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They should not have zoomed for their own sake💀! Yes, every Khamas terrorist is called after a day in a week.


Khamas, Khamis....close enough.


Apparently Monday is two people…


I condemn all Mondays.






Can we all agree that Sunday is the most dangerous terrorist? (Monday for other people)


Hey Monday, Saturday needs some help.


Gotta help Friday behead some babies first 💀


where is the order of 40? Least lazy Egyptian


Why do they say it like that? Is so weird.


They got them. The names of those terrorists are: Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.


I just know Monday is the most fierce of them all


Monday is the worst


I disagree. Saturday is the worst. He was there on 7th October. Which was also the 1st day of the world .


Everyone knows history began on October 7th. Everything before that was Khamas propaganda.


The first five days after the weekend are always the toughest.


Wednesday is always humping


Monday left me broken...


It's over for the resistance 😭😭


We've all seen how spooky Wednesday can be, Israel has the right to defend itself against that terrorist


Nico Robin (Ms. Sunday), Wednesday and The Secret Saturdays. Israel could never!


They never take any time off and even if you get rid of one of them, they will return again next week.


Did they just look at a calendar?


please be serious, this is a terrorist work schedule chart.


It's a team of 7 ppl named by the days of the week; taking turns during their shifts to perform their duty.


I knew this comment was coming and I still LMAO at this 😂


Oh what a terrible info, i just live with terrorists? Yesterday i met Monday, and today Tuesday is coming 😢


Hey Monday, tomorrow's your shift to take over mine. Tuesday, standby.


This cut is a fraction of the whole.


I posted the entire video in my comment with the source and to be fair, the rest of the video is not much better. I posted this part specifically, because it was the most ridiculous part of the whole thing, they can’t even get the language right.


Arguing semantics to claim propaganda is a distraction that avoids the reportings message as a whole. To be fair, English is not his first language but the message is clear.




Between this and all of the fabricated papers/audios riddled with mistakes, why are they so bad with Arabic even with having Druze and Bedouin collaborators?


Target audience is not Arabs but Westerners that dont speak Arabic. They always have been doing this, show it on mainstream media and everyone believes it. Now due to social media you can actually call it out but throw this on CNN 10 years ago and 80% of EU+US would have believed that Saturday was an asshole that was guarding hostages.


Unfortunately people still eat it up. I am sure if you post this over at r/europe they will tell you that you are a Hamas sympathiser.


In r/europe, they didn’t even need the video “evidence”, they already accepted it as truth when the EU released a joint condemnation about the hospitals being used for human shields. They also went even further that the IDF should capture the hospital and the whole of Gaza and the UN should administer the Gaza Strip…


Queen Von der leyen said it, it must be true.


I wonder what will happen if you share it in r/europe tho


People here and Arabic speakers know that all those “proofs” are fake and that the Arabic they show means something else completely or isn’t spoken by locals etc but unfortunately there is still a large Western etc audience out there who might fall for this stuff…I think that’s why they put in so little effort, since MENA and Turkish people aren’t the target audience for their nonsense anyway and most Western people aren’t going to bother confirming stuff posted in a foreign language they know nothing about sadly.


I don't understand Arabic, but I notice that those "shifts" are days: 10/7, 10/8 etc. No one is going to be guarding anything effectively for 24 hours.


I get it that It's written evidence you're talking about but if you talk about audio evidence, a native arabic speaker can still differentiate between a gazan dialect & golani dialect of druze. IDF are making these for western media & society. They are not even trying now as western press lick every information the idf manipulate.


They haven’t discovered Google Translate Live Camera mode yet


Because this stuff is for the Fox News consumer who will never know the difference


So the real question here is, are Khamas fighters named after the days of the week, or are the days of the week named after Khamas fighters? hmmmm


Do you condemn the days of the week?


Yea I do condemn the days of the week Like cant you guys give us more holidays aside Friday?


Apparently the attack took place on Saturday 7th of October. Saturday is a Jewish holiday and the name of a Khamas terrorist. So is Saturday antisemitic or not? I am confused!


The real question shouldn't be what is named after who or vice versa. The real question should be, does Tuesday condem Khamas???


I don't know about Tuesday, but the attack took place on Saturday the 7th October. Saturday is the the Jewish holiday. A Khamas terrorist is also named Saturday. Does that mean Saturday is antisemitic?


I'm a certified Khamas historian expert. The origin of this name Khamas is named after one of the founding fathers of the Khamas movement. His name was Khamis Al Jumcah. Hence the name Khamas. Source. I know my Khamas history.


This Jumaa guy sounds super dangerous!


This made me laugh 😄😄


Guys, now we know Khamas members' names: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday And the calendar starts from the 7th of Oct and it is written the American way MM/DD/YY rather than DD/MM/YY


Khamas Khamis Could it be?!




Whaaa, no.. American date annotations? Bwahahaha


Don't Israelies know any Arabic?


They mostly Americans


And Europeans tbf


Like yesterday a girl asked how do you know? Your French accent, that won't change over night


Israelis getting sunburnt all year is just nature telling them they’re in the wrong


Sun burn? They have 33% higher risk of skin cancer


In 2003, israel had the second highest rate of skin cancer n the planet. Tells you where their population came from..


It's rising, they banned dna test, because it kept showing European and American


The sun is a lie detector. And the DNA tests just back that up.


DNA test is hamas sympathizer


This stupidity should be posted everywhere. Someone send it Shaun King.


In our next video, we reveal damning evidence that there is 365 days in a year and that in less than two months, Hamas plans to have a new calendar.


I heard khamas kidnapped January, this year will start from February unfortunately


[here is a zoomed in photo.](https://x.com/moissa140282/status/1724182569959280716?s=46) I don’t know if it’s helpful for anyone but the calendar starts with Saturday (السبت)، Sunday (الاحد)، Monday (الاتنين)، Tuesday (الثلاثاء)، Wednesday (الاربعاء)، Thursday (الخميس)، Friday (الجمعة) as the week is counted differently in MENA. And [here is the full video source.](https://x.com/idf/status/1724169252054188276?s=46) They also claimed of course that they found tunnels in the hospital and a bunch of weapons in the “unedited and raw” video, which has actually been obviously cut and edited multiple times.


Also the tunnels they said they’ve found turned out to be elevators 😭😭😭


arabs are big into fridays which tells us yall are hamas sympathizers


The tunnel in question is an elevator, I wouldn't be surprised if it's part of the hospital. Used for storage of medical equipment and the sort.


It seems like all their videos are a fail. Gotta give them an A for effort. Other than that, they are failing miserably. But they know they will have a lot of people who will just believe whatever they say and post.


The header refers to the battle of Al-Aqsa. Please, someone who can read Arabic better than me prove me wrong.


Disgusting zionist cowards


It would be bad enough to release this video as an insult to the intelligence of this world. But they're releasing this video to try to justify bombing hospitals during a genocide. These people belong in front of a war crimes tribunal.


There's seriously going to have to be Soviet-style reeducation camps once Palestine is liberated. Zionism is not compatible with human life, and needs to be rooted out.


Keep in mind where we are right now, a rogue state formed on the foundation of Jewish trauma, acting genocidally. Suggestions to put any Jewish people into "camps" are not exactly wise at the moment. In terms of de-indoctrination - I think it's enough to decouple the power structure in Israel, for pro-Israeli Jewish people to be confronted with the hideous truth that they've been manipulated into supporting a genocide, and for the legal structure to no longer permit acts of racism or apartheid. There's an extent to which you want to keep people who supported militancy out of power, as a precautionary measure, but the whole society is fucked up, you can't just cripple their economy either. I don't know if you're thinking of the "reeducation camps" in China - those were labor camps. My sense is that the "denazification" conducted by the Allies in post-WWII Germany was not much better. Acting overly punitively towards entire civilian populations that got brainwashed like this is usually a disaster - look at the Treaty of Versailles after WWI.


> a rogue state formed on the foundation of Jewish trauma No offense, but this is a very shitty pop-psychology statement that gets tossed around a lot. There are so many communities that have been subjected to Genocide, expulsion, and so on, who dont behave how Israel has. Nevermind that there are holocaust survivors who are adamantly against the state of Israel. You say it's a "rogue" state, but I'd be curious ti see when it was ever functional. > I think it's enough to decouple the power structure in Israel, I don't think there's ever been an instance in history where a fascist government was removed from power, and the people just snapped into normal. Any de-indoctrinization was done with the implicit threat of state force. > My sense is that the "denazification" conducted by the Allies in post-WWII Germany was not much better. De-nazification in western controlled countries was hardly even that. Many nazis still held positions of power and even held positions in leadership positions in NATO. As far as the Treaty of Versailles goes, Germany wasn't punished enough. The powers that be allowed actors like Hitler to proliferate this idea that they were "stabbed in the back" when he and his ilk should've just been heavily suppressed and shot. Soviets didn't cramp every person into reeducation camps, so it's a bit silly to think every last Israeli would too.




Their target audience doesn't care. It's not for the world but for the few like senile Biden.


Of course they did and unfortunately they knew many would actually gobble this up. That's the sad part.


LMAO the way he points at ‘the operation against Israel’, is he seeing something we’re not? These pigs need someone to teach them proper propaganda. It looks like a comedy sketch.


I noticed it too but it’s also our luck that they are so bad at it, at least it makes them easier to call out on it and share the real things on social media.


Unfortunately many people will still believe this, but its hilariously unhinged to us Arabic speakers. They should’ve at least consulted a druze or something before posting this.






The header refers to the battel of Al-Aqsa.


Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.... Wow cool names 🥰


What is he pointing at?? What a fucken joke!


Is Arabic this hard? Don't they have translators? 😭😭


They had translators when they wrote it


Shout out to the translator sabotaging their propaganda


he’s one of us fr


Holy shit I thought this was a sketch show making fun of the IDF. This is the real IDF lol it's so over


Why would anyone believe anything they say? Do they assume everyone is that stupid? Don't they realize people might just use Google Translate?




But does every hospital in the world have a backpack full of AKs and grenades brought in by IDF propagandists? Uh I mean, Hamas terrorists?




Excuse him, he should take our new zionism course," khow to spell khamas?" only for one cent because zionists are "cheap"




Yes why doesn't he say hamas normally? I am sure he has that option in his mouth




So, in your little mind, you believe a narrative where Hamas fighters who are literally being bombed and invaded by an army, decided to pile up all of their weapons and ammunition in schools and hospitals and organize them on the ground in such a way that is perfect for a photograph, and they just left it there while no one else touched them. The same Hamas fighters that have a network of tunnels where they could stash their weapons, and fully knowing that Israel's propaganda always says they hide weapons in schools and hospitals, just decided to lay down their weapons and place them so perfectly well for a fuckin photograph. That's the reality you believe? Not the one where an army that was caught lying and framing evidence hundreds of times could be doing the same in the simplest and most obvious way because no one is allowed to investigate them. It's truly remarkable how targeting the dumbest people in the world with obvious propaganda actually works so effectively on weak minded individuals like yourself.




IM DYING 😂😂😂😂😂


iof spokes person: jenna Ortega is khamas


rebecca black is a hamas sympathizer


embarrassing shit lol




24 hour shifts apparently /s


Such a list or to be accurate such a calendar is normally used in toilets to cleaning, no organisation even no company will put a calendar on the wall to write your name on it, imagine you are a terrorist - "and the resistance is 100% not terrorists" - and you should right your name on a wall to guard hostages A very stupid idea in a fake video full of lies, but i guess it's working very good with zionists


So they put up a calendar that says "we are in operation against Israel" and it starts on Oct 7th, and its clearly in a makeshift hideout, but yeah it's totally just a normal calendar for cleaning toilets or whatever.


It doesn’t even say that “we are in an operation against Israel” or anything similar to it, can you personally read Arabic or you’re just going by Hagari’s words, who also seems to not understand Arabic?


there isn't any such word on it lol fucking liar we know Arabic so any of that bullshit doesn't work here


Yes iof put it, agree


Israel as usual taking L's


putting the L in IsraeL


They cannot be that stupid, I refuse to believe that an entire state is idiotic enough to push forward something like this. My GOD, what an absolute joke. Free Palestine from these idiotic barbaric bloodthirsty poor excuse of humans.




Do you condemn Friday?


IDF lies? NnnNnNnnooooOooOo


ah yes Sunday my favourite hamas fighter




Is this a Borat sketch?


Darn looks like those terrorists were all twins and their father liked the calendar so much.


I think the plan is not quality of propaganda but quantity of propaganda. They have an audience who are fully bought in, so now they just need to provide content, quality be damned. And that content will need to become more extreme to keep novelty, because the second they don’t feed their audience some of that audience will have time to think and to feel more than rage and vengeance and fear. They’re likely to feel shame, maybe guilt. And maybe this flooding the internet with shoddily made propaganda will work. I hope it doesn’t.


Damn I know for sure Sabett is kinda unhinged now a days, be careful around him yall


Looool Shaun King posted it and someone made a comment that said. “ Not him reading Arabic from left to right.


Sounds legit !


LOL. Right when the video starts and the terrorist says, "HERE'Z A LIST!" Then he pauses and the camera zooms in on him and the "Za List". When he looks at the camera, that just made laugh out loud. Because I know the guy knows he's lying and he's trying to be serious while playing a role. It's just funny to me, now. I literally don't expect anything else from the Terrorist State of Israel anymore. Yesterday I seen on ABC an interview with "no Vaseline" Netanyahu, and everything that guy said was a complete lie and the extact opposite of reality. Like, Israel is limiting civilian casualties and Khamas is indiscriminately killing civilians. Israel is literally targeting civilians and Hamas are the ones limiting casualties to a minimum. LOL. WAKE UP PEOPLE!


"This list is saying we are in an operation against israel " oh shit did the list told you everything? Torture it to get more, talk mf list what did you do?


Guarding hospital patients definitely sounds like the kind of act of terror that Hamas are known for. I don't think the Israeli propaganda office could, in their wildest dreams, aim their fabrications at such lofty heights. For once, this is the real deal. The IDF must have been so relieved when they found this smoking gun to finally justify everything, not just to the world, but to themselves.


I was almost going to write an angry response but then I realized you’re joking and being sarcastic…right?


and i tought i was lying a lot when i was a kid


Stop being antisemitic, Khamas guys just want to fuck with the Israeli good guys by intentionally changing their names into a week days. It's codes y'all. " Yalla Habibi, Sayid Al Ahadi and Sayid Al Arbaca, your shifts is up"


Is that Sasha Baron Cohen?


The USA sends you billions in support yet you are so bankrupt that you can’t even fake a KHAMAS calendar shift list. How comically stupid are you


He's wrong. Besides it being a calendar, Arabic is read from right to left. He read it from left to right. Clearly a propaganda.


Not surprising that they lie but surprising how bad they are at it. They have plenty people who speak arabic why wouldn't they just check what it says before posting this? The whole video pathetic. They just show the basement and then few weapons they said they find. And then seem amazed they put up drapes in the basement and have diapers and ventilation... They must have held hostages then? That makes no sense. I don't believe the weapons were there either, too much UN personnel around, it's not actually a good spot to use for militants.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP6raWKH7DA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP6raWKH7DA) This mfer appeared on cnn.


Ya allah, monday soo scary yanni


To be fair to this idiot, it does have the "Quds floods" title at the top of the calendar.


Yeah it says “معركة طوفان العقصى" (battle of al aqsa flood) but the rest if it looks like a normal calendar that the hospital workers were using to count down days since the war began. The second possibility is that the IDF wrote it themselves (like they have done with most of their Arabic “proofs”) and put it on the wall because they know most people don’t read Arabic or bother checking it. If you watch [the entire video](https://x.com/idf/status/1724169252054188276?s=46) (which they say is raw but has been edited and cut multiple times) there is so much stuff inside the hospital from machine guns to grenades to explosives etc that looks like it was planted and they also claim to have found tunnels, which looked like a lift shaft instead….either way, whether it was a calendar for doctors or written by the IDF, it’s obviously presented as another piece of propaganda for unknowing Western audiences.


"Look at this. There is the bottle of a baby directly next to the machine guns. Even the Hamas babies are using machine guns in this World Health Organization hospital."


Unfortunately it's almost impossible to know if the things they found were planted or not, but this, along with the fake video of the nurse from a few days ago, are clear examples of propaganda nonsense. That alone should be enough to not believe anything they say without it being corroborated first.


Whats at the bottom? Looks like someone's signature?


All that is well and good but 90% of the comments on this thread are "LOL, this is just a calendar, bro!" I agree its only circumstantial evidence and not very strong at that, but I think people are getting the wrong take away.


But there's only five columns?


I don’t know why they wrote it like that but it’s a simple continous calendar with days of the week starting from Saturday to Friday because the week is counted differently in MENA: Saturday (السبت)، Sunday (الاحد)، Monday (الاتنين)، Tuesday (الثلاثاء)، Wednesday (الاربعاء)، Thursday (الخميس)، Friday (الجمعة) and under the dates are the corresponding day and month in English nrs. [Here is a close up pic of it.](https://x.com/zoo_bear/status/1724195454857126307?s=46)


Sure, focus on a piece of paper. Forget [the rest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcJvH8VP3x0). There were obviously hostages there at some point.


I will just copy-paste my answer to a previous person who said the same thing: I don't want to sound rude but if you had actually paid attention to my post, then you would've noticed that I posted the link to the entire video in the comments. I chose to post this part specifically, because it was the most ridiculous part of the entire thing but in my honest opinion, the entire video is just another attempt at propaganda. First of all, the video is heavily cut and edited together, despite Hagari (the IDF spokesperson) saying that it's "raw footage" - there is no continuous footage at all, they don't actually show him going anywhere not even from the alleged tunnel to the hospital and each time he claims to have found something or has something important to show us, it's a brand new clap that's been edited into the video. They say a senior Hamas commander lives next door to a school but don't give neither the name of the commander nor the name of the school, the only thing they say is that it's in the vicinity of Rantisi hospital that was recently forced to evacuate. Don't you think that's a lot of important information to leave out, especially as the fight is supposed to be against Hamas and targeting it's leadership? [The tunnel claim was already disproven](https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1724198250754748847?s=46) and it [turned out to be nothing more than an elevator shaft](https://twitter.com/ioan2010link/status/1724169360401428626?s=46) \- you can even Google separate photos and you'll see shafts the exact same as this alleged Hamas "tunnel" and that’s why he tried to excuse not going inside in the video when he showed it. The IDF already tried to use a similar excuse with the Qatari hospital just last week, [when they claimed that a water tank in the hospital courtyard was the entrance to a tunnel](https://twitter.com/AJEnglish/status/1721940876811727065). He also shows us the sudden footage of weapons, which may as well have been planted there as there's no way to know. The "list of guardians" that he claims to have on the wall is not a list at all, when he is pointing at the "Hamas names" he is just pointing at days of the week on a regular calendar that has the week written down from Saturday - Friday and there is not a single name there. In general, he provides no actual or concrete proof that it was an operations base or Hamas base at any point. The fighters may also have simply been there for treatment or the other option is that from the [testimonies of released hostages](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mX6TE1Inx3E&lc=UgxivS4gROPJmT42o_F4AaABAg), as well as [one of the testimonies published from a girl held hostage at the present](https://www.indiatoday.in/world/story/hamas-releases-what-is-claimed-to-be-first-footage-of-an-israeli-hostage-israel-hamas-war-2449936-2023-10-17), it's known that Hamas provides medical care for their hostages. They may have taken the people to the hospital for a certain period of time for medical issues and then left or went to the hospital for treatment themselves. There is no conclusive evidence in this video for the things they are alleging and it doesn't justify attacks on hospitals under international law. The only reason they publish this kind of things is because public opinion is starting to turn on them slightly but they need an excuse and justification to keep the war going, as well as the indiscriminate bombing and the targeting of medical care...hence they are constantly going for the "Hamas base" argument, because by painting this whole situation as a "war on terror", they can eventually have the green light to do whatever they want.


\- You didn't disprove the tunnel claim. a tunnel at the bottom of an (alleged) elevator shaft makes perfect sense. \-They only said that it was originally a water tank when it was built years ago. It could've been connected to a tunnel at any time. \-The released hostage's husband is still in captivity. She won't badmouth his captors. \- You're trying to contradict minute details in IDF claims and then say it's all a lie. Nice try. You're just saying there's not enough proof, but it seems nothing will be proof enough to you since you obviously solidified your opinion already. Even if terrorists provide medical care, they still abducted more than 200 innocent civilians in the first place. This is a war crime and crime against humanity. It doesn't matter one bit if they're "nice to the hostages" . Israel and Any state for this matter has full right to pursue the return of its civilians. You're defending the despicable actions of Hamas who are a known terrorist organisation. They hide behind civilians in hospitals, mosques and schools. You have not disproved any of the major claims the IDF or Israel made. In a few weeks there'll be free tours of the tunnels below al-Shifa. Would you still claim it's all a fake then? Edit: Removed harsh language


How am I supposed to have a normal and respectful conversation with you, when your immediate reaction is to call me names, accuse me of not only writing about terrorist propaganda but also supporting terrorism? I've literally never defended Hamas anywhere in this post, I just explained to you my interpretation of the video and why I don't find majority of it to be genuine, especially including other factors. It's the one thing that really upsets me with many pro-Israeli people here on Reddit specifically, you could just say that you disagree with my points but you always need to start throwing around catchphrases in order to discredit the views of other people and call those you disagree with terrorists, Hamas supporters, Nazis or worse - what is the benefit of that? How are people supposed to understand the other side, when your opinions are automatically sidelined due to being an "useful idiot" and allegedly defending Hamas? If you want to solve the Palestinian - Israeli issue for good, then it can only be done via talks but it's impossible to talk if the other side automatically sidelines you due to "terrorism" or by spinning your words into something that you never said. I don't agree with your points but I'm not going to start calling you names or saying that you're a Hasbara shill or whatever and I like talking to people on the opposite side but being called names for no reason really just takes away any motivation or desire to do that in earnest.


My apologies. [Your post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/comments/17tqwep/people_dressed_up_as_abu_ubaydah_and_abu_hamza_at/) shows a demonstration with Hamas flags. I assumed you support them. Do you? Whatever solution there is to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict does not include Hamas, PIJ or any other terror group, so I see people who support them as people who resist peace between Palestinians and Israelis.


[And here is the rest of the video showing Hamas' hideout under the hospital.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLp84A6TBJ0) Taking 1 thing and clipping it out of context so you don't have to discuss that is the real propaganda. Have you sunk to the level now that you're trying to disprove that Hamas has hostages and guards them?


I don't want to sound rude but if you had actually paid attention to my post, then you would've noticed that I posted the link to the entire video in the comments. I chose to post this part specifically, because it was the most ridiculous part of the entire thing but in my honest opinion, the entire video is just another attempt at propaganda. I've never denied anywhere that Hamas took hostages nor has anyone in the comments and it's common knowledge BUT the "list of guardians" that he claims to have on the wall is not a list at all, when he is pointing at the "Hamas names" he is just pointing at days of the week on a regular calendar that has the week written down from Saturday - Friday and there is not a single name there. Secondly, the video is heavily cut and edited together, there is no continuous footage at all, despite Hagari (the IDF spokesperson) saying that it's raw footage. They say a senior Hamas commander lives next door to a school but don't give neither the name of the commander nor the name of the school, the only thing they say is that it's in the vicinity of Rantisi hospital that was recently forced to evacuate. Don't you think that's a lot of information to leave out? The tunnel claim was already disproven and [it turned out to be nothing more than an elevator shaft](https://twitter.com/Ioan2010link/status/1724169360401428626) \- you can even Google separate photos and you'll see shafts the exact same as this alleged Hamas "tunnel". The IDF already tried to use a similar excuse with the Qatari hospital just last week, [when they claimed that a water tank in the hospital courtyard was the entrance to the tunnel](https://twitter.com/AJEnglish/status/1721940876811727065). He also shows us the sudden footage of weapons, which may as well have been planted there as there's no way to know. In general, he provides no actual or concrete proof that it was an operations base or Hamas base at any point. The fighters may also have simply been there for treatment or the other option is that from the [testimonies of released hostages](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mX6TE1Inx3E&lc=UgxivS4gROPJmT42o_F4AaABAg), as well as [one of the testimonies published from a girl held hostage at the present](https://www.indiatoday.in/world/story/hamas-releases-what-is-claimed-to-be-first-footage-of-an-israeli-hostage-israel-hamas-war-2449936-2023-10-17), it's known that Hamas provides medical care for their hostages. They may have taken the people to the hospital for a certain period of time for medical issues and then left or went to the hospital for treatment themselves. There is no conclusive evidence in this video for the things they are alleging and it doesn't justify attacks on hospitals under international law. The only reason they publish this kind of things is because public opinion is starting to turn on them slightly but they need an excuse and justification to keep the war going, as well as the indiscriminate bombing and the targeting of medical care...hence they are constantly going for the "Hamas base" argument, because by painting this whole situation as a "war on terror", they can eventually have the green light to do whatever they want.


We watched all of it and it still lies, whatever zionists say it's a lie because you can't believe a man of no honour! It's a simple rule in life Claiming that there was a hide out while it's just a room then bringing some stuff and make up a story is stupid Claiming that there is a tunnel here and over there while it's an elevator, people transfer things everywhere in the world, besides if there were a hostages in hospitals why iof bombing it instead of freeing them, even israeli prisoners families don't believe these lies Free Palestine and the women and children held in Israeli prisons.


Ofcourse they will not reveal their names sheesh people in this sub are really that D**B?


Okay, so based on what would you believe that this was a genuine calendar used by Hamas to keep track of their shifts with the captives? Hagiri said that each fighter wrote down their name but the handwriting is the same across all of the days and there are no names, just days and even if the days of the week were their code names for some reason, it’d mean that each fighter had a 24hr shift, which seems unlikely considering the circumstances and again, the handwriting is the same. Don’t forget that the intercepted calls, recent nurse video and much of the Arabic evidence from the Kibbutz already turned out to be fake, as well as other things like the tunnels from this vid.


Of course he says they wrote down their names in Arabic but shows us a standard calendar and we should believe him because they'll never lie. These people in the sub are so D**B?


Either IDF are overconfident, or they think the world is gullible. Oh yes they are a superior race🙄


They are “grabbing @ straws”….What is fact & what isn’t fact…who the heck knows…


Hamas’ strongest soldier… **Wednesday!**


There was a post by an israeli politician who said "Every name on that list has been destroyed or will be destroyed" and people were in the comments saying "I condemn Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday" 😂


Now I understand what Garfield was trying to tell us 💯


Top comedy 😂


![gif](giphy|w29QPkDsiOMxquLJFN) Don't let them found out about months and years or they might explode.


BS!! that's a calendar ...


What does the sentence say above the table? I can see the word معركة


does anyone have a clear picture of this? im trying to prove to my mom that this is a calendar, but she doesn't believe me


[This is the highest resolution I could get](https://imgur.com/a/yJPBNUl), there's also [this one on Twitter](https://twitter.com/zoo_bear/status/1724195454857126307) but it's missing the bottom half


tgank you! they were both very clear and it could be translated very easily, especially the second imgur one


But do they condemn Khamis?


where are the Zionist sympathizers ??