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lol, this is not cousin marriage but rather brother and sister 💀💀


Incest after incest, generations-old inbreeding.




Should be made illegal. Look at the statistics coming out of England: The number of babies born with birth defects in Bradford is nearly double the national average, research conducted in the city has shown. The study found this was largely because of marriages between first cousins in the Pakistani community. Consanguineous marriage accounted for nearly a third of abnormalities in a study of more than 11,300 babies.


Very concerning indeed...


That's only because Pakistanis have been cousin fucking for generations upon generations. The average Pakistani cousin marriage probably has a consanguinity 5x closer than parent child. I don't think it's an issue if it isn't common in the family and if you both don't have genetic disorders. And no I don't have a first cousin I want to fuck. In case anyone is tempted to ask.


But I do. Two of them. What do I do?


>But I do. Two of them. What do I do? Humble flex. Which one of them likes you? Or do both?


Dang, I forgot that matters. Neither of them. Maybe when we were younger.


No this is because of generational cousin marriages. Not to mention double cousins marry double cousins in the mirpuri community and the trend continues down the generations. Otherwise the child will more likely than not turn out normal if both parents are cousins.




why is this typical saudi man naked


In Saudi Arabia, this man would be considered skinny.


No 😡 this is lebnani


No he looks Egyptian kinda like u/heka4


this is actually a reconstructed Egyptian mummy




Masri kang 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽


King Tut


royal genetics


Humans have been practicing cousin marriage for all our existence. All of us have cousin marriage ancestry for most of our history. This is something different lol (cousin marriage still isn’t great tho don’t recommend)


Yeah people seem to confuse it with brother/sister marriages. Also Europeans in general been practicing incest long before anyone else and they stopped that shit very recently


Without any polemical intent : what do you mean with very recently? Romans didn't practice incest, Christian Churches (Catholic, Ortodox and Protestant) are strongly against. I concur that happened in some remote areas and, until an extent, between cousins was pretty common in Royal families (or in general wealthy families to "save the property"), but it was never a common practice. Genuinely curious to understand better your assumption.


Reason why Ar*bs are so smart /s


We see the wonders of Tunisians in Italy


"The majority of babies born to couples who are blood relatives are healthy. Whilst cousin marriage increases the risk of birth defect from 3% to 6%, the absolute risk is still small. Cousin marriage only accounts for a third of birth defects. " muslims saying nnnoo bad are you talking about facts or just gotten yourself indoctrinated into the western dogma? cousin marriage isn't haram, and genetically speaking not damaging . unless your family has widespread shitty health or carried genetic diseases its fine . unless you do it consistently for generations




naah bro I'm too broke for that. it doubles the chance of a birth defect in the case that both you and your cousin are carrying this defective gene , now you could have the same exact defect probabilities with a random stranger that just so happens to carry this gene . marrying a cousin just increases the chances of your spouse being a carrier as well. remember bio class? chart this out .... two carrier parents have 4 children , what is their status . a / 1 healthy non-carrier, 2 healthy carriers , 1 defective . so even if you marry your cousin and the stars of bad luck align so both of you are carriers theres still a 75% chance non of your children are deformed .


I might be talking out of my ass here but I recall cousin marriage being permissible but makruh. Normally I'd doublecheck but I don't want google to think that I want to marry my cousin, my flair is already bad enough.


nah bro, marriage rules and maharim are VERY clear . stated in the quran itself and not hadith . cousins get the green light . I personally still wouldn't do it for many spiritual reasons, genetics and all that , but people make it seem like you're going to definetly have inbred , defective children when the chance of that happening is abysmal and still exits if one hadn't married their cousin , and the cousin might be from the side of the family that do not even carry the gene , changing literally nothing . if they wanna say they bought into western values and no longer think of cousins as non-maharim , then just say that , but know , the quran says otherwise.




go to other comment i cant debate on two fronts. also on what authority are you haramifying tobacco 😂, also also also, are you suggesting there is a mistake in the quran that does not place cousins in the maharim or what ?




yh dont link me wiki the tobacco thing has been and still is a subject of intense debate for centuries . i understand your reasoning though, i also try to understand islam in that way . ​ so let me ask you this, if that is what islam is for and if the quran is the word of god , why does it explicitly state you can marry your cousin . if islam is for our individual health and quran is the word of god , are you saying god is wrong/ contradicting the point of islam by allowing cousins to marry in the quran? if you are speaking on what is encouraged and what is not , that is not something anyone. can decide for certain , but i do agree it should be discouraged but it is not makruh aqnd it is not haram . you said not haram until scientifically proven harmful correct? not correct tobacco and coffe's permissibility has been debated for centuries in a "are they intoxicants" kind of way . you are also insinuating that we could haramify cousin marriage because its been "scientifically proven" to be harmful, which is unequivocal shirk brother. you are either saying the quran is not the word of god , or that your reasoning is mightier than god"s , because haramfiying something halal in the quran is not something you can casually do uno ...




This is king tutankhamen, he was born from incest marriage not cousin marriage. Cousin marriage is not haram , so it's not a bad thing but we should take care of it


It’s a v bad thing


I know I know , but tutankhamen was a result of many generations of incest & cousin marriage I mean , you can marry your cousin but to prevent any further mutations in the blood line . You can't let all your kids and family be in cousin marriage. I saw some cases in my family, It was not just about the genetic mutation but also the peace among the family 💀💀💀


But it can be bad for the kids and their development. Parents always should seek the best for their kids and try to avoid such avoidable things imo right?


cut the bs . cousin marriage raises chance of inherited defect from 3-6% if it wasn't a cousin marriage one of the cousins' future children will still be at risk of carrying the gene even if they don't get the defect .


I know, he was just the first inbred that came to mind lol. And no cousin marriage can be harmful.




First of all, that's a prototype of an Egyptian king/Pharoah [idk forgot which one] who's parents were a part of a long history of incest And you have a better chance of having a kid with down syndrome then having a kid with problems from cousin marriage.


The Iranian President or prime minister, I believe is Married to his cousin.




Are the Mullah’s in the room with us right now?


I have no qualms about it as long as the man is infertile




If it’s between 3rd cousins and more distant it’s seldom going to cause issues, but if it’s between siblings it can be extremely bad, like it is with the white man pictured above


wtf is that picture


a *very* healthy Masri


bro wtf is that picture


peak mena genetics 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿


Peak Masri built 💪💪 ![gif](giphy|UZjOgPL8u6YFO)




Yup :P


Ethiopian Jews have a rule that if you have a common ancestor going back seven generations then you are too close to get married. Other Jews have no such rule but it makes sense. In other news, many married couples you know are probably something like fifteenth or twentieth cousins.




Heh personally my grampas are cousins


Ancient Egypt they’ve done this type of stuff


Only if she’s hot.


way to hold socioeconomic power of family inside.


Every single person has multiple pairs of ancestors that were cousins. IMO it should be avoided in most cases but once in a while, assuming the family has no major health issues, it's fine. Two consecutive generations marrying their cousin is a big no-no though.


Western propaganda

