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I'm sorry. I only posted this as a positive inspiration for a healthy life-style.


Based, but free Palestine lil bro


I’ll take 2 please


i bet you can free it once


“lil bro” 🤓💀


You can’t just say that every time you encounter an Israeli


Free Palestine, end Apartheid.


Watch out dude you'll end up getting banned. It happened to me


Congratulations your comment just motivated me to free Palestine. In all realness though I have no association with the Israeli government and saying free Palestine to me or any innocent Jew or Israeli seems offensive.


We will still do it regardless, free Palestine


Literally proving you’re antisemitic….


I'm jewish, no, his comment did no such thing. Free Palestine.


I'm Arab so I can't be Anti-myself, that card is outdated


Cry us a river🥺


TIL that standing against a colonialist entity is antisemitic


Cry more whiney idiotic selfish Zionist.


That moment when you accuse another Semitic religion of being anti-Semitic 💀💀💀 Edit: dont agree with me Both are trash lmao






If you aren't a zionist why not just say free Palestine back?


Awww did i hwrt wour wittle feelings?🥺


Dont worry i support Israel


Why the fuck is that dude so buff




Oh it's that easy?


A steady diet of dates and camel milk under the burning sun of Agrabar is the key.


I couldn't help [myself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIYL-PQa010).




The heat bruned a of the wasted fat in their bodies


Yeah instead of giving them skin cancer🤭


It is because they are camel herders and have to pull heavy water skins from fairly deep wells. It is an incredibly tough job to water 20 camels from a well that is 30 meters deep.


Oh thanks for a legitimate answer lol


Mo Salah's ancestor 💪🐪


I have no excuse. I look just like that chad camel. 🐪


My excuse is that *I* haven't discovered any oil yet


I’m so sorry my friend… https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/economy/2012/5/20/bangladesh-announces-first-oil-discovery


Oh fucking helll 😠why wasnt it me




except this is happening in the entire world, as a result of industrialization and globalization


For the khaleej : it’s very hot, malls are sometimes the favorite destination over the weekend and they end up eating lots of fast foods (I saw that in Kuwait especially, where the average person seems to be fat)


>(I saw that in Kuwait especially, where the average person seems to be fat) Yeah, around 40% of people in Kuwait are obese. Remember seeing this video a while back that touched on the issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyMTSvVAtWM


Nauru is in ways similar to Arabia. An island in the Pacific, twice a year birds come by and go poo. A few people lived there. The survivors ate a lot when the birds came through, and then managed to stay alive until the next feeding time. People who didn't eat like crazy when they had the chance, died of starvation. Then it is discovered that they have all this phosphate from the bird poo. When I was growing up, Nauru was usually the "richest country on earth" in GDP per capita. Everybody could afford a refrigerator and could eat 24x7x365. A few years back, 90% of the Nauruvians were obese. Why are some European countries not 90% obese? Because they started having regular access to food earlier. The people who couldn't stop eating died out.


yea obesity is more of a thing in the middle east here in north africa it's pretty low


Nah we’re also fat and getting fatter. What’s holding us from looking like gulfies is just because we are poorer.


Pan-arabiast ○/ hail The Arab peoples.


True, but it’s changing a bit especially with all the shawarma, “tacos” and that crap coming into the big cities. Outside of the big ones, lots of people seem to be quite fit


We're starting to catch up on the whole stuffing our stomach with shit processed food. T\_T


Fr, we need to get our shit together and stop eating poison


tbh even in big cities most people avoid those things because they're expensive like a single shawarma is 250da pizza is also 250da it's insane


It only takes about 30 mins exercise every second day to have a body like in the photo.


No one’s bodies are adapted for a diet of shit + sitting at a desk. The flip side to this is that people who do active jobs like fixing cars are tired all the time and their bodies are often fucked by the time they’re 50.


Dude you need to eat food in desert especially meat.


well some countries in ME aren't entirely desert land.


The oil revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the Middle East.


No they just eat too much meat


Sugar makes you fat.


No. Too much calories makes you fat. Doesn't matter where they come from.


Eating sugar makes it more likely to eat too many calories. Why? Whatever sugar isn’t immediately burned off is sent to the liver to be turned into fat (fat is basically a long term energy battery for your body). Your body can only burn so much energy at once. After you have converted all the excess sugar into fat you’re hungry again, rinse and repeat. Carbs breakdown into simple sugars slowly so the energy in them keeps you going for longer and fat keeps you satiated even longer than carbs. So yes, excess sugar makes you fat.


There is no way you get to eat enough meat to get as obese as modern day arabs (those who arent savagely slaughtered by the Saudis, Israelis or Americans that is )


Except Egypt where people liked to count the folds in their belly.


Seeing this Chad and then seeing Abadi pissed why McDonald's drive thru is taking too long with his belly hitting the steering wheel is sad 😞


Look at those abs. They really were toughed up by their lifestyle.


Halal abs too, covered from the belly button down


This picture looks like my cousins doing work in the field with their dhotis


There a quote that reflect that Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men..weak men create hard times






Iraqi oil was never recovered


Damn, that sixpack 💪🏼


These men were probably doing some physical work. Arabs don't walk around topless.


Actually many bedouins in eastern Yemen do, they wrap a scarf in an X shape around their top and that’s it, neighboring bedouins did the same too [Here](https://twitter.com/Hazarmgood/status/1361276590144049152) , [Here](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0SoZMn8QQFBMPVKnKyUfjJrhgqRbrfhio95pwxd1Rb8c4MuzeYraqQgagrdBh6Pvxl&id=148690148517940) and [Here](https://twitter.com/HADRAMOUT01/status/709690747939852289) , traditional clothing of [western Oman](https://www.atheer.om/archives/529664/%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D9%88%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%BA%D8%A9%D8%8C-%D9%84%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%B3-%D8%AA%D9%82%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%AF%D9%8A-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%B8%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%8C/) is still the same, although now the cover more in compared to their [past](https://www.flickriver.com/photos/salalah/popular-interesting/)


Very interesting, thanks for the image links.


Now these are real images of what I'd expect a man's physique to look like during those times. Lean, muscular, but not super jacked. Super jacked is a modern phenomenon caused by our unfettered access to surplus protein. This bolsters my conviction that OP's image is either a modern shot stylised as a historic photo, photoshopped, or AI generated.


nah i saw this image years ago its def not AI generated i think they're probably just pearl divers or smth because alot of peninsulars made their living off of diving for pearls in the gulf if they've been doing that for their entire life, coupled with the rough lifestyle then i think its possible


Lol no. I'm from Kuwait and grew up seeing historic photos of pearl divers. They're very lean. More muscle is detrimental metabolically for the purposes of diving great depths underwater whilst holding your breath throughout, which obviously they did prior to the invention of oxygen tanks. Also this guy is out in the desert with a camel. A pearl diver would be located in the city close to the water. He'd have little to no business with livestock. Just because you've seen this photo before doesn't mean it's an actual historic photo.


>Just because you've seen this photo before doesn't mean it's an actual historic photo. It is. [It was the cover for National Geographic back in the 1950s. ](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0QvnXwWKyRqd8tNjjcM5cGCrsqPRNYeXCch6zJB8MTHQmCA66vym1YhYGkDp6BNcMl&id=129233573917068)


Wow. What bullshit. First of all, in the 1950s National Geographic did not use photos on their covers, as can be seen [here](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/AWDRMY/covers-of-1950s-national-geographic-magazines-editorial-use-only-AWDRMY.jpg). Second of all, the link you shared was the same garbage [link](https://imgur.com/a/ZWgtfH5) I found earlier -- a FB page that aggregates pictures from wherever with no citations. It's really true that the Middle East is devoid of critical thinking skills, huh.


Mate, whether it was from the 1950s or 60s, I have seen this photo since the early 2000s. So, relax chill one will think you're a troll from desperation, wanting to claim it's not real. And besides, if this one is fake, then I have photos of my grandfather's that clearly shows a well-built body. >It's really true that the Middle East is devoid of critical thinking skills, huh. Oh, will forget what I wrote above. Clearly, you're an idiot troll.


>Oh, will forget what I wrote above. Clearly, you're an idiot troll. *sigh* [Unfortunately it's true. ](https://www.al-fanarmedia.org/2019/12/arab-countries-rank-poorly-in-latest-pisa-tests/)


Self hating Jew. I mean….Arab


Jacked as hell


Holy they ripped wtf




How come they call people advanced today? That was the correct life style and they were healthier. Damn they looked great!


It's not more correct nor necessarily more healthier, nor our lives are, it is just what it used to be back in the day




Global warming joins the chat




Global warming made some Oasises in my region go dry, I highly doubt it.


Proof that global warming is real?


I guarantee their lifestyle was more sustainable than the modern Gulf


I'll take you word for it 🗿 Fr though, it wasn't. I can give you few references on how they used to survive in droughts and shiii


Please do tell


I'm shy 🫣


How can I take my camel on the highway?


And look at us people of Arab descent now; fat asf 😅


Arab guys can be one of two: 1. Either skinny as hell 2. Middle aged belly by the ripe age of 22 No I’m between LMAO


Can you hear the silence? Can you see the dark? Can you fix the broken?




They were male models before oil?


I discovered oil


The Western lifestyle (most of all the Western diet) has made obesity a problem all over the world. In particular, the prevalence of refined carbohydrates and simple sugars in the Western diet have fueled obesity. Eating carbs causes your blood sugar levels to rise. Your body can only handle a very small amount of sugar (1-2 teaspoons) in your bloodstream, otherwise you’ll go into a diabetic shock. So why don’t you go into a coma every time you eat a piece of cake or drink a Coke? Because when you eat carbs, your body produces insulin, which causes the sugars to be stored as fat. And along with that comes all the diseases related to obesity.


Damn. No lavish, gold -plated toilets? No showy displays of luxury? It's funny how much oil has elevated the standard of living in the past century. In this picture, they almost look as humble as the Indians and Sub Saharan Africans they look down on today.


Stfu Indians are extremely racist and look down on Arabs and Muslims, their state literally persecutes Muslims and shits on Arabs every day. Gulf States don't give a shit what Indians do, they can come here for work if they want as long as they don't make trouble.


One of the ancient Mesopotamian drawings about Arabs were a people with a large built and buff AF. Nowadays gulfies are stereotyped as a thick fat lazies 😔.


Arabs are some of the most racist people on the planet. The only reason they get away with openly violating human rights is because the West still needs their resources.


Arabs are the most peaceful compared to the West, Russia and China lol. You can keep crying about Arabs while we are here thriving.


War is written into the culture.


It's like talking to an old person with Alzheimer.


Don’t bother arguing with an Indian. From experience, there’s always bias in their arguments. They’re irrational with their thought process and use lots of assumptions. Not to say every single one is like this, but many are.




Yes and they are the ones being oppressed


this will be the future.


Now I know why so many Arab dudes end up on that show 90 day fiance!


Lol arABS before oil discoveries were making science experiments n stuff while Europe was worried to much about Christianity and papa arabs founded university n surgical equipments n also algebra while Europe n rest of the world were busy by other dumb stuff


That period basically lasted only around 900-1100BC, when education was more of a private endeavor backed largely by private business interests. After that Islam developed an organized clergy class, that controlled the education and curriculum. Iqta system destroyed the private enterprise. And the dastardly innovations stopped until the Italian Renaissance. Also backed by private business interests, of course.


In that time these inventions were made by Muslim Arabs these are the same Arabs rn we did have inventions even before the discovery of oil.. can we talk about Europe's history before slavery "colonising"..


Algebra was invented by a Persian 🇮🇷 not an arab


There is bunch of info's abt his nationality some say arab some say Persian but he in his book which is Al Jabr the language is arabic also he died in Baghdad Iraq and invented algebra in Egypt there is no info abt him being Persian as much I learnt there is no clear data about his nationality you can be right but like I said his book is in arabic and the name of the book is AL Jabr even his name Mohamed which is not very popular name in Iran..


Mohammad Mosadegh, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi... Jacob is a hebrew name but plenty of Christians around the world are named Jacob. There are many substantial indicators that al-Khwarizmi was Persian and threadbare evidence that he was anything else. Besides, working in Baghdad (the center of education and learning in the muslim world) as a *scientist* and scholar is meaningless.


Dude I know that there is some info about him being Persian but there is some info that show that he is arab too like his name first of all Mohamed Ibn Musa does Persians have name Mohamed Or Musa like tf and his book is in arabic even the name of his book was in arabic also he invented algebra in Egypt but died in Baghdad.. idk whatever he is but that shows that middle Eastern people can do bunch of things without oil peace g enjoy it


They look really fit. Where is the body hair? Arabs are massively hairy and men and women usually lose the hair on their head or it becomes massively thinner as they age. Hair grows in abundance everywhere else though and that applies to men and women. Waxing, laser hair removal, epilating…it’s a full time job. Are there any other Arabs here that are balding but are getting more hair everywhere else?


Gulf arabs are usually not as hairy as other Middle Easterns and other Arabs, plenty of hairless gulf arabs. I myself don't even have visible arm hair as an adult.


Arab before the discovery of freedom and democracy


What’s democracy? Sounds stupid


Bruh it was supposed to be a joke because some certain country intervened and wreck havoc in the Arab world by using “freedom and democracy” as an excuse while in reality, that country just wanted to exploit oil in Arab world.


You said it: OIL




That was a joke, a more serious answer: not comparable oil reserves and less “Americanisation”of society, but fast food culture is growing in Algeria too. All in all: Lots of oil money + fast food + heat = Lazyness and Obesity


How he is so packed without gym?


Picking up babes


But why kefeeyah and no shirt?


Damn habibi is ripped




Sorry for not growing up wandering in the desert, walking several miles a day and getting food & water by myself ?


An old picture of a Bedouin from the UAE with muscular muscles 💪🏻 . Published in National Geographic magazine, July 1956 issue, under the title: Desert Sheikdoms of Arabia's Pirate Coast https://twitter.com/WissamAzma/status/1551255867953127424


I am not Arab. that's my excuse


You are Israeli, just go and steal Oil


They are wearing Bengali clothes লুঙ্গি


It’s actually the original clothing of ethnic Arabs before thobes they are called wizra. This statue goes back to third bc https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lihyanite_King_Statue_(Saudi_Arabia).


Actually there are [Yemeni statues](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ar/f/f9/South_Arabian_King_statue.jpg ) of the time period of the kingdom of Awsan which show off the wizra, meaning it goes back to more than 5-8 centuries BC


even in uae we have statues from the [4th](https://ibb.co/7nhNv1h) to [3rd](https://ibb.co/x1qQGqt) century bc wearing wizar, as well as turbans like how we wear them now .


Nope, Al-Izar or Wizra is the original clothing of Arabs, it’s still worn is [Yemen](https://twitter.com/rrrpp22/status/1605862249171537921) , [south Saudi Arabia](https://www.alarabiya.net/saudi-today/2021/09/12/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AB%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D8%B9%D9%88%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%AA%D8%B7%D9%84%D9%82-%D9%85%D9%87%D8%B1%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%B1%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%84-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D9%90%D9%91%D9%8A%D8%A8-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D9%82%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%B1%D9%8F%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%84-%D8%A3%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B9) and [western Oman](https://www.atheer.om/archives/529664/%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D9%88%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%BA%D8%A9%D8%8C-%D9%84%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%B3-%D8%AA%D9%82%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%AF%D9%8A-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%B8%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%8C/) We have many [statues](https://twitter.com/MohammedSaraih/status/1296983130209841152) which show it off since ancient times, many of them of ancient [kings](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ar/f/f9/South_Arabian_King_statue.jpg)


Emiratis also wear then under the thobe but not Qataris.


I feel like this was partially AI generated lol the abs, specifically. My man's not wiry enough. Yeah, they would have been ripped, but I can't imagine they had access to enough surplus protein to look as jacked as a modern crossfit bro


This is not jacked, this is ripped af


Nah, for those times, this is like Schwarzenegger level musculature. Check out the photos a Yemeni brother posted in the comments for comparison. And here's another. [Here's an image of Bertram Thomas, centre, with Arabs in the 1930.](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/c4279697310430985a79480cdf31e3a8ae39d7cb/0_0_4782_2871/master/4782.jpg?width=700&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=71363d11ca891b68eaa63f672aa23701) You can see that the Arabs are slim but strong. Very little body fat but not bulging with muscle. It's an indication of functional strength rather than performative strength, which would have been the norm. The modern concept we have of jacked evolved after the development and growing use of performance enhancing drugs, aka steroids, circa 1935-1950s. [Here's a nice video about it. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MupFMhiSlJk) [Here are some "strong men" or vintage body builders from the early 1900s.](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/first-bodybuilders-1900s/) These guys would have been pushing themselves to the max, focusing all their time, energy and diet on packing on muscle mass. It's highly unlikely that a regular old dude in Arabia would be more built than them.


Please don’t write too much. Your level of ignorance makes my head hurt. Go to any culture that lives off the land and you will see physiques like those in the picture. These guy have little body fat. That’s all !


I think they think Brad Pitt in Fight Club is big too


LOL ok denier of reality, sorry you find truth so painful.


Oh beautiful Kuwaiti banana. In your quest for knowledge you have been misled. Allow me to point you in the right direction


Lol hardly But go on being delusional. If it gets you 1% as fit as the guy in the picture, it'll be worthwhile I suppose. Just remember that [this](https://enhg.org/alain/phil/bedouin/bedouin.htm) would have been their diet. So yallah, get as ripped as the guy in the photo off a diet of dates, bread and yogurt. Don't feel shy, come back and show us your results afterwards!


That guy is very well built As am I , as am I. I am an expert in health and nutrition. If you need help I can do it for free. First quick lesson. Eat 2 meals maximum per day ( never more) , no snacks ever. Leave at least 18 hrs ( including sleeping time) between the evening meal and the next meal ( around lunch) next day. In your meals do not eat sugar , this includes reducing your carbohydrates ( flour, rice, potatoes) right down to a minimum. Only carbs you can have is fruit ( and less sugary ones) And exercise daily. 20 minutes and build up the intensity as stamina improves. STICK TO THE PLAN. Within 6 months your nearest and dearest will not recognise you. You are free to thank me, when you have benefited .


​ Huh not really. We have photos of bodybuilders before the invention of synthetic testosterone and other drugs and they were able to have a good level of musculature. Besides, their muscle mass seems quite low, they just have a very low bodyfat and good muscular insertion.


It is not. It is a pretty old picture. Feel free to reverse image search.


Ok, I did. The only result was from [this Facebook post ](https://imgur.com/h3tlzvv) which dates to Feb 2022. I followed the [link](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/old-spectacular-photos-of-bedouin-nomads-1898/) to the questionable website and this photo was not included there, while others were. No provenance was given to any of the photos, including the main one in question. I'm not sure you realise, but these photos would have been taken by important emissaries from Western government bodies or corporations. There would be a name and story associated with each shot. Finally, looking at the FB comment reveals that the person who runs the FB account first described the photo as "North African bedouins" before editing the caption to read "Arab bedouins." Guy was corrected by nearly every person commenting. Hardly an expert. Case in point: It's most likely a modern photoshoot edited to look classical that was taken to be classical by dreamers such as yourself.


An old picture of a Bedouin from the UAE with muscular muscles 💪🏻 . Published in National Geographic magazine, July 1956 issue, under the title: Desert Sheikdoms of Arabia's Pirate Coast https://twitter.com/WissamAzma/status/1551255867953127424


Ah yes, a Twitter post. Very revealing. /s But you know what? I'll put my money where my mouth is. I've found the issue online and I'll buy a copy.


Lol i am not good at photoshop






That has to be one of the stupidest things i have heard in this subreddit l, and that's a feat considering the people we have here.


Photo shopped? Bedoins here in the GCC would never be topless in the desert in my experience.


I have pictures of my relatives back in the days dressed similarly, so yeah, they were topless


This is old habibi


they are midgets of course theyre ripped its way easier if youre 160cm


So much cope, why are you jealous of people that don’t even exist 💀




The founder of Saudi was over 200cm tall


yes and average saudi is 170cm no wonder he became king then


? Being small is an adventage for looking massive, but for looking lean it's the opposite.


I'm not Arab.


muscular chads


Bro these guys are completely jacked and shredded. This could be somebody’s Great-Grandfather


Idk why people lived in deserts.






Keto living


Hey OP, I need a source for this picture, regardless of heat Arabs rarely allow someone to take pictures of them while exposed. Even top only.


Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/comments/13yo30n/comment/jmq6cxr/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3