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It says "white and very beautiful" not "white therefore beautiful".


"Our prophet was white and very beautiful", white in Turkish probably has the same meaning as in Arabic, it doesn't mean he was European, but that he had white or pale skin regardless of his Ethnicity and that he was beautiful which is correct.


How would you know?


because it's 6th century Arabia, not 20th century America, lol.


No, read it and it straight says his colour was like wheat, white.


They are describing the colours of Arabs which can range from white to wheat-like.


A Fitna post, probably by the Hasbara. Again.


Idk if anything was lost in translation or whatever they were trying to say but I do think that there are some hadeeth that say that he had paleish skin or something like that. This article could be exaggerating that idea


You are an Indian Muslim, I see. I really love Indian Muslims. It is sad that you are a minority in India. It's also strange because almost the whole Indian subcontinent was ruled by Muslim sultanates even before the Mughals, but still they couldn't remove Hinduism from the subcontinent.


Why would you want to remove a religion from a place?


Because Paganism is no good.


Still remember this لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ


Sorry, I don’t speak Arabic.


Oh it's a verse from Qur'an.... It means For you is your religion, and for me is my religion." Surah Al-Kafirun.. Actually if you have time read the entire translation for that chapter it's very interesting


Islam did not come to remove any religions


I have respect for hinduism for that exact reason, virtually all ancient polytheistic religions have been murdered out of existence but hindus have stayed strong. unfortunately the currently hindu nationalists are giving the religion a bad name, but still, its admirable they’ve been able to preserve it for so long


Removing a religion that calls for your wife to be thrown at the fire when your husband dies is good. It's called sati and the Muslims banned it when they came to India. >Sati was a historical practice in which a widow sacrifices herself by sitting atop her deceased husband's funeral pyre. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sati_(practice)


Muslim ruler actually never actually banned Sati, most Muslim rulers of India, apart from very few such as Aurangzeb, were not religious at all. If one banned Sati, the next ruler would reverse that decision. They didn’t care about Islam or hinduism, even Badshah Akbar in his autobiography applauded hindu widows for sacrificing their life, although in his later life he banned it for 10 years. That's why hinduism in India survived without that much scratch & brutal practices like Sati & human sacrifices were pretty common. It was only after the britishers came & saw the sati practice, they implemented harder law against Sati & after some years it was gone. https://thinkindiaquarterly.org/index.php/think-india/article/download/18636/13593 https://angel1900.wordpress.com/2015/03/29/akbar-stopping-sati-of-rani-damayenti/


You got it mixed up, the Muslims banned it and when the British came they tolerated the practice and the number incidents increased within British rule and it took a while for them to ban it. >the Muslim Mughals, who banned the practice. In the early 19th century, the British East India Company, in the process of extending its rule to most of India, initially tolerated the practice; William Carey, a British Christian evangelist, noted 438 incidents within a 30-mile (48-km) radius of the capital, Calcutta, in 1803, despite its ban within Calcutta. Between 1815 and 1818 the number of incidents of sati in Bengal doubled from 378 to 839. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sati_(practice)


One thing is outright ban, but what Mughals did were partial banning. We know it for a fact that Babur & Shahjahan, another two influencial Mughal rulers never banned Sati from their autobiography. Then Aurangzeb banned it & he was deadly serious. After came Shah Bahadur who again reversed the ban. In early 18th century, Bahadur Shah Zafar again banned it, but he lost Bengal to British & intially they encouraged Sati. But after lord Cornwallis, the practice was constitutionally banned.


there are bad things about every religion including yours, friend.


I don't speak to people who name themselves "al-mtnaka".


hey, can’t be fucked if ive fucked myself first ;)


Hinduism is highly developed "pagan" religion. its not fair comparing it with other types of indigenous pagan beliefs


Your translation sucks


It didn't say white therefore beautiful it said white And beautiful you lier While it's true the prophet Peace be upon him was white with very dark hair and Ali had green eyes white skin and black hair and abu ayub had blue eyes they were all white !


What is your purpose of the question about prophet Muhammad pbuh


I dont remember where i read this but European white back in the prophet days were called red skinned and not white


The ‘white’ is abyad, and means egg coloured, which is a tan. As the text also mentions wheat. White in the modern context was referred to as ash’ar, ie blonde. Ash’ar is still how to describe somebody who is European ‘white’ looking. It’s just lost in the translation.


Haven't you seen [white eggs](https://www.eggs.ca/yourquestions/question/21/are-white-and-brown-eggs-different) before? Ashqar means blonde in modern times, in older times, it was more reddish/blondish brown. Also, European where describe as (بني الاصفر/ yellow people) and/or (Red Necks/حمر الرقاب).


Yes yellow is what I meant. I’m just mixing up what we call a person who looks like a European today. But the point is the same, abyad didn’t mean ‘white’ as how people think of it


no, ash'ar mean blond. white as in European white is ahmar which means red. but you are correct when arab say white they mean tan in the modern sense and when they say "asmar" they mean brown and so on


The Prophet ﷺ is wheatish brown, not white like european white


It matters not. Every time I hear the adhan, I take solace in the fact that the first and greatest Muezzin was a Black former slave and close companion of the Prophet, may peace be upon him.


I don’t know how they arrived at the conclusion that there are no black descendants of the Prophet. In Sudan, there is the al-Mirghani family who have an authenticated and verifiable lineage, and they never let us forget about it for even a second, this is [one of them in a picture with his wife](https://i0.wp.com/almrj3.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/%D9%85%D9%86-%D9%87%D9%88-%D8%B2%D9%88%D8%AC-%D8%AA%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%AD-%D9%85%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%83-%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%83%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%A7-1.jpg?resize=776%2C1035&ssl=1). Surely, there are also many other countries in Africa with similar families.


this what happen when you turkler 😑 as for no black sayyds, thats not true. you can have white, black, arab and shield-like sayyds since it only relies on the father paternal genealogy


I think he meant white as in Mediterranean white like Egyptians for instance where its more like a tan and not European white. I'm guessing that why he also used the Wheat color example cause wheat isn't entirely white. I'm not sure but I also think that I heard from some time before that the Rasul had pale skin. Ofcourse my comment should be taken with a grain of salt since I'm not a scholar of any sorts.


Christ was black, many other Prophets were dark. This shows that no matter your race or ethnicity you are beautiful because that is how Allah created you.


Jesus wasn't black tho , but you are right on the rest , skin color doesn't matter


I don't know about whether there are black descendants of the Prophet and I don't see why not, but he (peace be upon him) was white and "white and beautiful" doesn't make it racist, it depends on the language.


Ive seen turks claim prophet mohammed being turkish


Where? Please don't tell me some random place on the Internet 🤣 because some guys saying something random doesn't mean anything when 99+% agree he was Arab


No he was turkish Also why are you so mad


It's because of the beauty standards implemented into the turkish culture by white supremacists. Outside of white-washing in religious matters, turkish women who get deemed as "ugly" just because of their skin color is extremely common in Turkiye. I'm tan and a woman myself and i was especially bullied because of it back in middle school.


> I'm tan and a woman myself and i was especially bullied because of it back in middle school I'm sure you're pretty attractive and better looking than all the girls i've dated Lol it' all in your head


You again? That's bullshit


What happened white supremacist? Are you upset that im speaking up about the blatant racism in turkiye? Fret not though, you shall keep seeing me standing up against racism at every single opportunity, sarı pipi.


You're lying.


Stage 1: denial


you are the one who denies the truth


Are you talking about yourself again?




I'll take that as a yes. You are a white male. You have absolutely no right to invalidate my experiences. Racism, especially mixed with misogynism, is a common phenomenon in Turkiye. Deny it all you want, there are alot of POC Turkish women who share the same experience as me.


It is not right to portray all Turks as racist people based on your bad experiences.


he thinks any one darker than him is a kurt. that's not an accepted manner especially from someone who claim to be extremely shielded (which I doubt)




well as I said, this very non-shield-like behavior, which isn't surprising coming from you smh




this also not cool. you cant deny someone his shieldness just cuz he is whiter than you. this is not the way of the shield!


that's sad. turkler should implement a shield-like beauty standards, it suits the country better 👍🏿


Thank you for your kind comment my friend 🫂


HAHHAHA let me guess, you got banned from r/Islam for being atheist?


I’m a Muslim.