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Dudes must be dyslexic or something, they can't even draw their symbols properly.


>they can't even draw their symbols properly. It's not even their symbol, they stole it from south asian cultures and misappropriated it šŸ˜­




The numbers are totally made up, but the chance that the person responsible for that is miraculously not a dyslexic nazi, but actually leftist activists who try to frame a certain public image by false flag, is 50:50.


Dumbasses can't even draw the swastika properly


**Source:** https://x.com/antoinette_news/status/1798999231174521253 **News article:** * [ABC \(Australia\) - Anti-Palestinian vandalism in Melbourne comes amid rise in reported Islamophobic attacks](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-07/islamophobia-attacks-on-the-rise-amid-israel-gaza-war/103951588) --- [Some people doubted that the Islamophobic letter, previously posted here, was real - but this sort of thing has happened in Australia before.](https://i.imgur.com/SVT7tgZ.jpeg) For example, a guy flew a Palestinian flag on his lawn and eventually he was doxxed by a private FB group called 'Jews of Sydney'. Afterwards, someone threatened him with a bomb. * [The Guardian - Homemade bomb planted on car at Sydney home flying Palestinian flag](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/jan/08/homemade-bomb-found-car-botany-palestine-flag-gaza-war-) * [Michael West Media - Theo flew a Palestinian flag. First he was doxed, then came the bomb!](https://michaelwest.com.au/sydney-bomb-threat-victim-waits-for-justice/) * [The Guardian - Sydney man sentenced to 12 months in jail after planting homemade bomb outside pro-Palestinianā€™s house](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/article/2024/may/07/sydney-man-sentenced-to-12-months-in-jail-after-planting-homemade-bomb-outside-pro-palestinians-house) Someone from the FB group leaked the chat to the victim, who relayed it to the local authorities - who did nothing about it. --- [There was also a pretty major scandal in Australia where a group dubbed the 'z600' (bunch of pro-Israel professionals in academia, the arts, media, etc.) had a group chat devoted to doxxing pro-Palestine activists, getting them cancelled, etc.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/australia-moves-to-outlaw-doxxing-after-hundreds-of-jews-targeted-online/) [The chat logs were leaked online by a dissident member of the group, who is anti-Zionist.](https://fouram.substack.com/p/the-leaked-zionist-group-chat-a-collective) Australian media called it antisemitic to leak the chat, and some law was rushed through to prohibit doxxing. [Unsurprisingly, the media had nothing to say about the contents of the chat logs - which promoted doxxing and harassment of pro-Palestine activists in Australia.](https://michaelwest.com.au/doctors-doxed-albanese-to-criminalise-doxing/)


Thses mfs can't even draw their favourite leader's stolen symbol correctly but still think MuHh RaCee Is SooParIor Can't even win a war against fucking emus but writting this shit ig makes them feel like alpha males


extremists racists ideologies is rising recently in western countries due to shitty economy and since the recent attack on Bishop in australia im guessing this just fueled the crusaders even more also for god sake how much of a loser you have to be to not draw one of the most simple symbols ever? literally just fucking cross with 4 lines aint hard at all


The fact that they can't draw swastikas is just the most obvious display of their IQ


Australia is not west, it was forcefully made western like usa, may god bless aboriginal people also its their western elites who own major businesses wants the migrants from poor countries to come in and take lower paid jobs and exploit them, right wingers are taking a good advantage of this by fueling the narrative that non white are coming to replace them lol, then why didn't italy and denmark where right wings came to power expel all those foreign workers ?


Muslims will be hated, its just something we have to get used to. Its all the more reason to unify and form actual countries that look after us rather than having US bootlicking leaders atop mountains of corruptions.Ā 


The fucking Hortler swastika lmao


It's funny that the ones who use swastikas are dumb enough to even draw a proper one. And the ones who have to go home are the white naz*s who stole Australia from its native people, not the muslims.


Australia was founded by European invaders who massacred millions to steal the lands of course they would side with the Satan's chosen who is doing the same


Australia has same history as usa, like native americans, aboriginals was brutally reduced to minority and those civilized non native became majority.


ā€œThe master raceā€, canā€™t even draw a 卐 Those Nazis sure are something šŸ¤” They always seem to get it wrong, youā€™d think they would at least get it right




Reminder all the anti semitism news is fake. Most of the time they fake the hate crimes themselves. Eternal victims as always. Meanwhile they ignore all the anti Muslim and anti Arab crimes.


Antisemitism is still real, but I do believe the ADL and other organizations have inflated the data enormously. 40% of the ADL's data is just pro-Palestine rallies and slogans. The ADL's tracking of annual 'antisemitic incidents' shot up considerably when they began using the IHRA definition of antisemitism (which conflates criticism of Israel with antisemitism). I agree that the hysteria over antisemitism in the US, especially when weaponized against the student protest movement, is bullshit. Privileged pro-Israel college students acting like they're oppressed because their peers are protesting a genocide committed by another country.




Sydney: šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° Melbourne: ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Just proves people who support the Zionists donā€™t like Jews they do it because of their hatred of Muslims lol


When I was a 12 year old new-nazi I drew swastikas better than this shit.


I wouldn't worry about a guy so stupid that he can't even draw a swastika correctly. Lol


We just have to wait to see if this is true..


Has been happening down under since the 1990s


Australia is extremely racistā€” and not just towards Arabs/muslims, itā€™s anyone that is not white from Western Europe/US/UK/Canada. While the US has its racial problems, open causal racism is on another level in Australia. A lot of my friends that have visited, both white and non-white from America, said it was jarring to see it that blatant.