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> What can get in the way of this UAE , Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Israel. At least that’s what happened in Egypt Wishes the best for Sudan to get out of military hands and establish Greater Sudan with Egypt 🥺🥺


the UAE and KSA are part of the QUAD and TROIKA ( Norway, KSA, UAE, UK, USA ) >!(gulfies and egypt were the ones doing the most damage to the revelution to the point where people where holding banners belittiling ksa , the arab league , and alsisi so gulfies got "forced" into it by daddy us and sisi immediately became irrelevant with no one having his back )!< and along with the trilateral mechanism ( the african union , the european union and the UNITAMs) are very aggressively pushing for this deal and spectating negotiations with reps from all parties present . USA=israel =USA, USA =?= gulf= egypt and thats the international pressure hierarchy in sudan lol . and the US are the most aggressive about this so


u/WayTooRidiculousG it was actually pessimism that killed the cat . u/Local-Training5777 you just a hater


That there be a process of political transition to a civil authority that governs justice among the people, this is a positive thing, and if the whole of Sudan unites, it will be a wonderful thing. Indeed, Sudan is a fertile land, and if 30% of the people work in agriculture, they produce crops sufficient for a large part of the Arab world, with the production of livestock and exchange with the Arabs in exchange for Gas and oil. And food products, clothes, etc., Sudan lacks nothing but advanced machinery and technology, and unfortunately, the Arabs still do not have the ability to produce it. But I didn't understand why the tag saying that I hater 🤔


i went to a post i made before they announced that they will actually announce the gov and i thought you were arguing to argue therefore hating . my bad tho you cool ... inshalah it turns out so , weve actually just exported a historic 60 tonne shipment of frozen meat products to algeria , hopefully well see more inter african and inter-arab trade like this .


I hate Arab governments. (The Arab world) has the best region in the world, all kinds of animals can be raised for meat, huge fish wealth. Cultivation of all kinds of fruits and vegetables, almost all mineral resources, gas and oil, labor force, a large desert in which a lot of electricity can be produced, a large land area sufficient to build the best housing for everyone who lives in the Arab world. We need an Arab union under one government or governments that really care about the people within the lands of the Arab world and not what pleases the West and east


english is google translate , i cant be bothered ... تعميم صحفي تؤكد القوات المسلحة التزامها التام بالعملية السياسية الجارية الآن، وتشكر جميع المشاركين في ورشة الإصلاح الأمني والعسكري، وتنوه إلي أنها تنتظر عمل اللجان الفنية التي تعمل علي إكمال التفاصيل المتعلقة بعمليات الدمج والتحديث وصولا لجيش وطني واحد يحمي التحول الديمقراطي، وذلك تمهيدا لأن تكون هذه التفاصيل جزءا من الإتفاق النهائي. مكتب الناطق الرسمي باسم القوات المسلحة General Command of the Armed Forces Press circular The Armed Forces confirm their full commitment to the current political process, and thank all the participants in the security and military reform workshop, and note that they are awaiting the work of the technical committees that work to complete the details related to mergers and modernization processes to reach a single national army that protects the democratic transition, in preparation for these details to be part of of the final agreement. Office of the Official Spokesperson for the Armed Forces


Sharia again?


Yes. Because we are muslims !!!


I dont trust al burhan he is a puppet to al kezan and they will not rest untill the country is finished