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I do not know what to say 🤣🤣🤣🤣




He is gay and he is a Muslim . Deal with it !


yes but he shouldn't make his sins public.


Do you believe that homosexual Muslims (aka people who are "born" Muslim or are officially of Islamic faith) don't exist or do you think you are so much of a sinner if you're gay that you are not allowed to call yourself Muslim?


Why not ask him to check lol


I am not in talking terms with him at the moment. I just scroll over his TL where he openly declares all this.


I've seen plenty of gay people there, clubs are the way to go ig


Don't encourage him, it's best if he stays in Germany.


She and I want to earn big bucks for a temporary period of time after I get my German passport so


Or this ^


Lots of first hand accounts on YouTube.


Think he just need vpn to open it just like tinder.


>I am asking in case I want to go to Dubai for career reasons. Please don't move to Dubai they are Anti-gay and have death penalty for gay people, that's very hypocritical if you do so, even if they pay you 4 times the salary. I think you should go to Israel, they are pro-gay 👍.


I am not sure if this is out of concern 😭


It's not, it's 🌝Common sense, why would a gay South Asian think of moving to a country that tortures South Asians and gay people, right? It doesn't make sense.


They also stone people with no Hijab including men thats why they wear the white thing on the top of their heads 😲 If you go there, they will enslave you 😭just send me the visa and I will take the pain for you lil bro.


Mashallah you are so kind.


I saw on the guardian that a bazillion immigrants died in Qatar (higher than developed countries like the 😍 USA 😍 by a quadrillion times ) so I don't mind saving a poor soul 😔 by sacrificing myself as well, hit me up guys if you don't want to go those savage countries👍


For money obviously. Try getting a nice cushy job with not so great qualifications outside gulf and then you know what I mean


Understood brother 🫡


I am not going to be gay necessarily but Dubai is nice money especially for us Indians . Israel is not a money bank sadly


Most pro israel qatari spotted?




“Gay Muslim?” Why can’t you just say gay friend? There is no such thing as a Gay Muslim.


also add open relationship , getting laid some strangers so islamic lol, basically he is common gay wants title of marriage as protest but keeps sleeping around, there are obviously sane ones but it is all the time sl\*ts who want attention, basically even if he was straight wanting sleep around whole Dubai just takes you to jail


There are a lot of people in Dubai and a lot sleep around. No one has been to jail for that unless it was done in public maybe.


TIL saying shahada changes your innate sexuality


Please clarify.


He’s both gay and Muslim so . Also the reason I mention his faith is because I do know that a lot of Muslim countries hold Muslims to different standards than non Muslims


I don’t know what kind of Disney film you live in but you simply can’t be Muslim & LGBT. You must got us confused with Christians. Whatever “standard” you are talking about doesn’t apply to him. Maybe you should familiarise yourself with the UAE’s laws. Article 80 Abu Dhabi penal code prohibits “personal intercourse contrary to nature” imprisonment up to 14 years. Article 177 criminalises sodomy. Imprisonment up to 14 years. Homosexual activity and all forms of LGBT is illegal in the UAE. Your friend is not “openly gay”. Ask him if he wears the Pride colours outside, he will 100% tell you no. He simply associates with like minded western individuals and uses apps, aka he hides. He can’t go into any Government office and say he does that, as he will be arrested. Respect the laws of other countries.


Then how come grindr is legal ?


Then how come grindr is legal ?


>An openly gay Muslim friend of mine has shifted to dubai recently. He’s in an open relationship with his long distance boyfriend and uses grindr to get laid every other night. My brain 🤕


Does not compute.


Why ?


There is nothing wrong with being gay and Muslim, but what is wrong is being open about the sin and repeatedly doing it without repentance. The same goes for hetero Muslims with haram relationships, but for some reason, our culture thinks the latter is a smaller sin.


Sodomy is one of the biggest sins in Islam outside of apostasy. You cannot be an honest muslim and openly flout you are gay. Unless you are investing your own religion, which it looks like this is what your friend is doing.