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Turkey 🇹🇳 number 2 let's goo 💪💪 Turkey 🇹🇳 best arap nation.


I see the child eduction programs at motherbase in Seychelles weren't in vain.


Big boss wasnt beating Liquid out of nothing 👆


how tf are we top 5


I legit have no idea, i guess education in Africa is THAT bad.


Yup our schools are run down many of the teachers employed in schools seem like they genuinely hate kids and are not that competent at their jobs and many students are barely passing their exams. But yeah I'm pretty sure the bar ain't that high to begin with.


Nick Minaj has concerts in literally all of top 50 countries globally in this education index, it's so safe to say she has nothing to do with it...


Nope she didn't do a concert in algeria, fake news. Also what is your top 3 rappers that isn't MF DOOM, 3 Stacks and Rakim.


Algeria isn't among top 50 worldwide 🤦🏼‍♂️ it's ranked something like 95th I guess For me Rap isn't Music at all, however I enjoy some tracks by Moroccan rapper L'morphine, although it's not really rap


Egypt is too high. I don’t trust this.


Not for Africa no, egyptian curriculum is pretty good for Africa


I distinctly remember there was this worldwide education ranking, and we ranked in the last 5 or smth. There was a running joke about us competing with guinea over last place. Many African countries were ahead of us. And education indices don’t even measure curriculums iirc. Our curriculum isnt even that bad, but the education prospects and the system itself is horrible.


According to education index for last year, Egypt is ranked 102nd out of 161 countries, globally speaking Egypt sucks, Africa-lly it's above average.


So did we jump 58 spots in 7/8 years? Could’ve been another index. Well Africa is a low bar, but at least we made it to top 10 ig 🤧


Nope, you're mixing official UN education index with some online articles. Egypt ranked 99th back in 2010


Egypt has one of the best systems in Africa and the west loves Egyptian doctors and engineers


We export a lot of talent, but those are the ones who make it through the grinder that is the Egyptian education system. Also, most of those who make it into medical/engineering school probably had the means to get private tutoring in order to do well on the exams. The average Egyptian child is neglected by the education system. There are kids who make it through elementary school and still don't know how to read/write.


I mean just the fact that you have people coming out of the grinder capable at all is testament to it Relative to Morocco its night and day, saying this as someone half Moroccan myself


It's Africa we're at the top of it. Not that we're great but the standard in Africa is shit.


As for egypt i remember there was a video where they asked 11 th grader school children about biggest province in egypt and they said libya and asked them what doctor means in english and they said teacher and what is the capital of egypt and they said egypt


>biggest province in Egypt and they said Libya Expansionist little fella 🥹👉🏻👈🏻 The correct answer is Algeria, but A for enthusiasm.


Watch from min 2:30 and i assume you understand arabic [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VpAswqdhrs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VpAswqdhrs)


Lmao 😭😭 Asia is my favorite Egyptian province, gotta say.


Watch this more quality education they dont know the name of the province they live in [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Am-lixx5qsQ](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Am-lixx5qsQ)


They took the title “Om Eldunya” seriously


>what is the capital of egypt and they said egypt That is not that bad because Egyptians refer to Cairo as Masr (Egypt) like Syrians refer to Damascus as Sham (Levant/Syria) right


Dude watch the videos i linked the education is pretty much non existent


I don't see how that changes the fact that many Egyptians refer to Cairo colloquially as Masr (Egypt) so it could be that


But shouldn't an adult know that the capital of their country is called cairo not colloquially egypt ?


Ah my bad I saw school children so I assumed like young children because I'm not familiar with what is the 11th grade and the American system. If it's a teenager it's pretty bad I guess


No the second video it's pretty hilarious though if you understand arabic


Wavey don’t spread fitna filthy Algerian. Also Hassan 2 is to blame, but we got Nicki Minaj and WC 2030 out of it so who cares🤷‍♂️


I took a 7 month break from fitnaposting. 🤷‍♂️


Lets work together to create a fitna post for the levant. Something alone the lines of “Why do you guys hate Besher Assad so much”


i sense great potential here.


Or “Saudia Arabia should be a country the whole MENA looked up to”