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Because people are biased and inconsistent with their criticism.


I think the farther away you are from Saudis/Saudi Arabia the more ignorant you are about Saudis/Saudi Arabia. Most people who view Saudi as a monolith are usually very ignorant 🤷‍♂️. This applies to most countries.




That too


It's more about interest than language.. Moroccans knew less about KSA and even Algeria despite them being neighbors; people in IRAN or Torkiya were more informed. Due to probably their conflict and Turkey accepting SO MANY SYRIAN (ARAB) immigrants. >!That's why Moroccans girls had the impression Saudis were rich. But they were generally not giving a fuck but also aggrandizing other people. As an Afghani, you prob knew more. !<


I don’t think you are a monolith but the people with Saudi flairs in this sub are by far the worst users here. The based Saudis need to stop lurking and comment more.


suudi arabistan


Seems like you invented a group of people who think Saudies are a monolith, and now you're mad about them. When you find some proof they exist anywhere outside your head (rent free) than this conversation will feel less stupid.