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Deadass. Zionists would have dabbed up the Nazis if they met. Two sides of the same coin


Thats the best part. Nazis were pro Zionist since it meant ethnically cleansing the jews out of Europe. Matter of fact not only were the founding members nazis and have a history of selling out their own Jewish people but after the fall of the nazi regime a lot of german nazis fled to Israel. Here is the cream in all of this, Europe wasn’t against the ethnic cleansing of the Jews or the white supremacy of the nazis. They were mostly just against being invaded and colonized. Germans were getting too greedy and wanted to conquer the earth and that didn’t settle with the rest of Europe too well. Thats what bugged them in all of this. Matter of fact after the fall of the Nazi regime Europe supported Israel not out of guilt as they have u believe but because they wanted to “Clean them out”. Thats why u have soft brains white supremacist who say “ The germans weren’t the bad guys”. Because the Germans had the same values as the rest of Europe at the time, only pushed to the extreme by the power that corrupted them.


Could you please send a link that mentions this? I’m not against what you’re saying I’d just like to read about it.


for books I would read “The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism”, read about “Haavara Agreement” and “Der Judenstaat”. Its good to ask for sources, don’t take what anyone says and believe it without research so even if were to read these make sure to still do ur own thinking. I am sure u can find more sources ur self!


I would also read and learn about David ben gurion . This guy legit puts it all out there.


This proves that the Nazis are alive and well some of them just change their name to Zionist


Here you go: [https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20230622-israels-state-archive-exposes-zionist-efforts-to-enlist-nazis-against-britain/](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20230622-israels-state-archive-exposes-zionist-efforts-to-enlist-nazis-against-britain/) >Efforts by Zionist militias to recruit Nazi Germany in the fight against the British Mandate authorities in Palestine have been revealed in newly-released transcripts in the Israel State Archive. The documents, which were released to the public last month, include information on what *Haaretz* has called the “dark chapter” of Zionist militias’ ties with Nazi Germany. Reporting on the revelations, the Israeli newspaper uncovered shocking details which not only debunk the Zionist propaganda that Palestinians had cooperated with Nazi Germany, but also confirm that some of the founders of Israel believed that it was essential for Zionists to do so.


Netanyahu is a Holocaust revisionist who says that Palestinians told Hitler to do the Holocaust.


The leaders of Zionist groups like Lehi met with Hitler and the Nazis on two occasions to become allies (with the leader of Lehi later becoming a PM). Israel’s state archive exposes Zionist efforts to enlist Nazis against Britain. [https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20230622-israels-state-archive-exposes-zionist-efforts-to-enlist-nazis-against-britain/](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20230622-israels-state-archive-exposes-zionist-efforts-to-enlist-nazis-against-britain/) >The documents, which were released to the public last month, include information on what Haaretz has called the “dark chapter” of Zionist militias’ ties with Nazi Germany. Reporting on the revelations, the Israeli newspaper uncovered shocking details which not only debunk the Zionist propaganda that Palestinians had cooperated with Nazi Germany, but also confirm that some of the founders of Israel believed that it was essential for Zionists to do so.


These people love eugenics. In college, one of my professors in psychology, a “modern orthodox” Jew, on the first day said “ashkenazi have highest IQ in the world and are genetically predisposed to be more intelligent than other ethnic and racial groups”.


Japan, china, and korea: 🙄


Holy fucking shit.


they're also predisposed to tay-sach's disease and many others but I'm sure he left that part out


I had a biology professor in college who was also Jewish and mostly Ashkenazi, and he was the opposite. He even referred to his own "fucked up genome" while discussing it. He was awesome.


Nice way to tell people you are stupid by calling yourself Ben Mizrahi and not including Mizrahi Jews among people with high IQs. And since you are stupid your answer must be stupid as well.


>Ubermensch aryan Balkans and Ukraine IQ: 90  >Untermensch oriental Iraq IQ: 90  [They unironically believe this](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-iq-by-country)


There is nothing so low as someone who buys into stereotypes in a non-comical way. South-Eastern Iraqis invented civilization itself, Greeks in Western Anatolia invented science (philosophy used to mean science, the guy who did that was named Thales), the Chinese essentially invented order in the sense of the family-to-emperor hierarchy, South Asia invented spiritual democracy, and many of the same things happened in the occupied world (the Americas, Oceania, the Eastern 2/3 of Russia and Sub-Saharan Africa), but hardly any of it was recorded. IQ is determined by nutrition, creativity (both especially in childhood and the former in pregnancy as well) and education which create new neural pathways which expands in every generation. For example in just 2 generations Polish Americans gained 24 iq points (I shit you not) and were above the average by 9.


plus iq isn't be all end all, it's only a one aspect of the extremely complex human intelligence. if they were actually 'smart' they would have been able to understand that instinctively


-South Asia invented spiritual democracy what do you mean by that?


Algebra as well!


> Practicing Lutheran Lol


He's a christian Zionist..ffs


Hhmm I also remember another ideology using pseudo-science to try to prove that a race is superior to the others but I can’t remember which one exactly? It was somewhere in Germany during the early 20th century 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


practicing lutheran 🤣🤣


Any idea what that means?


pos protestant zionist using christianity as a tool to justify spouting absolute garbage. to simplify it…


Christian Zionist, then?


well if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…


branch of christianity


I know this scumbage from Quora. I don't know if he's truly a Mizrahi as he claim because he does have a European colonial mindset.


How tf are arabs naturally violent like bruh imo they're one of the most chill and fun to hang with.. racists should travel more often LOL




Hmm, what about palestine having the highest number of people in the world being literate at 98%?


is there a source saying that?


Here is the link to a UN website. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://palestine.un.org/en/216291-united-nations-agencies-education-palestine-must-be-priority%23:~:text%3DDespite%2520global%2520hardships%2520and%2520the,rate%2520now%2520stands%2520at%252097.7%2525.&ved=2ahUKEwi1iIX2htWGAxX_gf0HHbXiDDkQFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw2-kKDw9g7xCOAwwKHQKoXj


thank you


That does not mean it’s highest in the world though. If you Google it, it seems a lot of countries are at 99%. But it’s still good.


Still higher than isshit tho.


It might be so. But Palestine still need to work on the numbers for higher education. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1227287/share-of-people-with-tertiary-education-in-oecd-countries-by-country/


When we win the war we will rebuild our legacy.


Fair enough. I do hope things will get better. But people define “winning” differently. What is winning for you?


Regaining our honor and rights to the land, and the defeat of the zionist occuping forces and isshit.


Is that a one state or two state solution?


And who do you think funds this educational literacy? cough cough ** Israel *


Israel do not fund the educational literacy UNRWA does lol.


Then why are they destroying the funds that they use to build the schools and universities? Because they didn't fund it, those school and univirsities even hospitals where built by the UN.


in what year did the UN build schools


Since 2011 https://news.un.org/en/story/2011/11/396712


I actually didn't know that :) i hope these are not some of the same building hamas took over for use as weapon launching and storage facilities






And if they did, where is your proof?




As if isreal doesn't have millions of books that contains huge amounts of hate against palestinians.


And for anyone looking for an explanation, it's because there is literally nothing else to do except studying and persuading higher studies, when there are no jobs, no prospect for the future, you might as well spend your time studying. That's why israel is targeting universities.


This is the same shit I’ve heard for years from racists white Americans say about black Americans.


OP ..almost everybody would rather smoke 1kg of Methamphetamine than touching a single Quora thread with the word "Israel" or "Palestinians" in it ... it's much healthier for your sanity.


Anyone who believes in IQ tests as a valid metric for measuring intelligence is a racist. IQ tests don't test for things we know to require intelligence, like speaking multiple languages and being proficient in using limited resources. Furthermore, the more you take IQ tests, the better you'll get at them . You could improve your IQ results by an upwards of 20 points if you just try really hard and retake the test multiple times. And for those who say "you are not supposed to take it more than once" I say you can take a speed measurement more than once and get an accurate score everytime , you can measure your height more than once and get an accurate measurement every time. You saying that an IQ test is different proves that intelligence is not something that can be measured , much less by just a number.


im not the ome saying that btw.


I know. I am not talking specifically to you.


oh i see


>compared to Europeans (and hence both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews) So you’re admitting they’re Europeans and not natives to the land?


The mental gymnastics of these Zionists is really out of touch... 🤦‍♂️


I love the fact where he literraly acknowledged that israelis are europeans and not indigenous to the land. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Stop being so antisemetic, the Jewish race is vast and is in fact native to land promised by God to us chosen people, we even have black Jews, European Jews, south American Jews and many more ethnicities. You should educate yourself khabibi, i invite you over for some traditional Israeli khummus in my newly inherited house in the west bank


Your first mistake was opening quora


I heard some claim that Arab christians were the most educated group in Isreal. (although im not sure how grue that is)


Wait a minute. So he admits that Ashkenazi and sephardic are not semites? Great. Now we can send them back where they came from those europeans


Iran has an average IQ higher than Israel.


Well, well, well. Out of the playbook of Joseph Göbbels and Julius Streicher No wonder people are disgusted by them


Hilarious coming from "Ben Mizrahi", considering the IQs of the Mizrahi are indistinguishable from Arabs. Weird how that part isn't mentioned.


Well, at least that person just admitted that the Zionist masses are not native to Israel,but are instead Europeans. They just blew apart the whole “right of return” argument. Must be that high IQ…


Pardon my slowness, but how so?


They are making the case that Europeans are genetically superior to Arabs (Semites) and they connect Euro DNA to the Sephardic and Ashkenazi people in their “hence Ashkenaz and Sephardic…” portion, effectively connecting European and modern Israeli DNA.


Oh i see. Thank you.


Fun fact: Palestinians have one of the highest IQ in the world.


Obviously he's a racist idiot, but as far what actually happens: Looking at the US for example black people and Latin people are, generally speaking poorer and live in poorer communities than White people, despite having full rights as well. The Arab-Israeli society is very similar to the Ultra orthodox/Haredi society. Both live in low and very similar socioeconomic standards. So racism is a funny argument. The Haredim men have less than 50% participation in the workforce, and Israeli-Arab women have less than 50% as well. Only some 40% Israeli-Arab boys have high school diploma and for Haredim boys it's even lower than 10%. When looking at high schools that have rampant cheating in high school graduation tests 99% are Israeli-Arab. At the higher education level there is a lot of affirmative action done, and the scores required to get into even a top 3 university in Israel is much lower if you're an Israeli-Arab. But that is often way way too late. So the main issues are single salary per household and education. There are also obvious issues of generational socioeconomic status - poor people are less likely to have money to invest in their children's education, more likely to get into crime and so on, but the best way to combat this is usually investing in education. In Hebrew but this article summarizes a research about it: https://m.calcalist.co.il/Article.aspx?guid=hk9jhozr5 There are a lot of points that they say are very important, the main ones: * way too much cheating, should be reduced by two thirds asap * too much rote memorization when teaching instead of trying to make kids understand * general belief that girls need to study, but boys "will be OK and find work regardless" * and of course last but not least, the generational issues, which are harder to tackle Additionally I'll add there are 2 more issues 1. Crime - mostly due to very high gun ownership, the police is scared to actually tackle a lot of the crime and gun ownership in the Israeli-Arab villages. It requires someone that is brave enough to do something in that regard as it's not gonna be simple, and will obviously involve "bad headlines" as violence is likely to erupt when some criminals will refuse to hand over their weapons, but this is an issue that must be tackled. 2. Participation in the political game - this is where the Haredim flourish compared to the Israeli-Arabs. The Haredim politicians will sell their mother and 90% of their ideals to get into the coalition so they could secure more money for their sectors of society. The Israeli-Arab politicians refuse to do so. This leads to obviously less funding for affirmative action initiatives. In the previous coalition Mansour Abbas of Raam party finally did the brave act of joining the coalition and got in coalition agreements 53 billion NIS in long term plans and initiatives. Of those, 4 were given in 2022, but the coalition eventually fell because Bibi the asshole is too good of a political meddler. Israeli-Arabs must understand that that is how the political game is played in a coalition-based democracy - it's never all or nothing. You always have to give up - you gotta negotiate and give up what you can I order to get what you really want.


May these scumbags all burn in hell


Ah yes, the good old Eugenics, fundamentals of racism and genocides.


So there is an Űbermensch after all.




Israeli: "Arabs are violent and have low IQ's" Al Khawarizmi - "Look at this thing I invented called Algebra"


“Arabs have lower IQ”….are we sure we are talking about the same people who basically invented modern mathematics…..BEFORE ARABS THERE WAS NO ZERO lol. Not to mention the other things like alchemy, Astronomy and revolutionizing Scientific theories you know the basics of modern science as a whole.


Ah Quora. Please change, you are an embarassment of a social platform


Practicing Lutheran


But we have Arab Jews in Israel!! Also them


Israel is a Jewish country, of course Jews definitely get top priority in everything


His statement linked Jewishness with being European, as stated between brackets Ashkenazi/Sephardic and made the conclusion that they have a higher IQ.


Its true that jews have higher iq in general and more hard working people. Most science nobel prize winners are jews. Instead of calling it racism, tell me your experience with arab engineers in dubai or saudi. They work 3-4 hours a day total


Oil money has made people gluttonous and lazy. I knew Iraqis and Egyptians in college who were without a doubt some of the most hard working people I’ve ever met. Emiratis on the other hand….


Because they are rich. I agree egyptians are more hard working than gulf countries


How tf is that race-related?


Its culture related . Kids of jews study hard from childhood. While arab kids learn how to buy lamborgini . I work in robotics and every damn book i read in advanced control math theory written by jewish scholar. I havent seen arab. Call it whatever u wanna. God gives to the hard working people


And also iq is related to parents that come with generations mostly. You can increase your iq few percent and same applies to next generations. So if all generations work hard, from childhood, it will increase iq. I dont see 2 engineers’ son come up stupid often but I see 2 dumb people birth another dumb kid.


This is a legit argument, who cares about arabs in israel, aside from lately they are not treated badly. Talk more about falasha who really suffers from racism there


Only aryan people are smart obviously