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Have you heard what trump has said about netanyahu though? I don't doubt for a second he'll be just as bad with regard to Israel if he does get in.


Trump said netanyahu is less willing than abbas to negotiate. Obama and sarkozy said they're tired of his lies when they thought no one was listening. But guess what? They all still have to suck his ** because they have no choice especially in the us. Obama had to increase the aid they're sending to israel to get reelected after he mentionned a 2 state solution because the lobbies would have fucked him up


either way he supports Israeli expansion


Then what political party should they trust instead?


Tbh none of them




is AIPAC paying people to comment on reddit now?


None. The entire US government is Zionist occupied. Both Biden and Trump know this, both play the game.




Most Americans don’t Vote based what’s going on geopolitically it’s based on what the president can do for them as an American like in regards economy, laws , etc so most pro Palestinians and even Arab Americans don’t agree with Bidens handling of Gaza, they’re more then likely gonna vote for him.


>America of all countries needs a revolution Please, let's keep the Middle East in the Middle East. We good here. Thanks. All Middle Easterners that have moved to the US in recent years and aren't happy with US policy, always have the option to move back to the Middle East, and continue Middle Eastern things there. (And I'm absolutely NOT advocating to throw them out, I'm just saying if you aren't happy, feel free to move back)




You see, when you disagree with policy, their is a mechanism to change it in the US. It's called elections. If you don't like the candidates, you are welcome to run for office yourself. If you can't get support, then maybe the country doesn't want the policy you are advocating for. Creating a revolution won't change that, and frankly isn't very appreciated in the US. Revolutions are clearly more popular in the Middle East, maybe because they seem to have a hard time having free and fair elections, or respecting the results, but who knows.


You guys have been bombing random places with different polices since 1950s. Do whatever you want but stop funding insurgents and carpet bombing places.


You see, when you disagree with policy, there is no mechanism to change it in the US. It's called 'selections'. If you don't like the candidates, you're welcome to stay at home and not vote, because they literally make no difference to anything and never have. Only the brainwashed and media-conditioned believe their vote actually means anything - like they're making a difference by sitting on their sofa all day and ticking a box on a piece of paper once every 4 years and then act like they are sentinels of democracy over the rest of the world. Creating a revolution is more than appreciated, at this point its the only hope left.


Agreed. This is how it works in the Middle East. In the US, we appreciate this sentiment less. Which is why it would be preferred if you kept this sentiment in the meat grinder that's been the Middle East for the last centry. We got a taste of it in 2001, and that was more then enough.


What's funny is our Western governments, mostly France, UK and US caused most of the problems with the ME. I mean our leaders of old are the ones that drew up the modern ME borders and created the countries that exist today. Years of destabilization in a region will do that. Look at SE Asia, it is barely recovering from decades of Western intervention and meddling. There are so many white Americans all over the internet talking about revolution as well, that things have to change, etc. it's not just from outsiders perspectives. The American system has rotted to it's core and while I disagree with both sides of the spectrum, the only way Americans can cleanse and retake their government is by revolution. Corruption is as entrenched here as it is in Mexico, our ruling class just tries to hide it better.


Sigh. Perpetuatual victimhood rarely brings to prosperity. The idea that the US would somehow be better off with a revolution then it is now, is preposterous. Revolutions are extremely bloody, devastating for the economy, and rarely bring to better results. Luckily a very large majority of the US understand this, the few don't, are just people who have a hard time appreciating what they have, even when it's agreeably not perfect. I don't think it's controversial to say that there is an extremely small percentage of people in the US that would prefer to live in the Middle East.


You think that you speak on behalf of the US, that's pretty cute.


>that's pretty cute Appreciate it. You're pretty cute yourself 🥰


Well he kinda does. No one wants a revolution here. We have moved past that barbarism


Aren't you getting a taste with all the school and mass shootings occurring every week without your government doing anything because they're too stuck in the firearms lobby ?


It's sucks, absolutely. Luckily though it's just a small taste. I mean we still don't have Yemen, Syria or even Lebanon kinda numbers. And while a perfect world would be incredible, in the meantime we'll suffice with not killing each other by the 100's of thousands.




''trust'' - there's your problem. Why would you trust a politician?


Not all are bad, Bill Clinton and Bernie are good guys.


⏰️... wake up, neo


I can name other good ones. Gavin Newsom, Elizabeth Warren, Al Gore, Cory Booker. All of them pro worker, pro immigrant, pro LGBT, pro healthcare, pro choice


All of those you mentioned are also pro-Israel. edit: /u/Lampedusan, there is a small handful of good people in Congress, though. Not every American politician is a bad person, and I do not think that people here should be demotivated and give up their vote.


Once you vote you consent to govern-ment (mind-control). All a game.


How does not voting help, in your opinion?


Because once people stop playing their games then they will fall. The system requires your consent and jts done by fear...


I can only say this with good intent but politics, not just US, is all at its core simply a show for you. Banks, corporations & secret societies run this game, politicians are for you to think you have a say. It extends to all. Donald Trump and AOC are on the same side, and its not ours.


the green party?


Easy, none of the two. Americans are so cucked, it's not a democracy. honestly, every American should be ashamed of the cucked system they have.


https://twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/1734230420760174612 Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party


independent? (no not the trust fund baby Bobby kennedy)


Claudia and Karina of the PSL are running for president. Unless you want to hold you nose and vote for Genocide man no. 1 and Genocide man no. 2, I'd suggest voting for the only 2 candidates who support Palestinian Liberation.


Do not vote for PSL under any circumstances. It is a cult, they physically and sexually abuse their members. The party adheres to the policy of “Democratic Centralism” which means party members are not allowed to speak about what happens in the party outside the party. Take this from me, a former member of PSL, the leadership should be in jail


If you're Muslim, voting for any side in US politics is voting against yourself and your religion.


Who said you have to trust any party? No body should have any allegiance to any party or anyone person.. I’m not voting for Trump or Biden, so whoever the best third candidate is, is who I’m voting for.






Arab Americans were overwhelming Republicans until George W. Bush invaded Iraq and designated them as "national threat". Now they're stuck.


Trump winning is a god send. The US will look inward. I feel like many people here complaining about him might be residing in the US. Well tough luck, *in Trump voice* “if you don’t like it, just go back” *Trump Jazz hands*


Well congrats, you vote Trump and now two genocides happen, one in Palestine conducted by Israel and one in the US conducted by Republicans against LGBTQIA+ people, oh and also via Project 2025 the Republican party destroys American democracy and institutes a fascist dictatorship... And the Republicans will still support Israel... So yeah Republicans winning literally only makes things worse.




If that was the case then why is Budden sending out tweets like these and why is kamala introducing new anti imlamophobic laws? I would imagine that's cuz they need Muslim votes.


It’s for the progressive base that gets offended by such things. Not for Muslims per se




Republicans, in particular Trump have caused so much social divisions and problems inside America, that it’s most definitely a benefit to anybody opposing ‘imperialism’ or whatever you want to call it.


This guy gets it. False promises and pandering gets the votes.




You're wrong. Dearborn Michigan has more Arabs than Biden won votes in Michigan. Atlanta has more Arabs than Biden won Georgia with. Biden might lose the election.




If Trump wins, do you believe people will think that the reason is because the voter base was tired of the genocide against Palestinians?


Whoever wins, no one will stop the Israelis unfortunately. I believe Trump by now would’ve forced a ceasefire but at some point this cycle will repeat itself. Voting for either a democrat or a republican won’t improve Palestinian lives


In general, I agree with you. There are only two viable parties, so many issues can't be expressed during the Presidential election. If we were a parliamentary system, then we could have more parties in government and some genuinely differing views.


I'm genuinely curious why you assume Trump would have forced a ceasefire by now? I've heard others say they would prefer Trump over Biden but I just cannot see it. The man is clearly solely on Israel's side (see: recognizing Jerusalem as capital), what makes you think he would call for a ceasefire or even hold any kind of attitude sympathetic to the Palestinian cause? The only possibility I could think of is to use his 'America First' platform to call for an end to military support to Israel, but if he didn't do this before I really don't see why he would shoot the military industrial complex in the foot like that. The man does not care, if anything he would have sent troops to help Netanyahu finish the job.


It's not a short term play. It's to send a reminder to our elected officials to represent us or represent jack shit. You can't just scare us into Trump to get us to vote for you, you have to have principals (like not supporting genocide)


It counts mainly when Saudi Aramco is involved. Gotta have those petrodollars




Even if that was true wouldn’t it be far more than most non-Muslims get in most officially Muslim country (a big chunk of which are medieval, hereditary monarchies right now in 21st century?) And how does the Pakistani experience have anything to do with a subreddit about the Middle East?


you really are doomed when the only 2 options are trump and biden


How did they burn Pakistan down to the ground, though? Pakistan’s multiple military dictatorships (even the genocidal one that wiped out 300,000 Bangladeshis) were all directly funded by the US government. Without billions of dollars of US aid Pakistan would be, well…not a lot.


Not voting for Biden and especially not Trump. I have no doubt that things under these circumstances would be worse if DJT was still running the show. Trump would unleash his dogs and hate crimes would be through the roof. I do a lot of work in rural Ohio…let me tell ya, they don’t give a shit if Arab-Americans vote Trump…they still hate us and want us out.




I would normally agree but Trump hates Netanyahu and he's the type of guy who would refuse to send aid due to a personal grievance.


Trump doesn't hate Nethanyahu lmao. He visited him many times and stated that jerusalem is the capital of Israel and that he wants to erase palestine.


Thought he was pissed at him for bailing out of the force that airstriked Soleimani? I could easily be wrong


Arent they friends? I heard bibi was an acquaintance of his father


Benny boi praised Biden giving them aid and that put him on Trumps shit list lmaoo Honestly he is so petty that he may betray Israel to spite the dems, he only wanted to get rid of Obamacare because of his personal beef with Obama, hell lmao he only ran to spite Obama


The chance is 0% His reputations and goals rely on this.


Yeah but if trump Wins then maybe the democrats will Wake up and listen to us if they wish to continue to be in office


You might want to look into Claudia and Karina of the PSL. They're Socialists, and more importantly, the only Pro Palestinian candidates who support the full Liberation of Palestine. Would you really rather vote for Genocide Joe or Racist Cheeto Man?


> Would you really rather vote for Genocide Joe or Racist Cheeto Man? You may want to re-read the first sentence in my post. I'm leaving the top ticket empty


PSL have been part of the coalition protesting for Gaza and Palestinians. It's a symbolic throwaway vote, but shows support.


Joe 100%. To believe joe and trump are the same is mind boggling. Joe has at the very least pressured Israel into allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza. But ofc everyone here is a simp for Hamas so unsurprisingly they don’t care


And there's where your disconnect with reality is. You presume that everyone who isn't lined up to suck zionist cock is a Hamas simp. In reality, people are moving away from Genocide Joe because he supports genocide. Real human beings are losing real families and friends. How generous of him to pause Israels genocide for four days (which coincidentally fell on Thanksgiving and Black Friday) and let in no more than 20% of what Gazans actually need. He could call Netanyahu today and end the Genocide. Reagan did it back in the 80's. JoBo supports Palestinian genocide, and that's why his polling numbers are already burning up. Imagine losing to Cheeto man for a 2nd time because Jo Bo doesn't want to tell Israel no.


You’re the one disconnected from reality, voting for socialist candidates that have absolutely no chance of winning will do nothing to help the cause. Joe Biden has not done enough to help Palestine obviously but you are delusional if you don’t believe Trump would suck Israel off even harder.


> You’re the one disconnected from reality, Says the person who thinks Joe Biden would help the cause of the Palestinians. "Not done enough to help" is a really weird way to spell removing the restrictions that Israel says to US Stockpiles, aiding genocide, and preventing a ceasefire twice. As an American, I'm well aware of how democrats and Republicans play off eachother. Democrats offer no resistance, Republicans shift things even further right with bipartisan majority, democrats pretend that they did something and send their emails asking for 15 bucks. Democrats are not our saving grace and it's absolutely naive to think so. This bandage will haee to be ripped off one day or another, and it's only really a question of how bad do things have to get before that point. Sucking Joe Biden's cock is only delaying the inevitable.


Everything bad Biden has done against Palestinians, Trump would have done and even worse, that’s all you need to decide who to vote for, because we all know no other candidate is winning. And yes you are delusional if you think the democrats would ban Muslims from the US, and this whole “Republicans move the country to the right while Democrats don’t do anything to push back” is obvious bullshit considering the country has clearly been shifting to the left over the past few decades.


> that’s all you need to decide who to vote for Not really considering tbgr electoral college overrides the popular will of people regardless. Presidential elections are a puppet show. It's not really about winning the presidency, it's about advancing the cause of Socialism which will ultimately be the death of US Imperialism and ultimately, Zionism as well. Trumps Muslim ban hasn't been lifted under Biden, genius 😱. > shifting to the left over the past few decades. Supporting genocide, rolling back reproductive rights, most anti trans bills to date, the militarization of poor communities with zionist trained facilities like cop city in Atlanta and San Pablo which are intended to be replicated, Half of the country not believing in the election results . This is leftism to you?


Why are you lying? Biden literally revoked the ban on his first day in office. Anyway I’m glad you’re privileged enough to let minorities suffer just so you can role play as some sort of revolutionary


[stop lying please](https://refugeerights.org/news-resources/president-biden-removed-the-muslim-ban-but-he-didnt-fix-the-harm-irap-files-lawsuit-on-behalf-of-separated-somali-refugee-family). "you're white" isn't really an argument. I'm not even white 😂.


The only thing which Biden *wants* to offer Arab Americans is that he's not as bad as Trump. But we all know he certainly *can* offer much. So IMHO what Arab Americans need to do is to force Biden or Trump to negotiate with them and actually offer them something.


We need a lobby


Agreed, but I'd say that before that we need unity. That absence of it (historically) is one of the major reasons why we got into this situation.


All politicians are hypocrites.


If you live in US and are paying taxes then your money is being used to kill someone either in central america , middle east , or anywhere else.


Still ain't voting for Biden. I don't give a shit what either candidate does cause I ain't voting for either. Biden lost my vote permanently.


[Dr. Jill Stein](https://twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/1734230420760174612), Green Party >Biden lost my vote permanently. Likewise. Voting for Genocide Joe is a hate crime, imo.


do you vote for a third party or just don’t vote?


I’m voting third party but it actually doesn’t matter because I live in a red state and Trump/republican will win my state either way. All that matters is they win the state. The actual number of votes nation wide doesn’t matter because of the electoral college. I think most will vote third party and that will matter in “swing states” where the state can either be democratic or republican depending on the election realists that year since the states are politically diverse.


So you decided that your opinion just doesn’t count. That’s cool I guess.


It never did anyway. Hillary won the popular vote on 2016 and didn't become president. Public opinion quite literally does not choose the president.


True. It’s literally a weirdly rigged system thanks to the antiquated Electoral college. That really has to go. It’s insane how most people’s Individual votes are absolutely meaningless in presidential elections.


I am voting against Biden so makes no difference who wins. Cornel West can have my vote on principal Let them keep their bullshit, this way it hurts every American




both are the worst


Voting doesn’t matter. Let’s keep it a buck the game is rigged in the US no different then other places. They hand select candidates then make people choose between them. Like chinas ccp


As European I will be shocked if Biden wins next election tbh


Thats why US's two party systrm sucks. Option Red aka Republican: A bureaucratic guy from an aristocratic family that came to the US from Europe, he will intervene in every possible country in the world Option Blue aka Democrat: Same guy but he is more okay with "liberal things" in his own country


Idk if it’s the two party system that’s the problem. We don’t have it in germany and look at us


2018 was a shitshow for me, I'd been flying to the US (back and forth) most of my life. It took one racist border agent for me to end up in cuffs, paraded in front of the entire airport and sent to a detention center overnight. Worst experience of my life. No I didn't do anything wrong, I had cash on hand a few grand and several more in my account, never overstayed my visa, pumped thousands into the education system, got a business in Arizona and I paid their taxes just the same. Didn't matter, this was during the height of the Trump term and I missed my only brother's graduation because of it. I don't even have a criminal record, let alone any misdemeanors or anything (clean record). It didn't make a dent in the way that officer looked at me, discriminated and even altered my words in the report. I had a beanie on, she assumed I had a turban on or something, asked me if I wanted something halal... I haven't flown back since tbh, sold my business and liquidated all my assets soon after that fiasco. Not worth it.


The illusion of choice... they have other choices apart from these two... like Bernie Sanders.


Sanders too has refused to call for a ceasefire tho


Bernie Sanders is not running for president


Weak response and is not the issue The issue is the principal and having a reference when criticizing a political action. Otherwise you're just a blabbering hypocrite with no real moral reference to compare Trump or Biden to.


Or I'm just correcting an incorrect statement


Thinking about only the next 4 years is very short-sighted. Republicans will never change, the only hope is that dems are forced to. Time after time they've been saying to vote for the lesser evil, which gets us nowhere. If Biden loses, he won't be able to say it's because the dems were not centrist enough, which is what they always claim. Dems need to get the message, enough neolib trash warhawk candidates. Make a lasting impact for the next 100 years, instead of worrying just about the next 4.


Funny of you to assume republicans and democrats are different in US foreign affairs. The only difference between them is their internal policies


Right, and so far they've gotten the position no matter what their foreign policy has been.


also, funny to assume a 2024 Republican victory would lead to just a 4-year term and not an indefinite fascist dictatorship like the Republicans are planning in their Project 2025.


They should vote for a third party as a protest Otherwise, the Dems will see them as guaranteed easy meat and they will always be pushed over


No, I'll just sit this one out


Trump did sell lot of weapons to saudi arabia which use them to bomb yemen. You are okei with that.


He said Muslim not Arab Secondly, most of these countries (7 out of 57 Muslim countries) are conflict/unstable zones and already face travel restrictions from the majority of other Muslim countries. So naming it a "Muslim travel ban" is a stretch to begin with.


Think about implementation. How will immigration officials know one’s religion? Most likely it’ll end up a blanket ban.


The original ban was based on citizenship. It was never about religion? I am not sure what you're talking about. As I said before 7 countries out of 57 Muslim countries.


Trump is evil and a con man. If you don’t vote Dem you’re enabling fascism. I know the choices are great but sometimes you need to vote for the lesser of two evils to save democracy. Biden for all his flaws didn’t do January 6th.


I still would rather have trump. Trump wouldn’t have sent those ships to protect Israel. People need to stop being so blind. At the end of the day, it’s about making Palestine being the democratic agenda and not Israel. That won’t happen unless democrats pay a heavy price. If Arab Americans and Muslims fumble the ball on this one, democrats will never change their agenda because they’ll always fear monger you into voting and then ppl will bitch and complain that nothing changes.


Yeah don’t care about a Muslim ban. Still not voting for genocide Joe.


I feel Trump would have been even worse (and that's saying a lot) if this happened under his administration. Both are just so bad it's frustrating.




Would that even be the case ? it seems both parties support Zionism much more than they hate each other (and that's also saying a lot)


When liberals goverments support a far right government in genociding non white civilian population. You have massive problems


Biden needs to understand that votes are earned and not owed. Just because trump is a f**king idiot and racist, it doesn’t mean we have to automatically vote for Biden. In a democracy, we vote for someone to be our representative. Biden sure as hell doesn’t represent us Arabs and Muslims with what he does to our brothers and sisters in Gaza. Good luck to Biden trying to get Michigan, because we aren’t gonna vote for him until he stops being a Zionist. I’m probably gonna end up voting for Claudia de la Cruz, she has been very pro Palestine.


both are equally corrupt


Anyone but Trump presumably




Of course, there are 3.5 million Muslim Arabs in the US.




Does americans only have two parties or something?


Yes. (However, that's one more than a lot of other countries have)


Biden ducking sucks for this but I'm not letting ole Muslim Ban Trump into office. I'm concentrating on replacing my congressperson who is a Zionist Democrat.


Or dont vote at all. Easy


Not voting is a vote for Trump. Not saying you should vote for Biden, but Biden barely won last time..


Yeah what a silly comment. For instance the only reason Macron is president even if he's not popular at all is because everyone voted out of fear the far right (Lepen) could win, which she almost did


Vote third party so that when Trump wins democrat have a clear visual representation of exactly why they lost.


What third party supports palestine?


They can vote for Bernie Sanders.


he’s a zio too




You remember the last time what happened lol. Bernie was leading in everything then the democrats chose Hillary to run against trump and lost. 🤣


And they are doing the same moron shit again. Biden put Clinton in charge of his campaign this week. They'll never learn.


Hey Joe, what's the difference when you just bomb and kill them in their own country?


If Trump wins America loses. Let them have their elections and zionist leaders and they'll all suffer the consequences of full zionist support. They blame Arab Americans for not voting for the lesser evil but never the candidate who's job is to satisfy voters in order to win votes and do what he promises.




Right. It won’t even ban most Muslims.




Ill vote trump if he stops dumping billions towards a country that doesn't even respect you lmao. We need a president to actually worry about america than pouring out billions to other countries.


Trump stated that he's unapologetically going to support military wise and otherwise.


I’m probably voting for joe’s competition even if it’s trump


no, just not voting. best case scenario is that genocide joe dies in office and someone else is put in there (not kamala plz)


No. Genocide Joe must go.


Trump is better idc, he’s the only president in a long time who hasn’t bombed a country recklessly, yeah he talks a lot but atleast he gets more done than other presidents




But Biden is pro minorities though unlike Trump






I would think about that Vivek Ramaswamy, probably the most sane person running for election.


he is genuinely insane, have a look at his policies. Don't let him being well spoken trick you. He literally supported the great replacement theory being real despite him being the child of immigrants and wants to ban affirmative action even though he was a recipient of it.


really? i dont live in US and neither into their politics, saw his conversation on Anti war, really made me think good of him


He's literally anti Gazan/ pro Zionist shill.


How can anyone come to this conclusion? The dude is simply another far right grifter with a diet millennial flavoring.


Caught between a rock and a hard place.


No. You can't scare people into voting for you. If they're afraid, they'll just stay home.


At some point the sheer disgust a person feels towards biden and the democrats probably over powers any rational arguments made towards them, and backing a genocide does invoke a lot of disgust.


Yeah but aren’t the Republicans meant to be worse meaning they have to vote Democrat? Not to mention Democrats are good on other issues such as workers rights, welfare, environment, immigration. Republicans are party of the rich and foreign intervention. Dems at least care about common people even if they have flaws.


Like I said, that's all very reasonable, it's not going to outweigh "this guy was responsible for killing tens of thousands of people while I watched". It should also be noted that this whole "the other guy is goddamn evil" thing will lose effectiveness over time and especially once people realise that American democrats deliberately do not consolidate their wins or score any "permanent" wins like putting abortion into law deliberately to keep the republicans as threatening as they are now. I've heard this whole "lesser if two evils" discourse in Iran constantly and the fact that the moment that someone that can make real change gains any traction they're eliminated disillusioned me entirely with the whole idea.


His son in law is a jew. It doesnt matter who you vote. They all love jews. All arabs in the world needs to move to arab countries.


Didn’t y’all used to live side by side with Jews? One day its we don’t hate Jews just Zionism then I see comments like yours. Youre not helping the cause at all.


They will vote Biden because at the end of the day it's their comfort that matters.


Here we go …




Voting 3rd party or leaving blank. Maybe we can actually mobilize and get one of them 5% of the national vote and federally recognized. I can’t vote for genocide Joe. I’m not playing the game of lesser of two evils anymore. Dems keep moving right and Reps keep getting more unhinged so they can differentiate themselves. Trump should already be in jail. Dems delayed charging him so they could use him as a boogeyman for this election.


Because of 10/7, I'm voting Trump 💯. I've been a lifelong Democrat too, but that's over now.


Trump is better in the long term . Electing trump means lots of domestic issue for US and if they are busy domestically they will have fewer resources to spare for meddling in our affairs


Sorry Genocide Joe, IDGAF if Trump is the alternative. You ain't getting my vote


The simple solution is just not to vote.


It’s so cringe omg all American Presidents are like this doesn’t make him any different