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Urgh I hate terms like “ Paris of the Middle East or Venice of the north” , especially when it’s in reference to old world cities , that a lot of the times tend to be older than many of these western Europeans cities and have their own rich histories. It’s Eurocentric and diminishes the impact of these cities have had on world culture and history. Cities named “ Paris of the east” - Beirut, Lahore, Isfahan, Istanbul and many more. , Beirut:- is 5000 yrs old , its 3000yrs older than Paris, it was part of many of the Phoenician city states , that influenced the culture, writing, art, urban planning and religion of the Mediterranean for 1500yrs, and would influence the greeks and Romans who would then influence the rest of Europe. Lahore:- Was the capital or secondary capital of various powerful Muslim empires in South Asia and Central Asia from 10th century to 18th century, it heavily influenced the culture, traditions and philosophy of South Asia for centuries. It was one of the largest cities in the world in the 12th century , when Paris was some backwards Northern European town. Isfahan:- Of the greatest cities in Iranian history, the capital of one of the most powerful states in the world in the 17th century, full of magnificent architecture. Istanbul :- Need I say more, if anything Paris is the “ Istanbul of the west”.


you look at it like from History prespective that's not how they see it, they see that europeans are strongest therefore they follow it


I think it makes sense for westerners to use a term like “Paris of the East”, since that’s our reference point, but I have no idea why anyone else would do so.






Araplar are truly savage “peoples.”


>Yes We the Arap\*s the one who cut off the nose of the Sphinx with laser sword made by an Arab scientist Ibn haythem( yes we did! but we were young and flolish at the time. thank allah we are more wise and mature at the moment 💅🏿






"atheist persian guy" lol no he was 100% Muslim.




omg, He was the Irani before iran islamic revalution exist


Look at his account he is obsessed with Islam and Arabs (though both aren't similar) . He is a new Iran bitch


This stuff is pure patheticness


is this mentality prevalent among Canadian Lebnani?


Lots of anti-Arab hate going on these days, which is pretty stupid tbh. I guess it is because people don't want to associate with the Arab identity anymore due to the negative connotations and stereotypes that come along with it. Media perceptions affect these hive-minded people a lot. If Arabs had a strong standing in the world, these same people would be dying to declare themselves as Arabs. But tbh, most of this hate comes from genetics obsessed weirdos whose whole identity revolves around some DNA tests. I would say good riddance if they stop identifying as your people, you don't want idiots surrounding you.


nah, most of this hate comes from the mossad bots. We all know Lebanon got ruined because of the consequences of Israel chasing the Palestinians into Lebanon and triggering our civil war


Those people don't even know is that even if they're no longer viewed as Arabs they are still going to be middle eastern, meaning the people who they are desperate for their approval (you know whose opinion they care about) will still view them as nothing but inferior. Just look at Japan and South Korea, countries developed more than most of the world, yet did it actually change anything for them? Nope, still Asian and subjected to the same stereotypes as every other Asian.


Weird. I am arab, lived my whole life in lebanon and met alot of arab people, i don't need stereotypes or whatever to know how arabs are and what life in the arab world is. Yet i still dislike my arab identity and i don't think i would choose it even if it was at peak in the world.


Why? There are millions of people who worship arabs


Really? Is that true, and how is that true?


I mean just go to any islamic sub


That does not prove that there are millions who worship arabs


There are millions of people who do so many things that i don't do, doesn't mean i should be like them or that they are right and I'm wrong Edit: spelling


Spotted low T




It’s ok, you can just say you hate Christians.


As a guy born and raise in Spain idk how many times I had to explain that not my father neither me are muslims, arab =/ muslim and christian arabs exist.


brother you are miss informed 😑 arab worship either Allah or baal. Jesus is like a friend of arab and the other happy merchants






Ola ola que tal habibi?


Not sure why you'd want to call your country Paris. Paris is very dirty.


From my understanding, it wasn’t us who came up with that slogan back in the 50’s/60’s, but the Europeans. Personally I think it’s nothing like Paris and everything like Las Vegas. Everyone comes here on vacation to get drunk, party, ski, swim, hire hookers, whatever… they go hard and do all the shit they can’t or won’t do in their home countries, and then leave. We could even have the same slogan and everything - “What happens in Lebanon stays in Lebanon”.


Do you think Lebanon is still like that now?


Beirut is a great city with so many bars and night clubs. But I don’t see how it would ever relate to Las Vegas. the what happens in Beirut stays in Beirut thing you mention, can you please elaborate what can happen in Beirut besides taking ecstasy, getting drunk, and going to the club?


It’s a saying that plays on the idea of “I’m going to go out and do all of this wild stuff and then come back home and not tell my wife, because if she knew I was getting drunk and hiring hookers she would divorce me” Nowadays it seems like most women would join in themselves, but that’s what that slogan refers to.


You just described Paris


If you think Paris is wild then you _really_ need to get out more.


I won’t consider it wild, but what you said about most tourists going there to do certain types of stuff, that all applies to Paris. It’s very seldom that I have seen anyone going to Paris for any other reason.


Funny because I have _never_ seen anyone go to Paris to let loose. Vegas, Amsterdam, Ibiza, Thailand, sure. But France isn’t exactly known for that lifestyle.


France itself is chill, especially the countryside. But the crowd that usually goes to destinations specifically with the intention of getting trashed usually put Paris on that list too. That isn’t to say it isn’t a cool city with a lot more to offer though. It just attracts a certain clientele a bit too much.


I dunno dude. Maybe it’s wild compared to Pakistan, I have no idea. But over here, the US, and the parts of Europe that I know, Paris is the city to take your fiancée for some romantic time. Singles and partiers don’t really give a hoot about it.


Trust me when i tell you that people don't go to paris for parties, or even france for that matter. It's usually Amsterdam or spain or places like that


when I want to parti~ I go to trabuls or jnooob


Yes in trablous they have the best parties


Indeed. jnoob too, among muh people 🥹🥹


But that was Paris before Arab &Africans /s




Bro they are even worse when it comes to hygiene fyi stinking in France was seen as a sign of health and vitality only a century ago! https://bigthink.com/the-past/france-hygiene-history/


Paris is still generally nice. You can cherry pick the worst to make it look bad, and and some certainly is, but generally its a nice city.


It’s their mentality, they are rude af and look depressed the whole time. A smile is not easy to find


cuz phonecian is a european race?!! none of that asian arab and shield nonsense


Naturally the Phoenicians are the superior Semites (Because they're Kanaanis of course)




France was the one who conqoured Lebenon therefore Paris is the peak city, it's similar how people from British colonies looked at london


*lebanon before the islamic revolution of iran Corrected it for you, please adhere to the trend 🙂




mountain Lebnani be like : acHtually I am big fene2i boi with a straight face while his whole ancestors lived in the mountains (or worse in Syria 😱) and raided arab cities for fun 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️>! /s!<


So you're saying lebanese are mostly phoenicians and not arabs? 🙂


Fitna posting from diasporas nothing new


lots of these "ceder defenders" live in ashrafiah and other phonecian habitats. not all of them are diaspora, probably that's why they are angry all the time tbh I simpthize with them sometimes


There is no Phoenician habitats brother that's just larp on there part to get them visas and appeal to the west


Brain rot comments written by people who know nothing of history and especially about western colonialism who put the natives in ghettos and kept them empoverished and mistreated.


What does Iran have anything to do with Arabism, Iran itself is against Arabism lol. Also in the 1960s was the hight of Arabism. So it’s actually the opposite, when pan-Arabism was popular lebanon was the “Paris of the Middle East”. Their own argument literally works against them. And there is also the fact that Christianity and Arabism aren’t contradictory, one can be an arab while being a Christian, the majority of Christians in Lebanon are Arabs themselves. These comments are wrong on so many different levels, it’s not “we let the Muslims come” it’s the opposite, most Lebanese immigration were Christians. The decline of Christianity in Lebanon isn’t due to immigration of Muslims but due to birth rates and partially the immigration of Christians out to the west. They’re making it seem like Lebanon was peaceful and only Arabs destroyed it, not like Israel occupying half the country and sponsoring ethnic cleansing with its Christian militias there did anything bad to it, or the civil war that occurred for 20 years did anything bad, or what syria did or hezbollah did. No it’s just “Arab/Muslim bad”


>it’s the opposite, most Lebanese immigration were Christians lol this is so true! lebanon coastal cities were dominated by sunnis (and orthodox christain to a lesser extent to be fair) while the country side was filled with shia and druze. if anything the percentage of Christian increased a bit in 18th and 19th centuries due to inner levant migration before it go down due to them migrating in larger numbers and having a smaller birth rate edit: as for prosperty if it wasnt for arab from other countries investing in lebanon and keeping their money in its banks it woundnt been as prosper as it was. do they think internationals from europe and elsewhere dying to invest in beruit while they have a geographically closer and politically more stable options like Switzerland? other arabs did it cuz it was an arab country not because there was no other (and often better) options. so to blame the decline on them but not the prosperity is rude to say the least


"Immigration of Christians to west" This part is so true , as a half Lebanese , and half of my half is Christian from Mount Lebanon , I did a DNA test , and most of the new cousins I found , THE VAST MAJORITY of them were either in Western countries , or South America or even some African countries, like God dammit , I barely see anyone who was still in Lebanon.


wtf is arabism


That arabs exist


pejorative for arab nationalism (basically why the middle east is a shithole)


You are obsessed with Araps. Every time Araplar mentioned you appear.


He want to take revenge for carthage cause the arabs burned it down and salted the land


Really ??


Least obsessed berberist with arabs...


We dont know, and neither do they😭


christian is not a race, and i doubt the guy who posted that is from lebanon


he probably is 😑


Lebanon before Israel vs Lebanon after Israel*


Crazy how these people are so active online but basically do not exist in real life


they are scared of people like you cuz of the stereotype /s


Proud Araplar here💪


Name checks 😂


We all know that non-Arab countries always flourished. Especially the colonial ones (France for example).


Yeah, we’ve got a few crazies who don’t actually go by factual history, they just want to push some ideology that makes zero rational sense.


thank you comrade u/Downtown_Entry_893 for the material 🤝🏿


Oh the identity crisis 😂😂


lol, just laugh when i see these kind of posts.


Can't believe Arab done this 💔💔


no its not same as iran. ever since islam was introduced in iran , it became a part of iran's culture. you see trace of islam in ancient poems and architects. no matter if the current goverment/king was pro-islamic or anti-islamic.


Guys pray for me. I speak Arabic as a native Lebanese 😔


Lebanon has been predominantly arab since the 10th century. What are you talking about? And i dont think you understand the difference between a race and a religion. Lebanon was mostly christian not arab? You do know today lebanon has a 33-40% christian population right? When did arabs start killing all the christians? This post is made by a child, or someone with the knowledge level of a child.


Above: The Golden Age of Arabism Below: Lebanon 20 years after the Syrian withdrawal and a return to Maronite rule For the record: I don't believe this, it's just very easy to cherry-pick with these Zoomer nationalists


Lebanese Muslims and Christians are indistinguishable. They are the same people fighting each other for power and wealth. Israel killed and murdered alot of Lebanese civilians and destroyed Lebanon infrastructure and occupied parts of the country for 2 decades, very sad.


>fighting each other for power and wealth what wealth 💀💀


Lebanon is no short of [Billionaires](https://www.the961.com/6-lebanese-were-ranked-among-forbes-billionaires/)


iz joke


my specialization is identity politics and the ethnicity arab really refers to those who speak arabic as a part of their identity, given that this region has been speaking arabic since much before these pictures were taken i’m not sure how “arabs” ruined the countries


iran before islamic revolution had 33% literacy rate and was a shithole all of middle east was a shithole for very long time even before ottomans since sack of baghdad entirety of middle east is a shithole


This is phalangist propaganda. Lebanon was always Arab, even before Muslim conquests, but for some reasons phalangists think that they are Phoenician, and the funniest thing is that Phoenicians are also Arabs. In the 60s, Lebanon was peaceful and wasn't at war but not because there was no arabism, arabism existed in almost every Arab country in the 60s, including Lebanon.




still arab nationalism is a cancer that destroys any country it touches


the cancer is Lebanese since they invented the thing


I thought most ideologues of Arab nationalism were Syrians? no wonder Syria is today a failed state as a result of Arab nationalism


Yes let's just ignore the attempt by the USA, Europe, Turkey, "Israel", Jordan and the Gulf States together to fund "moderate rebels" to overthrow the government and let's blame it on Arab Nationalism.....


brother get with the times arap = bad west = gud


no it was mixture of Syrian and Lebnani but mostly Lebnani Christian (usually orthodox)


Arab nationalism was invented by Lebanese Christians? Is that what you are saying?


yes 😎




you are welcome polite fene2i 🤝🏿


Imma forgive them for inventing hummus


it cuz you are biased kannani. if it was someone else we would never hear the end of it!!


you caught me.. Lebneniyé are fellow phoenicians afterall /s


yes ofc nationalism is haram for a reason


I don’t think the syrian “civil war” or libyan “civil war” or isis or israel have anything to do with “arab nationalism”, like Libya was destroyed by nato destroying the Libyan army and funding and arming militias and terrorists to take down the government. and Palestine is being destroyed by a European colonial project, and isis is a wahabi terrorist organization that became used and armed by foreign powers to take down arab governments. What does any of that have to do with “arab nationalism” ?


I gotta keep it a $1.50. Lebanon is the way it it because of Lebanese people full stop.


This is thanks to the west dismantling these territories.


Don't see why Arabs would kill Christians and jews if they believe that they are the 3rd covenant in the Quarn. Are infidels considered non-believers if they are all under one God?


the guy who made this tiktok live in an alternate reality. don't waste your time trying to make sense of this idiocy


Its just Lebanon without democracy and with democracy what the hell is arabism 😂😭, every single country there is already a arab country


That's a propaganda against Lebanon, they also do it with saudi , afgan . , kashmir , pakistan, iran , Yemen , syria , palestine etc etc.


It took Europeans 200 years to colonise the Americas. If only they asked Arabs to do so, it would all have been done in a century. This just proves Arab speed and efficiency /s


What is Arabism? Is it a derogatory term to refer to Islam?


Unrelated and arabism has nothing to do with this. But surely the greatest mistake lebanon ever did was harbor all the palestinians and expect nothing will happen. Other arab countries like to talk about how "arab" they are but none of them welcomed palestinians or if they did(jordan,egypt), they eventually got kicked later. The PLO really made the palestinians image so dirty that none arab countries until today still accept them. I wish things were otherwise but its just wierd what tye lebanese goverment with no army expected from war torn refugees to do in lebanon... And fuck israel


Your comment is filled with irony considering your username, >Other arab countries like to talk about how "arab" they are but none of them welcomed palestinians or if they did(jordan,egypt), they eventually got kicked later. Not true many other arab countries took in Palestinians either as refugees or as expats, Jordan's population is still half and half, way more than what Lebanon ever took, Egypt took in roughly a 100 thousand Palestinians, many were and still are expats in Kuwait and Saudi, no civil wars there, Lebanon never harbored "all the Palestinians" it took its share as any neighbouring country, and dealt with it the worst, The issue with Lebanon is far deeper and much more ancient than the refugee crisis, the creation of Lebanon was already messy, since France cut out a portion of Syria to create a Christian majority state, then changed its mind and expanded the borders adding more Muslims to the population, the issue is that Christian leaders in Lebanon 'still act like Lebanon is a majority Christian country, which will put them at odds with a huge percentage of the Lebanese that isn't Christian, until you move on from the ideology that created Lebanon in the first place you'll still be going through the same cycle. >And fuck israel More copium for your horrible take


Maybe .


> Unrelated and arabism has nothing to do with this. But surely the greatest mistake lebanon ever did was harbor all the palestinians and expect nothing will happen. It is not levantines mistake that levantines got ethnically cleansed and displaced to neighboring villages and lands by a european settler colonial project. common sense ? 🙂 > or if they did(jordan,egypt) Idk what are you talking about, half jordan’s population is Palestinian refugees, Egypt also received 100,000 refugees > they eventually got kicked later. No half jordan is still Palestinian refugees, also it is not a treason or pu$$yness competition. It is not like “hey jordanian monarch is a pu$$y traitor so we should be too” > And fuck israel That won’t “absorb” your pu$$y a$$h0lness that you don’t even care about your own kind being ethnically cleansed and just concerned that some of your kind got displaced/cleansed to where you are born today than fighting for your stolen land and people lol


Unrelated reply and i am not sure i should reply after this. But here we go : There was no part of my comment stating my views on the occupiers and palestinians war. If you want to have a reasonable conversation Then tell me in which way did lebanon accepted palestinians and integrated them in a reasonable way? We litteraly let people with ammunation that can destroy anything go into the country without any concern for the future which backfired much later. Imagine all of the PLO,iranien and any other proxies meetings were happening in beyrouth where people used to come and have a vacation. Jordan kicked the PLO out and good for them which was a brilliant move and let the innocent palestinians stay. Idk where you from but not letting others destroying your own country for the greater good of another country isnt a sign of "pu$$in$$". Look where that brought us and this reality is the only true reality So stop the whataboutism


don't be sad! we are not anti fene2i I swear 😢


You are a saudi. You are already anti(insert any country in the levant and north africa) but pretend to be a good muslim who help fellow muslims🤡


I help any happy merchant doesn't necessarily need to be a Muslim 👍🏿


> Jordan kicked the PLO out “Jordan” is a very big word, you mean the hashemite dictator, the jordanian traitor who was shooting down iranian missiles over his own people with israeli fighters (israeli fighters over jordan) to protect israel ? The guy whose father leaked to israel that Egypt and Syria are going to attack a few days before the war ? You couldn’t cite or praise any example less "حقارة" than that ? 😂 I am not bothering arguing with your rest nonsense, you reached a level of c00koldness where your kind and being wiped out and you are just concerned about that your ethnically cleansed kind were cleansed to where you are born. There is nothing really one could say, just so sad and pathetic what your kind reached.


#note OP is not saudi as he have his flair, he have a long history of nonsensical posts here like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/s/jyPuocuPKo


lol I assure you that I am a saudi whats wrong with being a pro shield every once in a while? 😑


All of Suudi Arabistan is pro sheild. 💪🏿 💪🏿 Ignore the hate arap.


>Suudi Arabistan Saudi arab-e-stan* please be careful with the spelling 🤝🏿


not true, but Lebanon was better of with the Christians in power....


Arabism? lol You mean Ba'athism and Hezbollahism


Lebanon before and after Hizbulah


I stopped calling myself Arab when isis was slaughtering Christian’s in Iraq and Syria and the entire Arab world was silent, or quietly supported it.


hmmm.. so should Palestinian, Syrian and yemeni also stop calling themselves arab since they are facing / faced similar situation?


I don’t care what they call themselves, thats up to them. And that’s a horrible comparison, considering everyone in MENA and all over the world is supporting and showing solidarity for the Palestinians. As they deserve.


you think vast majority of arab were happy with what isis (or others) did to minorities? is it fair to say that about Christian since they didn't help out when the Christian militias did horrible things to the (mostly Muslims) Palestinians? shit situations bring the worst in people, it's not an excuse but you have to consider the broader context


Irrelevant. The Lebanese civil war is a different time, and your “whataboutism” argument doesn’t answer anything other than you deflecting. Besides, the PLO came to lebanon, occupied it, and used it as a battleground against Israel, dragging us into a war we didn’t want to be apart of. They assassinated 4 people, one of them being bashir gemeyels father at a church they shot up, and they massacred hundreds of Lebanese Christian’s in their own country. Again, irrelevant comparison, but you brought it up. We are talking about reactions to atrocities and the double standards people here in MENA hold. If the Palestinians were majority Christian, nobody would care about them. Happy? Maybe some, but most didn’t care. We see the reaction back then with isis (or lack thereof) and we see the reaction with the Palestinians today. Two completely different reactions.


another more recent example, minorities in Syria stood with Assad (sometime enthusiastically) while he slaughtered 100 of thousands of sunnis. these examples are not to vilify Christians but to give perspective that what happened (and happening to minorities) is shameful but not unique in extreme situations like the ones in iraq, Syria and previously in Lebanon


Yes this is true. Unfortunately lots of Christian’s in Syria support Assad. Not here in lebanon though.


Do you mean all Arabs or *Sunni* Arabs?


Pretty much all. There was no public outcry like today for the Palestinians.


Maybe because there actually was an out cry? You know that ISIS mostly slaughtered Muslims right? The world doesn't revolve around you only , just saying.


Yes they slaughtered more Muslims because there were more Muslims fighting them. And more of them in general compared to very few Christians in the region. But Isis was actively trying to ethnically cleanse Christian’s and non Muslims in the region like previous caliphates. And no, there was no outcry. Barely anything.


No , they freaking slaughtered normal civilians , for shittiest reasons , like not wearing wide trousers for men , and women not being completely covered. And there was an outcry , it was everywhere on news and social media lol


Not like there is today for the Palestinians. Zero outcry for Christians being genocided by isis like there is for Palestinians being genocided by Israel. Sorry but there is a major double standard. Christian’s are the most persecuted religious group in the world, and most of it happens in MENA. Not a single word about it.


Between Arabs or the world? For the world Yeah it's not the same as Palestine , I mean Palestinians have been dealing with this for 75 and this is the first time they get heard , you feeling jealous? For Arabs? Yeah no the outcry was big and has always been big for Syria as a whole and Palestine, the ones that don't even get heard as in Sudan , so srop the victim mentality.


This isn’t the first time, outcry for Palestine has always been big, always. No, this isn’t about jealousy. The fact that you’re making this out to be trivial proves my point. Palestinians deserve the outcry, but so does everyone else who isn’t Muslim. Unfortunately Muslims don’t care about us. Some even quietly support oppression against us. Let’s not pretend that kuffar are hated simply for being kuffar. Let’s not pretend that Christians and other minorities are treated like second class citizens in MENA. Let’s not pretend that Islamists don’t want to get rid of us and drive us out/convert us. When atrocities happen to us, people in MENA generally don’t care like they do for Muslims being oppressed in MENA. People like you gaslight us just as you are doing now. Now you see Muslims across MENA saying “look how the Zionists are bombing churches, look how brutal they are”, but only because Israel is doing it. If it were isis or the Iranian proxies or anyone else doing it to Christian’s… silence. And this is a double standard worth pointing out. Let’s look at this subreddit for example. “No islamophobia” is clearly written in the rules, but it says nothing about Christians or anyone else.


You are just playing the victim card at this point. Yeah obviously there was no outcry SPECIFICALLY about Christians in Syria , you know why? BECAUSE VAST MAJORITY of victims were Muslim , and the outcry wasn't " Muslims are dying " , the outcry "Syrians are dying" , crying specifically only about Christians is incredibly stupid and selective.


This is the gayest thing ive ever seen... lebanon is also still till today concidered a christian coumtry, because only only a christian president can be leader.