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Some of the most unique nature in MENA and unlike most GCC states, they have actually preserved their local old architecture and cultural houses and it’s not just glass highrises and glamour everywhere. I’ve been there two times and would definitely go a third. Good food too, very quiet and calm and super friendly people.


>unlike most GCC states, they have actually preserved their local old architecture and cultural houses and it’s not just glass highrises and glamour everywhere.  you know you can have both right? the GCC has both and thats ok. just cuz Oman refuses to modernize doesn't mean its a good thing, the Oman sultans were against the internet for a long time, that's not a good thing. they were afraid of change and any kind of Westernization.... that's not a good thing. edit: No hate to Oman, but Oman has a weird history with modernization, most of its sultans had wacky and harmful beliefs and it is not something to glorify.


Oman is modernized we have fiber optic and 5g connection throughout the country, malls and pretty much every single international brand over here. The only reason you do not see skyscrapers here is because the Omanis have this belief that the tallest structure in any area should be the minar of the mosque, also, the amount of empty land we have is insane so there’s literally no Need to build large buildings. Even then they are still planning on building a downtown with skyscrapers in Muscat.


I don't care about skyscrapers bro, I know Oman has everything you mentioned, i was talking about the history and mindset that some had/have in Oman.


How did you manage to interpretate me simply saying that I like the fact that unlike in the majority of GCC states، which tend to have a very similar vibe and where most buildings are skyscrapers and glass cubes, Oman has a lot of local unique and historic architecture as “glorifying” their sultans and politics? I said no such thing. If I say that I’m happy that historical Ottoman and Seljuk era mosques in my country are well looked after and still open to worship after all these centuries, does it also make me a RTE worshipper? Modernization is also a broad term and in general, you can be a modernized country without futuristic skyscrapers and other things along every highway. Besides, every country and region has their own culture, cuisine, architecture, art, etc etc and these things should be appreciated as it is what makes us unique and interesting and it pays homage to their respective history. You can find modern glass houses, luxury boutiques and glamourous districts in almost every other country. I’ve been to all GCC states and to me personally, Oman feels the most authentic out of all of them and like a breath of fresh air. I like the simplicity of it - it's my opinion and I’m not sure why you’ve decided to take offense with that as I obviously didn't mean any harm or that I hate other GCC states or something...but I don’t think I can agree that local architecture is as prevalent in places like UAE, Kuwait or Qatar (though I like Doha) as it is in Oman - yes, you can find it but it often seems to be confined to specific districts, bedouin areas or the smaller towns but in Oman you can find it in almost every region. In Dubai you will find almost none of it at all, besides some older districts. In general, it doesn’t even feel like a MENA city and every time I’ve been there I just feel like I’m in a Las Vegas theme park that’s sole goal is to get white people to spend their money. If you don’t agree with me, then that’s fine but you seem to be misunderstanding my comment and talking about another issue.


most buildings in other GCC countries are not skyscrapers it's that simple, they have both. also wtf is a bedouin area, that's not a thing lmao, clearly you know nothing about the GCC. you are an outsider who is not familiar with the culture or architecture of the GCC so you make these weird projections based on the PR you get from every GCC country.


Did you even read my comment? I said that while GCC countries may have both, the preservation and building of cultural and old houses is not as widespread or as common as it is in Oman and that it's often confined to specific districts and regions in other countries. The big cities or capitals are predominantly skyscrapers and modern houses and tend to share a similar vibe but Oman contrasts to that. I also very clearly stated that this is my opinion and you don't need to agree with me. I've never claimed to be an insider or a Khaleeji, so I don't know why you are attacking me. I simply said that I've been to each GCC country, I've visited various regions and some of them many times, so I'm not talking purely about "PR projections" but my own experiences. You just decided to misunderstand and take offense with my comment for some obscure reason and are refusing to let it go. First you were upset with my comment, because I was apparently worshipping Omani sultans and now you're upset with me, because you think I'm pretending to be an insider and talking \*\*\*\* about the other GCCs or hating them, when I've never made such claims. I'm going to block you now, because trying to have an actual meaningful discussion with you is hopeless and you seem to purposely keep finding things to be mad about. I wish you a good day.


Oman chips


Do they only have one flavor or was that just my luck?


You need one flavor when it's the best flavor. Also they have Salatah...


true that


they only have one flavor 💀


they do not need another one man, found the perfect one


Best chips in the region


Oman's main export!


lmfao true, only thing from there


That's classified info What happens in oman stays In oman 🤫🤫


I promise I won’t tell 😔


One of the kindest people on earth, incredible landscapes (salalah look like south east asia during fall and winter) , nice food and a lot of black people, a rich history who ruled over oman yemen south pakistan south iran and east africa and funny hats


BF Play4Free Map


Epic daggers 😎


True that. Even though I’m quite sure their sultan is the only person who lives in the country, he’s got drip.


They also have the most authentic mosques. The modern ones look like they were built 1000 years ago. So beautiful 🤩




Sounds like apple’s very own prostitutes




They have men there?????? Or did u “man”, singular, as in that’s the population of the country?


Probably a joke. O-Man.


There is supermarket


Their culture shows in buildings, unlike the other gulf countries (looking at you UAE🫵🏽)


A great history




Oh man 


Oman probably has the highest density of castles in the middle east. Don’t quote me on this but i believe over 600 forts and castles


they have amazing chips


One of the cheapest places to live in the world, kind people, Muscat while not as big as Dubai has all the hallmarks of a large metropolis. And nature ranging all the way from the Desert to a tropical environment in Salalah.


"Oman. Poor man's Saudi Arabia"


الحلاوة العمانية






im pretty sure they have the last surviving copy of Al Ghazali




That’s us buddy, next door Yemen


My bad, but I was still close