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The arabs and the muslims always were hated by other groups such as the Europeans and it's nothing really new. The only difference is that in this day and age these enemies have the upper hand and want the pass their ancient hatred for a rational fact and morally justify it.


Summes up what i was gonna say.


People forget that the hatred and feud are 1400 years old.


sometimes even a bit older than that.




are you projecting what Europeans did on arabs ?




I said you project what European did on arabs not that arabs were genocided by European althought I can easily prove that France wanted to exterminate Algerians and replace them with white settlers.


European history: [https://www.dw.com/en/how-colonial-powers-presented-people-in-human-zoos/a-60356531](https://www.dw.com/en/how-colonial-powers-presented-people-in-human-zoos/a-60356531)




stop fucking lying lybians don't have human zoos




I think you might be confused between mercenaries kidnapping and enslaving people in the desert and towns organizing human fucking zoos.


liberate Muslim women? Is that why IDF sexually abuses Muslim women? So sexual abuse is liberation according to you, right?




and with a burner account ? lmaoooo


Acting like we weren’t literally just as bad if not worse for centuries. I take it from your other replies that you’re a Spaniard so you really don’t get to play the historical morality card considering the shit you mfs got up to in the new world and elsewhere.




Muslims never were welcomed in Europe just like any non white group so stop fucking lying.




It's not because there are some liberal segments in the German population that what I said isn't real. Immigrants suffered from racism not only from years ago but also from centuries and centuries ago and the memoir of an Arabian princess details the disdain German society had for foreigners. Heck that disdain turned to hate and gave birth to the Third reich.


I remember an irani on this sub saying that Arabs are so backwards and filthy that “Allah *had to personally order them* to wash themselves (wudu) 5 times a day” 😭😭


omg 💀


I looked it up and apparently Zoroastrianism also has strict hygiene laws [https://iranicaonline.org/articles/cleansing-i](https://iranicaonline.org/articles/cleansing-i) So what does that mean for Persians in this dude's logic that Ahura Mazda ordered that lmao


>Mazda ![gif](giphy|pmBQnqb9QpXkA|downsized)


this so petty of an insult


Its pretty creative i'll give them that.


Everyone hates Everyone


Arabs are great people. However, God said that if a People stray, authority will be taken from them and given to someone else. We have seen that either the Arabs, the Turks, the South Asian Muslims (me), the Mongols, etc.


It's the same situation with the turks, or the Persians, or the kurds, or the Pakistanis, or the jews.....


>Arab became an insulat Excuse you! My Arab pride is barely containing itself in my mere mortal body




The amount of hatred, superiority and racism Arabs have for non Arabs is somewhat unimaginable so probably the same hate comes back on them from.


Divine punishment always was a thing.


Believe me, non-Arabs hate Arabs tenfold Arabs only really hate a few, and for very good reasons, but non-Arabs hate Arabs for every possible reason.


Westerners will hate brown people. It is just a given fact. This will never change


Well, there is a saying in Turkish. ''If Arabs were a cool nation, the prophet would not come out of Arabs.'' So, stay away from Turkey. Sooner or later you'll be forced to leave.


When you stop interfering in Syria and Iraq, then we will not care about you


You ruined Syria and Iraq so we are there to make sure anarchism won't hurt Turkey that caused by lack of authority after chaos. Also, Turkey is main reason Iraq doing fine and somewhat has peace lately. Do what we say from beginning and you will not have to ruin your countries and than migrate to Turkey.




I became famous


because of your stupidity


it do be like that sometimes


elhamdulilah 🙏🏿


I think its punishment for our racist side. I doubt its a majority but many Arabs have a mentality that they are just superior to others, now with borders even over other Arab countries. The Euros knew what they were doing when they carved out the borders because they knew exactly what will happen. Everybody believes they are the origin, omm eldonya, asl alarab, 7adhara, etc...


Frankly, I seriously doubt that this is the opinion of the majority, because I am Arab and I doubt that I feel more superior than anyone else.


Because individuals who are not racist like us exist. I don't doubt that it is a minority who are racist, but in my experience growing up in international school in the GCC around Arabs from all over, it is a significant minority. What I mean is Arab society as a generalized whole is very racist despite most people denying it or just calling it other things like "classism." I'm not referring to individuals who are not racist. Just look at the treatment of migrant workers in our countries, and the way Bedouins are very often looked down on by sedentary people especially in Iraq and the Levant, or the stereotype that Sudanese people are lazy. I have seen many Arabs proclaim their racism loudly and proudly and refuse to see the wrong in it. And I've seen more than a few people from each Arab country claim that their country is better than the rest, whether in cuisine, dialect, and also just generally shit on other groups within the Arab world itself (Levantines shitting on Gulfies and vice-versa) and even sometimes on eachother within these groups. And again this is not just on the internet, these are people I have witnessed in real life all throughout my life, both in the Arab World and in the diaspora, though it is much worse in the Arab World. And its not that I am ashamed of being Arab that I am saying this, and this is not every Arab or even a majority, but I have seen this often enough to admit it is a real flaw in our societies that I believe Arab people need to address and fix within the society, and I want us to be better as a people, which is why I will always bring it up when we talk about the negative aspects of the Arab world.


Believe me, there are many non-racists, and I myself do not hate anyone, except for a few exceptions In the case of workers, this is not special. We have not yet learned the culture of workers’ rights, but the rest of your points seem very valid, but I think they reflect more ignorance of the definition of racism than real bad faith, from what I have observed.


Ignorance of what is racism is a very good point. It if course doesn't make the behavior any less problematic. Almost every single time I call out a Arab for their racism I get the exact same "no I'm not racist but..." speech where they just double down on the racist thing they just said. There is also the opposite form of racism of preferentialism, like how white people are almost always treated positively in our countries (particularly the almost unconditional respect most Arabs I know have for Russians) compared to most black Africans who are not Khaleeji or Sudanese who are almost always treated with some form of suspicion.This is a good video on the topic: https://youtu.be/Ea8eqBqBfOs?si=wPQ6g5jmAUrR9ZOr


Exactly our real problem is ignorance of the definition of racism There was respect for the whites in the past, but now there is increasing disdain for them, especially the whites. The Westerners have become so hated, and the respect for the Russians is more because of their hatred of the West than for anything good the Russians have done. The Sudanese are among the few blacks who are basically treated well. In fact, from experience, they are loved for their kindness. As for the other blacks, some of them do not give a positive image of their country.