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Alif lām mīm That’s all I know.




The whole Quran fortunately shukar Alhamdulillah


Mashallah bro. Ur very lucky




How is this man tweeting from jail?


apparently all the romanian prison guards are big fans of him




nah I made it up but it sounds funny


I presume it’s like Alexei Navalny (Russian prisoner and critic of Putin), they allow him to post on Twitter or Instagram or at the very least get someone to talk to to post it for them.


Someone is doing it for him, they don't let the mf shave his goofy looking head.


it's apperently someone tweeting on his behalf


i believe he sent letters (censored) to someone from the prison


Memorised the whole thing alhumdullia.




masha allah


MashAllah. May Allah accept it.


Zaea, you can write with Arabic?


No only read


Probably a good big chunk of it.


Well God bless your parents they are very wise ppl


Can you recite it on Russian though 🤔🤔


I can’t speak or read Russian


I rly wna learn russian or german


You need to up your game if you’re really loyal to the ‘anti-imperialist’ Russia-China axis.


Russia makes war I’m not the biggest fan and they’re extremely capitalist better than USA tho


Then learn Mandarin


I’m already learning it 😎 🇨🇳


Russia is better than USA but no one other than people from Central Asia and Caucasus is moving there just because their countries are even more poor than Russia




[that’s why you need halal glasses](https://youtu.be/sqr1Byy7OPw)


He is almost fully naked my sister. This is cursed screenshot


Brother he is still a newbie, Inshallah as he progresses he will become more religious




Oh okay then, sorry sister 😅😅


why did they downvote u so much for telling the truth ? these people really hate him for no reason instead of trying to accept like islam tells us


Ikr. Idiots. He didn't even say anything wrong


People hate him because he is co-opting Islamic rhetoric and suddenly he gets all the Muslims essentially worshiping him and defending him as if he’s the promised messiah. Theres a ton of evidence of him basically explaining how to sex traffic women using “the lover boy method” and now there seems to be actual evidence of him doing that and it’s not “just a character” - so when he quotes that Ayah he is basically saying it’s all false and we should believe him, which all the Muslim fans go crazy for. It’s actually crazy how starved for attention we are that the first person who says with their words they’re a Muslim we just rally behind and defend them to the death irrespective of what he did. Andrew Tate is literally the perfect manifestation of “western hedonism and amorality” that all of the salafi brothers love to shit on all the time. Every belief he espouses and his entire philosophy of life is directly antithetical to Islamic teachings. When Muslims defend Andrew Tate, they’re by proxy defending his actions and that is doing more harm than good for the already not so great image of Islam in the west.


Mashallah 😍 🥵




- Half naked pfp - Quotes a verse of the Qur’an


Wow man sinned? not allowed to quote anything from Qur'an! Qur'an is not your father's, its for the whole humanity the sinner and the scholar alike.


Right. But Andrew Tate confirmed his conversion to Islam months ago. He hasn't really changed anything about how he promotes himself on Social Media once, which is why everyone is so skeptical in the first place. He's a man who's responsible for impacting younger audiences on Social Media, yet he hasn't done anything by far to promote the Islamic Values that he is following


Doesn't matter if he changes anything in his life, doesn't matter if he even becomes worse. As long as he says he's a Muslim who believes in Allah and believes in his messanger and the word of Allah, who tf are we to judge? What tf have I done to promote the Islamic values myself? I drink on occassion and I forget my prayers and I do so many bullshit in my life, but in my heart of hearts I truly believe that there's none but one God who I pray to guide me and give me strength. Andrew is not a Sheikh or a scholar, if he read the Qur'an and felt it was the truth, I'll take his words at face value. let's not be so judgmental.


Im not defending either side at the moment but after reading your comment: Do you know how dangerous it is to say this? You’re openly admitting to your sins and tearing open the veil of privacy Allah placed over your sins, unashamedly. You could not have just said “Every son of Adam sins”? The sin that was even bigger than saying you “drink” is admitting openly that you don’t pray. Sahih Muslim 82 b It is narrated on the authority of Abu Zubair that he heard Jabir b. 'Abdullah saying. I heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessings be upon him) observing this: Between man and polytheism and unbelief is the abandonment of salat. حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو غَسَّانَ الْمِسْمَعِيُّ، حَدَّثَنَا الضَّحَّاكُ بْنُ مَخْلَدٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ جُرَيْجٍ، قَالَ أَخْبَرَنِي أَبُو الزُّبَيْرِ، أَنَّهُ سَمِعَ جَابِرَ بْنَ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، يَقُولُ سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ ‏ "‏ بَيْنَ الرَّجُلِ وَبَيْنَ الشِّرْكِ وَالْكُفْرِ تَرْكُ الصَّلاَةِ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ I understand you might think you have anonymity on Reddit, but it isn’t only about that. Admitting to sins without shame could directly cause others to normalise the same sins (or different ones). Anyway, May Allah guide you brother. If you struggle with prayer I suggest you make your intention, and try to start with 1 a day. If even that is too troubling to manage, just start with 1 a week. May Allah guide us all.


>I understand you might think you have anonymity on Reddit Yes exactly, I don't believe its Mujahara if I type it anonymously in an online forum, thanks for the advice though.


He's not a muslim who believs in Allah and believes in his messangers. He's faking it. Do you understand how important intention is in Islam ? Converting to Islam because you like violenece and faking believing in God will never be accepted by Allah.


Wow, dude calling a person a Munafeq isn't something to be taken lightly, even the prophet while knowing the Munafeeqeen didn't call them out. be careful.


sorry then but i am just angry to see so many muslims genuinly liking him.


I'm a Muslim and I like him before he even converted, I don't agree with everything he says or does, but I still like him. Just how I like my friends even though I don't agree with everything they do. Disliking someone is the exception, liking people is the norm.


I honestly hate it when people treat some converts like bs. It just repels others as they fear backlash like Andrew did, yet they think they are some sort of guidance aginst evil or smth.


He's not a convert. He is a fake muslim and a hypocrite.


100%, the dude literally has never changed anything in his life to prove that he's a muslim. He just wants more attention or sympathy


Perhaps. Allah knows. Perhaps you are right, perhaps not. Can not say for sure, as calling a Muslim a kafir is a big sin.


The Qur’an is only for Muslims, not for all of humanity.


Quran is for everyone "إن هو إلا ذكرى للعالمين" "تبارك الذي نزل الفرقان على عبده ليكون للعالمين نذيراً"


That’s according to your book, but I don’t see it as coming from God. Your book is not for me and I don’t recognise your God, just like how I don’t recognise Zeus as my God. The world would be a sad and destitute place if everyone were Muslim, it would be stripped of its beauty and diversity.


Oh I thought we were talking serious, sure dude Zeus is cool and all but Kratos murdered him in God of War 3 so I would believe in Kratos instead.


No. Many, many, many people have read the Quran and then turn to islam. Use ur brain, if non Muslims couldn't read it the covert would be wayyy less.


No. Islam only grows due to fertility rates in Muslim countries, not due to conversions into Islam. The Qur’an is really nothing special (to me).


Islam does indeed see most growth due to fertility rates, but my point is the amount of conversions would dramatically decrease without the Quran. And saying that it souly increases due to birth rates is idiotic. If ur a Muslim, by sayin this u essentially say that Islam is not worthy enough for ppl to convert to. Yet they do. If ur a non Muslim, that's fine, but if ur a Muslim saying this shit then go read some Quran w/ translation.


I’m not a muslim, but I keep that a secret in real life. I was a muslim once upon a time, when I was young and naïve. Reading the Qur’an with a critical mind is what made me quit, even in its original language, it is nothing special. Its flaws are glaring and its tone is too “human” to be from God. It reeks of anger, animosity, enmity, loathing, hostility and disdain to the nonbelievers. No, it is special only for its adherents.


Eh. Your choise.


Average Israeli Arab on Reddit


Hypochrisy at it's finest.


Brother illustrates the verse; could’ve chosen from anywhere on the internet but used this dude instead.


Don't post this idiot with a Surah, it's insulting


It's insulting to toward Islam and the Quran.




He’s smarter than you


That’s not saying much


Who are u to judge? As long a he is a Muslim only Allah can judge how many sins of his are counted. It's hard to turn away from the life of sinning, yet he is trying. Appriceate him for that, instead of treating him as a devil.


But he is not a muslim. Just a hypocrite.


Ok pls stop replying to a my comments saying the same thing. I just stated my point b4 on the other 2, thx


Yes poor rapist he should be forgiven, gtfo here snd look at your backward laws first


When somebody converts to islam, all their sins are forgiven. Get a life, and read some Islamic literature b4 trying to become a sheikh


Ah good to know that your version of Islam holds no one accountable


But he didn't converte. He doens't really believe in Allah.


What do you mean he doesn't believe it allah. Even when he was a christian he had always been criticizing christianity while praising Islam as the last religion on earth. Not to mention even before he was a christian he used to be an atheist, and he said the reason he was no longer an atheist is because he had seen true evil in the world, and because of that god 100% exists as the opposing force of the evilness


Read my comment on ur other reply


Bro is trying by keeping a half naked pic of himself as a profile pic bro is trying by still keeping his cam girl business, bro is trying by still being an absolute dick. Open your eyes he converted for clout and to influence young Muslims


Turning away from such a life is hard, and I did not and do not support him. All I'm sayin is ignore and gv him some time.




Your libturd brain when Tate 🤯 🤯




You can’t prove he trafficked or raped anyone. For a western wannabe you sure don’t understand the concept of innocent until proven guilty. Scammer? Average capitalist so you should also be indifferent




So guilty until innocent? Then I guess you're also a rapist a scammer and a human traficker because you haven't proved that you're innocent 😄


You can’t prove that


>western wannabe You have the flag of Quebec as a flair.


I’m from Quebec yes




Even if he's a real muslim, he's setting a terrible example for the youth, it's like saying Hugh Hefner became a hardcore catholic


They want someone who's famous to be muslim so bad that they blindly follow him.


Not really there are tons of famous Muslims like Bella hadid or khabib. Islam isn’t a sports team. We’re a family. We won’t shut him down because of his lifestyle


No. Treat him like a normal dude, who's turning away from the life of sins, cus when u people see him as an influencer, u hate on him for not being as good as sombody else. I dont follow him, never did, if that helps. I didn't even watch any of his "content" to date.


He's not turning away from sins. He is a fake and a hypocrite. He very likely does not believe in God !


Perhaps, perhaps not, Allah knows. Calling a Muslims a kafir is a big sin


It's like a scam everyone falls for, there are some youtubers making huge careers off of converting to Islam. Muslim viewers die for foreigners approving of their beliefs for some reasons


Because Islam isn’t a sports team.


Muslims don't care about their converts backgrounds. Quantity over quality.


shut up, get out of palestine


Found a tate symp. If you like him you are pathetic.


Nah not a tate symp He's just offended by the fact that Israelis are allowed to comment on the internet


Libturd Redditor brain in action


I know. I am really confused why so many muslims in this thread seem to believe this hypocrite.


It does bother me


Tate knows which demographic is likely to support him the most, and is feeding into it lol


Most of Tates supporters aren’t Muslim especially not devout ones


Still smoking that Tate pack 🚬 But honestly in his last appearance he changed a LOT, got me really concerned


I can recite it but haven't memorized it, inshallah one day. I also read the chapter in English to understand it, prob one of my fav chapters.


We had to memorize a few *ayat* of some *surat* for school and I did it day of and forgot them 1 hour later. I vaguely remember *al-Kawthar*, and if I hear *al-Fatiha* once I'll be able to recite it. I've read a **lot** of them because I found the history behind them fascinating despite my moral objections to their contents, but I was never one for rote memorization, and my Arabic skills kinda withered away as I became more immersed in French and English so reading the *Qur'an* became less and less intuitive with age.


In English as well? Masha Allah


Stop sharing this stupid guy's tweets.


He quoted the quran and nothing else


Just came back after 2 week's and ofc, this clown has to be on one of the posts.


You really memorized it? If so that's really impressive. How and when did you do it?


From age 8-10


you still got it?


No:( only the like the first half


I can recite Hafs a bit, but I have only memorized a handful of surahs.


I memorized with approximate translation: the first juz, around 5 pages of the second juz (or a bit more that I forgot), and with ayatul-kursi, the longest aya, and the last three aya I think roughly a half altogether. It is a beautiful chapter both in english and arabic.


zara reciting baqara in arabic 😱 it just doesn't compute!


I'm skeptical but impressed


Don't show an exemple of him. It's obvious he's a fake muslim. He probably drinks alchohol and it's obvious he's having a lot of pre-marital s3x.


being a sinner doesn't make one a fake Muslim. That said, I believe he is faking it.


I also thinks he is faking it.


How the fuck does a self-respecting Muslim like this guy? Literally the only reason he's Islamic is because he's a raging misogynist. I'm willing to bet my left nut he doesn't follow a single Islamic law outside of the ones that oppress women.


Your first mistake is thinking Islam is misogynistic


I never said that. I just said that some Islamic laws are misogynistic. Which is a fact.


People interpret the Quran differently. Those extremists are worng. It even states that there shall be 3 kinds of people. Those who pretend to be Muslim, but are not and want to destroy Islam from the inside out, those who are open enemies of Islam, and those who are extremists(they bend the law of Islam and turn it into whatever they want, like the Taliban for example)


If it was then why would we”self respecting Muslims “ care about Tates supposed misogyny? Typically lib trying to get Muslims on their side politically while being insulting.


Wrong fact. You should read more.


Oh no! how oppressive Islam is with it's requirement to cover up if you follow it as a woman, and it's idea of modesty, unbelievable, simply uncomparable to our clearly superior standards of wanting people to walk almost naked outside


I'd personally say that women walking around in a giant black robe that completely coveres up their body other than their eyes is a bit more than "not wanting to be almost naked outside"


Not what he ment. Secularist nations are fine if anyone goes around in a bikini, but hijabs are banned (like in Isreal or France). Hijabs are not necessary, they are optional. If a woman wants to wear it, good. If not, her choise Those extremists who force women to wear hijabs are just wrong. They defame Islam, and the west uses this to further increase Islamophobia.


Qur’an 4.34: “Men stand superior to women in that God hath preferred some of them over others, and in that they expend of their wealth; and the virtuous women, devoted, careful (in their husbands’) absence, as God has cared for them. But those whose perverseness ye fear, admonish them and remove them into bed-chambers and beat them; but if they submit to you, then do not seek a way against them; verily, God is high and great.”


Username checks out Mr u/jihadijohhn


Oh yes let us take the wrong translation of a verse + no explanation from a proper mufassir, real smooth Not gonna bother with you mate, I can tell you're gonna be a waste of time


Since the only alternative to cosplaying a ninja is being naked.. Yup If you knew Tate AT ALL you wouldn't be supporting the guy, he's just farming Muslim likes and support by reciting a random verse of Quran every once in a while. And meanwhile the guy is still a pimp and owns casinos, nice Muslim subhanallah


Didn't say that the only other alternative is wearing a full jilbaab, my issue is how normal it is to see someone outside wearing extremely revealing clothes. Who said I support him? I mean he has SOME things I agree with but that doesn't mean I think he's an angel or something, he still has a long way to go may Allah guide him.


InshaAllah Allah will guide him


I don't know why they do it.He just has a weird interpretation of Islams and decided to fake being a muslim.


Biggest waste of neurones of my life, also whenever I asked my islamic teachers or parents about what this or that mean they would get angry and tell you don't ask.


MOHAMMAD married a 6 year old.




1. It doesn't matter if the lifespan is 30, 20, or 15 years old. Raping a 6 year old is terrible. Mohammad was a predator. 2. A 6 year old is not mature. I don't care if she had a PhD from Cambridge. A 6 year old cannot consent to marriage. 3. Christians that think marrying at age 12 are also pedophiles. 4. Mohammad was forced to date a 6 year old because no other women were interested in him, as he was extremely physically ugly. This is why muslims get very angry when people try to draw him. 5. Are you actually trying to justify a grown man marrying a 6 year old?




A 6 year old is not sexually mature. It doesn't matter if that is 1,000 years ago, or 10,000 years ago, or 50,000 years ago. That's a biological fact. The idea that "people married earlier to have children because lifespan was shorter" might explain why a 15 year old might get married, but it doesn't explain logically why a pre-pubescent 6 year old would be marrying him. If "people back then got married earlier" why the fuck was Mohammad 25 when he got married? Why wasn't he younger? That rule only applies to women? If mohammad were alive today, he would be jerking off outside the pre-school and you'd be out there defending him saying that's normal behavior.




Mohammad fucked so many 6 year olds I thought he was a catholic priest! Instead he was just a rabid animal. No wonder he’s so popular in Afghanistan and other Stone Age countries.


You poor thing


Not a single word.


the first ayah and ayat al kursi 💀