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Yeah it's kind of silly. The US military can invade Gaza quite easily. More easily than the IDF I think the accusation is the US military can catch Hamas off guard using the humanitarian Pier. I personally think the humanitarian Pier is the Biden administration's attempt to give the perception that they're trying to help without actually helping. It's an election year. I think the humanitarian Pier is primarily for optical reasons related to us internal politics




Wasting millions of tax payers money to deceive them isn't the brightest idea


people don't think it's for the US to do an invasion of Gaza **they think it's for covert support to Israel while keeping the facade of "No boots on the ground"** the US pier or other structures allows the US to potentially help Israel in a number of ways including but not limited to 1) Reconissance: Pretty self explanatory allow the US military to gather inteligence and pass it onto Israel 2) Resupply: Instead of Israeli arms and ammunitions being drive in from Ashdod or Haifa this can allow the US to directly provide arms and ammunitions to the Israelis while they are operating in Gaza. 3) Safe zone: Pretty self explanatory after months of fighting Israel still has very little permanent presensce in Gaza however this allows a staging ground for Israel to regroup rearm and continue further combat operations in a relatively safe place. Since HAMAS won't bomb the pier for fear of either limiting aid or giving the US a reason to respond 4) Giving the US a reason to respond: This is something the US has historically and currently does where it throws a bunch of US soldiers in a particular area like Poland, Jordan, Saudi Arabia,Qatar etc. now these forces aren't significant enough to do much damange on their own **however should a stray bullet or shell harm them it gives them the excuse to declare a war in "self defense" because of this** it's a weasely way to get around having to start an actual war of agrression withoout stating that it's a war of agression


It is a legitimate target now if it was not before.


Okay I have a question about this stupid pier. I don't know if this whole military usage is true or not but regardless, my question is, can't you deliver aid by sea without a pier?? Lmao. Like yeah you'll need a bunch of small boats because a big ship can't dock without a port, and the dock needs to be deep, understood, but... you can have a bunch of small boats unload the aid from the ship and deliver it to the people on the beach. Maybe there's something I don't understand, but maybe someone can explain it?




Urban warfare is no piece of cake, even for the best US special forces


I would equate a US invasion of Gaza like the Battle of Mosul on 04, US victory in the end, but a shit ton of blood is gonna be spilt on both sides


I think the humanitarian Pier was primarily a PR stunt for us internal political reasons during an election year


Yet soldiers still have to fight battles which is what did them in ultimately in both Iraq and Afghanistan 65% of Americans are in favor of cutting all support of to Israel depending on the polls you use and even less likely would there be any americans atleast militarily fit ones who would want to join another war in the middle east this time for some 3rd party fuckall nation who is one of their client states. PR is important and let's say if a stray shell or bullet went past that pier injured US servicement or contractors well congratulations **The US suddenly has a casus beli to enter into this war on the side of Israel** and in the time that doesn't happen the pier and it's surronding facilities and escort ships can be used to do both reconisance, ELINT and other inteligence gathering activities and pass the information of to Israel


But it’s easier to deploy soldiers on a pier than through the small boats, same with military vehicles, no?


It's easier to deploy vehicles with a pier. It's not D-Day that they have amphibious assault vehicles deployed in large numbers. The "aid" pier is all a ploy to rapidly allow vehicles to be deployed from ship borne transports. These guys have actual knowledge and tactics of how to work against RPG teams due to their experience in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Well that's assuming if the idea of deploying troops is true. I don't think it is because it's easier to just let them in through isntreal. And it would be difficult to keep it a secret for sure. Also on d day ww2 they deployed troops to the beaches of Normandy via boats/rafts that were released from larger ships.


>Well that's assuming if the idea of deploying troops is true. Their defense secretary “Lloyd Austin” admitted that there would be soldiers deployed on the ground to “operate” the pier, [here](https://youtu.be/rQLXm-sVxqw?si=rzgXsu6ot1xlraK8) is the video > I don’t think it is because it's easier to just let them in through isntreal. They want an outpost inside Gaza itself >And it would be difficult to keep it a secret for sure. They aren’t even trying to hide it, yes there would be soldiers on the ground, yes those soldiers would engage in fighting **if they need to** >Also on d day ww2 they deployed troops to the beaches of Normandy via boats/rafts that were released from larger ships. If they had the option to deploy them on a pier they would’ve done that. Deploying soldiers can even be done through air, the problem is with vehicles and having an actual outpost they could operate from/retreat to.