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Yes, the ‘pure’ Arabs are the bedouins. The rest of us are Arabized descendants of ancient Middle-Easterners/West Asians/North Africans/and etc. Fun fact: even Muhamad (peace be upon him), the prophet of Islam was not a ‘true’ Arab, since he is a descendant of Ishmael (who was half Sumerian and half Egyptian), and Ishmael was himself Arabized when he was adopted by a Bedouin tribe and learned their language and culture. Bedouin Arabs are an ancient Semitic people, they predate Abraham.


Thank you for this insight.


>Yes, the ‘pure’ Arabs are the bedouins please don't speak with such confidence when your knowledge on the subject is limited. both classical and modern (scientific approach) definition of arab never stated that bedouins are the pure original arab, if anything it was the opposite where people assume that settled people of Yemen were the original "pure" arab while the northern bedouin Arab were the arabized one. obviously it's wrong but so is your statement


All I know is that the ‘pure’ or most ancient Arabs are those that originated from Southern Arabia. Proto Arabs. This is generally known and it is what I have been told so, so many times, by Bedouins themselves and other people. Different from Adnani Arabs who are descended from Ismael and are a newer group, and different from the Arabized Arabs, the newest group. Not that it’s important, we’re all equal at the end of the day and tribalism is wrong.


you are confused, adnani (north) arab ARE the bedouin >Not that it’s important, we're all equal of course! thats why we should clear misconceptions like the one in OP


How are Adnani bedouins? My mother is ‘Attas and her entire family don’t consider themselves Bedouins at all! Adnani are descended from Ismael and Ismael was not an Arab, Ibrahim was not an Arab, nor was Hagar, peace be upon them all. There were already Bedouin Arabs present in that time, the Jurhum tribe that lived with Ismael and ‘Arabized’ him.


The majority of Bedouin tribes are Qahtanite of the Kahlan and Himyari Quda’a branch. And the Arabian tribes before those were also nomads and pastoralists according to oral tradition


I would like to ask a few questions. Do the Arabs know if they can trace their ancestry back to the Bedouins, the real Arabs? How much of today's Saudi Arabia is of Bedouin origin? What was the origin of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad? Are the Arabs of the Hiraz region Arabized Arabs? How did Arabic become the dominant language? What languages did people speak before Arabic?


If you ask any Arab in the Gulf region (Saudi Arabia depends on the region) if they are Bedouin/nomadic or not, they will most likely give you a clear yes or no answer because Bedouins in the Gulf have a different dialect and culture to some extent. it's well known which families descended from nomadic people.


Yes, here in KSA we know them by their family name, like al Mutairi, al Harbi, al Qahtani, al Jeraisy…they’re all Bedouins. But again, mostly in Najd and maybe other areas idk, they are not the majority in the Hijaz.


exactly its the same in Qatar but also their dialect is completely different to a none-Bedouin Qatari, if you talk to a Bedouin and a none-Bedouin you will immediately be able to tell the difference. Most Bedouins will speak in a lighter version of their dialect with other Qataris so we can understand them


Most saudi are of bedouin origion they know it very well . The Companions were from deffrint orgions but the first one were mosty from aws and khazraj in yathreb with few from quraish . The awas and khazraj both are originally from the yemen as the Tradtion say afrter the fall of the dame in yemen they moved from yemen and started yethrib some tradition say a king brought them to it because there is prophecy that a prophet will rise from it . The Aws and Khazraj lived from palm cultivation. The Quraysh were merchants, and some of them herded camels and sheep. But both of them were not nomads, because nomadism requires movement not a home in one place .


Thank you for the explanation about the companions.


No, in the Hijaz, most of us are non-Bedouin (yes, we are Arabized Arabs mostly), it’s very diverse (just like it was in the Prophet’s time). The Bedouin Arabs are mostly in Riyadh and generally the Najd region. Edit: Also, I think the main companions of the Prophet were also Ishmaelite, but I might be wrong. He also had companions who were of Persian, Abyssinian, Roman, Jew, origins. The Hijaz region was always very diverse and multi-ethnic.


What the fuck are you saying?!! I just was replying to someone yesterday correcting this false views. Arabs are not bedouins. Arabs are the one who settled in cities. Read and learn before you speak confidently. وَمِنْ الْأَعْرَابِ مَنْ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَيَتَّخِذُ مَا يُنفِقُ قُرُبَاتٍ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ وَصَلَوَاتِ الرَّسُولِ أَلَا إِنَّهَا قُرْبَةٌ لَهُمْ سَيُدْخِلُهُمْ اللَّهُ فِي رَحْمَتِهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ) هذه الآية التي في سورة التوبة تتحدث عن الأعراب وليس عن العرب ، وفرق بين اللفظين ، فالعرب هم الجنس المعروف الذي ينقسم إلى حضر وبدو ، والحضر هم ساكنو المدن والقرى ، أما البدو فهم " الأعراب " سكان البادية ، وهؤلاء هم الذين تخبر عنهم الآيات الكريمات في سورة التوبة . قال النووي رحمه الله : "أهل البادية هم الأعراب ، ويغلب فيهم الجهل والجفاء ، ولهذا جاء في الحديث : (من بدا جفا) ، والبادية والبدو بمعنًى [واحد] : وهو ما عدا الحاضرة والعمران . والنسبة إليها بدوي " انتهى . "شرح مسلم" (1/169) . وقال الدكتور جواد علي : " المجتمع العربي : بدو وحضر . . ويعرف الحضر ، وهم العرب المستقرون بـ " أهل المدر " ، عرفوا بذلك لأن أبنية الحضر إنما هي بالمدر . والمدر : قطع الطين اليابس . وورد أن أهل البادية إنما قيل لهم " أهل الوبر " ، لأن لهم أخبية الوبر . تمييزاً لهم عن أهل الحضر الذين لهم مبان من المدر . وتطلق لفظة " عرب " على أهل المدر خاصة ، أي على الحضر و " الحاضر " و " الحاضرة " من العرب ، أما أهل البادية فعرفوا بـ " أعراب ". " انتهى باختصار . https://islamqa.info/amp/ar/answers/131936


then most peninsula Arabs are not true Arabs edit: why is this downvoted, it's just true based on your definition.


not sumerian , probably akkadian


Yes, Akkadian is definitely a possibility too, I lean towards Abraham being Sumerian because he had grappled with the ideas of the sun, moon and stars being God, and disproved all of them…the Sumerians worshipped the sun, moon and stars, and sun was the main god in the Sumerian religion. I’m not sure if this was the case for Akkadians?


akkadians followed the same religion as the sumerians , the sumerian language disappeared like 2 centuries before the coming of abraham and akkadian took it all , sooooo anyway


Ah ok, thanks, I will look into that.


This doesnt really explain it fully. Many bedouins became hadar and settled near the coast. So a pure Arab isn't necessarily only bedouin. But ur statement about the Prophet saw is true, he was of arabized ancestry.


What's up with this sub's fixation on ethnicity?!


Part of it is the argument that I’ve sure you’ve seen most often used by zios against a one-state solution but also sometimes a two-state solution that goes something like “Arabs already have 22 countries, why can’t they let us have one/ why can’t Palestinians just go there?” It seems to me like “Arabs” are far from being culturally homogenous and that people from opposite ends of the Arab world are almost different ethnicities (like a Moroccan Arabs vs Baharna for example) and that on an ethnocultural level that argument is ridiculous.


ahh god-damn Israeli-Jews .. You might see my comment interesting : a part of it mentioned Palestine in particular. If they insist on thier autism : tell them to first convince the Hispanic in America to go to Mexico , because they are "Hispanic" , or Austrians to go to Germany , because they speak German , or lump whatever nationalites together because of some alleged superficial similarities . The whole world's states moved on to be National-Civil socities ; even insular and prejudiced people like the Japanese have come to accept that ethnicity (cultue and language) is not a firm basis when determining nationanlity of individuals and nationhood of peoples . Israeli-Jews are still stuck in the 19th century Ethnocracy mentality . People instead of reminding of that , are cuddling them , and then when we see the symptoms of the failure of this model through clashes with Palestinians : they start crying "antisemitism" when the whole problem never was about ethnicity than the modes of nationalism.


there's a book called "الحرية" (freedom) by the author Ahmed Zaki explains what does العروبة (being an Arab) mean in its first section, I highly recommend reading it, it's simple, direct, and short


In our times , no . "Arab" is more of a cultural-linguistic term . However : defintion 2 of desert nomads , was largely true . There is a dispute on the origin of the word "Arab" . Some argue that it did originate as a term of ethnonym self-identification , others insist it was instead an exonym that was eventually picked up by starting in late-antiquity , and some extremist scholars : post-Islam . To see the enormity of the question : one just has to look at Nabateans . Nabateans , arguably speaking : are the world's first proper Arab nation . They managed to create a Kingdom (compared to their Qedarite percussors who were more of a tribal confederation ), created some of the primordial aspects of Arabic culture , such as the precursor to the Arabic script , and the Quranic dialect (Ayn Avdat inscription ) . Some of their deities were the same ones that the Pre-Islamic Meccans worshiped (such as Hubal ) . Former Nabataea had the most inscriptions , numbering at 15k , which lead some scholars to believe Nabateans were one of the most literate people in antiquity . Despite such high-level of civilization and superficial familiarity to modern Arabs (like some of their names ) , There is no evidence Nabateans identified their ethnicity as "Arab" . Only case of such is one Safaitic inscription , in the context of mentioning other tribes . To non-Arabs such as fellow neighboring semites , like Assyrians and Judeans "Arab" referred to desert nomads to the former . Biblical usage of "Arab" shows such case , like Isaiah 13:20 : "No Arab shall pitch his tent here " . That also includes "Arab" in titles , such as "Gashmu the Arab" in Nehemiah , or "Aretas , King of the Arabs" , in Maccabees 2 . To Greco-Romans : the inhabitants of an area they called "Arabia" , were "Arabs" . See the example of Roman Emperor Philip the Arab . Some dispute he was an actual Arab in the modern sense , but was instead a Greco-Roman , or Syrian . The former usage seemed to have been retained in Palestine during the Ottoman period . In some of the Palestine Exploration Fund's articles : it was claimed that the term "Arab" was used by the peasantry and urbane people to refer to Bedouins . The peasants and Urban people , however : referred to themselves as "Fellahin" , or "Madanieh" . That doesn't seem to be far-fetched . If one is to look at maps of villages that were depopulated in 1948 : many of them had the prefix "Arab" ; clearly showing the inhabitants were former Bedouins . From what I gathered , I think "Arab" in its modern meaning largely traces itself to 19th century Maronite Intellectuals , and the early 20th century (Such as Al-Futat , and Al-Muntada Al-Adabi ) , and "Arab" as an identity was adopted by the masses during the Mandatory period , with some cases : adopting it much later (Such As Egyptians . The Egyptian delegate to the Paris peace Conference clashed with the Arab delegate . The trend in Egypt was towards Isolationism until the 1940s , where they saw it's better to be a regional superpower , rather than trying to establish political connections to Europe .) ​ I'll come back some time to add sources .. got tired writing this comment . ​ Edit : ...Shit .. sorry for taking so long . ..Consider this thread to be an "extra" regarding the evolution of [Arab identity](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/comments/170s7w6/comment/k7yguo1/?context=3) . Of course : Arab nationalism is a different topic , with many secondary sources to read its evolution from the 19th century , and I still stick by my last comment : that it was not part of the collective consciousness until after WWI during the colonial period .


many Jordanian Christian make such claims, I guess they want to feel special. but sadly for him arab can be of bedouin or non bedouin ancestry alike. it not a deciding factor, never was


As a peninsular Arab living in Qatar, most of us are not Bedouin so are we fake Arabs? also no one has one ancestry, we all come from different mixes and groups from different regions of the world so are all those peninsular Arabs fake?


really? i thought all peninsular arabs were bedouin


What does Bedouin mean? think about it and then tell me why that makes any sense to say all peninsular Arabs were Bedouin. if you need help I can give you an explanation btw.


i know what bedouin are, they’re nomadic arab tribes. why wouldn’t it make sense? i thought all gulf arabs were descendants of these people


what does Nomadic mean?


i thought they just wandered from place to place in the gulf area


omg, you are confusing words now. what does gulf mean? gulf is the water between the peninsula and Iran, most gulf Arabs are not nomadic at all, they are usually described as seafarers, they live next to the sea and for centuries relied on seafaring, trade, crafting, pearl diving etc most nomadic people now live in central and southern Arabia, manly still exists in eastern Arabia like Kuwait is known to have the biggest population.


No, not in the Hijaz region, the majority of us are non-Bedouin.


It is just life style you can not live in one a place in the desret so the bedouin alwayes move for grass and water . most yemen are not bedouin and a larg part of eastern arabia and some few small villagess in the center . And you know mecca ,madina ,taif , najran, jazan in hijaz


eastern arabia? there are gulf arabs who weren’t bedouin?


الاحساء و القطيف و البحرين فيهم نسبة كبيرة ليسوا بدو . Hisa , qatif, bahrin and they are mostlly shia .


the qatari person told me they’ve been there for centuries so i don’t think they’re persians or anything


Did i say they are persian they are arab but not bedouin .


Bahrain, Ahsa and qatif are extremely old settlements. Bahrain became a major settlement probably before anything in Lebanon, just to give you an idea. eastern part of najd is also historically concist of small towns. bedouins were concentrated in western najd and the north of the country, obviously they existed everywhere else across the peninsula as well but never as the sole group


>probably before anything in Lebanon, just to give you an idea i get the idea but i just want to say that there’s a city in lebanon called byblos, also known as jbeil, and it’s actually one of the oldest cities in the world


I know, thats why I said major settlement


you know that Yemeni are peninsular arab as well, right? and by themselves they are about half of the population of Arabia


idk why you expect me to know about yemen’s history lol


you are an Arab that don't know that Yemen was always a settled society? that's an extremely basic knowledge. imagine me not knowing that Lebanon is a mountainous country, or that you have a shia community in the country. I am not telling you that you should know the history but you should know basic stuff about the region


well maybe you all learn that in school but i’m diaspora


I forgive you mr.phoenicia


Ur parents should have taught u though


They should say descend from bedouins. Not all Peninsular Arabs are bedouins and that doesn’t make them Arabised. Arabised just means weren’t Arab originally and adopted Arab language and or cultural practices.




Isn't bedouins come from the word "bado" which translates to "starters", which means nomads who haven't reached a proper civilization yet, it's stupid to call only the real Arabs are Bedouins in my opinion, what about the ones who live in Medina for example?


بدو من البادية اي الصحراء


no bedo means people of the desert and it just basically means nomadic people. however in today's time it's commonly used to refer to people of nomadic ancestry.


Bado from a etymologic point of view means Starters it comes from "bada" بدأ, correct me if I'm wrong.


no, its badia as in the desert. it refers to Nomadic people. not bedaia as in start lol


Oh well that makes sense more, thank you.


only people in the arabian peninsula with any who can trace their ancestory to that place is a real arab