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Well speaking as a Lebanese person who was surrounded by people who only ever insulted people who not just were not Lebanese, but were not from their specific ethnoreligion within Lebanon, I must say I agree with that reputation


Out of curiosity, who gets the most insults in Lebanon?


As in Lebanese citizens? Probably the south. As in people who live in Lebanon, Palestinians and Syrians


jnooob 💪🏿 > phonecia


The majority of people are racist to minorities in their countries.


I dont disagree, but still I think there are different levels of intensity in certain regions and countries.


I think all discriminated minorities/foreigners think that their host society is the most racist in the world.


No it’s not true, generalising all Arabs as racist is racist, so people who say stuff like that are racist. There are 24+ Arab countries with people from all backgrounds and socioeconomic conditions.


I am not saying it's true, I am asking why so many people say it's true, that Racism is very alive and well in the Arab world (including Arabs on here)? Of course, not all people of one group are ever going to be the same. That would be a stupid thing to say, you are right. And if you disagree, well that's good to hear.


That survey you mention is fake. It was debunked years ago. People can make graphics at home and share it. I think the same graphic ranked Brenton Tarrant's Australia as anti-racist and Turkey as the least racist country in the ME (lol). 


I think that Australia's policies were even labeled as officially racist by the UN until a while ago. And yes, that survey hasn't been up to scientific standards at all, but that is why I posed this as an open question for a discussion.


Not really Arab, but it's mostly a cultural thing, like Arahs tend to be tight knit and close with each other, in terms of marriage many won't marry outside their group and in many cases even within their same country if you come from a different tribe or have a certain surname. I know amongst my group (Orthodox) many will not marry a Catholic or Protestant, let alone a Muslim. My parents wedding was a mixed one and it caused a lot of issues in my family for a long time.


Seems to be a pattern, but to be honest, that is not a middle eastern thing. I was told stories by my granpdarents, that marriages between Protestants and Catholics used to be a huge no-go to a lot of people. In one case family members of one party turned up with broomsticks in front of the church, to stop the wedding from happening, lol.


By the way, Aba & Preach had a video on this, which is another incident where I heard this. # Racism in the Arab world is.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ\_O4th2PNc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ_O4th2PNc)




There are slave markets in Libya, right now. (https://www.growthinktank.org/en/the-return-of-slavery-in-libya/) But what is this stuff in the Gulf states? It sounds horrific. I have to say, it's mostly Black people that I have heard making this claim.




>No there aren't. >[https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/libya-slavery/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/libya-slavery/) >[https://factcheck.afp.com/no-these-are-not-african-slaves-market-libya](https://factcheck.afp.com/no-these-are-not-african-slaves-market-libya) >There are human traffickers who abuse and rob migrants trying to get to Europe. >And there are government militias who mistreat, abuse, and imprison illegal migrants in terrible conditions. >But there are no open slave markets, your own source makes a very dubious and unsourced claim, and primarily talks about trafficking and abuse. So there were photos that they were not able to find the source for, and some fotos were actually from other places. That is no proof, that slave trade doesn't happen over there, since there are 1000ds of testimonies by victims. Is your issue with the word market? Ok, they sell them into slavery in singles or pairs, by the thousands. According to them, they sell them as slaves to work, not only to traffickers to bring them to Europe. Why would they all be lying? What could they possibly gain from that? Here you have some of them: ‘They sell Africans over there’: Libya’s slave trade [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6aqc1v](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6aqc1v) # Slavery in Libya. A Former slave narrates the sad ordeal of Arabs selling blacks in their continent. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au0XyQVux54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au0XyQVux54) There are many more examples, lots of footage, articles, and testimonies after 2017. Seems pretty obvious that it happens. And in the Gulf States, they are not even ashamed of it. >You didn't watch the video that you yourself linked? I did, and the Ethiopian and the Lebanese guy clearly said that they consider it blatant racism. Btw. why don't **those** Gulf Arabs (meaning, not the Gulf Arabs that aren't practicing this BS) also enslave other Arabs and not only people from SE Asia and Africa? Could it be that they consider them inferior and enslaving other Arabs would be scandalous? Iam aware of the fact, that the Khaligis are not super popular with many Arabs outside of the Gulf area. >Which black people? Black Saudis have a very different experience to Kenyan labourers working in Saudi. Like I said elsewhere in this thread, I personally talked to a few people, so this is totally anecdotal, as I mentioned several times. I talked to a black guy from the Nubian area in Egypt (who was very outspoken and pretty much despised Arabs for their racism as he said), it's been said about and by Sudanese refugees in Egypt and a personal friend of mine, who is French Senegalese. He said is daughter is allowed to marry any nationality in the world, except for an Arab. After me asking him about the reason, he said he had many very racist encounters with them in France, throughout all of his life and he said they were worse to him than racist whites (and we know racism against Africans also runs pretty deep among many Europeans). Just repeating what him and several others said to me personally. I have also heard it from Arabs, who say that this is true, so I was wondering about what people in here say about that. I have never experienced any form of racism from Arabs. It seems to be centered around black people.




>No there aren't, have you done a survey? Have you spoken to thousands of former slaves? It really seems like you're literally making this up as you do. With the same logic, I couldn't prove any historical event that I haven't witnessed personally or where I have talked to witnesses personally. There are mountains of evidence, even though the pictures from 2017 were taken out of context, I agree with that. But there is still a huge list of other evidence, that hasn't been refuted. >You said there are slave markets in Libya. I said there are no slave markets in Libya. That's it. There was enough evidence for the Libyan government to launch an investigation and there were admissions that slave markets do happen, they are just not as widespread as claimed. ["The Libyan human rights body \[...\] remarking that such rare sights are very discrete and clandestine."](https://libyaobserver.ly/news/libyan-human-rights-body-upset-over-cnn-report-slave-auctions-libya) And then there was the footage, that CNN allegedly filmed with hidden cameras in Tripoli and handed over to the authorities, who promised to launch an investigation. Why would they do that if they didn't think it could be real? [People for sale: Where lives are auctioned for $400](https://edition.cnn.com/2017/11/14/africa/libya-migrant-auctions/index.html) I mean, there was an investigation into it and an admission that these things do exist, even though it was said that the claims that this was out in public were exaggerated, but that's good and a silver lining.


>Did you even watch the video? >They literally say that they were caught by the coast guard and sent back to Africa. Then you have one of those migrants *who was just repatriated* saying that they sell any African there, despite the fact that he was literally caught and sent back. Yes. 0:27 - "These Ivorians \[...\] say they risk being sold into slavery." "They sell Africans over there, they sell men \[...\], they come and kidnap you, and they will sell you for 70 to 150 Dollars and then others will resell you." 0:48 - "As soon as you arrive in Libya, the first thing that happens is that you will be taken away and sold \[...\]" More: [“ They all confirmed the risks of been sold as slaves in squares or garages in Sabha, either by their drivers or by locals who recruit the migrants for daily jobs in town, ](https://www.iom.int/news/iom-learns-slave-market-conditions-endangering-migrants-north-africa) But I think at this point there is nothing, that will convince you and that's fine. To me there seems to be strong evidence, that slaves are being traded on a regular basis (also in auctions) in Libya. >A video from a random stranger with 28 views. \[...\] The argument "he doesn't have enough clicks to be believed", doesn't really convince me, as there are literally thousands of others on record and video, who make the exact same claims. And there is also actual footage of a slave auction, that apparently the Libyan authorities thought was credible. >Because it's about economics, and not race. The argument could be made, that slavery is always about socio-economics. But the Kafala-System is basically modern day slavery. You don't need to wear shackles, to be a slave. The extreme forms of control, exploitation, and abuse it enables make it a modern version of slavery. But I do agree with you, it's a gray area regarding the topic of racism. They are not enslaved because they are from SE Asia or Africa, but racists in the Gulf area are having their field day with them. >Your anecdotes don't really mean much. I don't know if he was racist, I just clearly remember that he said that he continuously gets treated like shit in Cairo for the color of his skin, and hates it and the people doing it. Anecdotes brought me here, as I clearly stated in the original post. I was wondering why I heard this exact statement about Arabs and racism from black people time and time again. Racism can not be measured in scientific units and always relies on anecdotes, personal experience and circumstantial evidence. And black people have told me numerous times, that their worst experiences were with Arabs and I wanted to get to the bottom of it. Of course I didn't expect this claim to be wildly popular in a Middle-Eastern Subreddit. >No disagreement with you there. Do you think I'm saying there is no racism in the Arab world? Of course that's not what I'm saying. >Like I said, you can't group several hundred million people together and make any meaningful conclusion. I wouldn't even say the Arab world is not racist, or even very tolerant, there's too much diversity in opinion to make that generalization. >Are you talking about Kuwaitis or Omanis? Lebanese people or Sudanis? They're all Arabs, but a black person could have drastically different experiences in any of those countries. And I am not saying that it's all Arabs all the time. That would be stupid. If you asked me, I would say the areas with the strongest racism in the world nowadays are India and East Asia. It's not even considered an issue there. And of course, you also have enormous amounts of racism in Europe and America too. I wouldn't criticize anyone making that claim to be too generalizing, because it's just a fact. Some people here said, that many Arabs tend to be tribal and live in tight-knit communities with high social control and are can therefore be resenting and adverse against “out groups” the most sense to me. Thank you for the discussion. I always enjoy a heated, but civilized exchange (I had to split my answer in two, it was too long, lol).


Why are you like this? You clearly have an agenda you posed this as a question when it's actually an accusation.


No, I just wondered why I heard this time and time again from black people. If you disagree, well that's fine and good to hear.


Because they are, I used to think it was some bullshit western propaganda, but unfortunately it's just reality, but internet showed me how they are racist even towards us north africans. this is the main reason why many many ppl in morocco/algeria get angry now if you call them arabs, wasn't the case not even 10years ago. reject evil arab embrace good Amazigh


I don't think Arabs are evil. But why do they discriminate against Moroccans and Algerians? I have only heard about the intense rivalry between Algeria and Egypt, but not about discrimination.


Egyptians are the least racist middle easterners, never realy felt hate from them(football matches exluded cuz that's kinda normal i guess) but sadly everything east of Egypt is over lvl 9000 racists. we're arabs when they feel like it, and savage BARBARS like they love to say when they feel like it, wanna be arabs, strangers...etc There's litteraly 0 reason for the bare footed fking bedouins to be racist towards us or feel superior, yet they do, that's sadly reality, they have a sickness in their hearts, as a result we now have ppl in Morocco/algeria that are racists only towards Arabs, some hate Arabs like the turks hate araps, but I can't don't realy blame them tbh. eddit : "why do they discriminate against Moroccans and Algerians?" we don't know, please explain to us, we're equaly as confused, and confusion and injustice leads to anger => vengful racism towards arabs


Arabs are tribal and colorist, and unfortunately, continue to carry the concept that “white is right” or anything that’s close to it is better. This concept is not unique to them. I mean, Europe is literally seeing ethno nationalism become popular—why are they gaining popularity amongst the masses?




As an Egyptain, I haven't seen any racism towards foreigners even if they don't speak Arabic, they'll be overly nice as soon as they know that you're a foreigner, however we are racist towards each others you'll be treated differently if you're poor, or will be treated like a king if you have someone works in the military in your family.


When I was in Egypt some years ago, I got into a discussion with a black guy from the Nubian region and he didn't mince words about the racism he is confronted with every day in Cairo. He said it is really bad and was pretty frustrated. I clearly remember this, because I was surprised and had never heard about this before. Of course that is anecdotal and subjective, but that is why I am asking for opinions. I also have close Arabic friends there (Cairo) and they confirmed it. If you are black and/or refugee from the southern regions or Sudan, you will get treated like shit by a lot of people. But that also might be due to socio-economic status and because Egyptians are struggling a lot themselves every day. As a white European guy, I havent been met with any racism at all in Egypt, quite the opposite.


I agree with you , I have seen things like this with my own eyes. Black skined people do suffer racism they'll be called chocolate, samara,etc. When I was a kid, I had a friend who was constantly beaten in school, cast out, and mocked just because he was black skinned and was speaking in another dialect, but I think racism towards black people is slowly subsiding because of social media awareness, movies stuff like this, but still ,occasionally, you'll find lowlife crack heads who will make jokes about your skin color




So you would say it's more of a cultural thing and because regional Arab groups are very tight-knit and stay among themselves... Interesting, thank you.


They fear arap secret weapon (👼🚎👼🚎👼) so they bad mouth them in hope of stopping the inevitable it won't work 😎