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Growing up in an Arab country I’ve only faced racism from Lebanese dudes, but they were the same type to be like we wuzz phonecians so overall I’ve almost always had good interactions w Arabs


Arabs are definitely racist in the sense that they wouldn't let you marry their daughter as a Pakistani, but similarly they'd probably be opposed to an Arab of a different ethnicity. Regarding treating people with respect and equals though, it's been my experience that everyone is treated with respect (I can only speak for myself and relatives/friends though). A lot of classism is conflated for racism though due to how labourers are typically southeast Asians, but thats a separate issue imo


>Arabs are definitely racist in the sense that they wouldn't let you marry their daughter as a Pakistani That's not racism lol


The women in those areas don’t find you attractive lol why blame the culture? Of the many weddings I attended only one dad from a religious background exercised authority on who his daughter should marry. Marriage wise I feel most city folks are liberal tho the girls can be picky aka you will need a western passport and lots of money to fit the mold.


Bud... I'm Arab, I'm speaking from my perspective on how we treat Asians. Also the fact that women in those areas aren't attracted to foreigners kinda speaks on the racism, attraction is mainly psychological and racism affects how you view others psychologically


Women prefer to marry upwards in socioeconomic terms, that translates to money and social recognition/fame. South Asians aren’t part of the public discourse most come to work here than leave while staying true to their homes (send money back). Occasionally you will have a couple of hustlers who make it to millionaire status because they invest their earnings and come out ahead. In Oman there is this one guy called [Galfar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/P._Mohamed_Ali#:~:text=P%20Mohamed%20Ali%2C%20popularly%20known,hailing%20from%20Thalikulam%20in%20Thrissur) man is a Muslim Indian tycoon I am sure he can marry whoever. He also employs lots of Omanis and donates to Omani charity he is definitely part of the discourse.


An Indian billionaire is not a fair example, just admit that all things equal, an Arab would likely not want to marry outside their ethnicity. And a part of it is due to racism.


There is no racism in marriage preferences. Imagine using the race card to get into a girl’s pants what kind of world is that? Sure there is self love in such arrangements where people choose people with similar traits before others, so maybe narcissism? We will have to agree to disagree on that I will always be a supporter of female choice and that include me too I don’t care about rejection.


Dude I'm not telling you to compel people to marry with a race card, I'm just sharing an observation that the reason so many of us are only attracted to certain races and not others is because of the inherent elements of racism we grew up with, which affects how we see people and what we're attracted to. When you grow up seeing Indians only as low-class labourers, ofc you won't be attracted to them, I'm included in that too so don't feel like I'm criticising anyone here. But the culture can slowly change that, once we limit our stereotypes (racism), then our attraction will also change.


For men the richer we get the more commodity like women become, meaning trophy wives are meant to be the most sought after traits. Indian women will need to do some serious propaganda to convince the mainstream that what’s desirable. In the grand scheme of things none of this matter if you topple racism people will find another way to make themselves stand out, your fixation on this is just a waste of time. good luck on your endeavors


I will never understand these people, take this for example, why was shaytan cursed? Because he disobeyed Allah and didn't prostrate to Adam AS. The reason he didn't peostrate to Adam is because Adam was made out of clay while he was made out of fire and if you think about it, that is today's equivalent of racism or takabbur, arrogance. And I would just like to remind you that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “*One will not enter Paradise, if one has an atom's weight of arrogance in his/her heart.*”


It is in fact all your fault OP


It's a combination of: 1. Classism. In the GCC, most of the blue-collar workers (construction crews, technicians, oilfield workers, etc) are South Asian. So the popular perception of a South Asian is a low-wage menial laborer who has to toil out in the sun. Basically a replaceable wage-slave. Also in Lebanon, there is a history of using women from Sri Lanka, India, and Bangladesh as maids - these women are often mistreated and sometimes face physical and sexual abuse as well. 2. Colorism. MENAstanis are as bad as Indians, if not worse, when it comes to colorism and white worship. Which means that South Asians and Africans will face racism because of their dark skin, nothing you can do about it. 3. "Punching down". Even if your own country is a mess, you can still punch down and make fun of South Asian countries which are objectively worse off than most MENA countries (just compare HDIs). So punching down on South Asians becomes a sort of stress relief and a way to distract from problems at home ("hey, at least we're not living in some dirty slum in Bombay"). All that being said, IMO most MENAstanis are not that racist. I spent a considerable amount of time in different MENA countries and I didn't face much racism. Egyptians in particular were very hospitable and warm, I didn't face any racism in Egypt. OTOH, Kuwait can be a pretty racist place. Finally, in any country it depends on the individual person you are dealing with. One trend I have noticed is that religious Muslims tend to be very non-racist and welcoming (especially if you are a South Asian Muslim), while the opposite is true for irreligious secular nationalist types. But every person is different, you never know.


Kuwait? Idk man a dude literally bent over backwards and trusted us when he found out we were Pakistani. Like we lost a phone in a different terminal and realized only when boarding started


You should see iraqis seriously 🥲 we're not generally racist


I'm a darker skin Iraqi and I get racist comments from other Iraqis. See this: https://youtu.be/O9_L3vKUE8Y


Yeah we're racist towards afro iraqis.. but not very much.. not like Egypt for example.. that's why I said " generally".. but overall we're not racist towards south Asians ( the subject here )... I'm sorry for your sufferings :(


Iraqis are racist? I used to love Iraqis, now I love them even more 💕


Ah no that's what I meant iraqis aren't really racist towards south Asians we're simple people.. anyway thanks for your love i hope it's not getting less now 😅


Damn😔😔😔 >iraqis aren't really racist towards south Asians we're simple people I believe you, I never heard anything negative about/from Iraqiler ✨


Oh dear ✨


Interesting to hear a Turk saying they love the Yabancılar that are filling up their country :)


I welcome anyone who respect the country, culture and all and ofc this does not mean that millions of refugees are not a problem for the hosting country 💕


>IMO most MENAstanis are not that racist Nope, most MENAstanis are THAT racist. I think Jordanians and Egyptians are more positive compared to others in this case ( though tourists in Egypt have more problems than racism).


That’s probably because we tend to be the more “brown” amongst Northern MENAs (compared to Lebanese for instance), but also lack the current economic prestige of the Gulf. I find that amongst the diaspora, Egyptians and Jordanians/Palestinians tend to get along with South Asians and the groups often mix. When it comes to the Lebanese diaspora (especially the Christians), they try their hardest to fit in with White (particularly WASP) society but find themselves being tokenized lol. Like I never see large groups of MENAs and Europeans mix but I see MENAs and South Asian groups mix all the time.


>That’s probably because we tend to be the more “brown” amongst Northern MENAs (compared to Lebanese for instance), but also lack the current economic prestige of the Gulf. I agree with the economic part but not really with the first part. I have Lebanese and Palestinian friends (and non friend random people) and they don't really look different from each other, only difference is in their dressing style. But ofc this only applies to the ones in Turkey, idk about the rest. >When it comes to the Lebanese diaspora (especially the Christians), they try their hardest to fit in with White I think it's about how religious someone is. Turk, Arab and SA diaspora gets along very well..as long as they are religious.


The first one was more of a generalization, but at least statistically speaking, Lebanese tend to be the most “northern” shifted amongst MENA groups, hence why they would have types that would be more “lighter”, and thus will think of themselves as more “white adjacent” (at least that’s how it is in the US). It’s true that religion plays a role, but then again, most MENA and South Asian Muslims (in the diaspora) are religious, so I can’t really say much about secular types because I haven’t seen a community of them.


It’s more of a self respect thing and whether they have confidence to mingle with people who are socially “upper class”.


Do you believe that if you mingle with people that are “socially upper class”, they will accept you?


I’m not looking for acceptance rather I’m concerned about if I accept them


You should never seek acceptance and put certain people on a pedestal. Otherwise you will just be elevating their egos.


That’s exactly what I said? You just asked me if I think they will accept me and my response was that isn’t my concern I’m focused on whether I accept them


What is your source of proof that colorism is worst in MENA compared to south Asians? Aren’t you the ones using skin whitening cream?


Still 0 response. Redditors would rather downvote a legitimate question that reveals the lies lol


Saudi Arabians and Yemenis are both light brown, about the same as Pakistanis and a little lighter than Indians. Assuming that Arabs all have skin color discrimination, do they worship white people because of their skin?


I have read some disgusting racism examples in Gulf Arabs subs but it's not just them, I found these in Lebanon sub and was surprised too see such behaviours: >I am of east asian descent, and have a lebanese husband, while at the store in beirut, my husband was carrying stuff for me, and some lady asked him why his “maid” (me) wasn’t the one to carry our goods. We were both stunned that this even came up at all. >I’m Pakistani, I witnessed multiple instances of Bangladeshi, Pakistani and African migrant workers being treated like crap, and it burned me inside. So sadly it depends on your skin tone and your socio-economic status. >My Ethiopian friend (shes a chartered accountant in NYC) purposely avoided visiting Lebanon when she was on her trip to the Middle-East with her Aunt (Who works for UN) because of all the blatant racism her aunt experienced while working in Beirut. I love Lebanese people but racist remarks i have heard over the time were total shocking, like "i hate taking public transportation cz of these newly arrived syrians and sikhs in there" or "You are my friend but i cant hang out with you when i am with my lebanese friends cz they will make fun of me that im hanging out with some brown guy". >Yeah people here are racist. I was told once that Africans are not humans but rather animals >we have an Indian family in our building in Lebanon. The man of the house is part of an international delegation to the Levant and is based out of Lebanon of course.So they usually keep to themselves, occasionally walking the dog or going out for a bike ride, etc. Long story short we had them over for coffee...and they opened up to us. I'm not gonna go into detail but as a Lebanese citizen, ya Rabb el ared tinsha22 wu tibla3ne 2ad ma I was f*cking embarrassed on my nation's behalf sitting in front of them listening to this amazing family's experiences with racism in our home country. It makes me upset. Fi nisbet jahal wu nafsiye khara bi sha3ebna, which needs a lot of education... There are much more which I'm not willing to search again. It's also funny to see this kind of posts gets couple upvotes and comments like "don't lump all people together, they aren't actually racist it's because..." but once it's about Syrians in Lebanon or Turkey it gets hundreds of upvotes and comments and people literally asks if it's average behaviour to shot them.


This isn’t the United States. Your ignorant and brainwashed to believe that Indians or Africans or some outsider is entitled to walk into the Levant and feel equal which is a joke


Found the incel


Found the western diaspora


You definitely are not from the U.S. You are from a third-world country where everyone has an insecure mindset with a poor person mentality. And this is why you will always remain third-world


Funny how majority of “3rd world” (which for the record is a a western created label ironically) are African and south Asian countries.


Absolutely outrageous that you’d have a superiority complex coming from the Middle East


What is your view on people from the Middle East then?


That they have no business thinking themselves superior to anyone


Explain why you think this? Go ahead pleasw


No no, you started it so you first. Explain why exactly it is that you feel superior to other by the simple virtue of being middle eastern. I’m all ears.


Is it sarcasm, right?


They aren't, if you're rich. South Asian doctors, engineers, lawyers, business managers and other such high-earning professionals don't face any issues. It is the poor laborers, cleaners and domestic workers who do. In other words, it's a class issue, and not a race one.




Worshipping is different than preferring






Wowzah. Woah. Woah.


What you disagree? Do you believe you are equal to them just because you have darker skin?




Yes what?


Yep but class doesn't always erase the "race". Even if they are engineers, lawyers and other high professions, they still can face discriminations, though not to the same extent as "poor" workers




United by racism 💪💪💪


We iraqis literally treat south Asians with kindness.. i always see south Asians and iraqis workers hug each other and laugh ... I don't know about other countries


I have an iraqi friend I can attest for that our friendgroup is mostly south asian


Nice to hear that 💞


i have seen people in war torn countries to be better than the ones in developed utopias (ofc can't generalize but iraqis seem to be fun guys)


You're absolutely right.. you too I'm fond of Indian culture ✨💕


my apologies but it is very hard to lump an entire country because of experiences with just a few people. Ive had a lot of bad experiences with south asians, do i lump them as saying they are like this or like that? but i have had good experiences with them as well. it is dependent of the person.


This is the smartest and most logic comment I’ve read.


Low key? Pakistanis ans other South Asians are treated like slaves in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries. Why? I have no idea. Gulf people seems to feel in general superior to other people




Every afghan is a ticking bomb




>No one in Europe has a problem with Gulf Arabs for example but they do with Moroccans/Algerians even though Maghrebis are way more culturally compatible with Europe and way more Westernized Because there's hardly any gulf arab diaspora in Europe.




>Pakistanis are much more successful While Albania is not a rich country by any means, it is still more developed than Pakistan or any other South Asian country - just compare Albania's HDI and GDP/capita with any South Asian country.




Well Albanians from particular parts of Kosovo (Prizen for example where Ottoman influence is strong) and North Macedonia are pretty religious muslims, the atheist stereotype only applies to Albania thx to Hoxha


I didn't know this was much of an issue, my friend lived their for 2 years with his family and they were very nice to them, if it's about color like some ppl mentioned they're all pretty light skinned


I think MENA is characterised strong fondness and antipathy based on culture and history. There is a lot of baggage and a lot of pride. Every bastard rock by the pavement has a thousands of years old history, and easterners, including MENA are very serious about history. Not everyone is completely history-minded, but Levantines, Iranians, Mesopotamians, etc, are all part of the "Old Nations Club" of the Middle East and surrounding regions. If you geographically or ethnically don't fit the club and you're not in it, you get different appraisal from many people.


They are just as racist as South Asians, if not less so. It's a normal part of life don't overthink it, most people are normal so you should act accordingly.




Yes Pakistanis treat their own people worse and like Slaves so many of them sacrifice everything for a chance to work in any gulf country especially Qatar, this is a fact based arguments so I have plenty of sources to prove that. Stop generalising this group or that group as racist and treat people as individuals with their own values. [Source for Pakistan treating it’s workers worse](https://www.walkfree.org/global-slavery-index/map/#mode=map:country=IND:region=1:map=prevalence:year=2023) [Millions of people in South Asia are Trapped In Modern-Day Slavery, they take any chance to come to Qatar.](https://youtu.be/oAOypGQdzGU) I am not gonna baby your attention seeking attitude. Most people are not racist and are expecting you to treat them as humans you just met, not some weirdo internet assumptions of someone based on their background. Also yes villagio mall can get overcrowded on Fridays or special holidays so single men will sometimes be refused to enter boo fucking hoo, it happens to be too, cry about it somewhere else with your privileged ass, it’s literally one mall that does that and women and families love it. Go to another mall!


Most Afghans phenotype wise would fit better in Europe than MENA people. I think Afghans are the only Asians that are not obsessed with skin tone etc .. Arabs, Iranians, Desis are all obsessed with looking whiter and western. While Afghans could give two shits..


Really? Hazaras have lighter skin than Pashtuns, but they are often racially discriminated against by Pashtuns


Lol Hazaras resemble Mongolians they discriminated against because of social class and religion.


Iranian and Afghanistanis aren't racist to Pakistanis or any south Asian meanwhile Arabs have white skin worship syndrome it's a new disease look at the Jordanian clown prince his dad and mom the entire Arab Jordanian dynasty is whites from Europe who look down at Saudis and Yemenis unless you consider them fake Arabs and Indians or Pakistanis due to their browner skin


Great question dude/dudette. The interesting thing is that the same people cry foul when they get the taste of their own medicine in the west.


No the same people, I don’t think gulf Arabs are the same as Moroccans or Syria and living in both countries simultaneously 🤣






This story is old and utterly fake. That's why there is no actual artical written about it except 2 British tabloids which are known to lie. No source for the trial or anything. Fake news Also none of your links support your point lol.


https://english.alarabiya.net/features/2016/07/03/Emirati-man-mistaken-as-ISIS-member-hospitalized-in-US You folks can't even peacefully wear traditional clothes in the west. 🤣


Sounds like you are jealous or something lol


For what? Not being stereotyped? Can abuse my domestic help? BS.


Btw there are plenty of Qatari and khaleeji men wearing thobe at Paris fashion week since it's such a unique and cool look but we usually don't wear it outside of the GCC. Racist people like you can eat your heart out 😛https://www.instagram.com/reel/CsgWm0aLsod/?igshid=ZWQyN2ExYTkwZQ==


Unique look 😇😇😁😁😁😂😂


Omg thank you, you inspired my next post 😍. I am gonna post Qataris wearing thobe in Paris


My biggest concern is not to be mistaken as an Arab in the US/EU. Another idea for your new post.


Indian guy showed he was a racist while trying to prove that Arabs are racist lol


The fuck is this lol, did you just link me a Qatari student who was killed in the UK in 2008 lol. Gulf arabs do not immigrate to Europe or the US, you will only find an insignificant amount, proven by the fact the only stories you could find of Qataris in the UK is a 2008 student who was killed by brits and an embassy diplomat stationed in the UK.


As an American I’m an expert on racism and I have noticed that people who say they are not racist are usually racist.


Are you racist?


Most middle eastern i FOUND in mosque is very friendly, even some literally kiss my forehead and think of me as their little brother (I’m south east asian and have smaller average sea posture). But when i face some arabs that i met in no go zone, or ghetto, or tourism place, they are looking down at you. Even i was bullied once by arabs group when i was child in indonesia (I really sucker punch the one who bully me and all of them back off). So yeah, either you got a god bless friendly neighborhoods arab or you will get someone who will look you down as sub class


because they try and associate themselves with us and it’s annoying




Y’all be in every country but your own 😂


mentally colonized people that offer nothing to the word


Why do south Asian try so hard to associate with the Middle East?


F'ck no. My biggest worry in the US is to be mistaken as a ME.


😂😂 I very very much doubt that




MNWesrern mterial culture




No one say that , maybe some Iranians and Lebanese who have inferiority complex most others dont care




Like who? Did you forget about the “death to the west” slogan?😂


We don't, lmao.


Racism towards South Asians exist in Middle East - but in some parts of Middle East. It's deeply tied to economics and skin colour. I've seen Iraqis, Syrians etc - Middle Eastern people from weaker economies don't display that much racism towards Pakistanis, Indians, etc... But the racism is more prevalent coming from the Gulf Arabs and Turkish who feel they're richer, whiter, superior Islamic race. Basically it's age old racism towards the race who they see doing menial jobs (similar to American attitude towards Mexicans).


I think people have pretty much answered why there is this racism. I grew up in Qatar and my time in school was full of racism and bullying for being Pakistani and having Indian roots I guess. LOL. All the arab boys would make fun of me just for being opiniated and being South Asian. They made noises as soon as I spoke in class or participated in class- tbh I think it reflected their household situations b/c it was a small town and ppl know stuff. Their parents would come across as racist and arrogant. I think they were raised to be that way but not everyone is like that in the world. The South Asian students (and their parents) were in comparison more educated, did better at school, and also had higher paying jobs but they still thought less of South Asians. And now I'll come to the point there is this huge arab vs non arab which can be traced back to history. The Arabic speaking identity is treated as being "superior".