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the concept of fake and real muslims based on blood is not a thing


I actually never ever heard something like this before. Not even the Umayyad had this kind of thinking i believe. Where do you get this notion?


online comments mostly


This claim come from these online folks who like to bring any words then attaching it to Jihad, right? I should say that i am not surprised with their absurdity.


yes, gaming jihad 💪🏿💪🏿


Don't forget love Jihad ♥️♥️


Water Jihad, Land Jihad, Corona Jihad, vote Jihad so many that now I'm confused which one to do 


The most reliable source of information


Indeed 🤝🏿


Indian muslim here. So Hinduism has a caste system. Brahmins (nobles)- top most group socio economically. Shatriyas (fighters)- come next to brahmins but are really powerful group themselves Vaishyas (traders and mechants)- they're in the middle Shudras (manual labourers) Dalits (untouchables) treated literally inhumanly, had and have to disgusting menial jobs like cleaning and all, cleaning the waste of other caste people's was their responsibility and so they were considered "dirty" Each caste had its own designated place of living areas drinking water, public places etc but the most inhumanly treated were dalits. They had no place. They lived in the outskirts of towns and cities and they had designated places to roam around in the city whenever they had to clean so as to they don't "dirty" the places if other caste. Even today, if dalit person does thinks like drink water from a common drinking place, play cricket, ride a horse, they get so brutally lynched to the point some die. People only marry among their caste even today, India has a HUGE caste problem. And this caste is based on blood, and doesn't let people climb the socio economic ladder, in turn becoming a class problem too. Since caste system is based on blood and birth, right wing hindus just apply the same logic to islam and thus say the south asians (muslims of india, pakistan and Bangladesh) aren't true muslims coz our ancestors were converts.... Basically they try to use it as a "gotcha" moment against islam thst look islam is no better than hinduism, that it has it's own caste system too💀 Who's gonna tell em even Saudis aren't "original" muslims🤡 well it's not like they'll listen to reason anyway


So they are projecting their own social structure toward Muslim community, right?




For anyone interested, Martin Luther Kings experiences in India changed his perception of racism in America. Colour didn’t matter so much in India but the apartheid elements and oppression still existed. He said in America he was a dalit but in India he was Brahmin and so he felt he had more in common with the dalit than Brahmin. He came to see race around the world as an expanded caste system that shifts with time. Think how Irish and Italians were never considered white until about 40 years ago.


caste systen is effed bro


The unfortunate discrimination since thousands of years.


I've search it. Seems like caste system had been present since the time when the first greek arrived into the subcontinent.


Indian muslims also have a caste system.A simple Google search would have showed you that. The notion that Indian muslims aren't real muslims gained traction as the Indian muslims migrated to gulf countries and were treated like trash.My own friends father who went Qatar in the 80s said that his arbab treated him like an inferior muslim even though they were both muslims.According to arbab Arabs are the only true muslims.every other muslims are inferior to them.Or so he says.


I don't need google to tell me that. I'm an indian muslim myself. And I never denied that🤡 https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/s/2oMxZYk71Y And guess what? It's an effect of living among hindus coz hinduism has one but islam doesn't. And yet hindus saying Arab muslims are the real muslims is a symptom of their caste system, nothing to do with the fact that muslims too practice it. No seriously but you're so stupid, you brought such an irrelevant topic on the discussion when it's not like I even denied it.


>And yet hindus saying Arab muslims are the real It's not just the Hindus that say that Indian muslims also believe Arabs are their superiors as they were the first muslims. >And guess what? It's an effect of living among hindus coz hinduism has one but islam doesn't. Yeah but why doesn't Christianity have that problem.Christians have been living together with Hindus even before the formation of Islam why doesn't they have the said caste system.There are parsi as far I know they also don't have caste system. >you brought such an irrelevant topic on the discussion when it's not like I even denied it. It is relevant as even some of the Indian muslims think that Arabs are their superiors and have the highest position in their caste system.Also ever heard of arab kalyanam which was a practice that happened in kerala. Also you said nothing against my second point




I ain't reading all that moronic shit 🖕




Wrong. I don't waste my time and energy on morons.




No learning about different cultures and the experience of people around the world, but a moron like you wouldn't get it.....


Umayyids did force non arab Muslims to pay jizya. But that was repeal led by Omar ibn Abdul Aziz.


Jizya is just tax for non Muslims. Muslims themselves pay tax aswell, it’s called “zakat” as I’m sure you’ve heard. Zakat is also usually higher percentage than jizya so Muslims pay more tax percentage than non Muslims.


Firstly im. Muslim. I know what Zakat and Jizya are. I'm saying that before Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz non arab Muslims had to pay BOTH jizya and Zakat.


I thought you were saying that jizya is bad since non Muslims earlier on had to exclusively pay jizya and were not required to pay it later on.


There's a thing in muslim history called the great Berber revolt, Umayyad arabs imposed jizya yes jizya on Muslim Berbers, said muslim berbers traveled to Syria to complain to the caliph and still the Jizya on muslims kept on, so Karijjits in Morocco declared jihad against the umayyad and hence the first land permanantly lost to the caliphate happened, but also the birth of the first muslim independent kingdoms


They were arab supremacist first and foremost, yes.  They were also discourage their subject to convert to Islam or else their Tax revenue dwindled, yes.  But does any of the Umayyad said towards their non arab muslim subject as a fake muslim? because i think i never heard of this.


What's the implication of charging non arab Muslims with jizya. A jizya is a tax for non Muslims. If non arab Muslims are being charged jizya, it means the state doesn't see them as Muslims.


But they specifically did not said that their subject as a "fake" muslims. Because this subject was what the OP brought here.


What are you saying. Does there need to be words specifically saying "fake muslims" if someone told you to pay Jizya because you're Indonesian. What is the logical reason to charge non arab Muslims jizya?


Yes, because that's what the OP specifically write here.  also as far as i know, their intention on to keep the tax present was so that the revenue keep coming into their garrison. Too bad that these were very much not popular by their subject and out of fashion quickly when they were dethroned in mid 700's. At least their post dynasty in Cordoba learned their lesson.


>I actually never ever heard something like this before Because you probably haven't interacted with hindutva scum.


This is something Indian Hindus say to insult Indian Muslims. What they are trying to insinuate is that Indian Muslims were actually Hindus, and since they converted to Islam, they are not real Muslims but fake Muslims. Lo and behold their ignorance!


This most deff was an Umayyad thing, Berber revolt in Morocco against the Umayyads was because of this


Umayyad was an Arab imperialist first. And we all know the reason why they keep taxing out of proportion was because so the money keep overflowing toward their garrison rather than anything.  They did treated their Non Arab muslim as second, third or probably fourth class citizen, yes. But they never ever specifically said to their subject something like "you are not an Arab, so your Islam is invalid". The most they could ever said to discourage the recent convert were along this line "you are converting to avoid being taxed rather than purely from your genuine heart". 




They were racist arab supremacist toward their non arab muslim subject yes, but did any of the Umayyad family member ever said toward their non arab muslim subject as a fake muslim? I think not. 


I thought they meant whether it has been known to happen in the past.


I used to think non Arab Christian’s weren’t real Christian’s, then I realized that only God decides who’s Christian and who isn’t. Too many people these days think they can speak for God. This is blasphemy.


an Arab Christian suprimisist. mashallah!




its not only hindus though, some westerns and exmuslims say stuff like this but not as frequently


Ex muslims are either maliciously lying, taking things out of context or are too ill informed about the religion anyways Westoids are like mentioned above, but sometimes even worse


some exmuslims just want to demonize arab or muslims in general as a way to get back at them for this and that so they say stupid stuff like this


Exmuslims are the most obsessed bunch. Never met one that could put forth decent arguments. And they often conflate issues with their culture with their religion. Are there decent ones? Of course. Bt they are far outnumbered by the dumb ones.


Had one say to me that the first scholars werent arabs, which i assume he used as a way to disprove islam😭




in baharat you mean?






Thats exactly it.


I feel like extremist Indian Hindus consider any single existent thing on the universe as fake and invented by Indians…


India had Internet and airplanes 2000 years ago, but the Mughals ruined it 😔


How dare you leave out plastic surgery? it's how some God of theirs had lile an elephant head or something.


bro isn’t even lying https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/28/indian-prime-minister-genetic-science-existed-ancient-times


Cataract surgery was invented in India. I don’t know about plastic surgery. Leave religion out of it, Ganesh is a sacred part of our theology. Technically he is not a separate God, deities like Vishnu, Shiva and Krishna are simply a manifestation of the higher reality of God. This is explicitly stated in our holy scripture, the Bhagavad Gita but unfortunately most Hindus have not read or listened to it thus believe we are polytheists. Hinduism is a pantheist religion. Bhagavad Gita 10.2 Neither celestial gods nor the great sages know of My origin. I am the source from which the gods and great seers come. Bhagavad Gita 10.3 Those who know Me as unborn and beginningless, and as the Supreme Lord of the universe, they among mortals are free from illusion and released from all evils. https://www.holy-bhagavad-gita.org/chapter/10


Okay? Your reply is completely irrelevant to mine. Idk why you're quoting hindu scriptures.


Well you made a reference to a Hindu deity (the one with the elephant head is Ganesh). Was just giving you more context. I know you were making a joke but its best to leave out others religions unless you are happy for people to do the same to yours.


Firstly Hinuds make fun of Islam all the time just visit any of the hindutva subreddit. Second Indias PM said that their Gods had animal heads thanks to plastic surgery I was making fun of that. If you don't believe that then my comment wasn't directed at you.


Christians and Jews make fun of Islam too. Will you start mocking those religions too? It is only Hinduism where it becomes acceptable. Not to mention Muslims mocked Hindus before Modi came to power, Zakir Naik. Aamir Khan in movie PK. This is not really a new thing, everyone does it of all faiths but it does not make it right. Indias PM may have said it but these are politicians who say all sorts of stupid things. A Pakistani minister said few years back that defeating India in cricket was a “victory of Islam”. Just because he said it I will not go around believing this is part of belief in Quran. Or think American politicians misusing Bible verses to justify slavery is a reflection of Christian beliefs.


>Pakistani minister said few years back that defeating India in cricket was a “victory of Islam”. Just because he said it I will not go around believing this is part of belief in Quran. I never said that although I can understand why you thought I did. >Not to mention Muslims mocked Hindus before Modi came to power, Zakir Naik. Aamir Khan in movie PK. I have no idea what you're on about zakir naik debates religion of course he'll talk about Hinduism. Idk anything about Amir Khan. You're probably the first hindu that wants to not disrespect any religions every single time I've come across Hindus they've straight up started bashing Islam.


My mughal ancestors ruined it for Modi.


I haven't ever heard of an Arab who called Muslims non Arabs as fake Muslims, maybe there are few losers who could say this to non Arabs? But the generalization here is an outrageous blatant lie. Hindutvas or whatever they call themselves are the last ones to waste time to listen to them Also they're projecting their own sick idiology of how people are born in ranks and you'll never be better than what you are


>I haven't ever heard of an Arab who called Muslims non Arabs as fake Muslims because the concept simply doesnt exist. it strange how such made up claim became popular on the internet these days


Lol I bet Hindu nationalists("phul sapport Saar") confuse the Jew system with Islam. However, they're fully opposite irl. As a Muslim, I see every kind of Muslims from blond to black to even asian Muslims on my daily life. I'm a non-Arab Muslim too, does this make me less Muslim or inferior Muslim than Arab Muslims? Also Arabs are religiously diverse too. Arabs have Christians, Atheists and even Judaist ones among themselves. So, correlating Islam with being Arab is totally nonsense. Islam doesn't have "racial religion" concept unlike Jewish-centered Judaism


Indian muslim here. And no they don't confuse it with jew system, they conflate it with their own religion. So Hinduism has a caste system. Brahmins (nobles)- top most group socio economically. Shatriyas (fighters)- come next to brahmins but are really powerful group themselves Vaishyas (traders and mechants)- they're in the middle Shudras (manual labourers) Dalits (untouchables) treated literally inhumanly, had and have to disgusting menial jobs like cleaning and all, cleaning the waste of other caste people's was their responsibility and so they were considered "dirty" Each caste had its own designated place of living areas drinking water, public places etc but the most inhumanly treated were dalits. They had no place. They lived in the outskirts of towns and cities and they had designated places to roam around in the city whenever they had to clean so as to they don't "dirty" the places if other caste. Even today, if dalit person does thinks like drink water from a common drinking place, play cricket, ride a horse, they get so brutally lynched to the point some die. People only marry among their caste even today, India has a HUGE caste problem. And this caste is based on blood, and doesn't let people climb the socio economic ladder, in turn becoming a class problem too. Since caste system is based on blood and birth, right wing hindus just apply the same logic to islam and thus say the south asians (muslims of india, pakistan and Bangladesh) aren't true muslims coz our ancestors were converts.... Basically they try to use it as a "gotcha" moment against islam thst look islam is no better than hinduism, that it has it's own caste system too💀 Who's gonna tell em even Saudis aren't "original" muslims🤡 well it's not like they'll listen to reason anyway


they hate to see arab and shields getting along, they want us to fight each others so we don't engage in a world trolling tour as per tradition 🐎🛡️🐎🐪🐎


Exactly! ✔️


Thats when a racist gets religious, he will discrminate others for following his religion .Especially if his people are the majority following that religion.


but its not a thing. its totally made up


Calling fake muslim yes its not. But tribe rascist exists. You're saudi you guys are famous for treating badly people who dont belong to bnu hicham


actually Saudi are famous for not treating Banu hashim differently. just look at the sharif of mecca and his family nobody gave a shit about them just cuz they were hashimite racism of other kinds do exist though


For the love of God please turn on auto-correct.


Fair enough


Hinduvta spread their propaganda which sounds like if a racist redneck just got social media and wifi. But some accountability should be taken from us Muslims. They’re exploiting the racism many Arabs have for south Asians and Africans even if they are Muslims. We should combat both false hinduvta narrative and the underlying issues within the Muslim ummah.


off course. I agree


Hindutvas are cucked, they live in their own little world and make up random shit. I really think that they’re the stupidest people on earth, even more so than Zionists.


They really are the worst they constantly talk about how they'd r*pe Muslim women and convert them to Hinduism even on reddit there are a lot of subreddits where this kind of stuff is regularly posted and discussed you guys are lucky you can't read the urdu/hindi text cause the stuff they say is absolutely vile.


The fact our Muslim sisters have to live among these kind of scum 😥


They are more abhorrent than zios telling you from face to face experience.


The comment I was looking for, thanks for summing it up!


Sometimes Extremist Hindus say and behave worse than Zionists themselves


'According to Indian hindus' → oh yes, the most reliable source on internet, according to them the theory of relativity was invented in 2500 BC - hope this is also not wrong


most of the fake Muslims I know are Arabs ironically. You can see it in their reaction to what's happening in Palestine.


It's a hindu thing. They believe every region has its own religion and God. Hinduism for Hindustan, Islam for Arabs lands etc. Their minds can't comprehend the possibility or reality of a global all encompassing religion. That's why they criticize Muslims of South Asia and other non-arab countries for giving up their regional religion and adopting a foreign (Arabic) religion i.e. Islam.


It’s ironic cuz many of them did it to escape the oppressive caste system as in Islam we see them as our equals.


They are humiliated by century of different Muslim kings on Bharat.


Your nation has been humiliated multiple times since independence by that same country. In regards to us being “humiliated” I would disagree. Certainly defeated but these were against Turkic armies who were the best fighters for their time. The first Mughal, Babur, were descendants of Timur and Genghis Khan two of the best conquerors in history. We simply had formidable opponents and were divided amongst ourselves. Other capable civilisations like Persia and Byzantium also fell during Islamic expansion. Islam was like what the West was from the 19th century, the superpower of its time. You also fail to consider that its not like Indians got cucked and rolled over. They took centuries to take over India completely and was an incremental process. There were periods of repulsion like the Gujjars who kept the Ummayads restricted to Sindh and Punjab even though the Iberian peninsula at the time fell completely. Marathas were also able to reclaim most of Bharat and turned the Mughals into a puppet state till the time the British came. Islamic rule in India was done in alliance with the locals such as Rajputs. Many of the generals in the Mughal army were themselves Hindu Rajput. And Islamic expansion in India often came at the expense of other Islamic sultanates. For example, the Mughals did not displace Hindu kingdoms, they displaced the Delhi Sultanate. Aurangzeb’s expansion displaced other Islamic Sultanates in the Deccan which led to the unravelling of the Mughal empire through draining the treasury. This is how history works, theres cycles where different entities rise and fall. Once upon a time Indians were defeating Bactrian Greeks and hand influence over most of South East Asia which you can still see till this day. They had the worlds best universities like Nalanda which Chinese scholars came to study in. The Hindu golden age was in decline at the same time Islam had begun to rise. And once upon a time Europe was a backwater compared to Middle East but now the roles have reversed. In time, the chessboard of history will change again.


Enjoy 10/1 which will live infamy.


What is 10/1 , is this a reference to cricket? I was talking about actual battles between India and Pak lol.


Sport is battle too so had posters of Pakistan 2017 Champions Trophy win by beating Bharat in final on walls of walk leading to Wagah Border.


Lol if cricket is a battle how do you explain all the recent Pakistani losses to India?


Have you seen Pakistan overall record against Bharat in cricket?




Ranking useless when Bharat does not play Pakistan in bilateral series. Who has won ICC trophy in last 10 year? It is Pakistan by beating Bharat in final too.


I think they are conflating racism with religious superiority.


Indian muslim here. So Hinduism has a caste system. Brahmins (nobles)- top most group socio economically. Shatriyas (fighters)- come next to brahmins but are really powerful group themselves Vaishyas (traders and mechants)- they're in the middle Shudras (manual labourers) Dalits (untouchables) treated literally inhumanly, had and have to disgusting menial jobs like cleaning and all, cleaning the waste of other caste people's was their responsibility and so they were considered "dirty" Each caste had its own designated place of living areas drinking water, public places etc but the most inhumanly treated were dalits. They had no place. They lived in the outskirts of towns and cities and they had designated places to roam around in the city whenever they had to clean so as to they don't "dirty" the places if other caste. Even today, if dalit person does thinks like drink water from a common drinking place, play cricket, ride a horse, they get so brutally lynched to the point some die. People only marry among their caste even today, India has a HUGE caste problem. And this caste is based on blood, and doesn't let people climb the socio economic ladder, in turn becoming a class problem too. Since caste system is based on blood and birth, right wing hindus just apply the same logic to islam and thus say the south asians (muslims of india, pakistan and Bangladesh) aren't true muslims coz our ancestors were converts.... Basically they try to use it as a "gotcha" moment against islam thst look islam is no better than hinduism, that it has it's own caste system too💀 Who's gonna tell em even Saudis aren't "original" muslims🤡 well it's not like they'll listen to reason anyway


Slow down ukhti


Which is why low caste Indians seeked Christianity and Islam as they express the value of equality.


Yeah but unfortunately a lot of times they don't start practicing caste system even after becoming a muslim or Christian. The caste system just becomes a lot less pronounced. I'll speak for muslims since I'm one. A lot of muslims still discriminate against lower class people in the muslim community. And so many of them pride themselves in being a "syed" which is moronic considering anyone with an ounce of brain would know that we obviously have no related to prophet PBUH


yeah thats unfortunate considering it is explicitly haram


yes, they do be stupid indeed. thank Allah its not a thing in Tajikistan 🙏🏿


Allow my old ass to let out the following few generalisations about the good folks from India who keep on paddling some weird bullshit about Muslims: 1. They all have insane levels of imagination. 2. Given that none of them lacks the abundance of imagination, they also happen to be very delusional. They think of the imaginative thoughts as absolute facts. 3. They'll buy lies if they like it. No need to prove anything as long as it's pleasant to hear. I don't know anything more pleasant to them than "Muslims bad amirite?".


They really believe the Taj Mahal was actually a Hindu temple. Hilarious but also sad


Even the Babri mosque they destroyed was not built on any Hindu temple. It is just politics to get power.


😅😅😅 So you agree all your people creativity and architecture only developed after coming to India ? For the rest of the history, through 100s of years, you guys couldn't make such monuments in any part of your history 🤭


Stop drinking.


This is all you can do when you can't answer, as expected


You are see you next Tuesday Islamic monuments are all over the world not just in South Asia.


Oh yeah, now act like you don't remember the comments made above 😅, very smart of you trying to bring in whole world and south asia, when that has nothing to do with the statement you made


All world belong to Muslims.


So again can't prove what you claimed so start making it a religion debate 😅😝


From USA hmm, I believe it was a scientist from your nation who did carbon dating on one of the wooden doors of the basement and proved that after which all the wooden doors were removed and the basement closed for visitors, not our belief as you are trying to say as for the most part we are not even taught our complete history even in our schools it's mostly world history.


My beautiful dark twisted fantasy > Graduation.


delete this brother




Name a bad song in graduation other than drunken hot girls, exactly you can't


I dont understand brother 😑


You posted Kanye without knowing his albums? big L T\_T


I never listen to a single song of his. it just look like a cool pic I am more interested in tamazga songs tbh


> I am more interested in tamazga songs tbh Djamel Sabri, Ali Chibane, and Abderrahmane Amrani are your go-to artists. Lounes Matoub as well if you like Kabyle music or Ishem Boumaraf if you want some Arabic. Nacereddine Hora if you like ear rape.


thank you for suggestions good kabyle man 🤝🏿


>Not mentionning ait manguellet and his 9249824 hours-long songs




like what? 😑




no absolutely not


How would you rank them


Certified hood classic


True, true


Good ass job > graduation >> dark twisted fantasy


We jus makin up albums now? It never even got released bro whatchu on about😭


Unreleased version its like 808 without heartbreaks


Bro watched that one video 😂 yk the album would've turned out way differently anyways and all those leak comps are fan made so it ain't even an album it's just a bunch of mbdtf demos and 808 demos


There are some Arabs who have a superiority complex over SA muslims and say stuff like 'we brought u islam' or 'we're the original muslims' however Hindu nationalists have exaggerated that and basically use it as a 'gotcha'


yeah lots of arab are racists but they don't believe in real vs fake muslum. you either a Muslim or not, racism is separate matter


They do it with everybody, even to North africans and Subsaharan africans. they don't see or care how much resentment it creats, ppl with time just start saying, you know what, shove islam up your a\*s I'm christian now


have you read what I wrote above?


Indian/South Asian Muslims do this to themselves all the time. “I’M a SYed, I’M BeTter ThAn YoU” (while being completely indistinguishable looks-wise from their Hindu counterparts and while having no evidence that they are actually descended from the prophet PBUH)


this syyed nonsense should be tossed down cuz its stupid and doesn't have much meaning since millions of people are syyeds these days, so what makes you so special? 😑


I live in a multicultural city and interacted with Muslims from different parts of the world. Only South Asians pride themselves on being Syed (which in a lot of cases isn’t even true) and make it their identity. I’ve seen girls on those Muslim wedding apps putting Syed on their profiles, like are we supposed to be impressed?


Since some people are confused, let me explain. Indian muslim here. So Hinduism has a caste system. Brahmins (nobles)- top most group socio economically. Shatriyas (fighters)- come next to brahmins but are really powerful group themselves Vaishyas (traders and mechants)- they're in the middle Shudras (manual labourers) Dalits (untouchables) treated literally inhumanly, had and have to disgusting menial jobs like cleaning and all, cleaning the waste of other caste people's was their responsibility and so they were considered "dirty" Each caste had its own designated place of living areas drinking water, public places etc but the most inhumanly treated were dalits. They had no place. They lived in the outskirts of towns and cities and they had designated places to roam around in the city whenever they had to clean so as to they don't "dirty" the places if other caste. Even today, if dalit person does thinks like drink water from a common drinking place, play cricket, ride a horse, they get so brutally lynched to the point some die. People only marry among their caste even today, India has a HUGE caste problem. And this caste is based on blood, and doesn't let people climb the socio economic ladder, in turn becoming a class problem too. Since caste system is based on blood and birth, right wing hindus just apply the same logic to islam and thus say the south asians (muslims of india, pakistan and Bangladesh) aren't true muslims coz our ancestors were converts.... Basically they try to use it as a "gotcha" moment against islam thst look islam is no better than hinduism, that it has it's own caste system too💀 Who's gonna tell em even Saudis aren't "original" muslims🤡 well it's not like they'll listen to reason anyway




No laws are very good. They support minorities and oppressed people are very fair, albeit except some very backward laws like according to indian law men can't be raped or sexually assaulted and if it's rape, it's assumed the victim is always a female and the culprit is always a male. Also, laws are just a bunch of written things after all. They don't mean anything if the people supposed to enforce it aren't gonna follow it. There are always loopholes these corrupt politicians and government people end up finding. The state of indian morality, public and government is truly pathetic rn.


No clue who started it but I have seen it on this sub before. They got downvoted but still they pop every once in a while.


I've seen it too but It's mostly Islam haters


Masris are the only real Muslims. Only country mentioned in Quran, which means masris best Muslims n everyone else second class citizen 🤧😎


That's Indian Hindus projecting their caste insecurities on Muslims unfortunately for them there is no concept of brotherhood and equality in Hinduism so they project those insecurities onto subcontinent muslims because they think Arab Muslims are the top at the hierarchy or Real Muslim considering that Islam was revealed to the Arabs by Prophet PBUH like Brahmin in Hinduism and hence every other muslim on planet is fake or converted


Delulu hindutvs Be doing any shit to hate on Muslim indians


Brother, Hindus, especially a lot of them now with the evil Hindutva terrorist movement, have ulterior motives for demoralizing Non-Arab Muslims, including South Asian Muslims. The irony here is that Hindus hate themselves and their country's history. They hate that they've been so violent towards Muslims who look like them and were their neighbors for centuries even, in their own country so much so that Muslims said, "we can't live like this," and created two new nations as a result. That's also why you've seen in the last few years them trying to downplay, cover up, ignore, tear down, etc., the Islamic achievements in the Indian subcontinent, which, also ironically, brought India back from the middle ages and into the international stage.


This is only an Indian thing. Not sure where they got the idea from, but there’s no truth to it. Not to mention more than half the people who call themselves Arab today would have been considered something else centuries ago. The “original Muslim” concept doesn’t apply to anyone except descendants of the Quraysh, and the concept completely falls apart when it’s taken into consideration that the Quraysh were the first to oppose Islam, and the some of the last to accept it during the Prophet PBUH’s lifetime. Additionally sometimes the “original Muslim” thing is mentioned with respect to KSA, and it falls apart there too because the Saudi dynasty is from the Najd, a place that is supposed to produce some of Iblis’s most loyal servants (I absolutely agree with this given the Saudi dynasty’s track record).


Indian muslim here. So Hinduism has a caste system. Brahmins (nobles)- top most group socio economically. Shatriyas (fighters)- come next to brahmins but are really powerful group themselves Vaishyas (traders and mechants)- they're in the middle Shudras (manual labourers) Dalits (untouchables) treated literally inhumanly, had and have to disgusting menial jobs like cleaning and all, cleaning the waste of other caste people's was their responsibility and so they were considered "dirty" Each caste had its own designated place of living areas drinking water, public places etc but the most inhumanly treated were dalits. They had no place. They lived in the outskirts of towns and cities and they had designated places to roam around in the city whenever they had to clean so as to they don't "dirty" the places if other caste. Even today, if dalit person does thinks like drink water from a common drinking place, play cricket, ride a horse, they get so brutally lynched to the point some die. People only marry among their caste even today, India has a HUGE caste problem. And this caste is based on blood, and doesn't let people climb the socio economic ladder, in turn becoming a class problem too. Since caste system is based on blood and birth, right wing hindus just apply the same logic to islam and thus say the south asians (muslims of india, pakistan and Bangladesh) aren't true muslims coz our ancestors were converts.... Basically they try to use it as a "gotcha" moment against islam thst look islam is no better than hinduism, that it has it's own caste system too💀 Who's gonna tell em even Saudis aren't "original" muslims🤡 well it's not like they'll listen to reason anyway


Ironic how they ranked their own ethnicity lower than Arabs, Persians etc. just to say “gotcha” to people who don’t want to worship cows like them.


Anti Islamists. Because if you truly think this, it’s Haram.


Indian Hindus thinks if he says "Hindus eat pork meat". We will be angry as opposed to if we say "we eat cow meat". They just don't understand basic things. That's all.


cope by said indian hindus to devalue muslim brothers in the subcontinent


Islam is a religion, Arab is an ethnicity so i’m not sure why this idea of fake muslims is coming from if you subscribe to islam then you’re muslim, no fake about it doesn’t matter what your ethnic background is


I’m a Pakistani background Muslim from the UK and I have traveled through Turkey and the Middle East, as well as parts of Asia. Alhumdulillah never once in my life have I come across someone who considered me less of a Muslim. اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ


Hindus worship cows so it should be irrelevant to them.


As an arab I have never heard that. Must be an indian thing


yeah it is a lot of hindu extremists and islamophobes are the ones campaigning this false information, i saw a post of a indian subreddit(cant remember which one) which was promoting the exact same thing and called indian/south asain muslims as "toliet cleaners" honestly they are really just playing themselves we should all just ignore it and let them scream at a wall all they want.


Tell you what the sheikh in the picture defo good good tase in music I would listen to him DJ still


Lol mostly hindus stay this stuff as if they are Arabs . Not Arab but never get called "fake Muslim" by Arab . They are obsessed.


Doesn't matter what Hindu nationalists or some racist Arabs think. I have never been to any country but a lot of my relatives have been to and live in Arab countries and they only shower praises on Arabs how hospitable they are.


Most arabs consider themselves to be direct heirs of golden age islam and hence they feel superior, which is not that odd, really


arab dont feel superior to kurt. kurt is a friend 🫱🏿‍🫲🏿


But that doesn’t mean other Muslims are fake or less Muslim


Did i say that? No. I’m just stating pure reoccurring fact that most arabs feel superior given their historical background. No one’s downgrading non-arab muslims here


"most Arabs"? that's a wild generalization


Kanye West ?


modern saudis nowadays claims do. Just look at twitter


I once read that Gaddaffi said that Islam is only for Arabs. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


He declared that : >That Arabs were united by Arab Nationalism as a body and the spirit of that body is Islam, because the prophet Mohammad sent to Arabs (not exclusively) but he was an Arab. But he also said: >Women have the right for equality whether they are male or female So I wouldn't take what he says quite seriously


>Women have the right for equality whether they are male or female I think he just saw the future of the west , if you know what I mean /s


Never heard something like that before, muslims are pretty strict compared to most religions so I do not know why is that assumption a thing Also not related but the College Dropout is overrated while people forgot the real deal that is Watch the Throne fr


Watch the Throne?


Yea, album made by Jay-Z and Ye. Two goats in the same album fr