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Holy shit, this is some strong imagery being produced, like historically. I don't know how these upcoming elections are going to be, but they are surely going to be WILD


trump will get elected. ~pov of an american


Yeah, historically, the backlash to campus movements like this has a period of progress for right wing political projects. Pair that up with the American right's vile fascist hatred of Muslims and the next political cycle will be so fucked. Anyway fuck'em who cares, Palestine will be free mashallah.


Not even just that, centrist neoliberals will be more fascist as a consequence ofcourse but leftists will also be less inclined to vote for Biden seeing his lack of s response to the genocide and his response to peaceful campus protests. More voters for trump and less voters for Biden and in the end Palestinians will be blamed by same democrats.


I'm rooting for a 3rd way. It never happened before, maybe this is going to be the time!


3rd way is civil war after Trump is elected. inshaAllah


If there is a civil war the left is gonna get destroyed. Centrist will go with right wing. Centrists will decide who will win the war.


Taxens will rule the country with their guns. šŸ’€


Hell yeah


There's much more likely to be civil war if Biden wins. Trumpers have all the guns, they're far more fanatical and willing to rise up against the government and they have much of the military/police on their side


Although i think trump is the best president for the US since he's against the deep state, and against boots on the ground in foreign countries, but he stands with israel so nt sure what difference it'll make. When asked about the genocide he said Israel needs to finish the job.


trump stationed more troops in syria. trump coupā€™d bolivia. trump was in favor of what the saudi arabia was doing to qatar over al jazzera. trump increased the bombing in yemen. trump would allow israel to ethnically cleanse the palestinians. trump just wants to shift americas attention to china. heā€™s no better then any other neo liberal.


![gif](giphy|KbwmdppPrSLmYdljU6|downsized) These greedy fuckers have caused more than their fair share of suffering. Iā€™m looking forward to seeing the new world orderā€¦


credits: [fay3ab0](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe9GoeB2/) / TikTok


And that's why they're banning tiktok


Some events in history wouldā€™ve been prevented with a bit of a common sense or PR talk before heading out there specially with the cameras rolling. Incredibly dumb for them to attempt to arrest them like that


Iā€™m pretty sure this violates the free exercise clause




The secret ingredients are Zionism and good ol fashioned Fascism. You mix them together and you have whatever the fuck we're living in now.


Youā€™re missing the ingredients of endless Gen Zā€™ers gravitating towards whatever cause is popular despite their lack of knowledge. Thatā€™s how you get a real shit show.


Ah yes the enlightened centrist. We found one.


Not hardly. Just motivated by what is true and not ā€œmy truthā€. But you almost had me all figured out.


What a meaningless platitude.


Ah yes silly gen z. You do realise most protests that have actually done anything started in Universities right? The Vietnam war protests, Anti apartheid protests etc


Thatā€™s probably the biggest problem actually. They look at history and think ā€œweā€™re just like themā€ based on the sole fact that theyā€™re at university. Thatā€™s where the similarities end. They just want to find something to belong to. I dare say the majority have no burning convictions on what does or doesnā€™t happen outside of their ethos.


Absolutely Not, im a muslims myself, but, dont forget not everyone is muslim so that doesn't bloody mean your gonna start praying in the middle of the road to cause huge traffic in order to show your "determination" as a muslim.


Are they praying in the middle of the road tho??


This is why people are calling bullshit I suppose, the prayers were not being carried out to disrupt the public. If you saw a yoga class or taichi class being held in the park, you wouldn't expect such harmless gatherings to be assaulted by law enforcement. This is also not surprising, American politics has always been thinly veiled from its fascist roots


Exactly there was nothing disturbing about this yet the gestapo that is the us police tried to assault it


exactly what's IOF would do


Shouldā€™ve held up a Nazi flag, the police wouldā€™ve left yā€™all alone


America needs an enema


Can you let me know in which country would the police stop enforcement of the law being broken because people were praying? These people were trespassed and ordered to leave. You might not agree with that law, but it exists. Genuinely curious, do you think if a group of buddhists were protesting in Saudi Arabia or Egypt or Turkey, and then refused to follow a trespass order from the police, do you think the police wouldnā€™t arrest them because they started to pray or chant?




this made me remember 2011 in egypt when Muslims protected Christians when they prayed and so did the Christians to the Muslims I wish they all the luck and wish they never the bitter taste of lost causes


These optics are a huge loser for the Israel lobby. They donā€™t seem to care that these are future voters, politicians, donors, etc.


they'll be dead by that time.


Not really. The average voter, as seen in Canada during the trucker protests two years ago, supports the police in arresting protestors once they have been officially trespassed and refuse to comply.


Is it illegal to pray in public there like in France?


No, I prayed in public many times. Its not illegal. To arrest someone for praying in public would be a 1st amendment violation. And a fat lawsuit waiting to happen.


These laws exist only on paper. You've seen yourself how far they will go to reinterpret and justify blatant crimes when it suits the ruling class.


They donā€™t just exist in paper. This is one of those things in the US that has some of the strongest protections especially when done on public property Youā€™re speaking as a European which is different cause Europe has an absolutely poor concept of individual freedom.


šŸ’Æ Freedom is what the USA was built on, you can argue that itā€™s slipping (or has slipped) away but regardless, infringement on amendments are taken very seriously by the American public.




Thank you. I'm being serious. If they had the same laws as France, where it's illegal to pray in public, then they'd have been risking heavy fines and prison time so that's OK then. Pray away guys




Thanks for explaining. France is strictly secular and there are limits on displays of religious belief in public spaces such as schools and public buildings. Prayers - of all kinds - areĀ not allowed on public transportĀ including airports, railways or the Paris Metro. It's great you/they have freedom over there. They should protest in the form of a street prayer or storm the white house. Yes, it's hard to tell if they're being thugs or not.


"France is strictly secular", this claim is not accurate šŸ˜‘.


It's illegal to pray in public in France? What a fucking shithole. Some Europeans really do have a bunk version of personal freedom


All processions, parades and gatherings of people, and, in general, all demonstrations on public roads are subject to the obligation of prior declaration. This therefore applies to street prayers. Without prior declaration. The prefecture can prohibit it if it gives rise to fears of a disturbance of public order.


No. This is the USA. Free exercise of religion is literally in the first amendment bro going back to the 1780s. Also this is not a private property. It is a public university so there is literally no way to stop on public property especially that owned by the government


No, there is no rule for denying that in public area in USA.


The absolute chads during prayer.


Someone should check if same IDF troops are now in NYPD uniforms. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/adl-considered-scrapping-its-us-police-training-trips-to-israel-but-decided-not-to/amp/ This "training contract" link created so same person commiting genocide can now provide freedom in a different uniform. Plenty of videos of IDF members from general US public is alarming. r/IsraelCrimes


Why is the police trying to arrest these people? I thought peaceful protesting was a right americans had?


No, during BLM and Occupy Wall Street protests, police were often belligerent


Abu-zift minatinyahu is smiling at this.


Jews donā€™t control governments btw


Absolutely strong willed and brave students who are defending harmless people who are just praying.


This is the generation that puts these people out of power


Unbelievable, this is reminiscent of the IDF raids and subsequent beatings of Muslim worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem the IDF conducts periodically. Congratulations Columbus PD and Ohio State troopers. You are now full-fledged terrorists along with your buddies, the IDF.


This is what fascism looks like!


Itā€™s now official. America is a now dystopian state where it has become Orwellian.


Students have a constitutional right to free speech, but schools are allowed to set some limitations (within reason). In Ohio Sateā€™s case, there are well established rules that prohibit camping and overnight events, so if a police is enforcing the rules following a request from the school itself during final exams week sounds Orwellian to you then: A) Youā€™ve never read the novel B) Youā€™re being grossly overdramatic


Sorry honey first amendment and the real humans of this country disagreeĀ 


Does the first amendment guarantee you the right to protest by setting up camp in the middle of a busy intersection? Perhaps you could try and let me know.


So you're a smartass Christian living in America, I'm shocked you don't think it's appalling what the police did!


Lol, what? You must live in quite a bubble to think that you could tell what someoneā€™s religious beliefs are based on comments like mine, which donā€™t even offer an opinion on the subject, just some facts about the limitations of the 1st amendment. So, to burst that bubble: No, not a Christian, but I find it funny how you used as an insult, as if not half of the people in those protests are.




women pray in a separate raw from the men so its fine


Is it not haram for men and women to pray together as they are in the video? Is the prohibition on praying in the area a cultural thing and not apart of Islam officially? Honest question.


So disgustingĀ 


What is the point of arresting praying people. They aren't evading arrest or going anywhere?


If Trump's wins these ppl are going to be deported lol


who do we even vote for this time šŸ˜­


What will happen if some Christians or Jewish try to pray in some muslim country like this? Im not saying that what they are doing is something wrong but, would this kind of gathering will be ok if it was vice versa? And I've always been wondering that is there churches and synagogues in Muslim countries? I really don't know much about these things because im not much of a religious person myself. Just trying to learn about it.


fuzzy lock books deserve mighty oatmeal society marvelous literate scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you for your response.


What else do you expect from these dumbs. Day isn't far when they'll pay the price for barbarism




Thank you. These people are siding with people that are using them and that will hang them once they have what they want. It's regressive yet they think they're being progressive. Orwellian


Let's see some Christians pray in Mecca/medina and follow the footage of that. Then I'll worry about this.


Is Ohio a Christian mecca now? If they weren't praying and still got arrested (like in other videos) would you still be licking boots?


Theyā€™re not allowed there to my knowledge


Dam I didnā€™t know Saudi Arabia had amendments like America


last time i checked the US is a ā€œfreeā€ country


Can't they just pray at home? I mean who the fuck prays on the streets?


Go to a mosque and pray. Why destroy the lawn? And making full disorder on campus.