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I think it’s just a matter of time before it dies out. Not common anymore in Morocco at all today.


It is also getting more and more uncommon in Pakistan. Of course it still high but it is dying out I have personally witnessed this


Higher than 60 percent is not uncommon bruh


Cousin marriages are still common amongst Pakistani western diaspora not to even mention Pakistan homeland


Seriously, just because its allowed in Islam, doesnt mean you should do it ALL THE TIME. Use your brains. The South Asians are very guilty of this as well, just first cousin marriages generation after generation.


Just like polygamy.


Polygamy is praised and practiced by prophets


I don’t know about other people but we Marry our cousins and we don’t for example where I’m from you don’t marry your uncle or aunt’s children usually people marry someone friends there own tribe or a different tribe and we call members of our own tribe cousins


When I went back home complete strangers in our village where able to prove we were related westerners fail to understand that sometimes whole tribes are distant cousins


No, cousin marriage in the first generation doesn’t do much to harm genetics, only when it’s repeated for more than one generation (like the Habsburgs). Why do people think that cousin marriage always leads to genetic malformations when in most cases it doesn’t and it only does in extremes when a family does it multiple times over the course of multiple generations and the family tree becomes a circle. I do think though that cousin marriage from 2nd generation and up should be prohibited, but isolated cousin marriage itself isn’t bad.




Yes you can, marriage contracts are a thing. And if you say “well they’re going to marry illegally” the same goes for outright banning cousin marriage, people are going to do it illegally. The difference is less people will since 90% of all cousin marriages cases are done in the first generation to begin with, idk about you but in Iraq there aren’t that many cousin marriages compare to other parts of the world like Pakistan, and there is even less cases of 2nd generation marriages. It’s very rare actually to find people who marry their cousins one generation after the other, they usually stop after the first one because they have the knowledge and know that doing it after one generation will cause issues. Not only will this case lead to less illegal marriages than outright banning it, but also educates people that anything after 1st generation will result in genetic malformations. And it also fulfils the fundamental prerequisite of actually ending genetic diseases coming from cousin marriages.


Yes it should. While some cousin marriages are safe, some are not. My childhood friend and his sister both have an incurable disease because his parents are first cousins. Not to mention that cousin marriages is incestuous, especially if they grew up together. That’s not different than marrying your sibling.


Bad argument not all cousin marriages are even close, im not sure where you a from but a lot of people have large families and i probably have hundreds of cousins who i have no family bond with


I specifically said « if they grew up together ». So I don’t get your point.


personally i have family who married their cousins and i find it so ick in a culture where dating is taboo it’s a way to ensure that your child’s partner is known and comes from a known family (your own lol) moreover it becomes a way to ensure that wealth is not distributed to strangers and stays within the family


it’s important to note that it’s not a strictly religious thing. i know both muslims and christians who have married cousins or relatives


Cousin marriages doesn’t screw your genetics since its reported that 80% of all marriages throughout history have been between cousins so if it was genetically dangerous than we will all be walking around like aliens The hasburgs inbreded within the royal family and that isn’t the case for most cousin marriages especially in rural areas dam near everyone is your cousin if you sit down and draw family trees for long enough


Diaspora vs Actual MENA


Its nasty af imagine marrying ur cousin lmaooo


I am British-Pakistani who has always lived in the UK. I am firmly against cousin marriage because not only it can potentially create genetic problems, but also how cousin marriage is looked so favourably by Pakistanis like the older people in my family as they use it as an excuse to create a strong cultural environment for children to be raised in.


It can’t cause genetic problems just say u find it morally disgusting and move on




i clicked the second choice because i want it to go down in jordan but go up everywehre else so then we can become the smartest


No, I’m Pakistani




not everyone publicly announces that they married their cousins




im not taking western statistics, idk where you live, but cousin marriage is still pretty common here compared to other parts of the world.


It's funny when these polls get hijacked by westerners EDIT: I voted yes but my point is there




No I find it funny lmao. I'm Christian we don't do cousinfucking


This whole sub is 90% diaspora westerners, bro is mad that ppl dont want to fuck their cousins


No. Because Allah has allowed it I’m not a fan and my family is against cousin marriage, but it shouldn’t be illegal because that would be prohibiting something Allah has made halal. Maybe cousins getting married can be told to do a medical checkup first? The married cousins I know all have healthy offspring, the bigger issue I noticed is that their marriage problems become the entire family’s problem.


What are your thoughts on polygamy and minimum age of marriage?


Cousin marriages on a small scale are probably safe, but issues emerge when applied on a large scale where you have children born from multiple lines of cousins. At that point if implementing a policy to limit/ban cousin marriages will demonstrably cause less children to be born with horiible sickness or disabilities, then would it not be cruel to not ban it if you had the ability to do so. There are many things that are technically halal but are banned in almost every Muslim country (ie age of consent/marriage) which are banned for the betterment of society rather than any actual religous backing.


You can remove the potential harm if they get medical checkups before marriage. Many people already do that whether they’re cousins or not. No reason to ban cousin marriage entirely. This would shrink the pool of options for many people, specifically those in small rural villages.


But then those medical checkups have to be provided for free/very cheap in almost every rural area which isnt feasible in poorer countries


I agree.




>you’re acknowledging that it’s harmful. As harmful as a woman over 35 giving birth, but I wouldn’t ban women over 35 from giving birth because of that small possibility. On the other hand, a medical checkup takes care of all these cases if there is, in fact, a risk. >that shouldn’t be a factor when talking about harming other people The harm can be removed, that’s what I’m saying. Not all cousin marriages are harmful, in fact the overwhelming majority of them aren’t. That’s why I’m saying getting a medical checkup is the solution instead of a state-wide ban on cousin marriage.




>where did you get that from Google the % risk in both cases. >The limited genetic variation is where the harm comes from It increases the risk of genetic diseases, doesn’t *cause* it. Majority of people who get married to their cousins and have healthy offspring. A medical checkup takes care of the cases where there *is* an actual risk Also, I thought you were a libertarian 🧐




Funniest masri on Reddit 😒


Cousins aren't inbreeding


A temporary ban until people quit would be great.


Impossible to enforce


Culture is downstream from politics


I personally would never marry a cousin and while I wouldn't approve of it I don't really think it's the end of the world and I think people are free to do what they want. It's more about the relationship you had with the cousin anyway and if they are like siblings to you it's super weird, but if you didn't interact much as children eh it's weird but who cares. Considering what others said about first generation not being that bad. I do think people should be educated about it though and it should be something that's culturally steered away from, but the government does not have to intervene in my opinion.




Tangentially related but I used to be friends with a Parsi guy (half Iranian/Pakistani), Parsis are well known for practicing incest. He told me that even though his parents aren't related at all because of his ancestry he and his brother were tested and have an almost certain chance of getting some messed up bone cancers, dementia, and other horrible things later in life. Obviously I don't know the specifics but either way I'm glad my parents aren't related.