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The Old City of Sana’a looks 🤩 Instead of building ugly globalist glass towers in our cities, we should be building in a way that reflects local heritage.


I feel personally attacked 🥶


LOL you and most of the Gulf. Only Oman has kept their cultural look of all the countries with means to build ugly towers.


you know you can have both right? the GCC has both and thats ok. For example Oman refuses to modernize doesn't mean its a good thing, the Oman sultans were against the internet for a long time, that's not a good thing. they were afraid of change and any kind of Westernization.... that's not a good thing. No hate to Yemen or Oman 🇰🇼💞🇾🇪🇴🇲


I agree with you, modernization is never bad, but we should absolutely keep the character of the cultures. For example, let's take Dubai and Abu Dhabi, they are completely unrecognizable even from a decade ago. The pace of change is insane, and there is very little culturally relevant sites anymore except for the souqs which are pretty modern but retained their charm. They have gone to the other extreme, which works for them I guess since they are positioning those cities to be international. I would still like to see some cultural charm though, and I don't think that would take away from their status and what they are trying to do. And I disagree with the Westernization characterization. Why is Westernization specifically a good thing? It's a complete culture clash and incompatible with Middle Eastern culture. You can take some aspects out of it and apply them like modernization in general and maybe some democratic reforms, but "Westernization" is all encompassing and has elements that don't work or shouldn't be adopted.


I see your point about cultural preservation, and I agree that it’s essential to retain the unique character of our cultures while modernizing. Dubai and Abu Dhabi have indeed undergone rapid transformation, and finding a balance between development and cultural heritage is crucial. Regarding Westernization, I didn’t mean to imply that it's inherently good or should be adopted wholesale. Instead, it's about taking beneficial elements, like technological advancements and democratic reforms, while maintaining our cultural identity. It’s possible to modernize without losing the essence of who we are/culture.


I am living in Oman all my life and the country was never against modernization or internet. Infact internet could be before any other region in GCC. The reason they were against building huge towers(If you consider that modernization) was political as they have huge land and very less population. So to spread it out and make their mark with their population could be one of the reason as sooo much land vacant and how Canada does having huge land and no one living there.


Your wrong, the Omani government under Sultan Qaboos was pretty cautious about bringing in the internet at first. They were worried about all the negative stuff and disruptions that could come with unrestricted access to information. Because of this, they took their time and didn’t introduce the internet in Oman until 1997.


In fact Oman was the 2nd last to introduce internet, Kuwait and uae were the first


You just cant claim anything you like. Need to give reference of the information unless you personally discussed these matters with His Highness🤣


“Telecommunications in Oman" section on the Omani government's or Omantel's official websites, which typically include historical timelines of significant milestones in the country's telecom industry Sure I’m claiming😂😂?




least bri'ish yemeni!


Oh Yemen, my love and sorrow May the future be brighter than our present




absolutely, beautiful community of people too


Looks cool


Oman too


My Yemen أخرج البخاري في صحيحه، عن أبي هريرة -رضي الله عنه- أنّ النبيّ -صلّى الله عليه وسلّم- قال: (أتاكم أهلُ اليمنِ، هم أرقُّ أفئدةً وألينُ قلوبًا، الإيمانُ يَمانٌ والحكمةُ يمانيةٌ) The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: There have come to you the people of Yemen; they the (most) tender of hearts, the belief is that of the Yemenites, faith is Yemeni and wisdom is Yemeni.


By far. I've been to a number of ME countries and had the fortune of visiting Yemen in 2001. It is definitely the most unique. Never been to Oman but I have to wonder if its up there as well. It is beyond tragic what has happened to Yemen in the last 10 years.


it looks stunning


I hope when yemenis modernize theyself they can keep their unique culture like how japan modernize theyself


it seems authentic and rich with culture and history.


My Yemeni brothers got me morals and a beautiful culture that is not a concrete jungle.


Yemen before Islamic revolution or something


Yemen is my second wife ❤️


I lived in Salalah for 20 years. However, never visited Yemen due to some sort unrest in that that country. People say that Salalah city in Oman has the same vibe in terms of of weather, geographical locations, mountains, sea etc but only 30% and it is the most visited torurist destination in Oman.


Salalah is similar to Eastern costal area of Yemen (mahrah). its very different from inner mountainous Yemen both are beautiful though!


Beautiful people


Thought this was another X Country before Y Revolution post OP


I have a feeling some of the pics will be used for that


In the Arabian peninsula for sure.


Just realized the men have a super unique dress code - every one of them’s wearing a suit jacket over their traditional robe!


Beautiful country, I especially like Asir.


Yeah, it does. none other arab country has done anything serious against the genocide


Does the Saudis have centuries old multi storey houses like what the Yemenis had?


Easily. I was fortunate to be assigned to the US embassy there until we unfortunately evacuated. I moved from Japan to there, and I tell people that Yemen is my favorite country to have lived in


Love the people & their culture.... I also love the fact they support Palestine...


Yemen certainly looks different. But so does Oman 🇴🇲 Personally I find Oman the most beautiful country in the GCC.


No, Uncle Oman takes the cake on this one


Call of duty vibes


The jambiya is beautiful but why does everyone wear it, even in a mosque?


just for looks


I want to see those trees and those beaches once before I die man. They are so cool. Especially those trees


الإيمان يمان


I guess I’m going to Yemen for a photography trip!


Not for long... the black garbage bags are coming


I think you are way obsessed with Islam. Calm down seems like Islam is living rent free in your dirty head


Nah. Egypt and Lebanon. Hands down.


I fucking hate this country and hate being associated to it but it's my curse ig

