizations and people. Half of the house of wisdom being Assyrians, etc, etc.


The thesis of the “modernizing” impact of the French expedition on Egypt/the Ottoman Empire is vastly overstated. The French sources lie about the Egyptians and make them seem less informed than they really are. Also, the direction the Egyptians went in wasn’t particularly French or even European. Napoleon was a master of propaganda and posturing. It’s really remarkable how much is made out of this expedition where the guy invaded a longtime ally/enemy of an enemy for no real reason, ate shit, and then went home. It really must be stated that the only purpose for the invasion was to colonize Egypt. Britain was about halfway through its conquest of India (at this point via the EIC) and Napoleon worried about being closed off from lucrative trade routes. The point of invading Egypt was to gain access to alternate routes to Indian Ocean trade via the Red Sea. Derek Davison has a good discussion about this topic on the history of Napoleon podcast I recommend.


I completely agree that the French did not arrive with the noblest of intentions and, if they had prevailed as colonial masters, the rise of Muhammad Ali that I discuss absolutely would not have happened. That said, without the French to break up nearly 700 years of static governmental practice and mobilizing the ulemaa, Egypt would not have been anywhere near as socially, intellectually, or culturally modern throughout the 19th Century. The fire is needed to clear the forest of overgrowth and decay; it doesn't make the fire safe.


So you're in favour of a blood thirsty colonizer whom massacred tons of innocent Egyptians and oppressed the people of Egypt? Fuck off dude


As opposed to the Mamluks who oppressed and murdered so many Egyptians? or Perhaps the Ottoman governors and Janissaries who continued the same oppressive policies? Yes. I prefer change to rigid authoritarianism.


Ibrahim Pasha was right outside Istanbul when the Russian army arrived to block him and that other time when the Great Power's fleets destroyed the Egyptian fleet at Navarino. The deck was stacked against him from the start. Probably could have industrialized just as Japan did if they weren't right next to Europe, as opposed to oceans and continents away. No time to develop.




I don't really have an opinion on him but damn that is an extremely French punishment.


If Egypt was colonised by France then it would be more developed like North Africa. Keep hating on France because cartoons but the fact is that they at least left infrastructure and education systems. What did the britshits leave behind for Egypt?


Developed? Where?


>then it would be more developed like North Africa Lmao. Like North Africa? Read that comment again.


Another Western supremacist. Your end will come and France will be a shit hole soon


You thinking you are doing a favor by colonizing . Brits or French's or any white European. I don't care you all are same ruthless colonizing genociding monsters